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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

Lucifer got up from his tree. He looked to see the poor god of innocence see his loved people try and kill gods and himself. Lucifer walked to ezarel with a dead look but not giving off any kind of emotion. 

Jay Conners


Jay's thoughts about the situation were interrupted when Farley's voice came over the intercoms, calling for them to return to base, and contradicting what he had just been considering. He sighed quietly, his breath puffing out into the frozen air. Interestingly enough, he hadn't even noticed Vixen arrive; unless of course, she was attacked before she could. He pushed the thought aside. He didn't care for the team; He could only afford to watch out for himself.


He stood up from leaning against the tree, and staggered lightly over to Coran and the stone construct. The General had mentioned something about a girl, but he saw nothing, unless, she was what he had seen within the flames? He hadn't time to worry about that right now; The new goal was to get her and this beast back to the HQ. Coran was already contemplating pulling her through the shadows to arrive back at base, but as far as Jay could read of him, he was already exhausted from something, perhaps the battle, and doubted himself that he could manage to do this.


Jay was vaguely aware of the gods still nearby. Lucifer was likely still ready to rampage, and who knew what the headless man wanted. For the second time, Jay's questions were answered by a sharp, hellish sound, coming from the forest to the right. A glow, faint at first, until finally it burst into the clearing, it's eyes ablaze. He watched cautiously as it strode over to the now confirmed, Headless Horseman, and nuzzled him gently. Jay watched for a moment longer, somewhat awed by their companionship; A strange affection brought about by a shared love for death. He shook his head a little and looked at Coran.


"If you try to jump with another person again you'll kill yourself for gods sake. Just help me defend this thing while it makes it's way from the forest. HQ isn't that far from here anyways."


OOC: I changed the fact that I teleported her away. 

Coran groaned. "I already released my domain. To cast my domain again would kill me for sure. I can however get her out of here. I can't use shadows for battle any more. I'v sucked in too many from the world. Don't you notice how the shadows are barely appearing here?" 

Coran's face was fluctuating even more than when he wasn't focused. He was running out of control now. 

Lucifer still a little mad but calmed walked over to a tree. He put up his sword lightly to it, then he swang emotionless at the tree. It sounded like a cracking explosion as it almost for into another tree. He couldn't stand mortals that fought from shadows. To be outright fighting is what's right. 

Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life

Ezrael stared on at the headless being, not knowing what else to do. He felt so lost and hopeless; just as a child would if stuck in such a chaotic situation. Ezrael was a like child in so many ways, and he spent most of his young life in this peaceful forest, but he knew that those peaceful days were coming to an end, and so was his child-like demeanor. The End was coming, and what's more, Ezrael had a feeling the Rider of Death knew it as well.

Ezrael felt a trickle of relief as he watched the Headless Horseman calm down for just a moment; the axe losing it's flame, and it's anger fading away. But alas, it lasted for no more than a moment, and Ezrael's heart quickened at the sight of the headless creature's nonexistant gaze upon the young God and Dar'vange, it's rage heating up again.

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Ezrael hated fear at that moment. Fear kept you in your place at the worst possible moments; kept you rooted to the ground, with no possible escape. It was what happened with the young God. Ezrael could do nothing but let fear overtake him, keep him to the ground, and watch as the Headless Horseman raised his axe to behead the young deity.

At that moment, it was the distant whinny of a horse that saved Ezrael from the axe. Soon, the ghostly-white beast landed in the clearing, it's eyes burning hellfire, and as soon as it saw it's master, the horse began to move towards the Rider, and nuzzled the palm of the Horseman with bewildering affection.

Rider of Death, seemingly without distress, climbed onto the horse, and let it's invisible, piercing gaze sweep from one assassin to the other God, as if trying to remember something, or someone,

Something told Ezrael that the Rider's mission had only begun.

Ezrael caught Lucifer's cold look, and wondered what the Dark God could mean by it. Something ominous, no doubt. But then again, there are going to be many ominous things in the coming days of the End,





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From the fires inside of NAMELESS, Annabelle's head slowly popped out to greet the Assassin knocking on her. She trembled as she grabbed hold of the exterior, expecting an attack. Finding that there was nobody swinging swords at her, she mustered a faint: "H-Hello?"

The Assassin questioned her about NAMELESS, and it struck her as puzzling. Annabelle had never seen NAMELESS display any sort of ability to shrink or grow... in fact when she had first found NAMELESS underground, It was at full size. She didn't doubt that maybe NAMELESS could do such a thing, but she didn't want it to grow smaller. Without NAMELESS, she was without shelter and without protection.
"Wh-Why? This isn't s-s-some trick is it? Y-You're not going to maul me to death with giant swords, are y-you?!" 

Still afraid and still disoriented, Annabelle refused to move from inside of her construct. She could barely look Coran in the face for more than five seconds before checking in another direction to make sure there was no attack headed for her.

@Blitzer @Esther_Silvers @Emberskull @Wick
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"Don't worry, we are hear to help. I can't even use large swords." Coran steadied his fluctuating his face to make his face look less scary as he tapped his slim shadow blades that he had forged himself. 

"We want to take you someplace safe, but I can't take you and your machine there in such a large shape. If not we'll have to go by ground which is less safe..." 




The Horseman could've growled, alas with that the axe was tucked back into its sheath. Grasping the reins tight, in his taut palms. He would be back, and it wouldn't be so easy to dismiss him the next time.

For it was The End of Days. And he would find his head on the fifth. As prophecy foretold. Yet it was now time to return to his maker. A headless glare bore into the God of Judgement, till suddenly the white horse reared upwards as if to crush them, and turned on tail to begin it's gallop back through the mists. His headless form, swallowed up by the fog. Leaving only heavy, boot imprints in the snow, and a vanishing trail of red hot hooves that melted the ground beneath them. 

Back into the realms beyond man he dismounted, reaching the halls of his mistress. Thus, he knocked, using the knuckles of his fist. And waited. 


Damn lowlife Demi-God. I give him the library of infinite knowledge and he acts as if he has no debt to repay. She jabbed something into a strangely textured cork board.

Self-righteous son of a- Farazia's sour thoughts were interrupted by a hollow knock on the door. "Who goes there?" she asked warily, eyeing the door. "Who dares?" She stood up and made her way slowly to the door, her long brown hair flowing out behind her. She twisted the bejewelled knob slowly and opened the door. Despite being an all-powerful goddess, Death was quite paranoid, knowing everything had its time. She was Death, not time, a Death was a timid little girl hiding within the body and mind of a stone cold killer. Her eyes were as fierce as dying stars as she opened the door, to reveal none other than... her horseman. The Horseman, his steed's malicious eyes staring straight into her own. "Oh! Hello, my friend!" She purred.

"I see you have finally awakened."

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Immediately he dismounted, getting to his knee with the devotion of a loyal hound. No matter how many times kicked, and dismissed, he'd follow and follow for no reason but to serve. It was her, one of the rare few due to the tie, that could see the spirit beneath the flesh. Where the stump of his head began, was disguised beneath a mirage of features that had once occupied. All slightly blurred, due to inch by inch forgetting exactly who he was. A strong brow bone, accompanied by accentuated jaw, cold dark eyes, his hair - almost black, but long and shaggy.  Ethereal almost, from the manner it seemed a shadow of his former self.

Alas even with a voice, he wasn't fond of speaking. Strong and silent. Till he glanced upward, which to many others would be an odd exchange between Horseman and mistress. "It's time." The words echoed, from beyond the grave that had never been dug for him. Distant and soft, yet the kind of tone that had men quiver. Saturated with the very strength of winter chills.


Take her someplace safe? Annabelle doubted it. No place was safer than within NAMELESS. It had just survived an explosion created by a deity of pain! 
Annabelle shuddered and hid herself from Coran. 
"N-No thank you! I-I-I'm not going! Nameless has somewhere to take me, I'm sure of it! We are perfectly safe as-is!" Her voice echoed from the hollow chamber. Evidently, she would have to be forced. No mere person, nor deity could force her to exit her refuge from the cold.

So who better to force her to go than NAMELESS. 

Without warning or so much as a sound from the construct, Annabelle was tossed into the snow by a force unseen, and face first, she plopped into a pile of snow in front of the assassins. She floundered for a bit, in shock and confused as to what had just happened. As she regained what composure she could muster, she hoisted herself up out of the chilling cold and whipped around frantically.

"What?! Wh-why?! Why was that necessary?!" Annabelle raced to her feet, slipping and falling over again in the slush, before skidding on all fours to the base of NAMELESS. Grasping as best she could onto a cold, stone leg, she made her way back up towards the safety of the hollow chamber, but was gently brushed off back into the snow. Once again, Annabelle floundered in the icy powder, as behind her, NAMELESS began to shrink.

Enveloping itself in as much magic as it could muster, NAMELESS slowly reverted into it's most basic form before the assassins. By the time Annabelle had gotten a hold of herself and stood upright in the snow... it was far too late for her to say anything. Where her safety and protection once was... there was now only a basic stone cylinder about the size of a can, with a single hole through it's center. Tears forming in her eyes, Annabelle scampered and slid over to what was once the giant construct. Holding it close to her chest, she curled up into a ball and began to cry very softly, confused as to what had just happened.

@Blitzer @Wick @Emberskull @Esther_Silvers
Lucifer tried of seeing mortals being fools trying to kill what will soon rule them left. Lucifer dissappered and reappeared to the halls. He was confused as he heard speaking. "Who's here!" Lucifer yelled scowring around the area. He fabricated a short blades sword just for reassurance. Lucifer stepped out by the many halls and finally seeing one that had the most likely suspects of the speeking. Farazia anf headless. Truly lucifer didnt know what the creatures name was if he had one. @TheCountryWarrior @Emberskull
"Yes." Farazia's gaze was distant. "You will soon be complete, my humble Horseman, and it will be a very happy day indeed." She smiled softly to herself. He was one of her greatest creations, loyal unto death. Death turned and walked over to the stone wall at the far end of the room. She placed her hand on a block of dusty stone and immediately, a small opening appeared in the wall. Although it seemed to be a tunnel, the deity stuck her hand into the gaping hole and pulled out a sword, wrapped in silk as strong as iron. She stood before the kneeling man and ordered him to stand. 

Death held the weapon out to him, the corners of her mouth curling to form a prideful smile. @HumansArentReal


He stood to attention, accepting her gift. The sword weighing in his hands, whilst he stripped away the silk to admire the blade itself. Running a finger up the edge lightly, to see how sharp his new instrument of death would be. Watching it cut his flesh easily, with a ruby red droplet rolling down his palm, he smiled. 

And so the Horseman of Death, acquired the new strength of war.

He would retrieve his head, from the jail the Freemasons had placed it. In the name of his mistress, the apocalypse would be the coming of a new era, that he would help usher in. 

For a moment, he merely observed her smile - taking the praise to reinforce the meaning of his very existence.  Of course, she was his lifeline. The only real tie to the realms. If she died, he would fade with her.

"I will bring the End. For you." Utter devotion filled each word, unlike those who pretended. Or so he believed and scrutinised for it. Yet he would sit by the foot of her throne whence this was over, and watch the flames swallow the world to emerge anew, like a phoenix from the ashes. Mortals, after all, had grown feeble and greedy. 

If anything he adored Farazia, but not the long dark locks of hair, or the beauty she possessed - he loved the wrath. The truest form of what she was. He'd seen it once before, during his creation, and he would witness it again.




Jay Conners


Jay watched as the stone golem spat the girl it was holding, out into the snow, then shrunk away from her, as though urging her to carry her own weight for once. He stared at the girl as she picked up the tiny stone cylinder.


Jay had been taught how to listen, hearing what only he needed or wanted to, and upon ignoring the gale that was running through the forest, he could hear the girl softly sobbing. She was surely freezing at this point, and although himself and the others could survive out in this weather, this girl certainly wouldn't last an hour without her sentry. He sighed, letting the wind carry his steamy breath away.


He stepped forward and crouched down, placing his hand on her shoulder. Jay could remember long ago, before all this hell with the gods, he had had to kill many different families, sometimes even children. He never felt any remorse upon taking their life, but when he had no duty to kill them, but to simply leave them hopeless, without parents or siblings, he always felt a twinge of guilt.


"We must go in order to get away from the storm.. You can bring your friend, but if we stay out here any longer, you will likely die, understand?" He watched her cradle the rock like it was her life-force, and in her state, perhaps it was.


Coactus, God of Time


After speaking with the succubus, Coactus managed to convince her to leave, allowing for him to make his way to Farazia. When he turned the corner he looked down at the smaller immortal, his back facing Coactus as he stared off toward Farazia's chamber. Farazia was speaking to someone, someone without a head; The Rider of Death. Coactus wondered if he had returned in the previous timeline as well, before the humans had gone back to the start of the war. The end times were indeed near if he had awoken. It was only a matter of time before the other three did, and then, The End.


Clearly there was one more obstacle in his path before he could speak about the humans to Farazia. She had to know what the humans had in store, otherwise, the timeline could never return to normal. He strode up behind Lucifer, his gears whirring softly.


"If you were planning on speaking to Farazia then you shall need to wait; I have far more pressing matters to discuss with her."



Coran sighed at Jay. He was way to soft for an assassin. Not that he was really much better. People never had treated a demi-god child well for that matter, so he had few fond moments of protection. No he didn't have any moment of remembering someone protecting him.. "Jay, we don't have time to get her consent. I'm taking her with me now. Get back to base on your own. I'm sorry I can't transport you with me, Jay." 

He picked up the girl. She was to busy crying to care. Honestly, he couldn't sympathize with someone so pathetic.Such a small inconquental existence he could crush without a second thought. He called upon the shadows, and they found themselves back at the base. However, Coran fell to his knee hard, as he winced. He'd stretched himself much to much. His face was sliding between grotesque to the beautiful black form he usually kept. He dropped the girl down and stumble to lean on the wall. 

"You know kid, their won't always be a safe place for you. You aren't even worse saving. Just a pathetic girl who can't stand on her own feet. But Farley orders for you so here you are." 


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"Sometimes being God isn't using power," someone told Hurseppel once. "It's knowing when not to use it."

Hurseppel had forgotten who said this, which was a great source of despair, as they forgot almost nothing. Perhaps they dreamed this one night? But no, they didn't sleep. Was it just some false, incomplete memory implanted into their mind by someone whose motivations were incomprehensible? Maybe, but who? They were a god(dess.) There was no way anyone could do anything to their mind. Unless it was a god more powerful, somehow.

Hurseppel could be found standing on the dock off some west American shore. They gazed, silent, as the member of some gang pushed a "traitor" into the roaring sea below. The screaming as he descended and the splash upon impact was music to their ears. 

This wasn't a traitor, of course. Hurseppel created some "evidence" that he was smooching one of the lead mobster's wife, and implanted the memory of this smooching session into the wife herself.

The result was a messy dispute that ended in divorce and murder. Another day in the "life" of Hurseppel.
Lucifer turned to the sound of the gears. He knew it was of the more annoying gods. Mr click or at least that's what he called him. Lucifer chuckled"Well ok click go ahead I have no need to" Lucifer didn't care what the other god did he just liked messing with him. @Wick

Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael watched as the Rider of Death's horse reared up, as if bent on crushing Dar'vange and himself under it's hooves. It seemed that wasn't the case at all; the Horseman turned around and rode out of the clearing, disappearing in between the coming fog. Ezrael was thankful for the God of Judgment. Dar'vange would be a valuable friend, especially in these treacherous times, when even brothers could turn against one another. 

Ezrael watched as the battle began to fade away. It seemed that the violence had finally exhausted itself, but Ezrael knew it would be back on all fours sooner or later, back to fuel the chaos even further. 

He noticed the assassins not too far away, all crowding near the stove, Nameless. He heard the faint weeping of the girl, and a small pang of sorrow hit him. Many tears will be shed in the coming days of the End. Ezrael got up, ridding himself of the clinging snow, and turned to Dar'vange. "Thank you," he said, grateful. "I don't know where I would if it weren't for you."

Ezrael was planning on going back, back to Farazia's dreadful domain, but he had to. 


Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception


It seemed Farazia had already been alerted that her precious Horseman had finally awakened. Escora had found the Goddess of Death in her vast chamber, with the Rider of Death. She was handing him a sword made of silver, wrapped in silk, as deadly as it is beautiful. Escora watched as the Headless Horseman inspected it, and tested it's keenness by drawing his own blood.

The Rider's proclamation was filled with so much devotion, so much adoration, that it shocked Escora to the core. How loyal and willing was this creature? Escora imagined it would slay and decapitate a thousand mortal and immortal souls for his mistress.

Would I be willing to do such thing? questioned Escora, doubting her own willingness and loyalty. The fact that she wasn't so sure, made Escora almost gasp. Of course she'd do anything for Farazia! And Farazia would always appreciate her effort and service. Escora was sure of it.

Instantly, Lazarus's cursed words tumbled down into her mind, and suddenly, those sure words didn't sound so sure anymore. 




He sensed the unwelcome presence, twisting his shoulders round to give a headless glare. Only recognised by a few whom could witness the exact expression his intact spirit offered. One glance and he detested this one, almost as much as he detested the succubus and her temptation.  Escora was only marginally better due to her destruction. But, the Horseman was somewhat paranoid and selfish, thanks to having only his mistress to speak with. Even if it was a singular word. Centuries deprived him of many things, one was socialising. That, and the intense need that riled his anger - finishing the task he was made for. Without that, his existence would be meaningless. Praise, odd affection, the pride in his chest, it made him desire to see Farazia pleased. To smile. And he would go to the ends of the Earth to witness it.


Alas, many forgot he was a man. Smiling, laughing, living. Expecting to approach pearly white gates, till he was chosen. A man who had fought in war with remarkable skill. Death on whatever grounds had decided to mould the character into the tangible personification of a rider of the apocalypse. He was broken, but through the cracked glass, he remembered. Remembered something better, something to do with love - innocence. It was torn away, and crushed so far beneath the surface he could no longer recognise himself. His name, so distant but forever on the tip of his tongue (figuratively).  


But in this life, there was no room for his humanity. He was a creature. Docile to his masters, orders not to be argued with. However, his mind was still intact, head or no head. Just the rage clouded his thoughts, unable to properly mull or decide. A furious motivation, that was incredibly dangerous.


Jay Conners


Jay let out yet another sigh, letting go of the girl. He watched as Coran took her and the construct she held, and brought them through the shadows, no doubt returning to base finally. Jay scanned the clearing; small patches of ichor, already being buried in the ever growing storm. Lucifer had vanished, along with the Horseman, who had rode away on his now returned steed. The only two figures Jay could make out now were over past a few of the trees, where the Headless fiend had previously stood. it was difficult to make out their features through the waves of snow rushing past, but something told Jay they were gods. He could nearly feel their aura from there; Calm, mixed with a hint of panic? He considered running them through with a few arrows, just for good measure, but he held back. They seemed to be conversing, assisting each other.


Over the years jay had spent in this future timeline, he had learned how to hate every god; all of them, no matter how pure. He was taught that they were evil, deceitful, and untrustworthy, but seeing the two over there, he couldn't help but feel nothing toward them; No anger, or sadness, or joy for that matter, just nothing. He was sure at least one of them had seen him, but they did not attack him.


He stood for a moment longer, watching the two speak to each other before readjusting his quiver, and latching his bow onto the small of his back. He turned and blew through the snow, leaving a trail of inch-deep footprints that immediately began to fade in the storm.


Coactus, God of Time


Coactus nodded and pushed past Lucifer, turning a blind eye, or in this case, ear, to his comment. If time had taught him anything, and it had indeed taught him everything he knew it was completely pointless to feel even the slightest shred of anger or annoyance toward the hateful comments of others. He simply passed by, leaving the wannabe god to his purposeless ranting.


Finally he made his way to the two at the doorway. He took notice of Escora nearby and silently nodded his greeting before turning his attention to Farazia. He was vaguely aware of the Rider's gaze resting upon him; Even without a head, it was easy to tell where he was looking, and even what he was feeling. Of course then he could speak, but that was beside the point. Coactus spoke up to the Goddess of Death.


"Goddess Farazia." He bowed respectfully. "It has been quite some time. No pun intended." He let out a low chuckle to himself and continued. "There are important matters we must discuss; matters regarding the 'Resistance' you are facing. I am sure you have noticed the surplus amount of assassins they have managed to scrap together."


"You aren't even worth saving. Just a pathetic girl who can't stand on her own feet."

The words of the Assassin stung her very soul. They stung because she knew they were true.
Annabelle heard them with perfect clarity. Still huddled around the cylinder that was once NAMELESS, she continued to sob quietly to herself while her tears dampened the floor below her. Why?! Why had NAMELESS done this?! To teach her a lesson? What had she done wrong? 

At least in the Assassin base, Annabelle was somewhat warm. It wasn't as comforting as the fiery chamber she had lived in for the past few months, but at least she wasn't freezing. The Assassin had mentioned something about someone... "Farley" was it? This "Farley" fellow... what did they want with her? She pondered this question as her tears started to run dry. All she could muster now was deep gasps for air, sniffling, and the occasional sob.

She sat up, still clutching NAMELESS in her hands. Slowly, she pulled her bag full of artifacts from out behind her and opened it up, carefully putting the cylinder inside with the other "beasts" she had collected. Looking at it longingly one more time, she closed the bag and set it at her side, her hands now free to wipe the tears from her red face and eyes. She tucked her legs up against her chest and sat against a wall.

She'd have to make it through this whether she liked it or not... though the question was not how she could make it through this... but IF she could make it through this.

@Blitzer @Esther_Silvers @Wick @Emberskull
"Come on, follow me if you don't want to get hurt. Some of these assassins don't take a liking to strangers in their base. And stop crying. You barely have any right to cry now. You are in the only place that will actually fight the gods for you." 

Coran glared softly at her and winced as he stood. He wasn't in the shape for a deliver mission. He started walking an looked back if the girl was following him. 

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