Secrets of Evercrest

@Vatican Cameos because our characters are still at around 12 and everyone else has skipped to 1 ...we should collab the interaction whenever you get back
@AkuNoOkami are you around tomorrow? I have tutoring from 1 - 3 PM and I have to pack for a trip at some point, but otherwise I'll be around more or less all day. I'm EST, by the way.

@Kiwi if you really need someone to plot with I'll try, but I'm not sure I'm the most convenient person at the moment, nor do I have the most convenient character. But I certainly don't want to leave you stranded, so let me know and I'll try my best to work something out.

Speaking of which - next week will be really choppy for me. I am visiting ten schools in six days, so I'll be pretty preoccupied for the majority of the time (Monday through Saturday). I'll be able to do brief, sporadic posts, but nothing all that substantial, since I'll likely be exclusively on Tapatalk. That means I can keep interactions going, I just may not be able to do much else, and I may not get the chance to sit down and go back and forth with anyone. But I'll do my best!
@Vatican Cameos Wow that's one hell of a trip! I wish you luck! ^^ Dont worry much about posting. If you can you cant if not life happens. Enjoy your trip
I'm sure aft our collab with Kota and spit, it won't be much need for intensive posting out of you if you don't want it to be :3
@AkuNoOkami great! Let's plan on doing a collab tomorrow, then :) Should be fun. I'd do it now, but as it is already midnight, I really ought to get to sleep. Also, I mean, the collab should end with at least Spit going to class, so I'll have the opportunity to give her a rest, but I don't really want to drop out of things entirely if I can avoid it.

@Shura you're telling me! Thank you, I'll probably need it. And thank you for being so understanding. I really appreciate it. I shouldn't have too bad of a time keeping up with everyone else's posts though, as long as you guys don't post much more than you are now, haha.

On that note, good night! Will check in with you guys tomorrow morning.
Hey! If anyone is looking for an idea for a second character, I have one I'd like to be more than just an NPC (with a particular face in mind) but dah well if no one wants to.
//heavy breathing.

So many *breath* posts *breath* to read! *breath* Stop *breath* posting *breath* so fast! *breath*

//looks at Erich just sitting in his Algebra class.

Also... What god damn time is it? I can't even tell anymore B[
There are a few people who are open to interactions most people are centered in the GC food court
@AkuNoOkami I'm sorry, today ended up being... well, not so great. I still have a little time to do a collab before I leave tomorrow, if you want. I still have to pack tonight though.
I wrote that incorrectly. What I meant to say was I leave tomorrow morning, so I have a little time left today to do it.
ohhhh then yeah let's go for it :3

This has been said before, but it deserves to be repeated since it seems to fall on deaf eyes.

Please visit the gdoc and fill things out. There's plenty of things that have been plotted, and you don't know it because you refuse to visit the gdoc.
Aye, because y'all ain't listening, but it's a forum, so y'all ain't listening cuz y'all ain't reading, ergo. DEAF EYES

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