Secrets of Evercrest

Then I'll plan to do a basic introductory post, unless anyone else wants to establish something first, and worry about the intricacies later. :)
I will be on the computer in a little over an hour - just have to do my SAT homework.

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@AkuNoOkami I'm here now, and opening the Google doc. Let's get plotting, I really want to make my intro post already, haha.
Alrighty @The Servant ^^ No rush. Post when you can

Feel free to visit the google sheet when you get a chance as well. There's a lot of information there
@Atom ~ Essentially it's around noon-ish and people are scattered around doing their own thing. So some people are getting out of class, some people are skipping class a few people are in the GC building grabbing some food. There isn't any overall narrative going on at the moment so people a free to do as they like
Hehe... Yea... well you see...

I totally intended to post today buuuttt...

Funny story.

I just got ahold of a book I've been waiting on since last year and well... it technically doesn't come out till Tuesday sooo... I'm gonna be busy all day xP
We need a fight club.

Also I wish this OOC was more active. I'd love to talk to people about this.

Anyways brb making a new character.
Alrighty @The Empress of Ice ^^

@Atom - Ah it would be but its mostly because of the google sheet There's a lot of clubs, organizations and teams there. If you want to add a fighting team your more than welcome too. We also have several subplots and events marked down if you want to get involved in any

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