Secret Confessions (Draco & Harry)

(Ah, right, then maybe mcgonnagal goes back by herself and let's the trio do as they want? So we don't have to go through all that)
Mcgonnagal sighed as she dealt with the situation at hand, however was also very concerned with the situation at hand. She unfortunately recognized that necklace, and was troubled by how it possibly got into the hands of someone as innocent as Katie Bell, and young and naive first year Gryffindor student.

She sighed and dismissed them, though not before asking them if there was anything they knew about the situation. After such, she hurried her way back to Hogwarts to talk to Dumbledore.

Draco himself had long since left the scene. He'd gone back to the school, overwhelmed by what he had done, and unable to cope with being around anyone right now, his mind running with paranoia. He ended up finding himself in the room of requirement, where the room was very dark and cold feeling this time, with only a sole window and lit fireplace lighting up the room briefly.
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Yeah, we can leave it unsaid. Dumbledore seems to know everything somehow anyway. xD
Katie was taken to the infirmary, but Harry wasn't sure how much Madam Pomfrey could do. It seemed to be a very dark, and dangerous curse, and Harry could only imagine what might happen if someone put it on. He mentioned that they heard a scream while walking through the village, and when they arrived, Katie was writhing. He didn't mention anything or anyone else.

He knew Ron wanted to mention Malfoy's name. Harry but his lip, and kept quiet. Harry stopped at the staircase to the Gryffindor common room. For some reason he didn't want to head there, and face the questions from the other students. They surely hadn't been the only ones to hear or see Katie, or see Hagrud bringing her to the infirmary. "I'm going to...wander a bit," he glanced up but didnt elaborate.

"I'll see you in the common room later," he assured Ron, after the redhead's perplexed look. But he didn't leave room for questions or arguememt As he turned and headed to the other side of the castle. For some reason, he found himself near the room of requirement.
Sitting in the room that seemed to resembled Draco's own current mood, the blond Slytherin sat in panic, unable to even sit still with thoughts running through his mind. He kept getting up, pacing the room, and then sitting back down in anxiety. He honestly felt he was going mad...all this stress, this pressure...he...he didn't mean for that girl to get hurt!

Clenching his teeth, he hunched forward on his knees, currently sitting, as his fisted his hands through his hair. Just what had he done? Of course...he knew what he did. He did everything by his own was entirely his own fault. He picked who to give the necklace to, who to have deliver it to Dumbledore....but it had all gone so wrong. So terribly wrong. He didn't want anyone to get hurt. Not anyone other than Dumbledore, as the plan was supposed to be, anyways.

"If only she had listened to me..." he muttered, trying to find some way to take the stress off of his mind. He tried to reason that it wasn't entirely his fault. That it was Katie's fault for not listening to him. He tried to protect make sure she wouldn't hurt herself...but part of him knew that wasn't true. Part of him loathed what he had done. He had fully willingly chosen to give that necklace to her...knowing that it very well would curse her to death - or, it should have, anyways. But of course he didn't currently know that it wouldn't kill her in the end, thanks to Madame Pomfrey's quick actions to help the girl.

Gripping at his hair, he felt himself on the verge of tears, but forced himself not to. He reasoned with himself..perhaps if he wrote a letter, one to his father, it would calm him down. Getting out a piece of parchment and quill with ink that the room had provided on a table, he started writing...

Dear Father

That was all he could write though, and not very well, at that. Looking at his hand holding the quill above the paper, it was noticeably shaking, making it near impossible to write cohesively. Gritting his teeth, he felt the fear of himself and his own actions overwhelming him. "Dammit!" he cursed, smacking the ink and parchment off of the table, the crumbled ball of paper falling to the ground with the ink and quill clattering to the floor.
He wasn't sure why he knew where Draco would be, only that he had a feeling. And he wasn't sure the door would appear this time, but it did. Harry placed a hand upon the knob, not entirely sure what answers he would find on the other side. He could almost feel the turmoil inside as his fingers tightened and he opened the door. He had been right, inside the blond looked more than distraught, he looked to be near the precipice of a breakdown.

Harry didn't know what to say, the door closed silently behind him, barring anyone else from entering the space. Anyone and everything lay beyond the wall, and here was the reprieve. He almost didn't dare breathe, afraid he might snap the wire-taut tension in the room. But his body moved on its own, and he found himself beside the table.

"Hey..." His voice was quiet, tentative in the room. His eyes were trained on Draco's body, the tense shoulders and shaking hands. And he looked so incredibly strained, physically, emotionally. Harry reached out a hand, hesitating for one beat of his heart before he placed it on Draco's shoulder.

He knew everything was far from alright. Katie was caught in the crosshairs, an unwitting victim caught in Voldemort's intricate web. She wouldn't be the last. Caught in the march of battle, it seemed everyone just kept following someone's orders, fighting until everything was lost. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't think of the right thing to say. There would be more orders, more missions, more letters.
Gripping the edge of the table, Draco found himself on the verge of crumbling. Everything in his entire body, his mind, were just begging to crumble down, into nothing, into some sort of abyss that would let him escape from this world of war, missions, and overwhelming pressure constantly put onto him. He couldn't do this. He was certainly having those doubts right now. He just couldn't. This was too much for him...all this violence and hate, this war that he was forced into, and he was forcing others into, such as poor Katie.

As the image of the innocent Gryffindor flashed through his mind, he gripped the table a bit harder, his knuckles turning white without even his own realization. He was lost in his turmoil of emotions and thoughts, not even aware someone had entered the room. Again, it being the room of requirement, didn't think that the door would open for another while he was in here.

Lifting his left arm, he slowly pulled the sleeve that covered what lay beneath it, almost as though he was afraid to even look at the mark permanently left on his forearm. As he stared at the dark mark with a mixture of pain and anguish, he suddenly heard a familiar voice beside him.

He jumped a bit, not having expecting anyone, not even Harry, to be there. Quickly, he pulled his sleeve down - despite Harry already knowing about it, he hadn't seen it yet, and Draco for some reason didn't want him to, as though if Harry saw it it would make it real, or something. After recovering from his surprise, he turned from Harry, hiding his anguished face as he avoided the others gaze "What are you doing here?" he muttered.
"Thought you'd be here," Harry replied honestly because he really just didn't want to be back in the common room, and he didn't think he had a place in mind when he started walking but he supposed he did. In the back of his mind, there was the room. His eyes still lingered on the arm where the mark had been placed, a heavy and dark reminder even covered as it was.

He glanced the ink and paper on the ground, a small black pool slowly forming and staining the parchment. He moved to the other side of the table, setting his hands on the edges and looking down. "I can...leave," he suggested, despite really not wanting to. "I don't think the room would stop me this time."

The door would still be there this time. But his fingers tightened around the edges of the table as if worried that the reply would be 'yes'. His eyes looked up. He wasn't used to not being able to help, even in the slightest. But what could he do or suggest that hasn't already been shot down? Things weren't so easy. "I don't want to, but I can if that's what you want. If you just want to be alone."
Draco was a bit surprised when the other said he was here because he thought he would be. So he had been looking for him specifically? The thought made that warm emotion arise in his chest again. But at the same time, he was partially worried why the other was looking for him...his frantic, paranoid mind worried that Harry had already found out what he had done. That he was the reason Katie got so hurt. Biting his lip in nerves, he remained silent, one hand clutching the edge of the table, while his gaze was downcast, avoiding Harry as he stared at the ground.

There were a few minutes of silence, neither knowing what to say. The tension between the two was awkward, but not necessarily uncomfortable. Harry was the first to speak up, mentioning leaving and letting him be alone.

For some reason, that triggered an immediate response from Draco, as he turned and reached out to the male, clutching to his hand "No" he pleaded, in an almost desperate sounding voice "Please...please don't leave..." he muttered softly, his hand that was so desperately clutching onto Harry's, keeping him from leaving, was shaking slightly. He hadn't even realized he grabbed the others hand, but he didn't particularly mind. He was so alone right now...and terribly frightened. He desperately wanted the others company, maybe dare say he even needed it. Otherwise he felt like he'd go mad.
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He was a bit surprised by the sudden reaction, but he could read a great deal from his voice and the shaking of his hand. He was scared, and Harry thought he must feel incredibly, frightfully alone. He had a very strong urge to reach out and hold him, to stop the shaking, and quell the fear. The urge had been so strong, Harry was almost afraid he would mess everything up by acting on it.

"Draco, look at me, please." He hadn't realized that was the first time he had addressed the other student by his first name, despite thinking that way for some time. Almost as if drawn by some invisible string, Harry moved closer, hands still touching. It felt like in the room they were inside of a bubble, outside of time. He knew it wasn't true, but there was a sense of safety and comfort while they were together there.

"You don't have to talk about it," he assured. Harry wasn't sure what would be more cathartic, talking about all of the concerns, fears, and emotions or not. Maybe he wasn't ready yet. But he would stay here all night if he was needed, and think of the consequences later. "I'm not going anywhere."
Draco was beside himself. He couldn't believe he was letting Harry see such a side to him. But at the same time, he felt like Harry was the only one who could see this side of him. Clutching desperately to the others hand as his own was shaking, he felt the intense fear, feeling as though it was going to swallow him whole. He really wasn't cut out for this kind of job, was he? But he was too prideful, too determined to turn back. He couldn't possibly, now.

Gritting his teeth, he felt a turmoil of emotions tugging at his heart and mind in conflicting. However, when Harry spoke seriously, suddenly calling him by name, it was enough to calm him down - at least enough to look up at the other. He had been surprised by the other's use of his first name, causing yet another emotion to dwell within him among the chaos of the others. With wide, surprised and fearful eyes, he lifted his gaze, green eyes meeting mirroring ones as he looked at Harry.

He was suddenly aware of how incredibly close they were. His eyes stared into Harry's, whom was no more than a foot away from him, their hands still clasped together, and it was then he realized that Harry was holding his hand back. Confusion swirled in Draco's mind at this emotions arising in him, emotions that, while confusing and unfamiliar, seemed to be overcoming the panicked and fearful ones of before, which in an odd way, started to calm him down. At least enough not to be in a panicked frenzy anymore. "Harry..." he muttered the others name softly with a slight relief at his words, relaxing at the thought that the other wouldn't leave him. Unconsciously, his found his eyes falling onto Harry's lips, though it only lasted a few seconds before he tore his gaze away, a light blush on his sunken, pale cheeks as he realized how incredibly close they were - though he made no move to distance it "Thank you" he muttered softly.
(Aww look how cute. (>u>))
Harry could feel the change, slow but definite, as some of the fear ebbed away. And when Draco looked up, Harry found he couldn't look away. He didn't dare blink, afraid that the moment might disappear as quickly as it came. Where their hands were linked, he felt the definite warmth, the same as before, but stronger now that it was longer than just a moment. He was sure his heart stuttered in his chest, and he had a million thoughts all at once all centered around the blond in front of him. He decided that he rather liked the way his name sounded from the Draco's lips, the way that the light touch of their hands had calmed him somewhat.

He also realized that he very much wanted to close the slight distance between them. And really, he couldn't think of any real reason not to at the moment, perhaps because he was sure he had stopped breathing and there was no oxygen being supplied to his brain, but his mind was very much focused on a single desire right now. He could have sworn that for a second, he had seen Draco looking at his lips. Just for a moment, before he looked away, color on his cheeks.

The quiet, sincere words seemed to get through to him. and for a moment Harry felt a sense of relief, and his smile spread slow and gentle, his concern somewhat subdued for the moment. It was a small victory, but one nonetheless. He decided right there that he had never quite felt so strongly before about what he wanted, about who he wanted to be with. Not even with Cho, it was different this time and he knew it. The thought didn't scare him like he first thought it would, not in this moment secluded from the world. "You don't have to thank me. I want to be here."
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Instead of feeling panicked and paranoid, the feeling had been replaced with a different sense of nervousness. Not like what he was feeling before though. Standing here so close Harry, so close he could practically feel the warmth of the others breath, Draco found himself locked in position, unable to move. And when he made eye contact with the other, his heart only skipped a few beats faster to add to the warm sensation through his body.

He didn't know what to do, part of him feeling like he should pull away from the other. Bells signaling in the back of his head that this proximity was far too close for two people who were supposed to be rivals. However, at the same time, the warmth provided from Harry's hold on his hand felt incredibly relaxing...and just so comfortably right, in his own hand.

Hearing the other speak up again, he lifted his gaze back up from when he had nervously looked away. Meeting Harry's eyes again as the other spoke, he felt his heart thump a bit harder at the males words of wanting to be hear. Draco tried to reason with himself that Harry didn't mean anything more or special out of those words. However, part of him wanted to believe so, whether he realized it or not, and he found himself holding the others hand a bit tighter, feeling more relaxed and happy to have the other there, a small smile spread across his lips "Right...I'm glad you're here though...."
Oh to bloody hell with it. Either Draco would be outright shocked and angry and lash out, or (and Harry really hoped it was the latter) he wouldn't mind it, maybe even like it. The part of him that prayed it was the second was the part of him that had noticed his reaction earlier. Long since had Harry pushed aside the fact that before the school year had started they were still rivals, and that everything that was happening lately was maybe just a little bit crazy. But he had never really been one to dwell on things too long or hard, he just went with what felt right.

"I...want to tell you something," Harry hesitated for a single beat. He was a Gryffindor, wasn't he? Admitting what was on his mind, his thoughts and emotions, shouldn't make him nervous. It was easier, he decided, to show what he wanted to say than tell. So his free hand moved to slip his fingers through Draco's hair as his eyes fluttered closed and he leaned over to kiss him. And in that one moment when their lips met he could honestly care less about the rest of the world outside of the room, about school, or the war, or anything.

No matter what happened after that moment, Harry would never regret his 'confession'. He reluctantly pulled back an inch, his face flushed and eyes half-lidded to watch and gauge what was going to happen next. He knew that Draco could get upset, or angry, but Harry really, truly hoped he wouldn't. But he just couldn't keep it secret anymore, and now that it was out in the open he felt a bit of weight off his shoulders. If nothing else, he hoped it would be at least a distraction from the panic and fear Draco was feeling earlier.
While Draco was trying to get an understanding for his own feelings that were going on inside his head, he hadn't realized that Harry was also debating something over in his own head. While their eyes were locked, Draco felt a certain intensity from them, and the look made him curious, as if drawing him in to stay in place, where he had previously been debating that he should probably let go of the others hand now.

It was when he was realizing this, and the fact that he actually was still gripping onto Harry's hand, that he was about to let go of the other. However, Harry started speaking, stopping him from doing so, and he looked to him curiously "well, what is it then?" he asked when the other seemed to be hesitating for a moment. But it was only that single moment, and in the next, Draco noticed Harry closing in on him, and before he could react to say or do anything, the males free hand was locked in his hair, and their mouths covering each other.

Draco's eyes had snapped open wide, his heart lurching in his chest almost painfully so. He was frozen like that, wide eyed and unable to do anything as Harry spontaneously kissed him. When the male had pulled back - though, hardly, their noses practically touching as Draco's wide, surprised eyes stared back into Harry's half-lidded gaze. And whether Harry realized it or not, that look only made Harry look even more attractive - which Draco finally realized was something he had noticed all along.

"H-Harry...." he stammered, trying to gather his thoughts, before the pounding in his chest slowly calmed, finally in realization of what this feeling was inside of him that he had been feeling this year around Harry. His wide gaze slowly relaxed, before a smirk started to form on his lips "...about bloody time, Potter."

That was all he said, before Draco slipped his hand along the side of Harry's neck as he firmly pressed his lips back against Harry's once again, this time, closing his eyes, and enjoying it fully. He didn't even think to question his actions, or the consequences of their act if they were to every be found out. None of that mattered at all to him anymore.
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In the span of what must have been a minute, maybe two, Harry felt a surge of emotions from one end of the spectrum to the other. Worried, nervous, but he settled on elation as he processed the words Draco had said. He parted his lips to say something but before he could, he found Draco leaning forward initiating the kiss. He decided that the second time was even better than the first.

He was so incredibly, impossibly relieved that his hunches were right and he wasn't the only one feeling this attraction. How long had he been attracted to the Slytherin? Part of him really did wonder if it had been longer than he thought, and he just didn't notice it until recently.

Oh Merlin, he would worry about everything later. He felt almost drunk on the situation, warmth bubbling in his chest. Harry pulled back a fraction to breathe, and his lips turned upwards into a grin. In that moment, in the room with Draco, he felt on top of the world. He felt like this was probably what it was like to drink felix felicis.
Focusing on the warmth and softness of the others lips, Draco found himself more attracted to the taste by the second. Pressing his lips firmly against the Gryffindor's, Draco relished in the comforting feeling that being with Harry like this brought. He hadn't even realized when it happened, but he had entirely forgotten about the days stressful events, and the immense fear and panic that had been coursing through his body only minutes ago.

Feeling the other gradually pulling back, Draco slowly opened his eyes, lids fluttering open as he felt incredibly elated at this feeling between them, the warmth that the kiss provided. He stared into the others eyes with an unexplainable emotion burning in him, before noticing the cheeky grin on the others face, which in turn, caused the Slytherin's lips to form a grin in mirror.

"Well" he started, realizing his hand was still on the others neck, he gently ran his thumb over the soft flesh before pulling his hand away "I recall you saying you had something to say, not show me, Harry" he said a bit teasingly, smiling as he spoke the others name endearingly as he looked at him.
"Yeah, well I guess…I’m not as good with words. Never really have been.” The corner of his mouth turned up into a crooked smile. And honestly, it had been a lot more enjoyable to demonstrate, especially after Draco responded back with another kiss, which he hadn’t expected at all, and which made the turnout even better than anticipated.

Harry could still feel the slight phantom sensation against his lips, and it sent a warm spark through him. He rubbed the back of his neck, unable to hide the smile that seemed to be stuck on his face now. He did realize that the overall feeling in the room had changed, and the overwhelming fear and panic had diminished. Draco seemed to have calmed down slightly.

“You…feel a little bit better now?” He asked, tentatively. There was no hiding how Draco had certainly lost some color in his face, and weight off his frame. Their year was just beginning, and a part of him wondered if the stress would make the blond sick before mid-term. “I wanted to come here sooner, to see you y’know,” He could feel the bit of heat flood his cheeks and he looked to his hands, drawing circles with his thumb over the back them, unconsciously tracing the scarred words. “This year has been really crazy.”

He knew he wouldn’t have to mention all the things that had been happening outside of school, the war, the deaths, and the constant underlying current of fear. School served as a distraction, but the issues hadn’t gone away. Sometimes he really wanted to be out there, doing something useful instead of attending classes. Classes that were unreasonable in their workload requirements. “I’m pretty sure the professors are trying to kill us.”
Draco smirked a bit as he looked at him, watching the crooked grin on the males face "That's fine...I don't particularly mind the later choice" he said as he referred to the others way of telling, or more so showing him, anyways. Draco hadn't really been expecting the way things turned out like this. He honestly didn't think he was even aware of his own feelings until Harry's lips were pressed against his own.

At first he had been enraged at the other suddenly kissing him out of nowhere. He hadn't expected it, and his first instinct was to act how he always did, with his arrogant, cocky and prideful wall he always put up in front of others. However, after it settled and he really realized what was happening, and how he felt about it, he had found himself falling into the kiss, loving it.

His lips still felt the burning heated sensation of being pressed up against the others. He was tempted to ask for another one...but he was too embarrassed and his pride wouldn't allow him to. He just smiled as he looked at the other when he heard him asking about how he felt, and it was then he realized he had entirely forgotten those panicked emotions he was previously feeling, and he nodded his head.

"Yeah...a lot better actually....thanks..." he said with a small smile, gripping onto the other hand again. When the other said how he wanted to come here sooner to see him though, his eyes widened, and his face flushed a bit "Er...really...?" he said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his own neck "Uh yeah....this year has been pretty crazy..." he muttered, frowning a bit as he looked away, his mood turning sour again as he was thinking about all his tasks and everything he's had to do this year, and what he still had to come, feeling his elated mood quickly declining. It also made him uncomfortable that they hadn't seemed to clarify what 'this' was between them now.
Harry nodded a bit absently. Honestly, he had been thinking a lot about his former rival, but each time he would try to head to the room, or look for him, something would come up, someone would pull him aside. He realized he should have now, that things had been a lot worse than he thought. He would try to fix things now, even if it was just through the act of being there.

He caught from the corner of his eye, the slight shift of expression on Draco's face. "You don't...have to be alone. I mean, I know that you can't tell me things, but I'd like to help, if I can. I mean, you look like you haven't slept right in weeks." he thought of the strange cabinet again, of Snape's strange words from behind his door, of the letters that would come. He thought of Voldemort, of his Death Eaters, the realization of how quickly death could come in a bright flash of green light. He looked up, seeking Draco's eyes.

"You think we should, maybe talk about what just happened?" He wasn't sure what exactly to call what they had, or what had just happened. What he did know was that he really wouldn't mind if it happened again. But maybe they needed to talk about it, to figure some things out. He didn't want anything to be awkward between them.
Draco looked to the side as he averted his gaze, wondering what the other was thinking. At the same time, he suddenly felt weird, and awkward in this situation as he didn't quite know what to do or say. When the other started saying how he didn't have to be alone, he looked to him a bit surprised. He was surprised by the others words, and couldn't help but smile a bit bitterly, glancing away "I really appreciate that, Harry...." he said honestly "But..." he started, his bitter smile turning into a frown.

"Despite what just happened...that...that kiss...I can't change who I am, Harry" he said with saddened eyes, pain filling up behind them as he turned his gaze to Harry " don't want to be with me" he said bitterly and sad smile as he looked at the other "I don't know what to do anymore...but we're on opposite sides of this war...I..." he stammered, finding himself fumbling over his words. He didn't know how to say it, but basically, he was worried that Harry wouldn't really want to be with him. Yet, Draco had been getting his hopes up after that kiss.

He bit his lip as he turned away from the other in shame "Harry...I....I think I really like you" he muttered shyly, but also in shame "'re Harry Potter, for merlin sake...And I'm....I'm...." he trailed off, his voice shaking at the thought of Harry not wanting to be with him now because of his poor decisions of following his families footsteps, and getting the death eater mark and everything. The emotions were enough to bring tears to his eyes in frustration.
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Harry took a moment to think carefully about what he wanted to say. After all, the situation between them was unbelievably complicated. No one on either side would support the idea of them fraternizing, let alone allow feelings or relationships. It would have been different before Voldemort had come back to full strength, before he could summon any of his closest followers with a touch of a wand to an arm, before he could invade anyone's mind and forcefully take information. It would have been different if Harry had only known Draco better then. But the past was unchangeable, what mattered was the future.

"What I want is to have you safely protected by the Order," Harry frowned knowing that things weren't quite that simple. Doing anything unusual would alert Voldemort straight away, and pulling a student out of school was highly unusual, especially since the Malfoys were very closely watched. And that wasn't his decision, he didn't have the power.

"And I...want to have more time like this, with you." It was a little embarrassing to say the words outright, and Harry dropped his eyes for a moment to try and collect himself again. It was important to get it out, to communicate, because he saw the flicker of sadness and pain and he wanted to correct it.

It took a moment to let Draco's words sink in, and a slow but bright smile crossed his face. "Yeah, I like you too. 'Course, that's why..." He trailed off for a second, trying to think of what to say before remembering something. "Someone I cared a lot about said to me once that the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are," he glanced up, "You're not just your name–I know there's a lot more to you than that."
I kinda made the thing about the mark up...i don't know if its true or not. About Voldemort being able to hurt people through the dark mark to be sure of their loyalty and such. So...yeah, lets pretend it's true now, whether it is or isn't xD
Draco was surprised at the others words of having the Order protect him, and he frowned a bit as he looked to him "The Order?" he sighed heavily as he walked over to sit on one of the couches the room provided "They won't be able to, you know" he said "I'm not trying to say they're weak. But if I suddenly disappeared, went anywhere I wasn't supposed to....if I do anything out of schedule or suspicious to him...." he trailed off before starting again "This mark is more than just a symbol, Harry...I wouldn't need to be seen or in presence to be punished" he muttered.

Despite his nerves about the situation and fear of Harry not wanting to really continue things because of who he was, when Harry said how he wanted to be with him, and have more time with him, he felt a sense of relief wash over him, and he did relax again with those reassuring words from Harry.

When the other started to quote someone he said he cared a lot about, he furrowed his brows, and looked over at Harry from where he sat on the couch "Who said that?" he asked, curious. He'd be lying if those words didn't help ease his mind, it wasn't something he'd ever thought of before, or heard of. Especially in his family, where everything he did was important because of his name, and his family. Words like what Harry said would have never before been even conceived in his upbringing.
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Let's go with it. Heck, it's supposed to burn when you're being summoned and whatnot I'm sure he could use it to inflict pain, too. Technically, there is no stated way to remove the mark with magic, but if anyone could do it I bet Harry could due to part of Voldemort's power inside of him. So I might be breaking canon a wee bit but let's say he could. If we want to.
"What do you mean?" Harry furrowed his brows in confusion. He didn't know the full extent of what could be done with the mark, aside from working as a summoning between Voldemort and his closest followers. He knew it worked like a protean charm and everyone would know when they were being summoned, and vice versa. He also knew it was a mark not given to just anyone, there were a lot of Voldemort's followers that didn't have it. Those that did used it as everything from a badge of honor, to a sign of status and as a threat.

What he knew about the brand, and the dark mark in general, he had learned by witnessing things first hand, or by asking the other Order members. But everyone became edgy when it was mentioned, the same way most people reacted around the unforgivable curses. He didn't doubt there was some dark magic in it-after all Voldemort had taken plenty of spells and charms and altered them to fit his tastes.

"My Godfather told me that," Harry moved over to where the seats were and leaned against the back of one of the arm chairs. "I grew up with my aunt, uncle, and cousin but they hated me so I never really thought of them as family. And even though I didn't know Sirius for very long, what he did for me and what he said still stick with me. Especially that." Harry paused before he looked over at Draco. "I know if anyone knew what it was like to break away from a family's name and reputation, it would be him. "
Yushh, after all, this is our own rp, we can add things to it and what not if we want xD And I do think it might be an interesting idea at some point for Harry to try removing the mark
When Harry asked what he meant by Voldemort still being able to punish him even if he couldn't find him, he hesitated a moment. He wasn't sure if he should tell Harry. He was probably already saying way too much, far more than he really should be. He bit his lip as he glanced to the fireplace burning in front of him, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair as he felt himself becoming more anxious and stressed again thinking about it.

"As you know, it's primarily used for communication, to summon anyone with the mark.'s also more than that. It's like a safety net for him, to ensure those he lets closest to him as his followers won't betray him. Through the mark, he can inflict pain upon anyone with it as he chooses. He can't necessarily preform an ordinary spell or the forbidden curses through it, however, I've heard it's excruciatingly torturous" he mumbled, instinctively putting his hand over his mark and rubbing it.

When Harry explained about his family and how they had hated him, he scoffed a bit "Stupid muggles" he muttered under his breath, finding himself irritated thinking of Harry growing up and living with a family that he couldn't really call 'family', and one that hated him and put him through so much abuse. The thought infuriated him, but he didn't say anything more "Your Godfather...that was Sirius Black, was it?" he said, remembering the whole ordeal with the man, and how Bellatrix had been thrilled to kill him that day. He frowned, furrowing his brows a bit in thought, before sighing "He sounds like he was pretty smart" he said.
Artistic freedoooom. It was an idea I had after Dumbledore dies. When all hell breaks loose. It'll take Harry a long time to research it, many frequent trips to the restricted section, I reckon.
Harry listened, but the longer he listened the angrier he got. Hurting people without even facing them was below cruel, it was cowardly. The anger flashed in his eyes and he gripped the chair tighter. But Draco was right, any deviation and Voldemort clearly could retaliate. As long as the mark remained, what could be done? He moved to sit in the chair facing Draco, eyes on the flickering flames steadily burning in the fireplace. Watching it calmed him just a bit, even if the thoughts and anger lingered in the back of his mind. He responded to the next question with a nod.

"He was really close with my dad and Lupin growing up. He told me stories about the trouble they would get into. Said I took after my dad that way." He paused, and then pulled something out of the inner pocket of his robe. Oddly enough, he trusted Draco. They had talked a great deal after all, and the map was nothing compared to some of things he had shared. He held the parchment with a slightly mischievous smile on his face.

"Might have had a bit of help over the years. Like to see what everyone's up to right now?" He spread the map out on his lap, tapped it with his wand and muttered, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good," the map responded by slowly drawing the castle line by line. He handed it over to Draco to observe. "They created this as students. It's helped loads of times. This and the invisibility cloak" Harry grinned, "Bit of a shock when I first found that."
After Draco explained a bit more in detail about the mark and the extents of what exactly he could do, he only received silence in return. Wondering what the other was thinking to this information, he lifted his gaze, eyes falling on the brunette and seeing the anger reflected in his eyes, as bright as the reflection of the flames of the fire. He could tell the other was upset, and angry about such a fact. Draco remained silent, however, and didn't comment anything further as he turned his attention back to the fire.

When the topic shifted slightly, Draco was relieved, and listened as the male continued on about Sirius, and the three great friends that included Sirius, his father, and Lupin in their younger ages. When the other was shuffling around for something in his pockets though, Draco found himself curious, and looked to the blank, old and tattered looking piece of parchment before Harry explained briefly about it being helpful.

After a few unlocking words, Draco looked to the words and lines that were written on the paper, before it unfolded entirely to reveal Hogwarts entire grounds and where everyone seemed to be "Wow..." he breathed a bit in surprised "This is genius" he commented honestly as he was leaning closer to Harry to look at it, before he glanced up and caught the others eyes, smirking a bit "So...this is how you've been stalking me so well, is it?" he teased the other.

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