Secret Confessions (Draco & Harry)

For a long moment, Harry watched without knowing what was going on. It was difficult to see through the keyhole, he could make out Malfoy from the back, standing in front of an old cabinet. What would Malfoy want with something so old and broken? Had it been anyone else, he probably would have turned and headed back to his dormitory. But there was something eerie about the room, and it almost felt as if there were unseen eyes watching from the corners. The items in the room must have had some kind of magic in them, though what a possibly dangerous room like this was doing at Hogwarts...he had no idea.

His knees were beginning to ache as the Slytherin paced and he looked...nervous? He wasn't sure what he expected when the door was opened again. Maybe a boggart, or something, but what he saw was far less dramatic. He couldn't remember Malfoy taking a bite out of the apple before, but he was sure he saw a definite piece missing. Well, in the split second he could see it from his limited vantage point. The next moment he saw the blond running towards the door. He cursed and pulled himself back, tripping over the hem of his robe to the floor with a thump and dropping his bag.

He really, really hoped that Malfoy didn't hear or see him, quite obviously standing outside the door. Granted, he had a good reason, there was definitely something in that strange room that seemed like dark magic. The door might have been gone now, but he definitely knew what he saw.
Though Malfoy knew what he was doing the entire time, and knew the expected result of his actions, it didn't keep him from being freaked out, knowing the possibilities of what it meant, the fact that the cabinets, despite how old they were, were working. Of course, many more tests would need to be done to be sure it was safe enough for those planning to use it, however, for the day, Malfoy declared his job done, and ready to get the hell out of the room.

Making his way for the door quickly to exit, his eyes widened as the heard the thudding and landed on a pile of Potter tumbled over on the floor. He just stared at the other in absolute shock for a moment before his green eyes narrowed furiously at the man before him "Potter" he hissed venomously, bending down momentarily to grab the other by the front collar of his shirt, yanking him up and shoving him against the wall "I should have guessed your nosey arse would have followed me. What are you, a lost pup or something?" he sneered, pressing the male harder against the wall.

Having found Potter spying on him usual shouldn't have fought Draco by surprise honestly, and he knew that. However he was still scared - not only from the actions taken in the room moments ago, and the fear chilling his spine and warning him to get the hell out of there, but now also the possible fact of Harry having seen him. But...he'd been outside the door - he honestly couldn't have seen much of anything, right? The possibilities and fears surrounding his thoughts clouded his mind with both fear and rage towards Harry. And while he tried to cover up his nervousness with his usual anger and irritable display towards Potter, the fear still shook his core of the possibilities of so many things, being caught, exposed, and everything else simply associating with the characters he was.
"Of course I followed you, Malfoy," Harry pushed the blond off of him and freed himself. "I'd be a bloody idiot not to, considering you're connected to about a dozen wizards that want me dead." He spat back, surprise turning toward anger. "Oh wait, I'm sure you're one of those wizards that want me dead now, too." He hadn't actually confirmed that the Slytherin had the mark, he hadn't caught a glimpse of his arm yet. But if he had in fact been recruited, there was only one order that Voldemort would have given. There was definitely something between Malfoy and Snape, and something with that weird room.

"Let me guess, just doing a bit of spring cleaning?" He asked dryly, "I'm sure there's nothing dangerous about that cabinet at all. Or any reason you're skulking about here all by yourself." Dinner was probably being served in the Great Hall right now, which meant there was no one in the hallways. Quite convenient for getting around unnoticed. He didn't have enough proof to do anything--not that he had any idea what he could do. His two best friends hardly listened to him anymore, too wrapped up in their argument with each other. Dumbledore wouldn't speak with him.

Still, something caught Harry by surprise. Maybe because he had seen that look so many times before, in different eyes yet all the same. There was fear there, lurking underneath the anger, in Malfoy's eyes. Maybe that was what stopped him and made him question the situation.
Glaring at the other he reluctantly took a single step backwards when the other had pushed him off of him and pulled away. He scoffed a bit as he crossed his arms over his chest, sneering at the other as he spoke. "Connected to? You can't blame me because I'm the son of one. And I'm rather proud of it to, if you must know" he scoffed, though something in his voice wasn't entirely convincing, regarding his last statement "Go ahead and blame me for your problems, Potter. This world would be better without you anyways, just like you were supposed to die years ago" he glared at him before the other started accusing him of already being a death eater and what not. Fear sparked through him again at the thought of Harry already figuring it out. Of course, he wasn't about to prove to the other he was right "Like you know anything, Potter. You have to go stalking people to find your answers. No wonder no one will believe you" he scoffed, avoiding the topic of whether he had the mark and was a death eater or not by now.

"Who's skulking? Just because no one is around means I'm hiding anything" he countered the other "You seem to be offly proud of making all these assumptions without any legitimate proof all the time" he snapped, the fear inside him growing a bit, feeling as though Harry was finding out more about him by the minute - despite him not having given the other any proof or anything of the sorts "Just stay out of my bloody way, Potter" he snapped, turning to leave. While he was angered and acting as so, his attempt to end the conversation and leave was more so an attempt to run away.
Malfoy's usually biting remarks didn't seem quite the same. Usually all they did was rile him up, but oddly enough Harry found he wasn't angry. Maybe that was why he reached out and grabbed Malfoy's arm to stop him. He didn't even realize he had until he was face-to-face with the Slytherin.

"Maybe I don't know everything that's going on, but I do know Voldemort is dangerous and he only cares about himself. No matter what his closest followers think, they're being used. You're not stupid, Malfoy! Don't do anything you can't take back."

He really wasn't sure why he was warning Draco Malfoy of all people. Maybe it was because he knew that look, and because he got a bad feeling about the magical artifact in the room. Maybe he was just tired of seeing people die. No matter what The Prophet published, this was unmistakably a war.
Trying to escape the scrutinizing eyes and attention of Harry, Draco had turned and tried to leave, wanting to end the conversation. The more Harry accused and questioned him, the more panicked Draco was feeling inside. As he turned to leave, he was suddenly stopped by a tug on the sleeve of his arm, and he halted in his tracks, pausing as he turned to look at the other, not even snapping at him for stopping him, but surprised, especially with the look in Harry's eyes as he stared at him, making Draco feel all the more vulnerable and nervous.

His eyes widened a bit at the others suddenly...caring sounding words as he spoke. He didn't know what to make of it at first, it was almost like he was receiving caring advice from a concerned friend. Staring at Harry a moment longer, he quickly snapped out of it, yanking his arm out of the others grasp as his once surprised gaze turned into his usual sharper look.

"What do you care?" he snapped a bit bitterly "Its not like you've ever wanted to be my friend before. Why act like you actually care at all now? Because all your other friends have turned on you now and ignore you?" he snapped, suddenly feeling very vulnerable and bitter towards Harry. How dare he act like he cared...anyone and everyone knew Potter always disliked him ever since declining Draco's offer of a loyal friendship first year.
Hearing about Ron and Hermione did irritate him. But it was true, they were being weirdly dodgy. "No," he lied, "They're just..." He trailed off, not sure how to answer that one. "Doesn't matter, that's not the point." He remembered his first year, and meeting Malfoy for the first time, very clearly. The reason, of course, the blond had rubbed him the wrong way was because of his sharp tongue and penchant for making fun of people.

"You've never figured the reason we're not friends is because you make fun of anyone that doesn't think like you? You stole Neville's remembrall, you called Hermione awful derogatory names, you nearly got Hagrid sacked. They're my friends--they stand by me, they've fought for me. How many friends of yours would do that, Malfoy?" He wasn't sure Malfoy had friends, more like bodyguards and fans like Parkinson.

"So we're not friends but you can't hide or pretend you weren't scared back there." At the start of the year he had been certain Malfoy had some given mission, that he had been recruited and had the mark already. Why wouldn't he? But now it seemed like there was something more going on.
Hearing the other weakly try and back up his friends, Draco just scoffed, rolling his eyes a bit seeing that the other distracted the conversation from that topic in particular, and clearly didn't really have any valid back up regarding that matter of his friends. Everyone noticed how not only this year was everyone obviously ignoring Potter, calling him and Dumbledor liars and what not because of their claims regarding Voldemort being back, however everyone noticed how since Ron and Hermione had finally snogged up and gotten together, the famous trio was a bit more broken, and more like a couple with infamous Harry Potter as the third wheeler.

When the other further went on about his attitude first year and the impressions he had done and given off towards others, he scoffed again and looked away from the other "Some of us try to keep up appearances, Potter. I am a Malfoy after all, people aught to know it" he said as he avoided eye contact. Though that was the reasoning behind how he often acted, and though it was true, it wasn't by his own means per say. Growing up Draco grew up as Malfoy, and that meant a lot of teaching and reprimanding by his father to know just who he was and what kind of power his name alone held. He was taught about not letting down the family name, and keeping its reputation up and everything. Thats why, more so out of naive obedience towards his father, and the Malfoy name itself.

As the other went on about him previously being scared, his green eyes snapped back to the other with a glare "Scared? You must be joking" he sneered at the other "Nothing scared me, nor will anything ever" he spoke defensively.
Harry rolled his eyes. Appearances had never mattered to him, probably a side effect of growing up under his aunt and uncle--to whom appearance was all that mattered. Funny how similar the Dursleys and the Malfoy's were, though Harry knew both would be appalled at the comparison.

When he heard the half-baked lie he gave the blond a disbelieving look. But if he wanted to protect his pride over his safety, so be it. Must be an appearance thing.

"Have it your way, Malfoy," he took a step back and looked over his shoulder for any teacher that might be sweeping the area. Half of him wondered if the Slytherin had ever seen the bad side of Voldemort. There was certainly a lot to be afraid of, death being at the very bottom of that list.
Narrowing his eyes at the other slightly when he seemed to be mocking him, not believing his weak excuse to cover his fear - even though Harry was right, of course. He scoffed and turned away from the other "Are you done lecturing me then?" he said as he turned his back on the other, about ready to leave.

However, just as he had turned around, his eyes met the figure of a stern looking Snape coming their way. The professor had been coming to check on Malfoy, since he noticed him missing from the great hall while everyone else was eating. However he was surprised to also find Harry as well, and the professor narrowed his eyes "What, pray tell, are you doing here Potter? Do you realize the hour?" he spoke in his usual careless and monotonous voice towards the brunette "I sent Mr. Malfoy to do an errand for me, though it seems you always have a way of interfering in anything" he said as he narrowed his eyes, easily making up an excuse for Draco and why he was here. After all, it was his job to protect the male now "Come Draco, you wouldn't want to miss dinner" he spoke as he ushered the blond down the hall, providing an escape for the Malfoy.
Harry didn't really have time to respond, as he caught sight of Snape shortly after Malfoy. He had to bite his tongue, to keep from saying anything that might get him in trouble. He knew that Snape would love any chance to throw him in detention. And honestly that wasn't how he wanted to spend his first day.

"Wasn't hungry," he lied. Snape would know he was lying but he wouldn't believe the truth that he was studying on the first day. Ironic, since his assignment was the reason Harry was stuck in the library anyway.

He waited until Snape led Draco away before heading back to the towers and dropping off his bag in his dorm. Despite his lie, he was hungry. So he made his way to the Great Hall to find Ron and Hermione.
Relieved to see Snape show up, Draco knew that this was thankfully the end of this conversation with Harry. For now, anyways. It would be a pain considering the male was his partner in this project they had together, and so he was sure Harry would have plenty ore chances to pester him regarding similar topics and accusations of him. He honestly wasn't sure how he was supposed to deal with it, it was enough stress alone with out the males pestering annoyance.

Glancing over his shoulder once more as he and Snape exited the hallway, Draco glared at Harry before he disappeared around the corner, heading back to the great hall. Snape of course went on ahead without him, only giving him a warning look as if to warn him of a future lecture he would surely be receiving.

Half groaning to himself, he ran a hand through his hair as he made his way to the Slytherin table. Sitting down, his 'friends' immediately started up conversations with him, asking about his first day of classes, or telling about their own day and how it went about. Draco honestly could care less, and just silently ate his meal while brooding to himself without any of his supposed friends taking notice.
(Alan Rickmannnnnn D: Can't see Snape without thinking about him.)

Harry sat down at the table beside Ron and Hermione, both who were unusually quiet. He hadn't noticed at first but the atmosphere was tense. He frowned, grabbing a biscuit and knife from the table. Another row no doubt, which meant that they were too preoccupied to listen to his finding about Draco.

He bit bitterly into his biscuit and glanced over at the teachers. He knew something was going on between Snape and Draco, he just wasn't sure what it could be. But he had a sinking suspicion that Snape knew about whatever was in that room. Maybe tonight he could try and find the room again and open it. No doubt, it was concealed under strong magic, but it was worth a try. If his first day was any indication for the rest of the year, he was in for a very long term.
(I knowwww!! It's terrible :( It's going to be so bittersweet whenever we have to play his character now)

Draco for the most part entirely ignored his so called friends sitting all around him, as they were all vying for his attention like usual, either talking about their classes they had in common, or talking about some cruel prank they pulled on the first years. No matter the topic, Draco's interest in them was entirely lost, as he just silently ate his meal. While his friends of course found this rather odd, since he'd typically make delight in some unfortunate first years mishaps, he seemed to be in another world, and they for the most part left him be, thinking it would surely pass over. Probably just first day glooms or something.

As dinner started to finish up and people dispersed from the hall, most leaving to head to their respective houses and rooms as it was nearing curfew, Draco stayed a bit longer - partly because he arrived late so it took him a little longer to finish eating than the rest. Also partly due to not wanting to head back to his room yet, further surrounded by his friends. He glanced up, green eyes finding Harry - just as he always was lately, eating without recognition from his supposed two best friends. Staring at the boy-who-lived a moment longer, he felt eyes on himself, and, considering he was looking at Harry at the moment who wasn't looking back at him, he knew it couldn't be him. And he was all too familiar with the unnerving cold stare. Sighing, he glanced over towards the professors, Snape finally meeting his eyes directly, before the professor silently stood from his seat and left. Frowning, Draco was sure the old man wanted to talk to him. He wondered if he could get away with pretending he didn't know what that stare meant....But then again, there were far to many other chances he would see Snape, and surely get twice the scolding if he missed this one. With one last sigh, he pushed himself from his seat, departing the great hall.
(Yessss. :C)

"Something's strange with Malfoy," Harry muttered after several long minutes of silence, staring at his food and hating the awkward silence between his two best friends. He was sure this had something to do with Hermione's revelation she had kissed Krum, but Harry thought that there were a lot more important things to worry about at the moment. Unfortunately, his friends seemed to disagree. Ron looked like he had just mentioned the weather, and grunted in reply. Hermione gave him the same look she had been all term, which was oddly similar to the look she would give him in fourth year when he talked about Cho Chang. And because he had no idea why it was so similar, it really just irritated him.

"I saw him doing something odd in a room filled with magical artifacts. Tell me that's not suspicious," He retorted back, despite the fact neither of his friends had said anything. Ron finally blinked and looked up, "No offense, mate, but you've been on about Malfoy since before term." Harry gave Ron an angry look for his response. Hadn't he heard anything? He was starting to wonder why he even bothered to tell his friends anything. They were so wrapped up in each other that he was half tempted to just shove them in a closet until they solved everything and snogged.

He didn't say anything else. Hermione left first, and Ron followed albeit much, much later to pretend he wasn't following. Harry almost didn't see Malfoy leave. But he just caught sight of the Slytherin sharing a look with Snape, right before the blond stood. Harry frowned and followed behind, several long steps behind. He had slipped the Map into his robe pocket, just in case, and it seemed like it would come in handy.
(Also, my apologies if the dialogue seems weird. I'm not very good at having my own arguments with characters I'm controlling against each other xD It's like having an argument with myself lol. I tried to play Snape well but sometimes I find his character difficult to portray without making him too out of character ^^' )

Sighing to himself as he made his way down the hallways, Draco wasn't particularly looking forward to meeting up with Snape. Just because the man had sworn an unbreakable vow to protect him, didn't mean he was any nicer to him. The only thing he had going for him was that he was a Slytherin, which Snape, albeit he was still cold and ruthless to the Slytherin's just like any other house, they at least had a bit of partial from him, being in the Slytherin house and all.

Furthering his way towards Snape's office, he hesitated momentarily and was about to raise his hand to knock before the monotonous voice from inside beat him to it. Frowning, Draco ran a hand over his greased back hair once more before he headed into the room, shutting the door behind him and locking it upon Snape's instruction, so that no one would accidentally walk in upon their conversation.

Needless to say, it wasn't a conversation Draco was looking forward to, though it was one he unfortunately expected. "Draco you're making things more than difficult and it hasn't even been the first week yet. Need I remind you that you are not a child anymore" he scolded in his usual monotone drawl, and Draco frowned, glaring at him "Of course I get that. Maybe you should have thought more carefully before making that promise with mother" he said as he crossed his arms as their conversation continued in each having their own words to say "That blood Potter keeps sticking his nose in. And it isn't exactly helpful when you pair us together on a project to keep him out of my business" Draco sneered at the man "How exactly do you expect me to do what I'm supposed to with him around. He already follows me around more than necessary without him being my partner" he said in irritation, though Snape's expression showed that he could honestly care less "That would be your own problem then, wouldn't it, Malfoy? I suggest you take more care, after all, you know who is watching you very closely. I suggest you don't take a wrong step" he said as Malfoy glared back "Well that would be your job, isn't it? You're the one who made an unbreakable vow, swearing my protection" he said a bit arrogantly, only to have Snape glare at him and their words spit back at each other. With the lecture from Snape over and the conversation abruptly ending, Draco turning on his heel and headed towards the door, exiting the room.
(Don't worry, I feel the same way. xD Always found those scenes hard in novels, too.)

Harry made his way into an abandoned classroom to open the map. It didn't take long for him to find Malfoy and Snape's footsteps heading to the dungeons. That in itself wasn't unusual, but he still had a strange feeling about it. He quickly muttered 'mischief managed', slipped the map into his pocket and approached the door.

He couldn't hear much at all, aside from mumbling and the occasional word in a raised voice. Something about an unbreakable vow? But he heard footsteps from around the corner and he had to turn away from the door. He swore under his breath just as he heard Filch's voice. He was positive his luck for the day was about out, and he headed down the hallway in the opposite direction and around the corner just as Malfoy opened the door.

With Malfoy and Filch in one direction, he headed down the hallway back to where he had seen the room from before. The tricky thing with the Room of Requirement was that it only opened when you desperately needed something. And it decided Harry didn't need to see the room, not like Malfoy. So he was left staring bitterly at the wall. "So what's an Unbreakable Vow?" He muttered to himself, figuring that was as big a clue as he was going to get.
Walking out of the room in irritation, Draco sighed to himself as he ran a hand through his hair, once more efficiently messing up the usual sleek and composed look of it, as though if to demonstrate how he was actually feeling inside. He headed back towards the Slytherin House dormitory, ready to just call it an end for the day. It had been far too stressful on him and was certainly taking its toll on the Malfoy's sanity.

Quickly giving the password in a snappy voice, he stepped through the opened door and walked through the common room. Considering it was getting late, not many people were around, it was already bordering the time of curfew, and so while a few hung around in the common area, most were probably either getting ready for sleep or maybe doing homework from the first day.

Heading up the stairs and to his own room, he stepped inside, grabbing a towel and stripping of his clothes as he headed to the showers, planning on taking a hot one as to maybe help de-stress and clear his mind, even if just for a little. Just for once he wanted to not be able to think about his duties, about his responsibility to his family, or his connection with Snape. He didn't want to think about Harry sticking his nose in his business and finding out things he wasn't supposed to. He just wanted to be...well, nothing, for once. Typically he liked the attention and having responsibilities, as it made him feel important. But for once he wanted to not have any of these worries on his mind. And he couldn't even do that in his sleep anymore, since all he would have lately were nightmares.
As it turned out, the first day was very much the template for the following few days into his first week. Harry had asked Ron what an Unbreakable Vow was, though he still didn't have information on who performed it or why. If Snape was under the Unbreakable Vow, what did he promise? And to who? Frustratingly enough, he had more questions than answers. And he hadn't found anything else since the first night. He would still watch the Slytherin, but he didn't find anything else that could be of use. And he still had the project to worry about, since the deadline was fast approaching.

The thing about non-verbal spells, they required a great deal of concentration. And with a million things on his mind, Harry was having a hard time concentrating. He was attempting a non-verbal Accio, as it was supposedly one of the easier spells to master non-verbally, but all he had managed was to wobble the goblet he was trying to snatch off of the desk. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

It was much harder without proper instruction, and Snape gave them very little to work with. Aside from clear your mind and envision the spell working before attempting it. It was about as clear as one of Trelawney's crystal ball fortunes. He was supposed to meet with Malfoy to practice, though he really had no idea if the blond would show up at all. He waved his wand a bit aggressively at the goblet and it flew off the table, though not quite to him, it crashed into the wall behind.
The past week hadn't gotten any easier than the first day. Constantly having to sneak around the castle and keeping this heavy secret was become quite an emotion burden to the Malfoy. Of course, he couldn't say as such...and he couldn't turn back now, he knew that. Not only would the reputation of his family in the dark wizard community be at stake, however his very life likely would be too. And having to spend a lot of time with Harry lately wasn't helping, due to the male wanting to constantly know what was his business and all.

Speaking of said Potter, that's currently the direction in which he was headed, to meet up with said brunette. Walking through the hallways, it was the first weekend day of the new school year, a nice Friday afternoon, and here he was going to spend it with Harry Potter, practicing nonverbal magic.

Sighing to himself once more, he arrived at the room where he and Harry had planned to meet. Heading into the vacant classroom, he just barely missed the whizzing of a goblet flying past his head and smacking against the wall by the door, mere feet away from his head.

His eyes had widened momentarily in surprise and fear, before turning his gaze on Harry and glaring harshly "I know you want me dead Potter but don't you think it could wait until after this project" he sneered angrily at almost having had his face collide with a flying goblet.
Harry winced at the loud noise the goblet made, and rubbed the back of his neck as he looked over and saw Malfoy glaring at him accusingly. He shrugged apologetically. "Wasn't aiming for you, Malfoy." He hopped down off the desk and went to retrieve the goblet from the floor. Honestly, he wasn't, though maybe the goblet found its way over there because the blond had been on his mind moments before. Still, it was a little better of an attempt than before, when it never made its way off of the table at all. He weighed it in his hand, wondering if maybe he got a better feel for it he could get it to come easier.

Honestly, he was hoping it would be a quick and easy affair. It was gorgeous outside, and he was supposed to be at practice on the quidditch field. But the bloody presentation was on Monday, and he knew Snape would love any reason to flunk him out of class. From the sounds of his classmates, no one was really doing very well at mastering non-verbal magic, and everyone was complaining about the tight deadline.

"S'pose you can do better. Since you seem to be spending a lot of time with Snape, he must be giving you loads of advice." Harry muttered, knowing full well that they weren't talking about the project. He still hadn't figured out a great deal about Unbreakable Vows, except that they must be fulfilled or the oath breaker would die. It seemed like powerful, and possibly dangerous magic. Certainly not something to be taken lightly.
Rolling his eyes at the others response, he just walked further into the room "Sure sure" he muttered, not entirely believing the mail hadn't been aiming for him. He walked into the room and set his bag down on a desk, before turning to look at Harry, seeing him picking up the goblet that moments ago had nearly collided with his face. He sighed bit, watching the other and then glared again as Harry commented on Snape and himself "Tch, you really are some bloody stalker, aren't you?" he sneered as he walked over to the other.

Irritated at the other seeming to by spying on him all the time, he snapped at the other "Give me that" he said as he snatched the goblet out of the others hand "Clearly you just don't know what you're doing" he said as he walked over and set it down on a desk. Taking a few steps away from it, he stared at it momentarily, glancing back at Harry before back at the Goblet, getting his wand at the ready, and focusing his attention and energy at moving the cup like the other had been trying to do.

Of course, with how busy Malfoy had been with other things preoccupying his mind and attention, he hadn't been able to get much practicing in on nonverbal magic in his own time, so, the goblet didn't budge an inch no matter how hard he tried. He huffed in frustration "This is stupid, I can't concentrate with your nosey gaze always watching me" he said in frustration as he knocked the goblet over with his hand out of irritation, turning to glare at the male "What is it with you, anyways, Potter? Do you think you're some bloody superhero or something? Always following me around like its your business to keep tabs on me?" he sneered at the other, his fuse running very, very short today, after the overly stressful week and everything else that had been on his mind, his emotions were very hire wired.
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"I'm not–" Harry tried to refute Malfoy's claim about him being a stalker, looking affronted. As if Malfoy had the right to put him in the wrong when he was very obviously doing something suspicious right on Hogwarts grounds and underneath their headmaster's nose. He fumed silently as the blond moved to demonstrate the proper technique for nonverbal magic. Thankfully, Malfoy seemed to be having as much trouble as everyone else. Harry was secretly pleased, despite the fact they needed to have it mastered by Monday. Or at least, passable. And at this point, he was a little worried.

"Think I have every right to keep tabs on you," Harry retorted. "For one, you hate me, your father's threatened me more times than I can count and he happens to serve the one wizard that's wanted me dead since I was born. Why shouldn't I suspect you already have the mark? Just because Voldemort wants to kill me himself doesn't mean that I'm not going to be worried about the ones that follow him." He hadn't felt any of Voldemort's emotions since last year, but that didn't mean he couldn't imagine how angry the wizard would have been after finding out about the prophecy.

Whatever Voldemort was planning, it involved Malfoy in some way. Even if Harry wasn't sure what could possibly be done inside of Hogwarts. As long as Dumbledore was around, the castle was the safest place to be. And yet...he couldn't shake the feeling that nowhere was safe anymore. "I never wanted to be chosen, I never wanted to fight. I just wanted to be normal. But I guess you wouldn't understand that. I really would like to keep myself in one piece, so if that involves following a hunch I'm going to do it."
"You have no right at all" he scoffed "It's called stalking Potter, even from a muggle family you should still understand that isn't something normal" he huffed in irritation. He was really getting fed up with Harry's attitude, acting like he knew everything that was going on, an that therefore gave him right to sniff around Malfoy's life just because he was the supposed 'chosen one' or whatever nonsense it was he was all on about.

Huff in irritation, Draco glared at the male again thought grit his teeth. He had opened his mouth to say something back, but for a moment, was at a loss. After all, he couldn't deny the facts about his father, they were all more than true, and everyone knew it, so he couldn't really deny it, nor should he have since it was supposed to be something that Draco was supposed to be proud of. But lately he wasn't so sure he was.

"I wouldn't understand?" he muttered in a glare, scoffing as he looked away bitterly "I understand a lot more than you would think, Potter" he snapped at him, clenching his fist in irritation "I never asked for this life either. I was never given a choice about-" he started, moments from confessing all of the stress and all of the events causing such stress that were going on with him lately. He hadn't even realized he nearly gave away vital information - granted, it was information that Harry was already suspecting of. Gritting his teeth, he turned his back to Harry "Forget it" he muttered a lot more quietly. Why was it he got so emotional around Potter? He couldn't believe he nearly just confided in the male.
Harry hadn't realized how he stepped away from the desk and towards Malfoy, the more they argued the louder it got, and the more things just seemed to slip out. Like a bottle under pressure, everything seemed to explode.

"Yeah, well, I'm a little sick of people accusing me of things I've never done, and of telling me to stay out of things that concern me and just wait patiently in the dark. So if you understand even a little, you know you'd do the same thing if you were me. The last thing I want to be is some bloody 'super hero'."

The thing was, Malfoy was just as angry. Harry leaned against the desk after a short but heated pause as he processed what had been said. He didn't fully understand things, a lot of things. "What, having second thoughts?" He muttered.

He almost asked about the Unbreakable Vow. But...for some reason he didn't. It was strong magic he didn't fully understand, and he didn't really have any proof or information. Besides, he wasn't going to get any this way.

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