Seska Academy

jShe smiled and said "ill be that annoying little sister if you wish" she smiled .Lily sat there thinking about earlier, she . . .shed begin to like Karu in a way that she shouldnt, she was engaged and it was going to happen sooner than she thought, as her father had handed her over to Itous family. She wished outloud there was some way out of the marriage, it was it marring a brother to her and she was starting ti really like Karu, he was hansomcand not a total jackass unlike some boys he was sweet and knew all tge right things to say." While she had been lost in thought she didnt notice the robot placing a book next to her entitled "The law and phycoligy" she picked it up and the robot said "22" so she turned to that page and read, if parent is mentally sick or has somthing like adhd they may NOT make choifces that efdecct their child in the law sence eg marriage, lily didnt believe her eyes and called out "Oh my gosh Someone hurry!" she was secretly hoping Karu was the persin going
Hikaru laid on the bed waiting for karu,"oy would you hurry up...fine I'll be downstairs.." he left and Itou was with him,"so your really leaving us? We will miss ya." Itou hugged him as they headed to the living room where Sy was."took you guys long enough.." Itou threw him on the sofa and laughed wrestleing. Karu stepped out passing Lilly's door hearing her and peeked in,"Lilly..what's wrong.." he wanted to forget her but he couldn't. He liked her..a lot.
Lily smiled and gestured for him to come in she shifted so he could sit on the bed next to her and she said "nothings wrong i need to tell an show you somthing" she said she decided shed start by explaining her feelings . . the news would be happier after that. "uh remember when you wanted a kiss." she blushed a bright red and continiued " well honestly i wanted to it it justvwent against everything i believe in but here" she pointed to the book "my father had AHHD and my mother OCD" her mother was a neat freak
He sat down and looked at the book he was red as she spoke about the kiss,"yea I..I recall..what's with the book? Is it the rules?" peering at it she spoke about her parents illnesses,"eh really.." looking into her eyes she seems to sparkle.
His eyes went wide as she kissed him,"then I'm allowed to like Lilly...what about Itou?" he didn't want to do anything if he liked her, they were close after all. Bringing her in for a hug he stared at the wall. "is it really okay Lilly..coz once I hear it im not planning on letting go of you.."
Lily smiled an hugged him r back smiling "Itou said it himself im more likehis sister to me its like marring my brither" sh made a face and said "im sure its fine with me" she shifted so she was on his lap
Karu smiled at her huggin and missing her all over as they fell down on the bed. "you make me so happy hearing that Lilly. I'll make you so happy..Hikaru will be happy too." te guys were wrestling downstairs.
Lily giggled and burried her head in his neck she smilred and kept her arms around him she smiled andvlooked into his eyes she asked in a whisper "you want that kiss now? then we can go tell the boys" she smiled and kissed him there was novspace between them
He grinned and held her head softly kissing her lips. The scent of her hair rolling around as his mi d felt like it was going explode with happiness. What would the guys think, what would Hikaru think he thought as he lost himself in the kiss.
Lily smiled and broke the kiss as they both needed air she smiled and him and asked "carry me to the loungeroom, we can explain to the boys" she asked not wanting to let go bessideds her back was injerd amd she kissed his cheek again and hugged him tightly "im so glad i have you" she said kissing him again
He hopped off, takin her with him carefully. She was close to him and he felt like the luckiest man in the world. "..I'm glad you came into my world Lilly..." slowly he went down the steps,"hold on..careful.." the robots watched as they went down, thee before them were the guys rough housing as Hikaru sat on the couch rolling his eyes he saw Karu smiling. "oh..what's this.." he teased as the guys paused and looked up. "Lil what's going on?" his eyebrow arched Sy laughed mumbling.
Lily smiled and nodded she kissed his cheek and when she was asked she smiled shyly and "Well I found a book and well there is a loophole to mine and itous marriage because it feels like marring a brother, no offence andmeandkaruareanitem" she said fast and blushing, she burried Her head in Karu's neck, her face a bright red, these guys were like her brothers and well, it was like telling them she was in a reationship with someone that the'd tease you about.
Itou and Sy looked at one another kinda surprised a bit,"really Lill..that just leaves your dad to deal with.." he smiled Sy patted karus shoulder and poked Lilly's face,"awes she is red..that's cute.." Itou punched Sy pulling him back down looking to Lilly,"I'm happy for you...karu is a good guy.." he wanted to tease her but she was red and that was enough for him. Hikaru had crept up behind them both,"looks like we will have a new member to our small family one day..." he smirked
Lily stuck her toumgue out at her boyfriends twin and snyggled deeper into his armdls, she looked at the look on his face and wanted to aww he wasso adorable, at least to her, she whispered in his ear "can we sit down and cuddle?" she smiled and to annoy the others she kissed him deeply again, hoping it would gross them out
Sy and Itou made faces ,"get a room you too got plenty.." Itou teased Sy just laughed and turned away pulling itous leg. Hikaru gave a bored face and stuck his toungs out,"really Karu I didn't think you were so bold." karu was taken. Ack at first. It went with it, it felt right and any chance to gross them out was fun. "don't like it then maybe I should take a room.." he teased sitting on the couch there was a blanket set out and he covered him and her. His hand sliding up her upset thigh.
Lily laughed and said "We have a room, you guys are just in it." she grinned cheekily and she smiled when his hand was smiding up her thigh, she curled up on him, making sure she blanket covered them she slid her hand up his shirt to tease, and she drew on his chest, grinning up at him happily. She grinned at the guys and said "I'm gld you guys aprove though." she said, like she wasn't teasing him. Lily laughed a little and said "Lets watch Alice in wonderland!" she suggested.
Sy rolled his eyes laying ther holding Itou in a head lock. "haha okay seems fitting enough." he arched his eyebrow lookin at them and smirked karu stared normally. Sound good to me.." he was rubbing her upper thigh higher and higher with one hand as his other was around her his hand found it's way under her shirt descretely teasing her. Hikaru got the movie and put it in. "..."
Lily giggled at Itou and Sy they looked so odd she grinned up at Karu as her hands ound themselves drifting lower as well, just around, never touching it. She smiled and leaned into him, as the opening credits started. She grabbed his hands and sat them on her lap and whispered "If you wish, you may continiue that later, when we are alone." she grinned cheeking and played with his fingers while watching the movie. she moved when he breathed and she looked up at him, slightly bored and kissed his neck "Thanks by the way."
"your welcome..." holding his hand with hers as the movie played Hikaru sat on his other side giving him a look. Karu shoved him with his shoulder and laughed. Itou was on the sofa smiling as Sy was on the ground as his foot rest.
Lily glanced and itou and sy to see what had happened as she saw a blur of mivement and started to giggle and sh rolled her eyes "Itou you not the king your a rabbit" she giggled slightly and smiled up at karu and said "ay nice you two" she pinced his cheek and begun playin with his fingers she poked his twins cheek and said "and stop teasing"
"I'm the king dammit.." he chucked at himself as Sy collapsed because of itous big ass feet. Hikaru leaned back pouting he didn't have anyone. "id rather watch you.."'he whispered in her ear with a smirk
Lily giggled at itou and said "Dont be mean Itou." she gighled at sy and smiled at hikaru "Poor baby, youll find somone" she said in a bby tond giggling afterraised her eyebrows and turned in his lap to face him, she whispered in a teasing tone "would you really?" her lips bruhedth skin by his ear slightly as she whispered to him "and why is that?" she said before kissing the skin by his ear, barely.
His hands still entertwined with hers he spoke softly almost silently. "you would be more fun to watch as you touch yourself..Lilly...then I could join you." a smile came to his face the thought made him shift in his seat as to hide the obvious.
(remmebr PG-13)

Lily rolled her eyes and smacked him upside the head, grinning at his she whispered "I've never had a boyfriend before, you think Im gonna go that far straight of?" she said honestly.

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