Secret Confessions (Draco & Harry)

(Thats totally fine with me. I can do the same, if you would like?)

After leaving Harry, Draco found himself actually feeling a bit lonely again without the others presence. He scoffed a bit to himself, shaking his head in amusement at his own weird emotions. He'd never thought he'd enjoy to spend so much time with Harry. But he had come to really value the time they were locked in that room. He had to wonder though, if they were ever really locked in there? He smiled a bit to himself, before he quickly shook both the thoughts and the smile from his face, heading into the great hall to get some food.

Hearing the familiar voices of his Slytherin friends calling over to him, his mood instantly dropped a little bit, but he acted the same as always, ignoring it as he strode his way over towards the Slytherin table. "Crabbe, you're in my seat you fat idiot" he arrogantly pushed the other aside, easily resuming his role as The Draco Malfoy, that everyone had come to know and - mostly hate, though the Slytherins loved him of course. Even Crabbe wasn't the slightest bit upset at the name calling - which he had come far to used to, and being pushed aside and out of where Draco sat.
(Sure. :) nothing major, just some minor interactions to move things along when they're not together. Whenever you feel comfortable or it seems to fit.)

"Harry," Ron sounded infinitely relieved and yet still looked as if he were going to throw up. The combination made for an interesting expression. "We were looking all over for you! What were you doing?"

Harry rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the floor. He felt all the eyes in the room on him. "I was, er, just wandering around." Well it was partially true. He had been at first.

"Tryout sign ups are full, there's only one spot for Gryffindor." Ron supplied, "You have to run them tomorrow afternoon!"

Harry opened his mouth to protest. He couldn't do tryouts tomorrow, he was supposed to meet with Malfoy. But with a room full of people eager to try for the team he didn't dare explain. He looked at the paper magically updated with each team's slot. Maybe...he could talk to Malfoy and they could work something out. He signed his name and the paper updated. Suddenly the room felt crowded. "Let's head to the hall for dinner. I'm starved."

At the Slytherin table Crabbe and Goyle were busy eating, Blaise was speaking to Pansy. Crabbe grunted an apology, or maybe it was just a grunt. As soon as Draco sat down, Pansy dramatically pushed herself out of the seat across and sat close him. "Draco, where have you been? It's been terribly boring without you, no good company" she waved her hand idly towards the table.

"I'm sitting right here," Blaise shot her a glare. "Besides, you could have gone somewhere else if you found the company no good."
As he had arrived at the Slytherin table and taken the seat Crabbe was previously planted in, Draco had specifically chosen that seat as so he wouldn't have to sit next to Pansy. It seemed she's become even more persistent towards Draco this year. While he noticed the empty seat beside her, surely purposely left empty by said girl for Draco to seat, he had ignored it and taken Crabbe's seat, with intention to keep from being right next to her, while Crabbe shifted to take the open seat that had been left beside Pansy, causing her to scrunch her face up in slight disgust, which only further upheld her nickname she was known as by those who disliked her; that being 'pug face'.

Of course, his actions didn't seem to sway Pansy's intentions at all as the girl immediately moved to sit beside him, practically pressing herself up against his side, and he had to refrain hard from rolling his eyes at her dramatic display. "I've been around" he simply commented, not divulging any further information. Obviously he wasn't going to tell them he'd spent the entire afternoon with Harry Potter - and not arguing, getting along, at that.

Speaking of said man, Draco's attention was easily distracted from Pansy, as he happened to glance up and noticed Harry walking into the great hall, with his usual group. He watched him for a moment, as the male made his way to sit at the Gryffindor table with his friends. Draco found himself unable to pry his eyes away, that is, until he heard the voices of his friends speaking up to him again, snapping him out of it and bringing him back to the current conversation.

Hermione meanwhile, had been stubbornly avoiding Ron in the process of events this past week. She couldn't stand his stubborn denial of, well, pretty much everything, and was starting to grow sick of waiting for him to realize and confess up to his own feelings. Due to avoiding him, she'd met a Gryffindor she had a few classes with this year, and was current talking to Cormac in the Gryffindor common room. It was only when she saw Harry - with the gang - descend from the boys dormitory did she run of to him "Harry!" she exclaimed in relief "Just where in the world have you been?" she scolded worriedly like a mother would "Don't you know everyone's been worried sick about you? You've been gone the entire day!" she chided, before briefly making eye contact with Ron who wasn't far behind him. Though she didn't say anything to him, quickly looking away and turning her attention back to Harry "Just what have you been up to?" she continued, now more curious than worried, relieved to see her friend was alright.
Pansy pouted in a way she probably thought looked demure, but really did nothing for her. She obviously wasn't satisfied with the answer, or lack thereof. And she shot Blaise a glare as he didn't even bother to stifle a snort at the blatant cold shoulder she received. And when she noticed Harry and his friends enter the hall she glowered at them.

"Dumbledore's pets have arrived. I'm sick of seeing Potter's face on everything. Mother refuses to take any of the newspapers, all Ministry lies and nonsense." She crossed her legs and tried to lean against Draco. "Well the little Golden Boy and his Mudblood and Blood Traitor friends will get their end soon enough. Personally, I hope it's sooner rather than later. It would make a fabulous birthday gift." She paused, looking up and noticing the blond was distracted. By Potter no less. "What's wrong, Draco?"

Harry gave Hermione a half-apologetic smile. "Just...needed a little time to think, I guess." He hoped it was enough, "Seventh floor seemed a good place." He knew that they would remember the Room of Requirement from last year. When they sat at the table he glanced up at Malfoy, just missing the Slytherin's gaze.

"You seem cheery," Ron sat down on the one side of Harry, still looking mildly sick. Harry served as the buffer zone between him and Hermione. "So...tomorrow are tryouts already." Harry suddenly realized the reason Ron looked sick was due to nerves.
Draco hadn't really been paying much attention to Pansy, not did he notice the amusement arisen from Blaise at his lack of interest in Pansy's attempts for attention. He spaced out a bit, as his eyes fell on Harry and his group as they walked in, though he was only interested in Harry particular. Hearing Pansy speak up about them beside him, "huh?" he muttered, snapping out of his thoughts as he glanced to her, realizing what she said before looking back to Potter "Oh...yeah" he said, and realized he must really sound different than usual, spaced out like he was, so he quickly tried to recover with a snarky remark "Seems the weasel isn't feeling too well either. Probably another spell gone wrong for him" he commented, forcing out a snicker of a laugh as he was referring back to the earlier years at Hogwarts, when he had called Hermione a mudblood, and Ron tried to cast a spell on him, though it backfired because of his broken wand, causing Ron to throw slugs up for hours.

It took him a moment to realize Pansy was talking to him, not only implying something about an upcoming birthday, but also noticing his lack of attention. Snapping out of it, he tried to continue a previously mentioned topic, covering up his lack of concentration to his current friends. He realized that she had mentioned something about her birthday, probably in pursuit to hint at Draco about it, in some futile hopes that he cared enough to remember her birthday and maybe even get her a gift. Draco however, hadn't even realized, and raised an eyebrow "Oh, is it your birthday soon?" he commented, feigning interest as he glanced her way, giving her at least a little bit of attention, which inflated to more than enough for Pansy, thankfully also distracting her from the fact that he had been paying more attention to Harry than herself.
"Well, I hope Weasley's tramp of a sister caught the wrong end of a spell too," Pansy droned on, "It seems every boy in school fancies her. Even you think she's pretty, don't you Blaise?" She glanced furtively at Draco, obviously jealous and concerned he might also be counted amongst 'all the boys at school'.

"I wouldn't touch her, no matter what she looks like," Blaise muttered. "Tryouts for the Scarhead and his team are tomorrow. Couldn't hurt to have a little fun. Throw a few jinxes or charms, see how well the weasels do after that." He commented, glancing at Draco. He noticed that their leader seemed a little different for some reason.

Pansy brightened at the tiny scrap of attention. "Next month," she replied. She continued to go on about plans and other such things, no longer paying attention to Draco's split attention.

Harry tried not to look guilty. "Right, tryouts." Maybe if they finished early, he could still meet with Malfoy. It wasn't even that he was worried about the project. At this point he figured they were pretty well off. He wasn't sure exactly why he felt guilty, or why he'd rather spend the day in a library than outside on a beautiful day, but he enjoyed the weird almost-friendship he was discovering with the blond.

"How long do you think they'll take?" Harry didn't look up as he asked, pretending to be interested in his soup.

"Dunno. Depends on how many blokes like McLaggen show up," Ron muttered resentfully. He shot Hermione a look before stabbing his chicken. "Why?"

Harry looked over to the Slytherin table, caught Malfoy's eye and quickly pretended to be looking out the window. "I...sort of have plans. In the library, y'know, before Snape's project is due."
Draco mentally sighed a breath of relief, as with the little bit of interest he provided Pansy in her birthday, she was more than happy to continue the one-way conversation all by herself, nearly losing herself in her own plans and thoughts as she divulged them unto uninterested ears. And a month away too? That was still quite a bit of time. He understood one being excited about plans they may have for their own birthday, but a month was too early in Draco's mind to be overexcited about it in such a way. Though he supposed thats how Pansy was - very self centered and self-focused.

That sudden thought caused Draco to momentarily frown. Isn't that what he was? He aways hacked so selfish, and self-centered...was how Pansy looked to him, how he looked to everyone else? He scoffed at the mere thought, shaking it from his head. Pansy was different about it. While he would admit he certainly had negative, self-centered traits as such, he wasn't quite so flamboyant or obnoxious about them as Pansy was with herself. Reassuring himself of this, he felt a little bit more relieved.

Glancing back up momentarily towards Harry, he was surprised to actually link eyes with him for a split second. And he didn't know why, but out of some nervous panic, he quickly looked away from the other, focusing on the food on his plate.

Hermione was for the most part ignoring the conversation, paying little attention here and there just to know what they were talking about. When Ron suddenly mentioned Cormac though, she shot a look of glare back over at the spiteful redhead who was looking the same at her, before taking his emotions out on his chicken.

"Well, I'm sure Cormac will do wonderfully. If everyone could be as good as he and Harry are, there shouldn't be a problem forming a splendid team" she commented. It was clear the casual conversation about tryouts tomorrow had turned into more of something like an argument before Ron and Hermione - as did most of their conversations, regardless of the topic.

As Harry went on about plans he had instead of tryouts, she raised an eyebrow "More important than tryouts?" she commented in interest "Harry...I don't think you've ever cared more about anything other than quiditch. This project....the one with Draco?" she said with a suspicious frown.
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Ron looked very much like he was envisioning someone as his chicken breast, someone who was probably Cormac. He muttered something under his breath about 'kissing him too' before taking a bite. Harry was already dreading tomorrow. He knew he couldn't play favorites but Ron seemed too distracted and anxious to play well.

"Yeah, I'm sure everyone great tomorrow." Harry muttered, only paying half-attention to Ron and Hermione's arguememt. He knew that Ron was playing for the same position Cormac was. He looked up at Hermione in surprise. Did he mention the project? wait, he probably did when he was first was assigned. He had thought it would be a long, painful project considering his partner was Malfoy. Strange how it didn't

Turn out like he had imagined.

Ron made a face at the mention of Draco's name like he had swallowed the wrong flavor of Bertie Botts Every flavor beans. "Stuck in the library with Malfoy?"

Harry realized he was probably acting weird. "Well, y'know Snape would probably enjoy having a reason to give me a failing grade," he ammended. He pretended to be interested in his meal for a bit, until the atmosphere got to be a bit uncomfortable. Part of him wanted to tell them about his time with Malfoy but...he wasn't sure how to bring it up. Maybe it was his imagination, but Malfoy didn't seem as interested in the conversation Pansy was mostly having with herself. Part of him actually felt bad for the blond, Pansy was a little hard to swallow.
Draco was staring absent mindedly at his plate of food - of which he had hardly touched. He'd eaten a bit here and there, but for the most part, was pushing it around on his plate in thought. He didn't realize how suspicious he was acting in front of his friends, as well as he thought he was doing to hide it in futile attempts. Blaise seemed to notice and be most suspicious of his friend, while Crabbe and Goyle, as usual, were busy eating. Much like Pansy was off in her own world of conversation, those oafs were in their own as well, of foods that they were currently stuffing their faces in.

Eventually, Draco felt a bit suffocated by his friends and the self centered, egotistic atmospheres they were putting off in their conversations - odd for him, since thats how it always was with his friends, and himself. But today was different, and Draco just felt weird about it for some reason. He mostly shrugged it off, but wanted to just go back to his room, which ensued by him first putting his fork down. "I think I'm going to head back to the dormitory, I'm full" he commented, while Blaise gave a suspicious look, having been watching his friend that evening at dinner "Draco, you've barely touched your food at all" he commented while he just shrugged his shoulders "With all this talk about the weasels and mudblood, it makes me sick to eat" he commented, which seemed to be a good enough cover, though didn't raise all suspicions as he raised from his seat, heading out of the great hall.

Hermione sighed in exasperation at Harry as he commented about his grades and Snape trying to fail him. "While that may be true of Professor Snape, Harry you've been working really hard on this project. You've been gone a lot lately, off on your own. I'm sure thats because you've been working hard in the library studying or practicing, haven't you?" she commented. She had no idea that, while yes, he had been studying and practicing, probably not nearly as much as Hermione was making it out to be. She didn't know that half of the time was either 'stalking' Draco, as the blond would put it, or as of today's situation, simply just talking with him.
Pansy made a surprised noise and a pout as Draco stood from the table. She crossed her arms as he left the hall, certain he had his mind fixated on another girl. She was determined to find out who it was and make sure they knew their place. She made a disgusted noise as Goyle let out a belch and stood from the table to leave.

Harry looked up at Hermione, and managed a feeble smile. He felt bad for lying to his two best friends. He never kept anything from them. "Er, right. I think we're pretty good at Accio at least." He had spent all of Saturday practicing so it wasn't entirely a lie.

"I don't know how you put up with the git, Harry." Ron muttered, "Thought for sure you'd have hexed him or something by now." Ron rested his head in his hand as Malfoy passed the table. Harry had his back turned and didn't see.

"He's not that bad," He defended, surprised that Ron's words actually bothered him. "We haven't really fought at all. I think...there's a lot we don't understand." There had been some yelling and heated words, but nothing really threatening or angry. Ron looked skeptical. And Harry, for some reason, felt the need to defend Malfoy. "Listen, I'll see you back at the dorms. I have some stuff to tell you about Friday," he didn't want to say too much about Dumbledore's plan in public.
With Harry's assurance that he had indeed been practicing all this time, and came to be good at Accio, she smiled proudly of her friend "There, you see! I knew you would be able to get it. After all, he didn't specify which spells you had to preform nonverbally, right? You just have to show one?" she commented. If they needed more than one, well, they were probably screwed on that end, since it took them nearly all week just to get Accio down - which was one of the simpler ones too.

Hermione watched as Harry seemed to be making his leave, and frowned worriedly when he mentioned he had stuff to tell them about. She wondered if it had anything to do with Dumbledore, or Voldemort perhaps. She simpy nodded her head as Harry seemed to be dismissing himself "Alright, see you later then, Harry" she commented, and a very heavy silence fell between Ron and Hermione - who no longer had Harry as a human buffer between them.

On his way departing the table, he could hear Pansy's clearly disappointed remark to herself, as well as her mumbling something under her breath. Though he didn't care enough to really strain his ears to find out, and he continued on his way out. As he passed by the Gryffindor table, his eyes scanned over to Harry briefly, though instead unfortunately also saw Ron, giving him a disgusted look, which just caused Draco to narrow his eyes back in a glare at the red head, before further continuing on his way out of the hall and heading towards the dungeons. Today had certainly been an incredibly long day. But not a bad one.
(Going to forward to the next day, if that's alright~)

Harry didn't sleep very well that night. Well, he honestly hadn't been sleeping well for months. No matter how hard he tried to clear his head, the images and memories just kept coming back to haunt him. He woke up in a cold sweat, blankets tangled around him as he darted upright. He ran a hand over his face and groaned, pushing his hair back from his face. He pushed back the curtains, realizing that everyone else in the dorm was already gone. He squinted, trying to gauge what time it was through the window. He felt for his glasses and put them on, pushing himself from the bed and hoping Ron would have waken him if he slept too late. He quickly changed and rushed downstairs. No one was in the common room either, well a few Gryffindors but not Ron or Hermione. Frowning he made his way out of the dorm and into the hallway.

He was rushing, his hair was a mess, one of the laces on his chuck was untied, and his glasses refused to sit straight on his nose. He inwardly cursed, hoping that he hadn't missed breakfast and was already late for tryouts. Why didn't Ron wake him?! Harry headed down the hall and turned the corner going at a half-run towards the great hall. He really had no idea how he slept through everyone in the dorm getting ready and leaving. Sure, even though he didn't get much sleep last night, it wasn't like he was a really heavy sleeper.

He slipped his wand into his pocket, slowing down as he realized there was something else already in there. A small glass vial. He pulled it out, surprised he had forgotten about the Felix Felicis he had kind of, sort of, cheated to get. At least, Hermione thought so, since the scribbles in the book weren't his. Suddenly he had an idea, and he clasped the vial tighter in his hand as he started to run again towards the Great Hall.
(Totally fine ^^ I was thinking the same thing )

Come the next day, Draco had woken up feeling exaughsted. While he didn't have quite as much a night as Harry had with his dreams, Draco still had a few nightmares that were haunting him. Ironically enough, perhaps not even coincidentally, Draco had been having nightmares lately, leaving him constantly stressed and exhausted, as he had sort of divulged to Harry when they were talking the other day.

Today was another one of those mornings, feeling exhausted by the haunting nightmares - typically regarding his tasks at hand and Voldemort. He ran a hand over his paler than usual face, letting out a heavy sigh. Perhaps it was due to really expressing his feelings and talking about things with Potter the other day that brought on the nightmares a little stronger and more vivid that night than before.

Shaking his head, he raked a hand through his disheveled hair, going about getting ready for the morning. Taking a shower and getting dressed in his casual wear, considering it was a Sunday, Draco then made his way towards the great hall, meeting up with Blaise in the common room, they headed towards the hall together, neither really caring to bother to wait for the others, since who really knew when they would wake up - it was a sunday after all, a day no one really had obligations to wake up early for, unless those trying out today for their respective quidditch teams.

Sitting at the Slytherin table, it was much more vacant than most days during the week. Weekends were when everyone was doing their own thing, no really set schedule, so everyone ate on their own times. He idly talked with Blaise about random topics, nothing of importance, when he noticed Harry come into the hall, and seeming out of breath. He raised an eyebrow, half in amusement, half in curiosity as he watched the Potter.

Hermione and Ron meanwhile had long since been at breakfast. Ron didn't seem to be able to stomach much food that morning...the nerves making him far too shotty. For the first in a while, hermione was actually trying to be somewhat encouraging to the clearly distraught male. After all, they were still friends, despite their lack of communication this year. Hearing footsteps approach, she look up and her eyes widened a bit "Harry" she exclaimed in exasperation "Just where have you been? Tryouts are in less than an hour!" she scolded her oversleeping friend.
(-Alters the plot line slightly- xD it's been so long since I read things are out of order. Shhhh. The important thing is Harry and Draco. It's a slow burn, but they'll get there, eh?)

Harry raked a hand through his already messy hair and sat down at the table. "Guess I overslept somehow," he could be upset with Ron later, right now his friend looked like he was ready for the hospital wing. Harry worked on tying his shoe before he grabbed some toast. Ron, he noticed, wasn't eating.

"You'll do great, don't worry." Harry wasn't sure Ron was listening. He was staring at the ground like he wished it would swallow him. Harry looked over at Hermione, fiddling with the bottle in his hand. He took a goblet from the table, and pretended to pour the contents of the glimmering vial into the pumpkin juice. Ron hadn't seen but he hoped Hermione had, because he knew she would protest. "Have something to drink at least," he pushed the goblet towards Ron and continued to eat more of his own breakfast.

Blaise was half absorbed in breakfast, half talking with Draco. Their discussions were usually brief, and he was quite comfortable sitting in silence with the fellow Slytherin. He noticed the unusual amount of attention Draco was giving Potter, though he didn't question it. Yet. "So, what will you do this afternoon?"
(Hahah, that's fine xD I don't remember many details either. I do love that, even if slowly, things are finally starting to get there with the two hehe)

Despite Harry's confidence in him and encouraging thoughts, Ron honestly couldn't agree with the other. He felt downright sick to his stomach - he actually had thrown up earlier that morning, though of course told no one about such events. He was so distraught and nervous that morning which is why he was so busy concerning himself he hadn't even thought to make sure Harry would wake up, assuming his friend would get up on time since he usually did on his own anyways. "Y-yeah..." he said unsure and clearly not believing in his own words, or Harry's, for that matter.

As Hermione was scolding Harry's tardiness, she didn't make much further comment, though eyes him in concerned "You haven't been getting much sleep lately, have you? No offense, Harry, but you look awful" she frowned as she looked to her best friend - well, one of them, anyways. "Are you sure you're doing alright?" While she was concerned about her friend, she was always very motherly, and so when he fiddled with the vile that she clearly recognized, her eyes widened in disbelief as Harry offered the tampered drink to Ron. "Harry!" she exclaimed "You can't! That's basically cheating!" she voiced her disapproval, catching Ron's attention who previously had been denying the drink.

However, when Ron noticed how Hermione reacted, he was momentarily confused, before his eyes slowly grew realization as he finally noticed, cautiously taking the cup as he stared at it in contemplation. Hermione glared at the redheaded friend "Ron, you can't!" she said, causing the Weasley to hesitate in his decision, but then before changing his mind again, quickly downed the drink.

As Draco turned his attention back to his food, he bite the food off of his fork in contemplation before glancing over to Blaise when the male asked what he was up to. Thinking about it, he shrugged "I have to finish a few things on that project for Snape's class" he commented with a sigh. And while one might interpret the sigh being one in reference to having to further work with Potter, that wasn't the case at all, and the sigh was really just to the project over all "I can't wait until it's over, though" he further commented as he took another bite of food, swallowing it "What are you up to?"
Hermione reacted just as he thought she would. Of course, he would tell her a little later when they were alone. For now, he let them believe that he had given Ron a little extra boost of luck. Was it still considered favoritism if he just pushed a little lie? Probably. And he should probably feel guilty about it but honestly, Ron deserved a little confidence boost. And he could play fine when he wasn't overthinking things.

Already the redhead looked better, there was a little color in his face and he looked determined. "It's just a bit of luck, Hermione." He tried to argue. Ron didn't feel guilty at all, placebo effect or not he looked much more confident.

Harry finished breakfast, and glanced over at the Slytherin table- a habit he had been doing unconsciously lately. But he was actually feeling quite good, his friends weren't arguing for once, and he was fairly sure he had just given Ron the confidence he needed to win tryouts. He tried to catch Malfoy's eye, without being too obvious. Maybe he could signal that he wanted to talk.

Blaise looked bored. He usually looked bored, but it was his resting expressin. "Hm, stuck working with Potter are you?" He responded, swirling his goblet in one hand, "Has he been giving you trouble?" He muttered, knowing Malfoy had the Dark Mark, and knowing he was on something important, but entirely unaware of the details.
Hermione sighed, exasperated as she shook her head in disbelief "I can't believe you two!" she huffed as she stood up from the table abruptly, grabbing her things and leaving the great hall stubbornly. She couldn't believe Harry would do something like cheating like that! Of course, she didn't know that he didn't actually do such thing. But right now, the miss honor student was thoroughly disappointed in her friends, Harry, for giving it, and Ron, for accepting it.

Ron meanwhile had no such complaints at being given a little bit of extra 'luck'. Just a few moments after drinking it, he felt relief wash over his body and he grinned 'You know, I really am feeling better!" he said, his nauseating expression previously now looking more relaxed and even exited, at that "I think I'm going to head over early!" he said with ease as he stood up from his seat "See you there, mate" he patted Harry on the shoulder before he headed out of the room.

Draco briefly nodded his head in confirmation about how he was still working with Harry on the project. When Blaise started commented on how Harry was likely giving him trouble, he opened his mouth to defend at first "Well, actually..." he started, but then caught himself "yeah, loads of it" he sighed putting on a face as though annoyed with the thought of it "You'd think Potter has turned into some bloody stalker" he tried to joke, before glancing over at said male as he said his name, thinking about him now.

As he glanced over, he was surprised to see Harry already looking at him. He blinked a bit in surprise as he stared at him momentarily, confused, considering Harry wasn't trying to look away and instead trying to communicate something.
Harry hoped his silent communication skills were good enough to get his point across. He finally caught the Slytherin's attention and nodded subtly towards the door. Thankfully, both Ron and Hermione had headed out early. He never really considered the fact that Malfoy might ignore him, or simply refuse to go. He might have been pushing the semi-friendship too far. But he stood, and headed for the door hoping that the blond would follow.

Blaise hummed thoughtfully, taking Draco's sigh as one of annoyance. The Golden Boy had a habit of getting in the way and playing hero. He had a stupid streak of luck as each year he seemed to come out of death defying situations unscathed.

"Perhaps something can be done about it." He mumbled, taking a sip of juice and looking over at Draco. Snape could likely do something about Potter if need be. Detention would keep him from sneaking around. "Don't study too hard," he stood from the table and left the hall to head out to the grounds where most students were spending their Sunday.
Raising an eyebrow as he looked to Harry, he was mildly confused at just what nonsense the male was trying to pull. After seeing him motion to the door subtly, and leave a few minutes after, Draco figured the other wanted to meet, perhaps? Bloody hell...he couldn't want to start studying and finishing their project this early, could he? He mentally sighed to himself and just turned his conversation back to Blaise, who was mentioning the idea of something possibly being done about it.

He was momentarily surprised by the others suggestion, just staring at him. But he wasn't given much time to think of a response as Blaise was already up and on his was out "Right..." he muttered, watching Blaise leave. He frowned, just sitting there for a few more minutes as he thought to himself. Just what was Blaise referring to? Knowing the male was like him...he was partially worried that Blaise would come up with something on his own to deal with Harry. A week ago that wouldn't have been a problem to Draco...but now he was a bit worried, not necessarily wanting anything bad to happen to Harry.

Thinking about the male reminded him that the other wanted to talk with him. So finishing the last piece of food on his plate, he stood up and headed out of the hall. He glanced around for Harry, wondering where he was supposed to find him before he rounded the corner of the hallway and saw him "Potter" he greeted, walking up to him while glancing around to make sure no one was really around "Did you want something?"
Harry was waiting outside the Great Hall, arms crossed and leaning against the wall. For some reason, he figured Malfoy would come. He watched Zabini, one of Malfoy's friends, pass by. Something about the student made him uneasy. Sure, the Slytherin's core group of friends hadn't changed much over the years, and it was always the same faces trying to sabotage him and his froends. But maybe he was thinking too much. Malfoy did appear to be a sort of leader that his friends looked to for direction. Likely a fact due to an influential name.

He looked up as the Slytherin exited addressed him. "Tryouts are today. I sort of forgot about them. I know we were supposed to meet for the project..." He trailed off, uncertain whether or not they specified a time. But like most students, he figured the blond would do something on is day off.

"I'm not sure how long they'll take." After tryouts was practice because in two weeks they had their first game against Slytherin. "We could meet up after?" He offered.

"You could watch," he wasn't sure why he suggested it except it sort of just came out. Last year there were students from all houses gathered to watch. It was more of a casual thing, the students would place bets on their favorite getting in, or root for their friends, or watch because there was little else to do. He had never led a team before and for some reason after yesterday's talk, he felt like having the blond there would ease his nerves a little. And, oh Merlin, did he really just think that?

"Or just, let me know where to meet you after." He supplied quickly, not wanting to seem like he had just asked Draco Malfoy to spend his time off with him, watching tryouts no less.
As Draco approached the Gryffindor, he looked to him curiously when he spoke up, mentioning tryouts and not sure how long the would take. For some reason, Draco....did he actually feel disappointed? There was this weird, lonely feeling inside of him momentarily when Harry said he wouldn't be able to meet up to finalize their project, at least not right away, anyways. Draco quickly shook the thought from his must just be because he wanted to make sure they finished the project in time....that surely had to be why he felt like that. That's what he told himself, anyways.

"Oh yeah..." he mumbled finally in thought "I forgot too. Thats why the weasel was looking so sick, huh?" he said, now understanding that must be it. Ron must be nervous, after all, the red head was known not to have much of a spine. When the other mentioned meeting up after tryouts, he nodded his head "Yeah sure..." he said, though wasn't sure exactly how they would find each other....should they set a place? Or time later in the afternoon?

As he was trying to think of how they'd meet up with the conflicting schedule of the tryouts, he was a bit surprised, and taken back, nonetheless, by Harry's sudden suggestion of coming to watch the tryouts. He was momentarily surprised, standing there as he stared at the other to see if he was trying to pull him into some trick or prank. But then he realized how flustered and awkward he got just after, mentioning and alternate idea.

Slowly, a smile crept its way onto Draco's lips, as he casually shrugged "Sure...why not. I've got nothing else to do today" he said with a small smirk "I'lll go" he confirmed, figuring what harm could it do. It was just one could think him suspicious for going to it.
Harry gave Malfoy an agitated look at the nickname he had given Ron, but he nodded. Ron and Malfoy would never get along, that much was certain. Ron was stubborn and knew how to hold onto a grudge. Maybe at some point they might be able to be civil, but Harry knew his best mate would never be overly friendly with the Slytherin. Which was why Harry was glad Ron was too distracted to notice anything right now, with Quidditch and Hermione.

The liquid luck trick should be enough of a confidence boost though. As long as he believed nothing could stand in his way, tryouts for the team would be easy. "He was worried about going up against someone like McLaggen," Harry shrugged. He had seen McLaggen play before and the student was good of course, but he was a bit of a solo player and didn't work as well with team-based strategies.

Harry looked up just in time to see the surprised, perhaps disbelieving look on Malfoy's face. He waited a brief moment of silence that felt like ages, but Malfoy eventually agreed. Harry relaxed, and his grin answered the blond's, relieved that he hadn't been awkwardly and embarrassingly shot down for his suggestion. "Great, see you there then." He nodded towards the doors as he turned, "I should go change in my uniform." He threw a casual wave over his shoulder as he headed out the doors and for the pitch.
Draco knew the other probably didn't particularly like his use of name for his best friend, but honestly, Draco could care less. He may have gotten on friendlier terms with Harry...but that by no means meant that he was going to start befriending Potter's friends as well. Just as Draco was sure that Harry wasn't about to be befriending his own friends anytime soon. Despite the others displeasure at his typical nickname for the redheaded friend of his, Draco could see the other didn't pay it too much mind, and moved on, as they discussed plans for meeting later.

He was indeed taken back by the others suggestion, having not expected something like that. However as he processed it and realized he wouldn't mind going, he nodded in agreement "Sure...sounds good to me" he said with a shrug before smirking at the other and watching him walk away "See ya" he half heartedly waved at the other before he was gone down the hall to go change and head to tryouts.

He stayed there a few moments longer before he decided to head over to the stadium to watch the tryouts. He had nothing better to do. and the idea of watching Harry practicing...his eyes widened at his own thoughts as he felt his cheeks redden in embarrassment "Merlin, what the bloody hell is wrong with me" he breathed as he shook his head as he headed up to the stadium. He tried not to think about the fact that he was interested to see Harry leading the tryouts and being in charge. He didn't even want to think about what that thought was about.
Harry emerged from the locker room to a field full of students. He had to stop and do a double take, realizing that several of the students there were first years, some weren't even Gryffindors. He sighed and braced himself for what was likely to be a very long morning. Ron was standing near the front of the group, the only one besides Ginny that wasn't talking loudly, distracted, or fighting over the best brooms. He wasn't really used to leading, and he had never run tryouts before, so he had a slight uneasy feeling in the pit of his gut.

"Right then," he muttered to himself before taking a deep breath. "Listen up! Everyone here that isn't a Gryffindor head out." There were three younger students, two Hufflepuffs and one he thought was a Ravenclaw. They shuffled off the field, disappointed, arguing over whether or not it would have worked. There were two first years, looking ridiculously small in the borrowed uniforms and holding old school brooms Harry wasn't even sure worked anymore. There were probably thirty or so in the group waiting for their turn, so Harry decided to start easy.

"You'll be sorted into groups of five, and on my call you'll fly once around the pitch." It turned out that the simple test eliminated all of the first years, as most of them could hardly manage to stay on their brooms, one couldn't get off the ground, and the others couldn't quite gather any speed. A second year from the next group was waving at the stands instead of paying attention and crashed into the goal post. Harry tried very hard not to rub his temples. The agility test was even worse, he tested those that were left by having them turn sharply on their brooms as he sounded a whistle. This resulted in a pileup at one end of the goal post, and several bruised and battered applicants. By the time he had gotten to actual passes, there were only fifteen left.

Ron was actually playing remarkably well, still believing he had taken the liquid luck earlier this morning. He had actually managed to do well so far, even against McLaggen. "Line up. For the last test you're going to be divided into two teams, and we're going to run a practice match." Harry looked over at the stands, which had actually gotten more crowded since the start.

Harry looked up and over at the stands, relieved that the little lie had worked out in his favor.
(I forget if Draco is still part of the team in this year, but either way, I'm going to make him part of the slytherin team ^^' )

Draco had decided, as agreed upon earlier, that he would indeed head to the fields and watch the Gryffindor tryouts. He didn't think it would be too big a problem- knowing other members of the Slytherin team would also be there. If anyone questioned why he was there, he could easily say how he was simply testing out a feel for the new Gryffindor team, of which they would be having their first match against the following week.

In reality though, Draco was just there for Harry, and to watch him - er, wait for him, that is. He couldn't shake these occasional odd thoughts from his head, mostly regarding Harry. Merlin, just what was with him lately. Feeling all emotional, sentimental around Potter...even finding excuses to find more time to spend with him, such as why he was here now, watching the practice.

Of course, he'd never dare admit such things. Not even to himself, it seemed. He sat there in the stands as he watched the Gryffindor team lining up and going through their trails to see if they qualified for the team. Draco watched silent - most of the time his eyes being on Harry - though he tried not to realize that as the team formed into their groups of five. While they did so, and Harry scanned the small crowd momentarily, his eyes widened when he definitely locked eyes with Harry for a moment, and he awkwardly looked away, a light blush on his pale cheeks in embarrassment.

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