Secrets of Evercrest


Alright so time here kinda works in this RP a bit weird since people post at different speeds. I'm not going to hold everyone to a specific time or pace. If you want to skip from 10am to 12pm and by pass class stuff you are welcome to. If you wanna play out each hour. Go ahead. People have different things happening at different rates. Playing out every moment of the day can be boring for some people.

That being said a lot of people have been looking for a place to jump in or get involved or just lost on time. So I'm thinking of possily skipping to the next day. [Tuesday] So everyone gets a fresh start. Yes or no?

@AkuNoOkami @Vatican Cameos @The Servant @Kiwi @Wynn @animegirl20 @King Of Imagination


If you are having issues with trying to find someone to connect with or start a connection there is a google doc where you can suggest connections or see who is free. There are also a lot of plot events and threads open for input.

First school wide event!

Homecoming (end of the week RP week)

Feel free to make dates, plans, and throw out ideas of what to have happen!​

Fine with me, sorry for not putting up meh charries, with my birthday and school and life in general I've been... busy. I'll try to have them up today or tmrw, ^^
Someone please interact with Kayden on his way to CBC, I need him to be funny and social and loveable, and that can't happen if people avoid him like the black plague.
Perhaps you should try interacting with people... >> Everyone is in GC, you can skip your class and head there
Idfk who's doing what where and when xD

I'mma get back to this tomorrow when I can think straight.
Guys, a lot of you lot have not been to college harm no foul

Algebra II in college= remedial math.

Algebra II should be learned by Sophomore year in High School in America, no later than Junior year.

None of the schools in my city even offer Algebra II as a college course. College Algebra is Math 101 at a lot of schools. 101 means the beginning, basics, very first. College Algebra is virtually Pre-Calculus (with a little of Algebra II).

I say all that to say. If your algebra class ain't go no fancy name (I am currently IRL taking Introduction to Linear Algebra) then it is remedial. >.> Actually, College Algebra is kinda considered remedial too at most school, particularly tech schools. So just take a peep at your kids schedules or be subject to ridicule in roleplay.
And then there's me with Theoretical Mathematics and a Stats course because apparently his internship doesn't count as a class lol.

Btw, @Shura, my character has class until two anyway.
@KOI it should count as a class if he signs up for independent study or is in a program where a coop is required.
@XxAbbyxX Hey just a heads up in the future. You should wait until the creator of the RP like/ accepts your Profile and gives the go ahead to start posting. ^^ Your character is accepted but just something to keep in mind.

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