Secret Confessions (Draco & Harry)

(He was, technically, I think he faked sick on the matches or something to focus on the mission. But this is our story and we can do whatever we want xD besides pairing them off together makes for great fun.)

Harry caught Malfoy's eyes, an unconscious smile on his face. Malfoy wasn't the only Slytherin in the crowd, of course, so no one really thought it strange he was watching. But Harry found he didn't care about anyone else in the audience. He was still looking in Malfoy's direction in the stands when Ron tried to get his attention.

"Harry? Everyone is ready for you." Ron scratched the back of his head, holding his broom with the other. Spotting Hermione in the stands caused the redhead to hold his head a little higher. "Who're you looking at?"

Harry turned quickly and grabbed his broom. "What--ah. No one." He lied and nodded towards the groups gathered and made the signal for everyone to kick off. Ron, though confused, headed up into the air with everyone else. The rest of the practice match went smoothly, Ron had gotten steadily more creative with his saves, and Harry didn't feel guilty at all when their team won with three points ahead. Even if he did maybe hit the bludger towards McLaggen once. To test his agility of course.

As the match ended, the new team headed to the locker rooms to change. Relieved, and a little exhausted, Harry quickly showered and threw his clothes back on, hair still wet as he slipped through the celebration and outside just as everyone was filing out from the stands.
(haha, yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking, especially since they're both seekers. )

Draco awkwardly avoided Harry's eye contact. Somehow he felt embarrassed for the other to know he actually had indeed come to watch him. Er - he'd only come to watch the team, that is, not Harry in particular. He shook his head as the thought as he focused his attention back on the tryouts and watching it continue.

No wonder, Ron had quite the trouble at first, barely making saves in creative moves. Mclaggen was undoubtedly better, though - until Hermione, unknownst to them all, was doing a few hexes of her own on Cormac to make him fluke up and make a fool of himself. While the male himself was thoroughly confused, Ron outmatched him with that, and soon, the team had furthermore been decided and put together, the new members all cheering for their success in making the team.

After tryouts had ended and the team headed to the locker rooms to shower and change, Draco waited a few minutes. Not only did he know Harry was probably going to be a few minutes, but he also let the crowds go by first. While it wasn't suspicious for him to be there at all, he still wanted as few people as possible to notice him, regardless of what house they were in.

He followed in file out of the stands soon after, heading in the direction of the locker room. He didn't wait directly outside of them, however close enough that Harry would be able to find him when he was out and ready. Draco didn't rush it, knowing the male, as the team leader, likely was talking to a few people before heading out. While Draco found himself growing impatient in gaining Harry's attention to himself, he didn't realize why exactly, and just impatiently waited off to the sides for the Gryffindor's Seeker to find him.
(Exactly :) Rowling is amazing with parallels. Thought the Quidditch scenes were quite well done. Seeker is the most interesting position, and really the only part of the game they focus on. xD )

Harry caught a glimpse of Ron in the middle of the celebration, looking elated and relieved. He brushed his fingers over his pocket where he still had the vial. Well, he would eventually tell Ron. After the excitement wore off. And Hermione, who was probably still upset thinking they had cheated. Harry, of course, had been unaware of the charms Hermione had cast.

He weaved his way through the crowd, satisfied that the team was well formed. It was only half the battle of course, as the other half would be giving directions and running strategies in their next game. He found Malfoy a short way away, waiting.

"Think Slytherin tryouts will be that eventful?" Harry leaned against the exterior of the stands next to Malfoy. It had taken a good part of the day to run tryouts, it was probably early afternoon sometime. It was a gorgeous day out, still early enough in the Fall that you could go without robes.
While tryouts had lasted for a good few hours, Malfoy had found that not once did he grow bored of the antics. He found it rather amusing, taking particular morbid amusement in the easily defeated first years. It was rare a first year ever made the teams, since most of them were still learning how to ride a broom properly. It was like watching an infant who just learned to walk wanting to run. It was hysterical, really. Well, in Malfoy's eyes, anyways.

As he waited outside against the stands, Malfoy was thinking to himself when he heard Harry's voice speak up not far from him, as he made his way to lean beside him against the posts. He glanced to the male, unable but to help take note of the Gryffindor's still damp hair and fresh clean smell coming off of him. He was momentarily in a daze by it, distracted, before quickly shaking it from his mind and smirking at the other "Maybe. Perhaps not quite as dramatic" he snickered "I didn't know that mudblood friend - " he started, but suddenly didn't feel right calling Hermione that in front of Harry anymore "er, sorry. Miss.know-it-all-honor-student, that is, would ever do something like cheating like that" he chuckled, having figured that Harry surely must have noticed how Cormac, who preformed perfectly, was soon a fumbling idiot on his broom halfway through the tryouts.
Harry made a noise upon hearing the offensive word but before he could protest it, Malfoy had surprisingly apologized. On top of his surprise, he almost didn't catch the remark about Hermione. "Hermione did...?" Well that explained McLaggen's incredibly strange bahvior and jolted movements.

"She can be a bit scary sometimes." She was an endless supply of information, useful spells, and clever strategies. "Thanks," he muttered, "For apologizing." It meant a great deal that Malfoy wasn't being insensitive, even if they were ideals and names he had grown up with in the Malfoy household.

"It would make life easier if they just got it over with and admitted their feelings." Harry frowned, wondering if things would get a little better now. He looked up at the sky, still a vivid shade of blue beneath the four house flags posted above the stands. He realized that they were standing nearly shoulder to shoulder, and he could feel the warmth between them. He glanced to the side, catching the blond in profile.

he had never really noticed the little details about Malfoy before. How his clothes were always tailored to form fit, or how when he turned slightly there was just a hint of skin from the gap in his collar, or how the traditional Slytherin green actually looked really good with the color of his eyes.
( xD Omg...harry wishes the two would just admit their ironic....considering thats exactly what these two need to do xD )
Draco simply nodded his head a bit when the other inquired as to Hermione helping Ron out in the tryouts "I thought you would have noticed. Granted, what that Weasley did was all his own luck and skill. She didn't actually tamper with his skill, just the brute's" he commented, having started to change the nickname of Weasel to just calling him with disgust by his last name. Well, it was a little better than Weasel, one could suppose.

When he commented on how scary Hermione was, he let out a scoff "I could attest that for fact" he smirked, recalling back in fourth year how Hermione had punched him straight in the nose - and with quite a good locking hit too. He nearly instinctively rubbed his face a bit remembering how hard of a punch that girl could really pack.

While Harry was, for lack of all better words - or more so, in fact of the truth - , checking him out, Draco on the other hand was entirely unaware as the male seemed to be focused on something, or someone, per say, who had been approaching them from the side back where the Gryffindor team had been. However, Draco, not wanting their attention nor interruption of his time with Harry - though he didn't quite realize thats what this feeling was, yet - put his hand on Harry's arm to turn him and push him forwards to start walking alongside him, their backs now to the two individuals that had been approaching, though stopped, once seeing who Harry was with. "Come on, we should get started on finalizing out presentation for tomorrow" he commented as he dropped his hand once he had guided Harry in the right direction away from prying eyes.

Hermione and Ron, on the other hand, had actually momentarily made up in the moment of excitement, and while distracted, lost sight of Harry. Whom they were now in search of. As they parted a bit further from the team, the two were walking along the outside side of the stands when the spotted their best friend. Just as Ron was about to call out to them though, he locked eyes with Draco, the red head's eyes widening in surprise "What the bloody hell is he doing with him?" he sneered, as Hermione frowned "Harry did mention he had to finish the project..." she trailed off, though her voice didn't seem so convinced of that reasoning, betraying her words.
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(I know. xD )

Startled, and a bit confused as he was pushed to start walking, Harry realized he had been staring. His brain quickly and unhelpfully supplied why he had been staring--that he found Malfoy attractive. The realization of that fact hit him fast and hard, and he rather wished he hadn't realized it as they were right next to each other.

"Right, the project...." He mumbled in response to the ground. He realized Malfoy's hand had touched his arm to turn them around, however briefly, and when dropped he oddly missed the point of contact. He was quite distracted with this realization and didn't catch sight of Ron or Hermione as they started walking. In fact, at the moment Harry was infinitely grateful Malfoy could not read his mind and was trying very hard not to look at him.

At this point, he wasn't sure he could concentrate on the project. But he tried to think of things, anything, as they walked. He did get the sensation that someone was watching them, and he did turn to look but they had passed the Quidditch Pitch At the top of the hill and he didn't catch Ron or Hermione.
As Draco had moved to turn Harry and guide him forward along beside him as he started walking, Draco found the contact sending an uncomfortable and odd feeling through him, so he had been quick to drop his hand afterwards once he got Harry to move along with him. He walked along beside the other while mentioning the project, though at Harry's rather dejected sounding voice, he frowned, glancing to him "What's wrong? Don't tell me you're scared" he teased the other with a chuckle "It's not like we have much left...we should just refresh a bit on preforming Accio nonverbally, and that the rest of the paper is in order and what not" he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

As they walked over the hill, soon disappearing from sight of the field, Draco realized he wasn't entirely sure where they had been going. He had primarily been focused on just stealing Harry away from his approaching friends so that they wouldn't interrupt their time together. He suddenly felt incredibly uncomfortable, and not sure how to explain these feelings upon this realization. What should it matter to him if Harry's friends spoke to him? Shaking his head to himself, he told himself that it was just the importance of the project he was focused on.

"So..." he started awkwardly, suddenly feeling an odd atmosphere building between their silence "Where should we go?" he asked the other. It was a nice day, so they could always practice outside. But inside there was also less chance of running into other people. Remaining silent, he let Harry answer the question in response, before remembering something "Oh, the didn't look half bad out there...y'know...just leading tryouts and all" he muttered, his voicing becoming quieter with each word as he rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding Harry's eye contact.
Harry blinked, and realized Malfoy was looking at him for an answer. He went back and tried to remember what was said. "I'm fine," He mentally berated himself for being transparent and tried to pull it together. "Yeah, just wrap some things up," He agreed. He was grateful that they spent Friday practicing and that the majority of the project was almost complete, because his thoughts were in a bit of a disarray right now. He hoped he sounded convincing.

They originally had planned on meeting in the library, but honestly that seemed like a waste on a gorgeous day like today. Besides, with the project being due tomorrow there were sure to be other pairs in there studying and making last-minute adjustments to their papers and techniques. Harry tried to think of a good place to go, and then somewhere came to mind. Somewhere where no one else would be, because no one still at school knew how to get there.

"I think I know a place, if you want to study outside?" He suggested. Malfoy's words, however quiet, surprised him but he couldn't help the grin that spread over his features or the slight beaming feeling of pride he felt at the compliment. "Thanks," Was Malfoy embarrassed? The knowledge that the blond had been not only watching tryouts, but watching him made Harry feel...well, he wasn't entirely sure what. Sort of warm, like after drinking a mug of butterbeer on a cold day. Hermione had been watching him and Ron too, and he didn't really feel anything over that. He decided to think on it later.

"It's over here," He led the way back towards the eastern side of the castle, by the herbology greenhouses. There was an old stone wall there, and hidden behind a curtain of ivy was a large gate. Harry tapped his wand twice on the gate and it swung open with a loud creak. The garden had probably at one time been used for herbology, as there was a door behind the walls that led inside the castle and presumably, an office.

"The garden hasn't been used in years, no one knows about it." It was filled with overgrown plants, herbs, and weeds, but also adorned with old statues of the founders, faded and worn. Harry took a seat on the old stone bench beside a large fountain, long since abandoned.
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Malfoy was further confused when Harry seemed very absent minded, like he hadn't even really been paying attention to a word he said at all in the past few minutes. He raised an eyebrow in suspicion as he looked at the male, though didn't say anything as he continued to walk across the field, still waiting for the others response on where would be a good place to go, where they wanted to touch up their practicing and all for the project.

When the other finally seemed to register his words, speaking of a good place he had in mind that was outside, he nodded his head in agreement "Sure, it'd be a shame to waste being outside on a day like this" he commented as he started following the other, letting him lead the way since Draco had no idea where they were headed. When the other seemed elated at the compliment from him, Draco's pale cheeks gained a little color as he awkwardly looked away "J-just don't let it go to your head or anything!" he muttered as he crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly, before they soon arrived at wherever it had been Harry was leading them, causing him to unfold his arms and look curiously at the gates.

He didn't recall every being here before, and wondered where exactly they were. After Harry opened the gates, he followed the other along inside, a bit surprise "I didn't know this was here..." he commented absent mindedly as he looked around the overgrown and abandoned garden. He wondered why it was ignored and forgotten, but figured it wasn't that big a deal as he glanced over to Harry "Well....shall we start then, I suppose?" he commented, looking around for something they could use. Draco hadn't anything on his person other than his wand, really, so he looked around the garden for an object before finding an old pot that was empty, and layered in dirt. Thankfully it wasn't too big either, and he picked it up, setting it over on the edge of the empty fountain.
The warmth of the sun and the earthy smell of the garden seemed to relax the Gryffindor slightly, and he momentarily pushed his questions and concerns to the back of his mind. He had only ever been here once before, to clear his head when things were getting overwhelming. No one was there to judge, except maybe the faces of the four statues. He pulled out his wand, taking a breath and trying to focus on what they had covered earlier, and only on that. They only had once chance to present it for Snape, after all, so it had to be perfect on the first try.

He tried to think of that particular fact as he looked at the pot sitting on the edge of the fountain. Thankfully, Snape's sneering face was enough to keep his mind focused and the pot came to him as he waved his wand, this time without incident. "Do you think there's anything we should go over on the report?" He set the pot back down on the edge of the fountain where it had been before and stepped back. All spells that year would be non-verbal, and Accio was infinitely useful but perhaps...maybe they could do something to add to the project.

Maybe it was just the feeling that he knew Snape loathed him, and took pleasure in making things difficult. It would be nice, for once, to actually do something he couldn't complain about. Harry again considered Malfoy's words from earlier, confirming that Snape was interacting with him as more than just a professor. Harry was sure Snape was protecting the Slytherin, from Voldemort's wrath, perhaps? But would it be enough? He tried not to think about what he was supposed to do, what Malfoy was supposed to do, and what might happen if he succeeded or failed.
Setting the pot up, Draco stepped back a bit and allowed Harry to go first. Seeing him go without fail, he was a bit relieved - he wasn't too worried in his own ability, either. After all, if they both still didn't have it after all the hard work and practicing they spent for hours on it on Friday, he'd be more than frustrated. After Harry had set back down, Draco distanced himself a little bit from it so he wasn't standing right next to it.

Turning his attention to the pot, Draco focused his concentration and waved his wand with the intention of bringing the pot to him. Thankfully, just like Harry, he did it with little effort and was relieved. At least they had this spell down, it seemed. As the pot landed in his hands though, leaving behind dirty in its place, he made a slightly disgusted face as he set the pot back down and brushed his hands off before turning his attention back to Harry who was asking about if there was something more they could do.

Sighing, he moved to sit down beside the other "I'm sure theres always something more we could do, in Snape's eyes" he commented with a scoff as he tried to think if there was some way they could perfect their project even just a little more. As he shifted to lean back on his hands, he was surprised to feel his hand land on something soft when he placed it down on the bench. Blinking in confusion, he glanced down to his hand before his eyes widened, seeing it had landed on Harry's own hand that had been resting on the bench. Quickly pulling his hand away, he shifted over so there was a little more distance between them - perhaps he misjudged where he sat and was a little closer than intended. Or was he? Quickly shaking the thoughts from his head, he awkwardly glanced to the side as he tried to act calm and like nothing had happened, though inside, for some reason, his heart wouldn't stop beating rapidly.
The momentary warmth Harry felt on his hand surprised him, and he glanced over just in time to see Malfoy's hand atop his own. It seemed to be a mistake, judging from the quick way it was taken away. But for a second there was no denying that there was that feeling in his chest again. And this time, there was definitely a feeling of disappointment when the blond scooted a bit further away. Harry bit his lip, and seemed to be very seriously considering looking into this new revelation. After all, he had to make sure he wasn't going crazy.

He realized two things. One, he had been attracted to people before, and it was either a passing fancy or a more serious feeling, which usually involved a lot of thinking about said person, to the point where other things like school or quidditch lost their importance. Merlin knows he was less than suave when he was younger, and the second type of attraction never seemed to end well for him. And second, Harry was fairly certain this was not a passing fancy.

But he had to make sure. Maybe...if they touched again he could figure things out. Harry pretended not to notice the moment, figuring casual was the best way to go at this point. Because he didn't want Malfoy to get angry, or leave. "You know, when the project was first assigned I didn't really expect it would turn out like this." On more than one level, but he didn't elaborate on that. "I'm sort of sorry that I didn't really get to talk to you, before all of this happened." He could remember things before he even started his first year here. "Do you, erm, remember when we first met?"
As Draco was trying to internally calm his own beating chest down, and his frenzy of emotions at the moment, Draco found he was loosing all sense of control in this situation, only growing more confused. As he had scooted a few more inches of space between them, Draco subconsciously held his own hand, the one that had accidentally laid atop Harry's own. Absent mindedly rubbing his thumb across his palm, his thoughts were sporadic as he tried to get them in order, and found he was really at a loss of how to act.

Perhaps Harry hadn't even noticed. He was overreacting over..over nothing. It was just a common mistake, he assured himself. But his still fast-paced heartbeat was telling him otherwise. He was lost in his own chaotic swirl of thoughts when he vaguely could hear Harry saying something, though he wasn't entirely paying attention. Realizing he was talking to him, he frantically searched his mind for what the other had just been saying, wanting to try to appear as normal as possible. Hearing the others words, about not expecting their project to turn out like this... Draco somehow felt something more behind those words " exactly did it turn out...then?" he asked softly, trying to regain his cool as he glanced back over at the other, finding himself searching the brunettes green eyes for answers.

When he further asked about first year, and when they first met, an unknown smile came to his lips "Yeah, I remember" he said before turning his gaze onto a statue with vines overgrown across it "I remember how you wanted nothing to do with me. You gave me quite a shock....I'd never been turned down like that before" he said before his pale cheeks colored again in embarrassment "er well, you know, with my proposal of friendship and all" he said, realizing how his previous words sounded "I was so used to getting everything I wanted, I was furious you actually ignored me. Preferred that Weasel over me" he scoffed, though there was amusement in his words.
Harry really hoped that whatever came out of his mouth wasn't too embarrassing. When he looked up just for a moment and met Malfoy's eyes he suddenly didn't feel so self-conscious and relaxed marginally. Maybe it was his imagination but he thought there was something different about Malfoy's reactions, something that wasn't shock or disgust or anger. He still looked at the ground when he answered.

"Before I knew your name, at Madam Malkin's, you reminded me of someone. And I sort of let that affect things." He paused, "Up to that point, that first year, I never had any friends so I got a little defensive. I mean, I was eleven and it kind of felt like I would have that taken away, too." He smiled, a little sheepishly. They were both children, really, and their reactions had come out as such. "This is...going to sound a little weird but...I dunno, lately I feel a lot different than I did then, I feel like a lot has changed. Even from last year."

He stared very determinedly at his hands and felt the heat on his face. "I guess I didn't expect to enjoy hanging out like this, with you. I don't know why but it's a little different from hanging out with Ron and Hermione," okay, it was a lot different. Probably because he had never felt any kind of attraction towards either of them. "I guess that's what I meant...erm, in part, about things turning out differently." Merlin strike him down if he was the only one thinking these things. He couldn't look Malfoy in the eyes.
Draco glanced over to Harry when he started talking, and he tried to rack his brain from even earlier than he had actually been thinking. He vaguely remembered the time, when Harry mentioned the shop they had originally first met, before the school year had even started "oh...that's right..." he commented half in thought "I nearly forgot about that" he said honestly before the other said he had reminded him of someone which caused him to be biased and base him off of that first meeting since then "Really...who did I remind you of?" he asked in curiosity, before letting the other continue.

Thinking back on it now, it really was laughable. They had both been so childish back then- granted, they were only eleven, but still. He shook his head a bit in amusement to himself before continuing listening on to Harry as he continued his story about how he had felt about Draco from back then compared to now.

However when the other started to explain just how different he felt about him now, and compared it to how he felt around his best friends Ron and Hermione, Draco felt his own face heating up at the admission, and looked away awkwardly "W-well thats...that's probably because we're different types of people.....surely...." he trailed off in embarrassment, trying to find some excuse or reasoning as to why Harry was, one, not only admitting these things, but two, why he would feel differently "P-perhaps its just...because we never really got to know each other before..." he muttered, feeling his thoughts and words getting jumbled again. Merlin, he was sure he looked like a bumbling fool.

Clearing his throat awkwardly as he avoided the others gaze, he felt the need to comment "Well, in any're not the only one..." was all he was able to say, though had a feeling Harry knew what he was referring to, about feelings changing a lot compared to when they first met.
Harry wasn't sure now was the best time to tell Malfoy about his family. Well, the family that he spent his life growing up with, they never really felt like family to him. Their ideas of what was acceptable and normal went to extremes that Harry just assumed every household went to. A fact that was disproved the more he learned about other students at Hogwarts. But the similarities between the Dursley and the Malfoy household were that both were highly toxic environments, and while on complete opposite ends of the spectrum, Malfoy was affected by his father just as Dudley was affected by his aunt and uncle's ideologies.

Hearing the slight stutter in Draco's voice, Harry looked to the side seeing a slip in his composure. He also looked away when he spoke, but Harry thought there might be a blush on his features. "Maybe," they were different in a lot of ways. But he wasn't sure that was it. But he was relieved to hear that he wasn't the only one thinking...maybe thinking strange things. There was a silence, a sort of awkward silence, between them. Harry wasn't sure if he should be relieved that he wasn't the only one, or if he should be very concerned.

If he had been dosed with veratiserum right now he would die of embarrassment. "So you don't...feel anything sort of, like this when you're around Parkinson or Zabini?" He was sure Pansy Parkinson had very scary intentions and Harry wouldn't be at all surprised if she was the type to sneak a love potion into a bloke's pumpkin juice. Not that there weren't a handful of other girls like that at school, honestly it was a bit concerning.
Draco noticed how the other seemed to avoid his previous question, when asking who it was that he had seemed to remind Harry of when they had first met years ago. He decided he wouldn't push it, however, knowing that there were some things people weren't comfortable saying at times. He didn't blame Harry, either, knowing that he himself was very much the same. He had after all been like that for a while, regarding his curse mark. It took him a while to finally admit that to Harry - whom was still one of the few who knew about it. Officially, that is, anyways. A lot of others had their own speculations and guesses regarding it.

There seemed to be a long and awkward silence that fell over them again. While the atmosphere wasn't bad, per say, it was definitely awkward and uncomfortable. But a different kind he wasn't used to....He tried to shake the question of before he heard Harry's next question, regarding two of his closer friends, Blaise and Pansy. Well, he wouldn't consider Pansy that close. He scoffed a bit at the thought of Harry's words "I don't think I could ever, with Pansy. I can hardly handle her....she sure is a handful" he sighed as he ran a hand through his hair "And while I highly value Zabini as a close, I wouldn't say it's the same feeling I have around you" he said, glancing to the other a bit awkwardly. "Er, I mean, this feeling though....surely it's just because we've suddenly gotten closer than we ever had in the past several years?" He questioned, trying to figure it out and come up with some excuse.

Unlike Harry who had passing flings or crushes before, such as his most well known one on Cho, Draco himself never found himself having the time for any sort of romantic interest, therefore he was unfamiliar with this warmer of emotions that was springing up inside him when he was around Harry. It wasn't that Draco was unpopular with the female population in the least...quite the opposite, really. But Draco had always been too self centered and proud to find himself anyone he cared enough to consider his equal to be in a relationship with him.
I very NEARLY posted this onto the company Pinterest page I run on accident.


Harry let out a short laugh, brows furrowed as he looked over. "I think you should tell her that. She might already have plans for the wedding." He was only joking, but he did feel a bit bad for Draco, having someone throw themselves at you when you weren't interested was well, awkward to say the least. He was a bit surprised though, it almost sounded like Malfoy had ever really...but that was kind of ridiculous. Honestly, Harry had heard more than once how a lot of the girls in school fancied him. Gossip spread like wildfire through the school and evidently, personal relationships were prime gossip especially with girls. Hermione had never been one to indulge in such things, but he had heard Ginny and several other Gryffindor girls talking.

"So, there's no one you like? I think a lot of girls will be disappointed to hear that," He was partially joking to try and ease the silence. One night, out of sheer boredom, he, Ron, Seamus, Dean, and Neville had all played muggle truth or dare. It had turned out to be a royal disaster, mainly because some of the things he learned he could never forget, and some of the things he had divulged were enough to make him want to sink into the floor. This felt slightly like that, only he was a bit more interested in the answers.

He tried to relax, tried to figure out what to do with the tumble of feeling and realizations he had earlier by the quidditch pitch. Maybe it was safer to not look too far into it. After all, once the project was over and they went back to not having any excuse to spend time together--the idea that they might not spend time together after this actually didn't occur to him until that moment. That idea made him feel disappointed, empty. He wondered if part of his eleven-year-old self wasn't still lingering.
Oh wow...I love that image! And thank goodness you hadn't haha, that'd be troublesome for you. But a very interesting picture, is it to be taken as he's removing the curse mark? Or making his own on Draco?)
Draco couldn't help but chuckle a bit as well at the others small attempts of lighthearted jokes, and referring to Pansy already have a wedding picked out "Dear Merlin..." he breathed with a shake of his head "Even I'm man enough to admit I'd be too scared to reject someone like Pansy. I think I'd fear for my life, quite honestly" he said joking back with the other, though, part of it was true. He didn't want to think of how the spoiled girl would react if her heartthrob crush of several years rejected her.

"Plus..." he added a bit more dejectedly with a frown on his face "My father....likely wouldn't approve if i got rid of my friendship with her. Her name is pretty influential - maybe not as much as my own, father insists I stick around her. I'm sure he's probably planning his own marriage arrangement between our families" he frowned. It may have seemed like he was joking, due to their previous jokes regarding the subject, however, part of him was unfortunately serious. Despite arranged marriages no longer being a thing of the modern day, it wasn't entirely uncommon in names like those of Lucius Malfoy, who preferred nothing but name and status.

When Harry suddenly asked if there was someone he liked, his eyes widened a bit in surprise, caught off guard by the subject. He nearly laughed, an amused smile on his face "Look at us..." he muttered in amusement "Isn't this the sort of thing best mates talk about or something?" he chuckled, leaning back on his hands again - careful not to land his hand on Harry's, this time. "But no, I suppose there isn't....Despite what you may think Potter, I care about my studies more It hasn't really crossed my mind before...that, and there's simply been no one I found I care enough to be with in that sense. At this point I probably wouldn't realize if I liked someone" he said with a shrug of his shoulders "What about you? Still fancy Cho?" he smirked, though somehow the thought disgusted him, and he didn't know why.
(When I saw it first, I assumed he was removing it. The artist didn't specify, it was for a prompt I think. I imagine it would be quite painful and incredibly difficult. I've been sorting through a lot of art, looking for an old artist I followed on DA. xD )

Harry turned to look at Malfoy, stunned to hear the possible future for the blond. "Wizarding families still do that? It seems a bit...archaic." That hardly seemed fair, and Harry felt a surge of anger inside of him that anyone had to be locked into a relationship against their will simply because it was good blood. "You shouldn't have to. I mean, it should be your choice." Of course, he knew Lucius would have a thing or two to say about disobedience. But Harry was half-tempted to tell Lucius to shove it.

"Your father would likely have a heart attack if he knew we were speaking like this," Harry frowned, he rested his arms on his knees and looked down. He glanced over at the blond, feeling a bit juvenile for concerning himself with feelings when there were bigger matters at hand.

"That sounded very...mature." As far as relationships were concerned, he had never really planned on it. Things sort of just...happened. Not that he really had much experience. His expression changed to one of shock and momentary embarrassment as Draco brought up Cho.

"You knew about that?" He hadn't been that obvious, had he? Well, maybe he had. The whole experience was one disaster after another. "That didn't really...turn out. After...after Cedric, things were just weird." Despite his crush on the Ravenclaw in his early years at Hogwarts, their parting had been fairly mutual. He was fairly certain she had feelings for Cedric, even after his death, which just made the relationship unpredictable and guilt-laden. "It must make me sound awful but...I don't really even think of her anymore."
Thats what I initially thought as well, it's a very well done image. Even though you can't see Draco (his face, anyways), you can still tell it surely must be excruciatingly painful.
He let out a half hearted chuckle, one laced with bitterness "'d be surprised" he sighed with a shrug of his shoulders. "I don't particularly care about Parkinson. However I get along for the sake to please my father. Despite if he truly tries to form a marriage though, I have no intentions of doing such" he said. Even as much as he obeyed his father, lately he was becoming a bit more resistant - maybe partially do to talking to Harry about these things? And even so, as he said, he had no intentions of getting with Pansy at all. Bless Merlin for whoever could marry her and be happy about it. He was sure any man would go mad with her around constantly.

Hearing his comment about his father having a heart attack finding if they were so friendly with each other like this, he smirked "That's a thought..." he muttered in amusement, before smirking over at the other when he was called mature for the way he spoke "Did it? I'm hurt you sound so surprised" he teased the other lightly, before listening to his opinion on the topic.

He couldn't help but scoff at his comment about him knowing about his earlier fancies for Cho Chang "How could I not? I'm pretty sure the entire school was aware. Anyone with a brain, anyways" he said, before letting Harry continue on, explaining how now things were weird with Cedric gone, and the fact that he didn't think of Cho at all anymore, and Draco smiled, finding himself pleased with that thought "Good" he said, before realizing he might have sounded too happy about that, so quickly covered it up "I mean, she was always an attention seeker anyways. If you no longer care about her, then what I'm about to say shouldn't bother you..." he said before glancing over to the other "Chang only wanted you for your name. Just as I'm pretty sure she did with Cedric - at first, anyways" he said with a shrug of his shoulders.
Harry actually felt bad for the guy that ended up with Pansy. From the looks of things, she was incredibly clingy, spoiled, and self-centered. Surely even someone like Lucius would see that. Although, there were plenty of other pureblood families, if arranged marriage was still applicable. He was maybe a bit more upset with that than he should have been, fairness aside. He couldn't help but think of his own parents. Their relationship wasn't exactly a relationship at all, at first. He had been shocked to see the memory of his father being a downright bully, and he had always wondered how a relationship that started with hate could become anything else. But his dad must have changed, because everyone always said they were in love.

Draco's comment about it being good actually caught him off guard. He looked at the Slytherin, confused at first. "You think so?" He had never really considered that. Well, to be honest he still never considered his name to mean much of anything except it drew a lot of attention. His crush had been so painfully one-sided at first that it was a bit difficult to look back on now. He wasn't sure he agreed with Malfoy, but one thing had been certain. She had too much on her mind to really care for him.

"Leave it to me to fall for the wrong person." He replied dryly. A small voice in his head told him he wasn't exactly thinking of Cho Chang in that moment. He told the voice to shut up. "It's kind of weird to think that in seven years you could meet someone you spend the rest of your life with." Lately, he hadn't really thought about who he wanted to spend his life with so much as slightly lamenting the fact he probably wouldn't have a very long life. Even if he miraculously defeated Voldemort and kept his life, there was really no way he could say he would come out of this unchanged. And he wouldn't want to put anyone through the burden of dealing with nightmares, or phantom pains from old scars. "Erm, is this getting mate-ish?" He offered a small smile in regard to Malfoy's earlier comment.
While Harry seemed to be contempt;aging his opinion of Cho, he simply shrugged his shoulders "Thats my opinion, anyways" he simply added. Harry could believe whatever he wanted about the girl. But in Draco's mind, Cho seemed like she was after the popular and fame aspect of guys. Maybe he was wrong...but as a person who knew about names and reputations...thats what it had appeared like to him.

He hadn't really heard the others comment about falling for the wrong person, and Draco had ended up losing himself in his own thoughts now, thinking about crushes and ones to be with in relationships. He wasn't sure he had ever actually given it this much thought before. Hearing Harry speak up again, he glanced over to him and smirked at his comment in regards to what he brought up earlier "Is it, for you?" he asked, his smirk falling a bit as he was genuinely curious. Draco himself had actually quite been enjoying himself. He wondered what it was that was making him look forward to these moments of hanging out with Harry and spending time alone with him, away from watchful, judgmental eyes.

Just as he was thinking this, Draco suddenly realized the sun had long since started its journey descending the sky, and it was nearly nightfall "Bloody hell" he gasped as he quickly stood up "We're going to be late for curfew" he cursed under his breath, before reluctantly looking to Harry, not particularly wanting to leave. He really wanted to stay with the other....bloody hell he was going insane. What was wrong with him?

"Erm...I uh...this was nice..." he commented, unsure how else to word how much he enjoyed this time with Harry "Somehow time seems to go by really fast lately when we hang out, huh?" he mumbled, running a hand through his hair "Anyways...I'd rather not deal with Snape if I'm late for curfew, so...I'll see you tomorrow in class, right?" he said and offered a small smile. After all, tomorrow was the day they presented their work of their project.
Harry shook his head when he was asked. Despite the fact he had told Malfoy loads of things he had only ever told Ron, and some things he had never told anyone, it didn't feel too personal or uncomfortable. Maybe because, for some reason, he knew Malfoy would never tell anyone about their conversations or what was said here. It was nice, for a change, not to have to explain himself or feel guilty, and just spill things. Even embarrassing things.

He blinked, a bit startled with Draco's sudden exclamation and movement to stand up. He hadn't realized the time, though now that it was mentioned it was getting a bit harder to see as dusk started to settle in the sky. He inwardly groaned, because he hadn't really wanted to go back to the dorms. One, because he was actually enjoying himself and two, because Ron and Hermione would ask where in the world he had been for several hours. Several hours. He had mentioned he was going to go over notes and some last minute stuff for the project, which wouldn't have taken this long.

"Right," He stood up. Their partings were always slightly awkward, but Harry was glad to hear that Draco had enjoyed himself. Harry matched his smile. Somehow the fact that he was in several classes with the Slytherin didn't bother him anymore. Sure, they couldn't start acting strange and sitting together or anything, (he was sure Ron would be the one to have a heart attack then) but he couldn't help but look forward to it anyway. "Great, I'll see you tomorrow." He paused, and added a little quieter, "I'm glad...we got to talk. I wouldn't mind hanging out again." After the admission, he headed for the gate, head down and pretending to focus on getting back to the castle before curfew.

"Great, I'll see you tomo

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