Seska Academy

(I dunno what our talking about -walks away whistling-)

"now I know the truth at least.." Hikaru laughed as karu smirked on, he stood up and sat on Sy."oy you heard the king.." Hikaru sat as well as they teased Sy. Itou put his feet again on Sy too,"the king says to wrestle till he pees himself.
Lily laughed and nodded smiling happily and clinging to him like a koala and blushing as her legs went around his waist "you guys are . . . " she lent on him and yawned glancing at the clock, she could sleep now, she cosed her eyes and hugged him kissing his cheek "I can sleep now its been an hour"
itou looked back,"aww then sleep i need to talk to some people about the virtual buildings new additions.." he stood and lightly pushed them falling over in a pile Sy sighed. "i need guys are jerks.." he pouted like a small child as hikaru took karu's hand,"we need to go do soem things karu remember.." his eyes widened as if he forgot and put lilly down and patted her head."good night." everyone went home, the twins left in there cart and arrived moments later,"i cant believe you forgot...karu.." the two were smiling karu was really hikaru and hikaru was really karu."i knew you liked her! now she will be very confused." they walked in arguing.
Lily smiled and yawned curling up and falling asleep, she was cinfused at the twins behavior they seemed . . . guilty for some reason she shrugged and went to sleep, about two hours later she woke up and a robot helped her sit up she saw a magazine on the table and as she grew bored she decided to read it, it came to a poster of the boys and she read the caption Itou Sy Karu and his twin hikaru at their local school there were little arrows pointing to the boys and she looked up at who they pointed to and her eyebrows raised, the robot brought over a nother one as she putbit down and this was proof th twins has switched identities to her, she frowned and decided to ignore the both of them for a while untill they came clean and apologized
((early morning yes they were staying 7am id say.))

The twins saw the early traces of the sun come up siting at the table outside,"she will be furious we did this.." the real girl Hikaru spoke eyes lowered remembering her words, it stung his heart so. "...I told you she likes me..this is all your fault...tell her or i will.." karu eyed him his hair dark as night was half covering his face as always. Hikaru took after there mother blonde hair a mess,"it's like all the other one can tell us apart unless we tell them...what makes her so special karu?" the table shook hands pounded the table,"she is our band mate and I have come to LOVE Lilly!" hikarus eyes widenedn, never had he seen him like this, calling a boy over he spoke still eyeing karu,"tell Miss Lilly to come at noon for tea.." it beeped and was off. "..I'll tell her.." karu relaxed sitting down taking in the morning view.

Itou was passed out in his bed with the laptop in updating notes show a bit entered the room and rang,"master Itou..parents on line 3.." he groaned sitting up still half a white rabbit."mother..father.." he said in a groggy state. "Itou explain why that girl is in your BAND!" they were furious at him for still talking and even run in that band,"we told you enough is enough 2 weeks ago! The tech conference is next Monday for christs sake Itou get your act together." his father spoke strictly, Itou looked down ashamed,"forgive me i was handing her the band I sent my resignation last night..that was my last concert....I will be ready for the conference soon.." his eyes were blank as the looked happy telling tthem he would see them at the conference. The bot left to make the preparations to pack up before Lilly noticed. "I'll miss them all.." he would not be able to keep his promise.

Fuyu had spent the night laying awake figuring out the whole sister thing, do he got little sleep. "more coffee master?" he nodded reading the fashion paper sent from home every day,"Scilla family to make big at fashion week...surprise ending price has the fashion world in pins and needles." sighing he folded the paper the families fall collection fell onto the hands a an amutur. "go wake her.." it beeped as left, fuyu looked up from the Greek style dinning table ceiling shown a early morning most an blue skies. "Monday.." he sipped his coffee today he would get to know this sister of his.

Sy had fallen on his bed hours before after he showered,"'s so early why.." his bot was waking him up for morning run and ten practice on his drums and singing. He wore Nike shorts with the shoes and t shirt to match, in all black and red. The air was cool and his breath still shown running along the side walk like every morning. "..." he huffed a bit from the lack of sleep passing the paper people various robots go too an fro, like every morning.
Faith had been up since around 6am when she was called to her brothers room. brother. she smiled as she finished folding her dirty clothes neatly before handing them to a confused robot. "there, less work for you if they are organized." the robot spouted a few minor error messages before going off to clean the clothes. Faith slipped on a simple baby blue dress and brushed her long hair and went over and knocked on Fuyus door. "hello, you called for me brother?"

Emerald wiped the sweat from her brow as she her breath puffed in little white clouds. she was kicking her soccer ball around the park, kicking it at various objects as though they were targets. it was quiet , but would be bustling with children and people with their dogs once it hit afternoon.
Lily must have falled asleep, although she didn't remember it because she woke up In the hospital, she called the nurse over and she said that a bot had taken her here to change her bandeges, but the boys had planed to take her the next day, and the bots dont think on their own. She shook her head and sat up, the nurse helping her. She ate breakfast and in the middle of that she got a message, saying to meet her at the twins. At first she wasn't going to go, but she decided too.

(Can we time skip or else i will have nothing to do . . . Is that ok with everyone?)
((idk lily, my character is waitng to talk to Fuyu. we were setting up for somthing we cant skip it. i guess its up to Snow Ducky))
"come in.." he sat in his room holding the paper he had in his dining room. Sitting at the table in his room he had a slight smile. "the paper in's raving about the final piece of our collection..the piece you helped make." it rested in a bag there packed up nice and neat. "is your room to your liking?" he looked tired still but there was so much to do, pack up get ready and fill out the paperwork.

Sy passed the homes and was coming up to the park, it was still empty. The twins had switched roles and he said nothing because he didn't want to start any trouble. "...those idiots.." he saw a girl as he ran passed without thinking he thought she was cute and a smile came to his face,"if only.."

the twins sat out doors, hikaru in the grass staring at the grass listening to their album. thoughts of lilly came to his mind and sighed,"she wont like me...stupid Karu.." he smacked his head and sat up,"your match will show up one'll see!"

(itou will go find ya lol)

Itou went to lilly's room to see if she was up and ran into one of his bots,"Miss lilly is at the hospital for bandage changing." it left itou made his way out in his sweats and sweater flip flops on and made his way to the hospital there he asked for Lilly and found her making her way out it seemed."hey you could of asked me to take ya.." he messed her hair and walked beside her,"where ya off too you look mad.." he made a face
Lily smiled at itou and rolled her eyes "I was brought here while i was aleep, I had no choice." she said smiling slightly at mentionof her anger she rowned and said "The twins switched, names i mean. They didnt tell me i found a mag tbey invited me over so I was heading there early"
He ran his hands thru his hair sighing,"they tend to do that alot I've stopped paying attention to it. Everytime one of them gets a crush they switch places to see if she can tell the difference." he looked at her with a very odd expression like pity mixed with they are so so dumb. "so you see the girls don't get passed tellin them apart..I don't know why they do that." he felt for them always keeping to themselves a lot,"at all I know is that they have a very clouded past."
Faith nodded, "my room is wonderful, thank you." She smiled. He seemed tired, and she had an idea, "say, do you like tea or coffee? And if you do, do you prefer it strong or sweet? You seem a bit tired and I have a great home recipe, if you would like something to drink." She offered.
"I like coffee.." adjusting his glasses fuyu had a bot come in with papers,"you need to sign this..we leave Monday..hope that's fine..I figured you should be there since your family and all." in truth yes it was facts but he wanted to keep her say from that man.
"leave?" she asked curiously, "i would love to, but where?" she turned to one of the robots and asked for coffee, and a few other things. the robot brought them, and she grabbed the coffee cup and poured the coffee. she added a few drops of honey and a pinch of a mixture of herbs she had made. "a lot of people dont realize that herbs can go well in coffee. these should help you unwind." she said recalling one of the recipes she had often made her mother to help her relax. she smiled as she set the coffee in front of him.

Emerald spotted a guy jogging and grinned, "hey! whats up?" she called to him waving, "you wanna play one on one with me?" she invited. she was a people person, though she spent a lot of time by herself.she often exercised by herself, but she found it more fun to to do so with others.
"Milan of course then Paris for fashion collection is to be shown her.." taking a sip it was good, very tasty as he drank on tasting the flavor."good.." staring a the sky he thought about his show."the family will want to meet you..why you never came up I don't know but I bet they can tell me why."

Sy stopped as he waved back checking his time and stopped his watch,"h..eello" making his way to this girl and introduced him self,"Sy..I'm the drummer for Yor..." playing with others..something he didn't do often with his busy schedule, it looked like fun. "what are you playing there.." bending down resting his head on his knees the air still was chilly but it felt good to him.0
Faiths eyes were wide as he said Paris. "Paris?? ive always wanted to go! the pastry shops.....the native European herbs and flowers....." she looked out the sky light, "you know, i never got to travel much. this is exciting! and i even get to meet family!" she smiled at him. this was turning out to be an amazing day already and she was excited to travel.

Emerald smiled, "im Emerald, nice to meet you" she bounced the soccer ball on her knee, "i dont really listen to much music. im more into sports......." she bounced the ball up to her chest, holding it there and then dropping it for a kick. she kicked it to a nearby tree and it bounced back. she scooped it up in her hands and grinned, "im kicking my soccer ball around. i love the crisp feel of morning air when i practice."
Lily's expression and mood softened she nodded and said 'I sort of understand now, I can understand how they feel, surrounded by fake people at least." She still wanted to head over, to let them knoe she knew now.
He stood placing the empty cup down,"that felt good thank you..yes you will be able to shop and eat and experience it all..I did some figuring as I laid awake..I accept you and will always be there for you.." he was still new to this whole. I brother thing. It decided he could do it. "if you forgive my clumsyness to being a big brother we will get along fine.." fixing his glasses a smile spread across his face, finally he could have a family.

Sy grinned, he loved exercise and the morning more then anyone. "that is refreshing..I don't meet many who love to be outside in the morning.." he watched her kick the ball and was impressed,"maybe some one on one before I have practice?" grinning he ran to the open field and waited, he was excited.

Itou and Lilly came to his cart,"take it..I have to go take care of somethings.." he didn't ask anything more leaving her the key and patting her head. He knew she would take care of it and be back after he was gone. It pained him but it had to be done. "goodbye.."
Lily frowned the way he said the words made it sound so perminant . .. she shook it if heading to the twins house, wgen she got there she spotted them on th porch looking very troubled. was that guilt? she asked herself she shook her head and walked up to them slowly, her back still aching a but. befire she could get a greetinf out sh blurted "I kniw you swutched"
Faith smiled, "of course! Its so nice to have family again. Thing were lonely without my mother." She frowned a second. She shook her head, "I'm really excited for Paris, and I'm really happy about the dress too! This is all so awsome!" She walked over and gave him a hug. "Thank" she gave himm a warm smile.

Emerald smirked, "can you keep up?" She dribbled the ball with her feet and ran towards him. She paused for less then a second right in front of him before swerving around and running past him.
The twins looked up they were arguing and their jaws dropped open, Hikaru stood cleaning himself off rather surprised and lifted a finger to speak but couldn't looking away from her. His hand ran thru his perfectly messy hair as karu stood,"yea..and how do you figure your theory?" he too messed his hair and leaned on Hikaru who smiled widely sound like karu fixing his hair. "maybe we wanted you to think that ever think of that?" they stood together making gestures switching, pushing her away like so many others always keeping away and alone. The real karu was the one into Lilly and for a small second his ees gave him away tiring I the game before the real Hikaru who hated anyone getting in tween them huggin him closely staring at Lilly.
Lily was hurt and confused and she couldnt get the expression of hurt of her face "Mags, at first i thought it a mistake but i remembered my dad introducing you, at an award thing, and he wouldnt have got it wrong, plus your colder than Karu." she said pointing to hikaru "Itou told me why you dd it, after he found me about to expload and i calmed down . . . thought i could trust you . . . " she trailed if and turned around
He felt a small warmth it was like a fuzzy building up inside as he heard her speak, seeing her face talking of her mother. He too had had a feeling a loneliness but who would really get him. It vanished as soon as it had come when he hugged him in a small shock. "yes it will be interesting...sister" a robot came back asking for the papers,"oh yes sign the document making you an official worker for Sicilla Inc.." turning her around pushing her softly to the paper, things could benefit for him with this sister and her fresh ideas. For now he accepted her.

Sy grained watching her and ran to catch up,"not bad.." grinning he swooped in like a hawk and gotten te ball. He seeme to move without trouble smiling to himsel as he kicked it away and toward the empty goal, bringing him back to his soccer days before he took up music and drumming. The wind in his face the feeling of liking getting dirty and having fun doing something he loved. "..." stopping he kicked the ball up in the air flipping in the air he kicked it into the goal landing on the grass he laughed. "it went in.."

Hikaru only glared showing his real colors,"wow so you figure me out..then you will stay away from him. Don't try to take his belongs to HER.." looking at karu as he said it he went wide eyed and became silent more so being obiendent unlike himself.." karu had not forgotten but it wasn't his own will ad looked away from her, he knew deep down he couldn't get serious with anyone. Hikaru held him now in a brotherly embrace stroking his hair glaring at Lilly with cold eyes."..see hat you done..he is sad now. Karu only needs me and her and mother...stay away from his heart and things go back to as they'll be need us anyways.." his eyes narrowed the air got colder it seemed and gloomy,"..Itou ewill be gone by the time you get back to the mansion..and you'll be kicked out of the senior Estates..who will you go to then?" karu still said nothing, a doll is what he seemed like, numb to this sort of situation Lilly was different e thought maybe she would be different. "...."

Itou was at the office,"yes I already took care of it..I'll be soley in the virtual reality Buidling livin their after my 3 months away." he talked to the vice chair for a good 45mins taking his leave standing at the entrance a car rolled up,"sit it's time.." Itou took one last look, the bots had already taken his things to storage in the virtual building and his true fiancé will have been at the conference waiting for him. "..." he got in the car.

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