Seska Academy

The twins ran to Itou who was speaking to the school paper in a different tent and whispered to him. His eyes narrowed and patted there heads,"come with me call the nurse..I suspect he could get violent so wait outside I don't want you guys to loose your contracts.." he walked carefully passing Sy who had a feeling he need his help following. They stood outside hearing him yell and Itou barged in grabbing his shoulder, he was dark. "It was my idea how dare you strike your own child.." he shoved him away lifting up Lilly covering her face in his shoulder. Sy stood over the old man and lifted him up holding him a a arm lock. "didnt you know stupid man, I am to quit once I graduate and take over the virtual reality business. I am too wed a rich woman from the states whose dad has perfected glasses that allow you to play in your sleep.." he walked passed him and left him with words,"Lilly will be in this band or you can kiss your money making band know that no one can replace us.." the twins had a doctor ready giving her to them the ran of to the hospital Wing. "don't worry we will protect you.." the said as they ran with the doctor looking at her.

Sy had let to of the old fart and was standing with Itou,"did you tell her.." Itous hands were shaking Sy touched his shoulder he looked at him."no..but she will do as my replacement.." Sy walked back to th tent and helped take them all down to distract him. Itou left to the hospital wing.

Fuyu called a robot over,"take her to her room.." it took her and he looked at his phone. Finally he would have his answer,"really.." he had a grin but it quickly left him moving to his room, the piece would be in the show.
Lily nodded and smiled happily, weakly but her eyes showed happiness. They placed her on a bed and she did what they said to breath calmly and to syltay still she was nervous that it could be somthing bad.

The docters allowed the band to stay as Lily threatened to have a panic atta k. they smiled and told her she could leavr but to rest. she swung her legs on the table and hugged all of the boys and she whispered a "thankyou" to eachshe had to limp from bot to boy
The twins had a troubled expression on their faces still in their outfits no shirt the nurse shooed them out. Sitting in the waiting lOung they were brought a change of clothes. "hopefully the seniors can heal hr.." one ttwin said hugging his knees he watched asthe students in the hospital wing went too and fro. Itou walked in he had a look of a troubled man about him. "how she doing?" the twins told him all they knew,"they gave her the top medical student to see her.." Sy came in too holding coffee with his robot,"I figured we could use a drink..did you tell them?" Itou shook his head taking the cup and food setting it down he sighed, the twins could sense it was bad news and looked at him seriously. "after this year I will retire as a singer Lilly will take over as lead vocals.." there was silence he took the bag of food and went to see Lilly,"she is my fiancé.." they took him in he opens the door."how are you..I brought a small meal.." he set it down and spoke with his head down and away from her. "..what happens next..I'll take full responsibility..I want..I want you to take over as lead vocals when we graduate..your fathers plans would be in vain and the band would be free to switch agencies.."

Fuyu was in his room which was next to hers as it would be. The Greek style home had a special roof that allowed it seem like here was nothing there."sister...bastard why did you hide this from me..I admire your talent but that is as far as it goes.." his new father figure was more of a dad then him. Sitting in his special bed he took off his shirt and glasses passing out under the stars.
Lily was shocked at the news and gripped the meal tighter she silently opened her arms and embraced him, he seemed upset and she whispered in his ear,"I dont think he will be head much longer." she had an older sister who could take over and if worst came to worst she could. A silent tear slid down her cheek and another. She was crying for two reasons 1) Shewas a daddys girl sho was hated by her dad, he truly hated her and 2) Itou loved singinv especially with the boys and he was giving up. "you dont have to" she said shakily and she just needed support, people someone or a couple of people to talk to and distract her. she cakked over the nurse and asked for the boys to come back in, she needed a distraction.
smiling a bit her messed her hair sitting down in a chair,"if only it were simple...they dont force it upon me im the only child and I love them. Taking over has been something I always wanted to do..Music it was fun.." the boys came barging in the twins laid next to her and hugged her as if she was a doll. "are you better?" one asked childishly. Sy just went to itou and sat next to him."..long day.."
She nodded and said "I can't stop you, If your sure . . " she trailed of and let out a laugh leaning into one twin then the other, as a hug. She smiled and said "I sure hope so." she said as the nurse came over and said

"Just a couple of bruises and a concussion, you can go, but don't let her sleep, someone should stay with her and she might not be able to walk, her back is badly bruised." She smiled and walked of, to tend to someone else.

Lily smiled and thanked the lady, "Will you all stay i dont want to be alone" she asked, leaning her head on one twins sholder.
Faith awoke at some point in the evening, and saw stars above her. "Yikes!" she shouted, sitting straight up in bed. she looked around and recalled the days events. she was the daughter of a wealthy fashion designer, she had a brother, and this was her home now. she frowned. she missed her mother. she lay back down and wondered if she would ever get used to such a drastic change in life style.
The twins leaned in hugging her,"you want to stay with with you at itous place?" the blonde twin looked happy for itous home had a vast gaming room. Sy rolled his eyes as he stood relieved it Wasn't major. "what will your father do Lilly..." he was concerned aboUt itous future with the band. "you can always write for us Itou don't phase yourself out all he way.." itous smiled at everyone. "you guys.."

Fuyu was fast asleepthe stars gazing at him he felt at peace when he slept. The robots were around fixing this and that.
Lily smiled and nodded at the twins and said to Sy "I-i dont know, he will get away woth any charges." she pointed out he could hire a reallt good eterny and bribe the jury. Lily nodded at the sugestion,Yes and play with us occasionally,when your not buisy" she said hopefully went to get up, instread her knee's buckled as she hissed in pain. Lilt landed on her bum and she sat there and yawned and rubbed her eyes like a cute two year old.
the twins looked at one another and grinned,"leave her to us!" the said in unison the blonde twin picked her up and headed for the door a the other held it open,"we shall see you all at itou's home then!" the left as the nurses tailed them shouting. Sy couldn't help but laugh,"maybe you can call your father and have him talk to her dad..i mean you were already engaged..he just shoved her in your face.." itou laughed at the comment as they walked to his house, thw twins were already maybe there. "..its fine..she will be free soon enough and i shall walk the path laid out for me.."
Lily smiled and giggled a little as she was carried to Itou's apartment. She leaned into the twin that was carrying her and as she was placed on the couch she asked "Can I have some coffee?" she asked rubbed her eyes again "Or I'll fall asleep." Honestly from anyone looking she looked adorable, she looked like a tired todler rubbing her eyes and she curled up, she was stil wearing the singlet and shorts.
((ima call the blonde one Hikaru and black karu))

Hikaru dashed away getting her coffee humming as he did."wonder if she has any sugar.." Karu sat next to her,"you look too cute right now Lilly..I migh tjsut eat you up~" leaning in he had a sly smile.
Lily laughed and said "Hmm?" She noticed his flirting and internaly rolled her eyes, she leaned into Karu , so her head was resting on his leg and she was looking up at him, tiredly. her hair was spwaled across his lap, and the couch the other sider of him. She looked up at him and said "And how will you do that, I think you've got the wrong fairytale." she stated, giggling. He was out of his costume, well sory of and she had forgotten what he was.
Karu played with her hair as she laid in his lap, leaning in he kissed her forehead. "that rigt I am the mad are my know in the movie version they shared a kiss.." his make up somewhat on he looked like the same one from the movie but more handsome. "I got two different types to Lilly can take her medince." Hikaru went blanked faced Bedford he shoved his bar over karus eyes,"she's sick dummy.." karu whispered,"perhaps later then Alice~" Sy and Itou reached the house and entered. "were back.."
Emerald helped her parents close up their restaurant, grabbed a bit of pasta and went to her room for a late supper. she ate, wondering if tomorrow was going to be as usual and boring as the rest of her days at Seska. today she had seen who she thought to be her match, not that she payed attention. she finished her food and called for one of the few robots her family owned. it took her plate and shut off her light as it left. she curled up and went to sleep for the night.

((totally forgot i had another character -_- ' ))
Lily caught on to the flirting and sat up and whispered in hsi ear "I'm sorry, But I-i can't go that fast and I'm engaged, to Itou." she had thought he had know but she hugged him and said "But please don't let that make things awkward." she said takig the first cup from his twin and taking the pills. She then drank the other cofee quickly and smiled as she cafine started kicking in. Just as Itou came in she sneezed, looking like a little bunny rabbit, which was ironic, she didn't have a cold the medicine just smelt funny
((I can picture Lilly doing all that haha))

Karu muster patted her head not really replying to her comment but Hikaru knew what he thought sat next to him offering a cup. "in the story Alice doesn't go to the mad hatter...its for the best yea." he saw Sy come in. "took you two long enough.." Sy feel on the sofa and closed his eye tired."we had to talk to itous father he was furious at Lilly dad for shoving her in his face when he her.." he spoke bluntly she needed to know. smacked his head sighed the day on his face,"it would seem my father got a call from my true fiancée mother. She wasn't happy and threatens to take her innovation to our competitor...but I took care of it..let's worry on Lil.." patter her head taking her feet placing them on his lap,"so Lil..medicine kicking in?"

Fuyu awoke it was night but not too late, he had forgotten to check his email from home. Sitting at his computer the moon gave him light. "what...fiancé" he read it all the way thru eyes wideedn at the picture of her. "her.."

Merina laid in her room awaiting a fellow senior "bring me fruit"

Lily smiled, extreamly sorry for Karu and she nodded, "and the caffine, i still feel sleepy though . . . she giggled slightly at the look on Itou's face and said "Now i looked liek a bunny Rabbit." then she sighed and said "Well, It's his nature i supose, it doesent justify it, though." she said, angry adn scared of haer father. She lay on the couch spread out on all of the boys, save Itou and smiled and said "Itou, sit down, calm down."
Itou knew she was right and relaxed,"bring me a hot towl and some soda.." Sy asked for one two as the twins hugged Lilly being their usual self in his mind karu decided to keep an eye on her. He was a special kid but they didn't know. "Lilly...your okay.." itou laughed at the way she looked, a small child who needed tending to. "your very much so like a small bunny..I'll have to take care of you." the twins protested,"us too! She not just yours.."
Lily giggled at their behavior and said "I am ok, I'm fine, my back hurts a little, but other than that i am fine!" she giggled and as he sat next to the boys, she rested her head this tine in his lap. She wrinkled her nose like a bunny and said 'Hmm can I have a carrot?" she was joking of course." When the twins sait she was theres too she giggled and said "Guys, I'm no ones, but sure you can all look after me I suppose." she felt guily that they had to
"she belongs to us all.." the twins spoke together clinging to her like kids. Itou laughed,"ok ok..but you need a bed and we all need a shower.." the twins were taken my the ears by Sy as Itou lifted Lilly "come the robot maid is waiting in your room. When your done we will all come back and see a movie yes?" the twins were arguing as Sy dragged them up. He had a sinister look about him. "I'll clean you two up nice and"
Lily nodded and said "Ok ok" shs laughed and smiled as she was lifted up, she was waking ap more now vutvwas still tired she smiled at itou an said "thanks for everything i reay apreciate it"
"no problem Lil, your like the sister I've never had..if anything I will be your best Friend.." reaching her room he let her down patri g her head with a smile,"feel better Alice..." he winked and head to his rroommate stripping down he showered putting on his sweats and sweater. The twins were in the guest room Hikaru was drying off and karu stood in the shower,"why can't I like her..." Hikaru signed"she has Itou someone else.." he felt bad for him. Sy was downstairs once more alone he had showered already thinking about what Itou said on the way about living his path set out for him. "stupid.."

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