Secret Confessions (Draco & Harry)

Harry was a bit surprised to hear the bitterness in Malfoy's tone as he spoke of the school. Hogwarts had always seemed like home to him, home in a way his aunt and uncle's never was. Even if lately it felt less like home and more like a bunker. He had a feeling it wasn't as safe as everyone believed, and maybe the feeling of safety was blinding everyone to the fact there was another wizarding war being fought outside these walls.

He rested his head in his hand and looked over at the blond. Unconsciously, his lips quirked upwards into a smile. "Wonder what that's like," he replied, half-teasing. Expectations due to a name were exhausting, and sometimes the disappointment would leave scars far deeper than the physical ones he had.

"You said you didn't have a choice," Harry recalled the words said before, "Where are the expectations coming from there? Your name, your father?" Even knowing Lucius, Harry had a had time believing that anyone could throw their son into the middle of a war, to the hands of someone like Voldemort.
As he was spacing out staring into the fire absent mindedly, Draco was thinking about his part in this war of Voldemort's. And the more he thought about it, the more he regretted thinking about it. Because when he thought about it, he realized how much of a pawn he really was in this war, first by his father to Voldemort, and now directly used by Voldemort. Running a hand over his face as he shook the thoughts from his head, he knew he shouldn't be thinking as such. He shouldn't....he was important...right? He was important to his family, and to Voldemort...though not the kind of importance or attention he really desired. He was just useful, was all he was. But he knew he couldn't think like that...he couldn't start regretting his choices...or turning back now. He couldn't possibly turn back now. With that thought in mind, he unconsciously put a hand to his forearm, scarred with the mark of the dark wizard, covered with a long sleeve shirt.

Hearing Harry speak up, once again Draco shook the thoughts from his head as he looked to the male, a matching smile falling on his own lips "yeah...guess you wouldn't know, huh?" he smiled a bit in amusement - smiled, not smirked, which was usually his arrogant display of amusement in something, but this time it was genuine.

When Harry brought up what he said the other day, about not having a choice...and then asking about expectations put on possibly by his father, or family in general, his eyes widened momentarily in surprise. "You sure have a memory, Potter" he muttered, unsure of if he was sneering at him for the fact or just making a comment. He hesitated momentarily, but before he realized it, found the words spilling from his mouth.

"As you Father has long since been a follow of his..." he said, doubting Harry would need help in figuring out who he meant by 'his'. Voldemort, of course...Draco just was too scared himself to even say the name. Though he never would admit it...Draco terribly feared the man...which is why he was helpless but to do what he wanted. Continuing his sentence, he spoke again "as has been the entire Malfoy name. There are a lot of expectations that come with being a Malfoy...such as upholding the name...and more than just in its power, and pureblood...." he said, implying a lot more than the basics everyone knew, it going deeper such as being loyal to the dark lord, and along with that came many other obligations he couldn't get out of, at least not without likely being killed. It was something he was born into, and he couldn't escape...he was one lone Malfoy, and couldn't possible have the sheer mental power to stand up to the history of his name, along with the current.
Harry realized that this was perhaps the first time he had ever actually seen Malfoy smile, not smirk but actually, genuinely smile. It shouldn't have been shocking because everyone smiled, but he had never seen Malfoy smile. Harry didn't realize he was staring at first, but when he did he ducked his head and pretended to watch the fire and hoped it wasn't noticed.

He listened with interest to Malfoy's words. He had never considered that things were complicated and painful on the other side as well. After all, Voldemort's Death Eaters hid behind masks, they acted as one decisive force, it was easy to forgot that they were human. He had at some point just branded them as enemies and it became easier to fight them. But one thing was certain, he wouldn't be sitting here speaking like this to Bellatrix. It was different with Malfoy somehow.

"It's ironic...Vold--he's not even pureblood." He sometimes forgot that the name carried such fear for wizards. "Guess he wouldn't want his followers to know that. He was a student here once. Back in second year...I saw him. As he was then." Harry bit his lip, not sure how much he should be telling. What if Voldemort found out? Would he pry Malfoy's mind? "It-it always bothered me how alike we were."
Draco himself honestly didn't even realize how different he was acting. He felt different, talking with Harry, but he didn't really realize how different of a person he was coming off as, compared to his typical arrogant and spoiled display he put on to the whole world. But here alone in this room with Harry...well, he honestly didn't know how to say it. Even if it was a comforting feeling...he couldn't dare admit that, when Harry was supposed to be his rival.

Draco was considering these thoughts to himself, what was making this situation with Harry so different than their usual encounters? They had been alone together on various other occasions, so why now, did they both seem suddenly more open and soft together. A thought hit him, and he wondered if it had anything to do with the room. He didn't think long about it though, before he heard Harry say something incredibly surprising, something that Draco didn't even know - he doubted any of the death eaters really knew.

His eyes widened as he looked over at the male "What did you say?" he asked, confused as his voice was soft. Maybe he had heard the other wrong. Certainly he didn't just say Voldemort wasn't a pureblood, did he? He stared at the other with intense confusion, trying to decipher if the male was playing a trick on him or something, but then Harry went on about how he had seen him as a younger child, their age, and he furrowed his brows in confusion " do you even know any of this?" he asked with a confused frown.
Harry nodded, "His father was a muggle named Riddle. He hated his father, I bet you can imagine," After all, Voldemort never hid his hatred for muggles, muggle-borns, or mixed-blood wizards. Some of it probably stemmed back to his father. Harry pushed his hair back from his eyes and looked over at Malfoy. "Even your dad didn't know that?"

Well, all records of Voldemort's true name were probably all but wiped clean. Or everyone was too scared to admit they knew it. "His younger self was a memory linked to dark magic. I didn't know it at the time, and he has ways of getting in your head. 'Course, he wasn't going to keep his father's name. The only reason he told me anything was because he fully planned on killing me that night."

Harry half wondered what Voldemort's followers would do if they found out. If they found out anything about him to make him seem human. Of course he wasn't human, he was a monster. He had been thoughtlessly killing for years. He wondered what Voldemort's childhood was like, after seeing the last memory.
Staring at the other in confusion as he continued to speak, Draco was still at a loss for how to process all of this information. He furrowed his brows as the other continued to speak, and Malfoy just sat there silently, listening to the other, though he wasn't sure if he could really believe him. After all, it was Harry. The Gryffindor would probably say anything to try to get to Draco's head and get him to reason with his side.

Watching the other with speculation as the other spoke, he just silently and quietly shook his head when he had asked if even his father knew about that. He didn't think so, from what he was aware of anyways. But then again his father wouldn't really expose much of anything he knew to him, not even as his own son. The only thing the two of them could talk about together was either the family name, or being death eaters, pretty much. And even then that was few and skim of information. There really wasn't much father son bonding between the two of them, the only thing that they could bond over was their siding with the dark lord and all....perhaps thats the real underlying reason why Draco sided with them.

Shaking his head softly as he pushed the wavering thoughts out of his mind, he glared at Harry "How should I even know you're telling the truth, anyways, Potter? I wouldn't be surprised if you're just making all of this up" he said "And besides, even if this is all should know that you really shouldn't be telling me..." he trailed off, unsure if he should even say what he was going to. How had he come so close to slipping up, and telling the other he was a death eater already? Or at least, a fledging one in the process, already possessing the mark.
Harry laughed, but there was no humor in it. As if he had never heard that before. "Why would I have any reason to lie about it? doesn't matter, pureblood or not he's still..." Harry trailed off, mildly frustrated. Of course he shouldn't have expected Malfoy to believe him. Malfoy was on the other side, where his family steadfastly remained. He had never faced against Voldemort, never had his head invaded with thoughts and emotions and images that weren't his own. He had no reason to question or disbelieve because there wasn't room for that in war.

He really shouldn't have been saying anything, probably. It was one thing to tell Ron and Hermione, but Malfoy was close to Voldemort and his closest followers. And if any of the information came out, or if Voldemort had any reason to doubt would be at the cost of Malfoy's life. Harry pushed himself out of the chair, suddenly feeling like the room was too small.

"No. S'pose not, it's not going to change anything." There was nowhere to go, he leaned against the far wall. No matter what he said, Malfoy would follow his family's wishes, his father's expectations. Harry wasn't even sure why things slipped out, except they just did. And it actually felt nice for once to talk about what was in his head.
Seeing the others humorless laugh to his questioning as to why he should believe him, part of Malfoy actually momentarily felt sorry he had said such a thing - it had just come out instinctively, a bit defensively since he knew thats how he should be acting, anyways. He should dismiss everything, accuse Harry of nonsense. However...part of Draco really wanted to hear more, and know how Harry knew all of this, despite how he should be acting, as a 'loyal' follower and all. He glanced away a bit awkwardly, sighing "Listen Potter, I know how that came out. I know you're not much of a liar, of course. Everything everyone is questioning you about...of course I know it's true. But this...this is something different. I just don't know how you expect me to believe such a thing" he said as he glanced back to the male, who was now standing up from his seat.

Draco watched the other momentarily, from where he stood against the wall, as though trying to create as much distance as possible between them. Draco frowned, turning his head the other way. He suddenly felt a strong urge inside his though he just wanted to explode and confess everything...all he feeling, what he was going through...He knew it probably wasn't a good idea...and if Snape - let alone his father, found out, there would surely be high consequences. But somehow he couldn't stop the words from coming..

"I've done it, y'know...." he spoke softly, keeping his gaze away from Potter "I'm one of them. And not just by birth, anymore..." he muttered, even quieter than before. It was weird, really. He'd told and shown the marking to a few of his close friends, but before, he had been proud, and confident about it. But now, confessing it to Harry...well, it was just that. It felt like a confession of guilt or shame.
Harry felt oddly conflicted. On one hand he knew he shouldn't say anything, not about the war, not about the Order, not about Voldemort or any of his fears and concerns that he hadn't shared with anyone. And on the other hand, some part of him thought that maybe things were changing, and maybe they didn't have to constantly fight each other. Maybe there was something of an understanding.

He didn't expect a miracle, they were still on wrong sides of a dividing line. Harry let his arms drop to his side as he looked over at the blond. There was sincerity there, in his apology. He relaxed somewhat. It wasn't that he had been upset with the words, more that he was frustrated things were the way they were.

"No, I...guess not. Except for memories, there probably isn't much proof left." Harry stepped away from the wall, finding it too cold and hard as opposed to the welcoming warmth of the fire.

"What?" At first the words didn't make sense. He blinked and took another step forward. Malfoy was keeping his gaze elsewhere, his words almost too quiet to hear. But when it registered, Harry realized why Malfoy had touched his arm. "The mark." He had a suspicion, but finding out he was made him feel oddly sick. "You have the mark." It wasn't a question.
By the time Draco realized he had already confessed to Harry about what he had done...about the mark...he knew he couldn't take the words back. He firmly avoided the others eye contact, looking away from him as he mentally cursed himself in his head. Just what in the bloody hell had compelled him to admit such a thing - to Harry, nonetheless. Before to a few of his close friends, it wasn't a big deal. He knew they wouldn't snitch on him or anything like that, and if anything, were proud of the revelation. However, Harry was someone entirely different, and he didn't know why the males opinion and knowledge of it bothered him so much more than his supposed friends'.

He didn't pay much mind at first when Harry initially questioned him in confusion, figuring his further words would explain themselves to the male. And it seemed after a few moments of registration of what he had said, Harry understood just what he was referring to. Hearing the way Harry stated it, and said those words of reality, it just made it all the harder inside Draco to accept, and his frowned, his expression turning into an anguished one as he couldn't bring himself to look at Harry for some reason, nor could he bring himself to verbally confirm the others conclusion of understanding, since for some reason he didn't want though if he confirmed it himself, it would make it all the more real - even though he very well knew how real his situation already was. But of course, he remained silence didn't offer any deny of the males words either, and Draco just remained silent as he avoided the others gaze.
"Are you mad?" Harry found himself in front of Malfoy's chair in an instant. For some reason the fact made him angry. "That's a direct link to Voldemort! It's suicide." There was probably a reason not all of Voldemort's faithful had the Dark Mark. It was dark magic, and an undeniable statement of loyalty. It meant there was no turning back, because the only other option was death.

"Why did you do it?" Even though he knew nothing about Malfoy's family except for his encounter with Lucius, he found it hard to believe that his mother would allow it. After all, if any of Voldemort's followers were caught with the mark, it would be Azkaban. It was dangerous, they were sixteen. That was a life decision.

"Even if he wins, even when the war is over...what do you think would happen? It's only going to get worse, Malfoy. He doesn't trust anyone, he only knows how to use people. And I've seen what he's done to his 'loyal followers' when he's done with them. You could have just....stayed out of the front lines."
Draco had been staring intently at the wall to the side of him in thought, unable to respond to the other - honestly, he didn't know how to respond. When the other was suddenly standing in front of him though, it was hard not to face the other, and look at him as the other lectured and scolded him. As the other yelled at him with the threats of just how grave what he had done was, Malfoy felt that same anxious fear, and bundle of emotions building up within him. He clenched his fist, as he couldn't help but look away from the other again.

As the others words where echoing through his ears, Malfoy was clenching his fists tightly, so much so he didn't even realize he was shaking slightly in his seat. His face was pale as he bit his lip, doing his best to try and keep his calm and cool in front of Harry, despite the reminding of the grave reality of his actions.

His stomach was flipping in a very nauseating sensation as the other further reminded him of what could happen to even the most devout of Voldemort's followers. Eventually, the fear as well as irritation building up within him snapped after all of Harry's lecturing reminders.

"Well it's not like I thought it was a bloody good idea either, you know!" he yelled at the other as he had finally snapped, now standing. His face resembled nothing like the known Malfoy of the past several years. Not only was his face along with his body skinnier from his own lack of nutrition because of the stress of his actions and involvement, but his face currently resembled that of a frightened, desperate boy.

"We're you even listening to a thing I said before? Or was my nonsensical moment of emotion not enough to catch your attention" he sneered at the other "I don't have a bloody choice, Potter! Volde-, He expects a lot out of me, as does my father. To my father the only good things I can do in his eyes are the bad things. He all but offered up my loyalty to him. And I couldn't do a bloody thing about it. If I had refused or denied any such desire otherwise, not only would my father likely be disposed of for my acting out, but I'd all but be dead myself" he snapped, feeling his chest tightening, and for a moment, it almost looked as though there were tears in Malfoy's eyes. But the blond was quick to turn his back to Harry "You're not the only one being raised for a war, Potter" he snapped bitterly.
Harry took a half step back, still face-to-face with Malfoy but not aggressively. "You really believe your own dad feels that way?" He could probably believe it about Lucius, the man was cruel and misguided. But even under all that, Draco was his son. There had to be something there, some paternal instinct. Or maybe not. Malfoy looked wrecked, and Harry doubted the other was getting any sleep.

"You wouldn't have been fighting alone. If-if you turned away from him. There are ways to protect wizards, even from Volde-even from him. And he doesn't see his followers as soldiers, just tools he can use. It's not a war to him, he thinks he's already won. It's a slaughter." Dumbledore himself had said that Lucius was safer in Azkaban than at the mercy of Voldemort's anger after his mistakes.

Harry raked a hand angrily through his hair. "Whatever he's got you doing..." Harry tripped over his own words, uncertain whether he wanted to stop Malfoy or try and convince the members of the Order what the situation was. But there was Snape, he didn't trust their teacher no matter how much Dumbledore seemed to.

"Who...who did the Unbreakable Vow? And what happens if you don't meet his expectations with whatever mission they have you on?" He knew it was dangerous to divulge too much because it wasn't just going to Malfoy, at any time Voldemort could tap his mind and that would be the end of everything.
Malfoy was silent a bit after his sudden rant and everything he'd blurted out to the other. What the bloody hell was wrong with him? When did he become this much of a wreck....this vulnerable, to Harry? Exhausted, he collapsed back into the couch, running a hand over his face as the other seemed unsure if to believe what he said about his father. Sighing he glanced away "Maybe at one point he actually cared more than that" he scoffed "But ever since the dark lord returned and regained his power...well, anything left my father had to care for me was all but gone in and instant, and focused on serving him."

When the other further mentioned that he didn't have to do it alone, and there were ways he could have been protected, he scoffed a bit "Yeah, like what?" he snapped at the other "Not only was I already connected to the dark lord from my own birth and family name, but because of that no one would trust to help me. I was already too far involved even by the time I was born" he muttered.

Malfoy was starting to feel really exhausted from this conversation - though at the same time, it seemed to be lifting and unknown weight off of him. However the further the conversation continued, the more suffocating it got in this room with the tension and emotions running about.

Lost in his thoughts, he was quickly snapped out of them when Harry suddenly asked about the unbreakable vow. His eyes widened and his head snapped over to Harry, his look of surprise turning into a glare "How do you know about that? Done about more stalking, have you?" he sighed in exasperation "You know you have a really hard time staying out of others' business, don't you, Potter?" he muttered before sighing once more "It was done between Snape and my mother - Bellatrix preformed it. Of course, it was her suggestion to" he said with a frown "It's just as it sounds. A promise is made between two. If either one breaks their end of the promise, they die. That's why it is unbreakable" he explained the short version of it to him, before Harry was asking yet another question "What happens to me...?" he muttered frowning as he trailed off and looked away nervously, paling. He honestly hadn't been trying to think about it. He didn't consider not doing his mission not even once. The thought never crossed his mind because he was sure whatever the consequence would be, wouldn't be minor.
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Harry turned his gaze away, not sure he had the answers. There were places that could be concealed even from dark magic, but it was probably a stretch for Malfoy's entire family to hide. And if he disobeyed, Voldemort would undoubtedly turn on his mother and father next. Dumbledore might help them, he could provide some solution even if it was safe haven at the Order. one would trust them. Especially not with the mark.

He slowly sank back into the chair, arms crossed on his knees and his head lying atop them. There was just so much he didn't know. He didn't know how to kill Voldemort, he didn't know how to protect anyone, he didn't know what was going to happen next or who was in danger.

"Snape has a very thin door," he muttered to the floor, because yes. He had been blatently eavesdropping. He wasn't sorry, because this Unbreakable Vow sounded extremely important. He didn't ask what the terms were. He could probably guess.

"Would you ever switch...if things were different and you weren't so far involved, and you didn't have your mum and dad to worry about?" He was pretty sure he already knew the answer. But he couldn't help but wonder what things would be like in slightly different circumstances.
Draco fell silent again as he was back sitting in the chair now. After trailing off about considering the other question, about what would happen if Draco ever decided to refuse his orders...he didn't want to think about it too deeply. The thought, quite honestly, scared him. And he wasn't sure if he would be able to do anything about his life regardless of his 'choices' in it. They were more so guiltiness given to him by those in power around him...he could hardly think for himself, he was so scared of the thoughts.

Glancing back to Harry when he mumbled about Snape having thin doors, he scoffed with a roll of his eyes "Just like you, Potter" he muttered, before looking away once more. He sighed softly to himself, leaning back against the cushions of the back of the couch, before hearing the others question.

He didn't respond right away, finding he actually had to think about it. He'd never considered such a thing, so it was a new thing for him to think about. However, despite the silence of thought for a few minutes, Draco found he couldn't come up with an answer "I...I don't know..." he mumbled softly. While it was definitely better than outright saying he wouldn't, he also couldn't say for himself that he would. "I think i would prefer to stay out of it entirely, if it was up to me. No sides to choose from" he commented as an after thought.
Harry lifted his head from his arms and looked over at Malfoy. It really wouldn't change anything just to speculate, but he was honestly curious. And he was a glad that the blond didn't give him an outright no. It was funny, because two weeks ago if he had asked he would have expected a no. Two weeks ago he never would have thought he could sit in a room with Malfoy and talk like this.

"What does that make us? Enemies?" He didn't feel like they were, oddly enough. Their entire school years had been filled with nothing but rivalry, but lately he was beginning to realize there was more to Malfoy than he first thought.

But Voldemort undoubtedly had given him some mission, something dangerous enough to warrant something like Snape and Malfoy's mother performing magic like the Unbreakable Vow. It was all a bit much to take in all at once and Harry didn't know where to start.

Maybe if he could learn more about Voldemort, maybe he could figure something out. Maybe he could actually do something in this fight. It felt like school was the last thing he should be worrying about. But Dumbledore had been insistent that Harry continue at Hogwarts, where it was safe.
"Enemies?" Malfoy repeated, and couldn't help but scoff "If we were enemies, I don't quite think I would have rambled on to you so pathetically like this..." he muttered, half ashamed at himself for showing such a side, and a side to Harry Potter nonetheless. But at the same time, if he were to be so open to anyone, he figured Harry was the best option. Not only was he not entirely close to his friends as much, at least not so much that Harry would probably go blabbing on about how weak and stupid Draco looked confessing all of this to him. However were he to do this with anyone else...well, he couldn't. He wouldn't be able to be so open to his friends, or anyone else he knew.

But considering the others question, Draco really didn't know what to say, or what to even consider themselves as. Surely, it seemed they weren't enemies....but what was it then? Rivals? Would that be possible? He wondered if rivals would be so open with one another like this though...but then, they were more than acquaintances...surely they couldn't be friends though, right? He nearly laughed at the thought. That surely couldn't even be possible. What were they really, then, he wondered?
"No, guess not," Harry grinned. "Y''s going to be kind of weird going back to classes after this. Back to the project, like everything is normal." He knew that something was going on, that Malfoy was wrapped up in something dangerous. And it certainly felt like things were winding up and leading towards the end of something. But...he didn't know how to stop any of it.

He would still continue trying to learn more about Voldemort and maybe...maybe he could think of something. Maybe There was a choice for Malfoy, one that didn't put him in danger. But it was all speculation, and a large part of him felt that he was just dreaming.

It wasn't possible to save everyone. He knew that, it was just hard to swallow. It was hard to believe they were all safe here at Hogwarts, with Dumbledore protecting the school. He really was a remarkable wizard, but he wouldn't always be here. And Harry didn't think they could stand on their own yet.

"I know this might sound weird...but, er, I mean if you ever want can talk to me. I'm not the best company, I guess. But if things start to get to you, I dunno, maybe talking about it helps?" He knew his words were a jumbled mess, and he kept his eyes down and rubbed the back of his head.
Draco smirked a bit watching the other grin and seem to agree how they really couldn't consider each other as enemies at this point anymore. At his mention of things going to be weird, he glanced away, suddenly feeling awkward "W-well don't be thinking I'll suddenly start being all nice and stuff to you around others" he muttered a bit quickly and defensively. After all, if he didn't want anyone to think anything was up with him, or particularly between him and Harry, he would still have to act the same. He smirked a bit in amusement at the would almost be like a sort of inside joke between the two of them.

He wondered what it would be like from now on. It would be weird if they suddenly acted even remotely friendly towards each other in the halls and classes, around others. However at the same time, Draco didn't feel the energy or same enjoyment come from the thought of pestering Harry and bullying him like he always had in the past.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized that he felt a lot closer to Harry in this moment than he ever had in the previous several years, and actually found that, as reluctant as the both of them had been at first for being stuck in the same room together, he actually was a little grateful for it, because of this sort of friendlier outcome between the two of them. Of course, he would never dare admit that to anyone, not even Harry.

He was lost in his own thoughts, considering these things before he heard Harry speaking up again, and so shook the thoughts from his head as he looked to Harry, his eyes slowly widening a bit in surprise as he said that if he ever needed someone to talk to, he would be there. He stared at him for a few moments, unsure what to say, before letting out another one of his genuine smiles "Bloody hell, Harry..." Draco started, laughing lightly "What are you, my therapist now?" he teased the other, seeing how flustered Harry seemed at even suggesting it. "BUt.....thanks" he commented again, a bit softer and genuinely appreciative "I...I may take you up on that offer some time."
For some reason, the whole school seemed to know about their rivalry. Harry didn't know how, or why it was such a well-known fact even among the teachers. But he knew a few people would probably start looking at him like he had grown a second head if he was seen hanging around with Malfoy. Especially Ron, he would definitely have something to say.

Harry turned a slight shade of red and ducked his head hearing the comment. He had never been really eloquent with his words and this strange new relationship with Malfoy made it kind of difficult to say things he never would have before.

"I don't think I'd make a great therapist. Might get some interesting people trying to be patients though." He relaxed a little, hearing Malfoy's response. And he was actually glad, because he was kind of interested in seeing more sides of the Slytherin. That was definitely something he didn't say though.

"What time is it, do you think?" Harry wasn't sure how long they had been in here, but he wasn't worried about the door anymore. Something told him they could leave if they wanted to. And he had a feeling that the room had designed itself for them to talk, as weird as that sounded.
Draco chuckled softly at the males response to not being a very good therapist "Somehow I can easily believe that" he said, smirking a bit in amusement, just at the thought of even trying to imagine Harry as a therapist and dealing with others peoples problems. It seemed the male had enough trouble dealing with his own problems. And Draco's now too.

While Draco would never dare admit it, he had actually come to enjoy this time stuck with Harry. Well, perhaps enjoy wasn't exactly the right word. But he had come to appreciate the time, and grow thankful for it. The only reason he wouldn't say enjoy, exactly, was due to the fact that it had been rather stressful and emotional with the both of them being so open and upfront about some things they had been holding back, not just from each other, but from everyone, it seemed.

When the other was asking him about the time, Draco frowned a bit in though "I....honestly I've no clue" he commented, now curious in thought as he straightened up a bit "I er...I have no idea how long we've been talking..." he said, not exactly wanting to blatantly say how he lost track of time talking with the other and didn't even realize, however, thats essentially what he was implying.

"Perhaps its around dinner? It was sometime in the afternoon when I came in here...and you didn't come along much longer after" he commented as he ran his hand through his hair, now wondering the time.
Harry pulled out his wand and gave it a flick, "Temporem," he muttered and a brief image of an old clock appeared on the wall. Malfoy was right, it was almost dinner. How long had they spent in here then, several hours? He hadn't really even noticed how much time had gone by. There were no windows or clocks in the room, but he had a feeling that was on purpose.

He did wonder if anyone had come looking for them, though. Even though he didn't end up spending Saturday on his own, really, he didn't mind at all. The clock vanished and he slipped his wand back in his pocket and approached the wall. He placed his hand on it and slowly but surely the door appeared.

He turned and grinned at Malfoy. "Well, if the room doesn't lock us in here again, we here? If you ever want to talk or something. No one can get in the room, probably the most secretive place in the castle."

No one would find them there, and no one could question why they were actually being friendly. It was odd enough for a Gryffindor and a Slytherin to spend time together, let alone the two of them.
Draco followed the flick of the others wand, looking to the wall to see what time it was. He was surprised to see he was right. Well, he was pretty sure it was nearing dinner, considering he was starting to get hungry. But somehow seeing the time actually displayed on the wall was like some sort of physical proof of just how long the two of them had spent in there together just talking, and without a single fight.

He continued to stare at the wall in surprise for a few moments, before finally pulling his gaze away and looking over to Harry who made his way over to the wall, and a door started to appear. He smirked a bit, letting out a breathy laugh "Well, I guess the room was working...maybe we just didn't realize what it was we needed until now..." he said softly, before giving the other a small nod when he commented meeting here again "That sounds good..." he nodded his head in agreement.

Letting the other walk out of the room first, Draco made sure there was no one near in the halls to see them, before stepping out as well, leaving the room of requirement to close on itself and disappearing within the wall. "Well....I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. Later, Potter" he smirked, giving him a very brief pat on the shoulder before he made his way down the hall and towards the great hall to get some food.
That was an interesting way of putting things. Maybe they hadn't know. What they needed until this point. So how did a magical room? Harry looked mildly puzzled as he stepped out into the hallway and realized that talking with Malfoy had been the best part of his week.

"Yeah...see you," Harry replied as Malfoy walked away. "Ron's going to think I've gone mental," he muttered to himself as soon as Malfoy was beyond earshot. He decided not to mention the best part of his week bit. Maybe he had gone a little mental.

He made his way to the dormitories which were surprisingly crowded. Posters had been hung in all the common rooms with information on their first trip to Hogsmeade, along with several quidditch tryout posters. He had yet to set a date for trials and he groaned inwardly at the thought.

(Between their gatherings, I can double as some characters to keep the plot moving. That alright?)

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