Secrets of Evercrest

Uh everyone is everywhere LOL Most of the people are having lunch around GC. That tends to be a more populated spot. Also look into the google doc as to different plot threads going on. Most people message each other here or chat in the google doc to set up where to meet up.
Erm .. Okay ^~^ Lemme snoop around a bit more xD

Every RP is different here so I'm kinda learning a bit though I've been here a little while.
@Vatican Cameos all of my characters sans Saruh are free! Kenny just got done with winning a date, and Dakota is kind of just walking campus since she has nothing to do but partayyyy
@AkuNoOkami awesome! We should do something then! Unfortunately I still have 100 or so pages of Hamlet left to read, so I'll try to be quick.

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Poor Spit has virtually no friends because of my negligence, hahah. @AkuNoOkami I'll be on in a little while! And @Goddess, your character's major is the same as mine and I think they'd get on well, so we should totally set something up once I get back, if you're cool with that. :)
Hnnng I'm trying don't hate me!

Who needs me and where? I know someone posted for me but I forgot who. Sorry!
Sorry I disappeared, @AkuNoOkami. Returned to school today to quite a few responsibilities, and a friend of mine died a few days ago (well, only found out Sunday, though many others didn't know until yesterday) so I've been preoccupied. Expect me tomorrow night - and don't be afraid to harass me :)
Important Activity Notice

Due to some issues I've ran across my posting is severely limited. My to-do list is massive and I have no way to post. My iPad was stolen, I'm losing phone service tomorrow and have no idea when I'll be getting it back.

Sooo yea...​
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can we just skip to a fun day already xD
Hey! Gonna try to get some posts down tonight - but if not, I'm off tomorrow! :) My brain's been giving me a hassle today xD

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