Seska Academy

Lily had tears streaming down her face and she let out a sob before saing "To find someone who wont hurt me like you did, your just like my dad" she said in her usual quiet tone before turning around and taking a few steps and saying "I only wanted to help the band, you, Itou but if you dont care i guess its of to find somewhere to sleep and since i have no maney probably in a park" more sobs left her mouth as she glanced back at karu she mouthed "goodbye" she had started to love him, but this was why she never tried to love
"fine..let the world hate you..I can see it now Lilly daughter of Yor's record head chases away Lead singer..forcing him to love her.." smugly he took karu's hand handing him off to a maid,"you know the drill..fix my poor brother..he needs his meds." karu saw her mouth goodbye his face turned away as maids took him to his room. Hikaru strolled up to this sad path if girl, lifti g her chin he got close eyes cold and soulless. "..didn't you know silly it was not Itou who was your dads first was dear Karu so long ago before dad died..I pushed him one day and he got sick and forgot you...I was happy." he pushed her Down," he is to marry that girl I approve of...she is none other then American actress Desire.."he had planned it all out behind the scenes..and it was going his way. Leaving her he went to the door and laughed.
Lily let out more sobs and she got sick of it and stood up she punched him in the gutvand started screaming "I AM NOT GOING TO PESTER ITOU OR ANYONE I AM GOING TO FING SOMEWHERE TO CUTL UDAND DIE BECAUSE EVERYONE I TRUST HURTS ME. You my dad, him, your the one that needs help." her back felt like it wad on fire and she fell to the ground crying harder and harder "all i wanted was love, its all no one has ever given me its all i wanted." se curled up and cried hysterically, "I loved him or at least was starting to, wy does no one want me to be happy, no one no one" she said through her sobs
Faitth went over and filled out the paper work "I get to design clothes now? This sould be rather fun hmmm? Especially with you." She was excited for her new life, and spending time with her brother. Though her biological father was merely. His step father, meaning he was not her blood related sibling, she was glad they got along.

Emerald grinned, "dang! You pretty good at this!" She ran up and gave him a pat on the back. Though she was going for culinary school later on soccer was still what she loved. "You mustve played soccer before, not many paople can get past me."
Hikaru winced a bit stepping back he stood over her,"I can offer you love dear Lilly..I can offer you anything you want.." the same pills he gave karu he would offer up to her. Calling a maid she came back holding a tray with pills and water. He took her face as the maid held her arms,"be a good girl and take these..and all your troubles will go away.." she fought but he shoved it in her mouth, drinking water he kissed her putting it down her throat. "take her inside..she's making a scene.." karu sat inside staring at the wall.

Fuyu handed the paper to the bot and it whooshed away,"we have to leave in two days..should we do some practice drawing..test your abilities a bit.." he wanted to see how much raw talent she had before he would teach her. He lead her to his work place once more and lead her to a table with drawings,"draw me a fall outfit for someone going out in Paris to a theater."

He fell back on the grass wih a smile,"I haven't played like that in so long...I use to go to a normal middle school then my older brother died and I was set in the spotlight. Drumming is Fun I feel connected to my brother still that way..I was the junior league MVP..." he eyes went empty again.
Faith nodded, taking only a moment before an image flashed across here mind. she began sketching, her focus was strong as she drew the shape and design. she took some colored pencils that were sitting on the desk and mixed colors till she got it how she wanted it. she handed the completed picture to Fuyu, with a twinkle of delight in her eyes.the dress was a warm fall maroon, one shoulder with a three quarter sleeve, sheath style dress. Faith had also included a simple pair of toe covering heals, and a an optional scarf in the drawing along with a dark brown shrug.

Emerald nudged him in the shoulder, "dont be so down! you can chill with me any time! i dont know a thing about music, but i can cook like no other. my parents own a ritzy restaurant franchise, but i would rather be playing sports. i have to take over someday, but im still going to do what i want im my free time. i have a life, and i intend to live it as much the way i want to as i can."
Lily wanted it to go away, she really wanted it, she wanted the love, but she didnt trust him, not one bit. She gagged a little when she water went down her throught but she swallowed After this pills had sunk in Lily's sobbing slowly subsided, she was confused as to why she was crying, she remembered somthing bad, but nothing else seemed evident, she sat up and looked around the room she was placed in, it didn't seem like a guest or girls room, she noticed a book on the front that had 'Hikaru' writen on it, the maid stroked her hair and said "Mister Hikaru will be with you In a moment, miss."
"not bad faith...try something like this to add to it.." be took a seperate paper and drew up a hippy style bag,"fill the color and you have a complete set..the hard part is getting material you need to match." he looked at his choices and pulled some out,"we will take sample and put swatches together.." he had a slight smile as he placed various fabric on a table with everything you would need.

He grinned laughing at her energy,"your alright..two bad your not my match we would work well as a pair..I don't have one anymore she got too clingy and girly. I like someone who loves sports and to play outside on there down time.." his brother would be proud to see him embrace the situation as he did,"my parents are of like most here..they expect me to take over one day yes..but my free time and partner is all me..I don't have restrictions." he stood and looked at his watch,"I should get going..our lead man will have left already..I think I may be out of a band.." running his hand threw his wet hair he took his shirt and wiped his face lost in thought.

Karu looked around and forgot why he was sad but still felt that way,"maybe I should walk around and play my guitar.." he went off to Find his special room, he often forgot due to the side effects of the special pills he takes. Smiling to himself he came up a room and opened it,"maybe this time it's in he-" he stopped in his tracks seeing a girl her face sent a jolt to his head and he held it,"...L....Lilly.." he said to himself he had tearsfalling as he glanced at her," stops.." he fell his mind was fighting the medication sweating he looked up," brother..he is crazy..I recall! He saw me with my first girlfriend." he held his head again fighting the pain. "he became mad with jealousy he liked her too..

jealousy he liked her too...since then all girls I grow to like he take my place hiding me away.." he could recall it all from remembering. He stood and pushed the maid away,"leave..please tell Hikaru to come here.." karu still holdin his head from the imense pain passed out," dad....he..loves you..Hikaru...washed...fate.." he fell. Ack on the bed.

Hikaru was in his study putting more pills in karu's pill box, they were meant to make you forget and cause imense pain if you tried to recall. "..wasn't like I wanted but she will be MINE. Her father..too easy to manipulate..I'm a genuines like father..medicorp will continue as me the main doctor and miricle worker!" he laughed sitting there in his huge study filled with medical books about all the medicines and whatnot.
Lily remembered his face it took her a while to remember but his words helped her and she gasped she knelt over him and said "Karu?" she vlutched her head in pain and wimpered "I i remember" she stroked his hair and kissed his forehead. No one knew but lily had suffered from intense pains as a kid, so it didnt effect her as much as Karu, she didnt know what drug he had used but she knew how to stop it. she stumbled to the bathrooms and made herself puke, a white pill or half of it went doen the drain her head slowly ceased hurting. Lily then grabbed bucket and made karu puke but he didnt wake up.
Faith smiled, filling the bag in with autumn greens and browns. she looked at the swatches of fabric, "i think we should choose a thicker fabric to help with cold fall temperatures, but not too heavy." she thought a moment and pointed at one of the swatches, "like this."

Emerald smiled, "my parents are pretty easy going. they want me to marry for love, and wont force me to take over. i told them i wanted to take over, since our shop is full of memories for me, and that i didnt want their hard work to go to waste." she brushed a lock of hair from her eyes, "i know i have to take over the whole franchise, but im sure i will be fine. as for the marrying thing, im not sure. ive never really had anyone like me since im so boyish. i did have a crush at one point, but he liked the girly type." she frowned, but shook the thought off and smiled again.
karu laid there passed out he heard a faint voice,"..." his eyes were hazy as he say lilly and reached out his hand to her,"" he felt sick..

fuyu smiled warming up more he touched her shoulder and sat next to her sitting on the table. "..okay now tell me what type of fabric would you use to make the dress?" her raw talent was impeccable,"...your very good....little sister.." he had a warm fuzzy but it was shut out his coldness came through.

sy looked at her as he stretched out a bit,"I think your very cute...drop by my place i got a indoor basketball court and soccer field.." he smiled and his wet hair moed in teh wind as he ran a smile was there that wasnt before.
Lily was surprised as he murmered her name and reached out his hand but she took it, all the same "I'm here Karu, I'm right here" she smiled sadly at the boy and stroked his cheek softly, repeditvly "I dont want to anywhere, if i go i didnt want to ok?" she asked continiuing carresing his cheek
Faith thought a moment, a quizzical look on her face. "something similar, but more durable, and slightly thicker to keep warm." she felt a couple swatches, another thoughtful expression settled on her face. "probably this one." she set the swatch in from of him. "im glad my designs are good, i always thought they were rather plain." she smiled. somehow, she had become eager for her new brothers approval.

Emeralds face flushed slightly. "c-cute?" she sat in the grass with her soccer ball. "ok, uh, where do you live? i mean, how do i get there?" she asked quickly.
karu could feel someone touching his face, his eyelids slowly opened but he was still fighting what his crazed brother had been slipping him. A girl shown on his face,"l....ill...y..." Is all he said before he sat up green in the face and threw up in a small container by his bed, he looked very unlike himself and weak in his expression,"..L...ill..y..not for...get." He fell back holding his head as he was in pain.

hikaru watched on the camera he had in his room,"try as you might little Lilly he is mine..MINE.." He face was crazed and dark, very twisted with a looming feel.

fuyu watched her piece come together in the swatches,"sometimes simple is the key.." He stood arms crossed walking to the sewing table leaning on it moving his hair with a turn if his head. "If we are not careful sometimes we lose ourselfs..consumed with making things bigger or wilder maybe more abstract.." He was speaking from experience but said nothing more,"okay next step..make the outfit.."

Sy walked backwards wih a smug grin, he never thought he would meet someone who loved sports like he did,"it's the only home built near the park...this whole place is my backyard.." He chuckled jumping in the air wih his hand he was pumped up,"don't be a stranger! My door is always open.." He ran hair going everywhere and arrived at itous home, it was empty inside. His hand hit the wall,"stupid..didn't..couldn't say bye.." He thought of Lilly and how she would have to e alone.
Lily smiled at him and the maid looked around the room nervously, shooting a worried glance at somthing in the corner. A camera. Lily thought about getting out. She needed a plan . . she couldnt do it on her own , Sy! he could help, but how? after minutes of comtimplation she decided it was time to put her drama classes to good use. She pretended to remember somthing and reached into Karus pocket and took out his phone she unlocked and and let out a fake sound of agitation "its dead!" she said pressing the keys in fake hope it would turn on. she was acctually texting sy, the text wouldnt get through for a while but it was worth a shot. the text read "Hikarus drugged karu, and almost me, HELP we are at there house karu is in pain!"she threw th phone down in aggitation after sending and at that moment the maid grabbed her arms and tied them behind her bacm , then tieing her to the bedpost so she wouldnt move "Master Hikaru is comming. you must do what he says. He is your boyfriend remember?" the maid evedentally had a clue lily was back to her normal self. and inserted another pill to be sure, but as lily fought it caught in hdr lips and while the maid wasnt looking she sneezed and it droped to the floor.
Emerald smiled and went back to her house. She ate a quick meal and changed into some sweats, wondering if it would be weird to take up Sy's offer so soon.

Faith smiled and nodded, "well we need the clothe and everything,so you lead the way. I don't know where you keep everything" she pointed out.
(Lol sneezed..I hate by having Internet of my own..finally got a connection! Whoo!)

Hikaru watched the scene unfold and smirked, standing he left to karu's room ordering his maids to fix dinner. The door to karu's room swung open as he looked at the two,"now now be a good girlfriend and take you medicine..." He eyed the pill on the floor and took out a syringe filled with a liquid version." Hold her down.." He injected it on her arm tossing it in the bin sittin in the big chair and waited,"do not underestimate me brought this upon yourself.if you just stayed away everything would if Been fine and the truth would of eluded you.." He smiled with such darkness it filled the room everything seemed hopeless in a sense,"as it eludes everyone else..the only one who would believe you..I think he has left about now..poor Lilly..Itou has led and didn't tell you." The smugness of his shown, laughing a bit.

sy sat on the floor when his phone went off, having been sittin there for a while he jumped a bit as it echoed in the half empty room. It was from karu's phone,"huh drugged...Ned help?" He made a quizzical face and shut it thinking it was another lure to get him to go over to play games and good off again. "Yes okay and I'm the queen of England.." Chuckling he closed his phone and headed home.

Fuyu took out a remote and hit a combo of numbers and the stone door that was behind her opened,"take your pick I have plenty of options.." He sat there and waited.
Lily struggled and her eyes clouded over and she slumped "should i untie her sir, and bring master karu to his room, so you can have privacy?" Lily didnt understand his critisism and sai "whats going on and . . . who-who am i?" she asked confused
"Walk him to the dinner table, it should be ready and feed him.." He winked at the maid and stood up taking Lilly's face he smirked,"you are mine..Lilly. Itou would be halfway to England.." Karu was very out of it and looked around.
Lilt looked up at him confused "Um . . . who are you and whis Itou? am i lily?" she looked up at him looking like a confused puppy, adorable. The maid untied lily, placing her in Hikaru's arms before helping karu to his room. Lily was limp in his arms she seemed tochave no energy to fight back, so instead she just rested in them, trying to remember but it hurt. She clutched her head and decided just to ask th boy holding her all the questions "A-am i your girlfriend, i cant remember a thing . . . " she looked up at him and into his eyes inncocently.
Faith lit up seeing all the cloth. "This is amazing!" She remarked, it was obvious she still wasn't adjusted to the whole concept of "untold riches" she picked the colors and fabric types just as she and fuyu discussed. She took them to an empty manakin and began making measurements for the dress.

Emerald shrugged, and decide she would head to Syo's house. She walk at a leisurly pace and knocked once she arrived. She felt a sudden chill, but shrugged it off.
Hikaru was Patting her head,"yes your my girlfriend I'm hikaru your boyfriend and my twin is your close friend.." He smiled sweetly now showing a loving caring side, as long as things went his way he was happy. "We should dress and eat dinner..aren't you hungry my sweet?" A maid walked in with a dress and set it on the bed and left,"come now let's dress you.."

Karu was groggy moaning he saw the same maid as always when he came too,"did it happen again..did I get very sick again?" He recalled very little but a vision of a girl,"ahh my head.." He stopped and held it,"please tell me what happened...did Itou leave already?" He had a lost puppy look.

fuyu sat there and watched her, excited and new. "I'll leave you too it...there are some things to do before we leave.." Pushi his glasses back up he left. Thinking about everything maybe it wouldn't be too bad if he had a sister. Family was a foreign thing to him and maybe she could show him how to do it. A smile came to his face as he reached his study,"..."

sy walked up to his house,"ehh what are you doing here.." He grinned and took out his key walking passed her,"you want to come and play on my field.."
Lily looked up at him with an oh look on her face and stood up and shakily got changed, behind a door, the dress went to her mid thigh and only had one strap it was tight around her waist, showing of her curves she steped out and yawned cutely again "Im tired" she said waiting for him to show her the way to dinner
Hikaru smiled holding out his hand, the true test would be her reaction to seeing karu at dinner. Hopefully the maid had taken him there. "Come will feel better after you eat. You have quiet the day ahead of you..the band is waiting for our lead singer.."
Lily took his hand and nodded "Okay lets go" she took his hand and followed him to the table that sat karu, the maid had changed him before bringing him here. She smiled at hikaru and said "Oh . . . ok can you show me our songs later?" she asked before glancing at karu, it made her head hurt and she closed her eyes and almost lost her balance and stumbled into hikaru "my head hurts . . . can i get some pain killers?" she asked glancing up at hikaru and then she shot smile at karu, she wasnt faking, she truly didnt remember anything.

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