Historical Storyteller
Four Thousand Club
Of courde they dont believe what they are doing is bad. Why would they? Anybody that is willing to DIE. To sacrifice their lives for what they believe in, is righteous in their own eyes and in the eyes of their kin.
The people of the dark dont believe they are wrong and neither do the peoole of the light. They both believe in their ideals SO much, that thry almost destroyed the world to prove it.
In the end, its a matter of perspective.
From my standpoint, as a player, I see the light kingdom as a bunch of holier-than-thou zealots that SHOULD be taken down a few pegs. And you know what? The death of their king and queen and the near destruction of the world did just that.
Now under a young, new ruler who has never experienced the fires of war and doesnt have a bias other than blamin the dark for her parents homocide (which desh has a counter to) but under this new rule, maybe the light kingdom can make this shift that Nogoodname wants. But as it is now and has been, its just insanity. Its a combination of the old testament ig christianity and islam. Intolerant, extremist, and radical in search of a utopia that just cannot exist unless every single soul conforms to its ideals.
It was taken down a few pegs when Eligius Falco blew up the Duchy of Mercia with this roleplay's equivalent of nuclear bombs just to hold off the Dark Army. These "bombs" are cathedrals that are filled with energy that comes from the souls of righteous men who believe in the Light. But in the end, while they did manage to destroy a chunk of the Dark Army, they sparked the beginning of a violent civil war between the Elysians and the Mercians.