Secret Confessions (Draco & Harry)

As they two of them argued, retorting back to each others own feelings of complaint with things going on in their lives, Draco hadn't even realized how loud or close to each other they had gotten in their argument. However, as Harry argued back at him again, saying how if he understood then he should know how Harry felt, and why he acted the way he did. What was even worse was, Draco knew Harry was right. So he couldn't even say anything back in defense to that, and just looked away in silence.

Silence then ensued between the both of them, the once very loud room full of arguments now dead silent as neither spoke. Until harry finally did again. Hearing the others words, Draco remained silent, not responding to them. He didn't want to confirm the others thoughts, nor did he have the will to deny it either. He really wish he'd been given a sort of choice....

Being part of the Malfoy family, and only son, he hadn't been given one. There were things to be expected of him, not only the way he acted, or growing up to uphold the family name. But his father offered him up without a seconds thought as a puppet of the Dark Lord. And Draco couldn't do anything but accept and act proud and happy for he was given a chance to further represent his family name and bring such respect to it in the dark wizarding community - otherwise he would surely have disgraced the family, possibly even killed if he denied what Voldemort wanted of him. He may seem privileged, and spoiled, but really Draco hadn't had a choice in anything in his life.

Snapping out of his thoughts he turned away from the other as he went to pick up the goblet "We should continue practicing..." he muttered as he set the goblet back on the desk, his voice sounding quiet, bitter, and almost like there was some sense of defeat, or a helpless child stuck within.
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People didn't often open up to him. Maybe it was because he was always in the spotlight or something, but he didn't really get to know about anyone except for Ron and Hermione. Everyone had their secrets, their dark and painful scars, and usually he didn't find out until they were dragged into the war. He had always assumed Malfoy would be proud to follow family tradition. But maybe things weren't as black and white as they seemed.

Harry didn't argue as he stared at the goblet on the desk. He held his wand in his hand and stared at it, but the last thing on his mind was practicing schoolwork. So of course it didn't come to him no matter how hard he thought about it. His mind was more of a mess than before. He raked his hand through his hair in frustration, mussing it and standing to move from the desk.

"It's not working like this," he muttered. He wished he had a penseive. The only place he had ever seen one was in Dumbledore and Snape's office. Fat chance there. How was he supposed to clear his mind? He had never been very good at it to be honest. "Any brilliant ideas?"
Draco was relieved when the other, for once, wasn't overly nosey and didn't press on about his thoughts or anything. Though he wouldn't dare say or admit it, he appreciated that the other didn't pester on about the topic, and took his weak excuse of a distraction, as they both then turned their attention back to the goblet, well, they had both tried to turn their attentions back to it, anyways. But it really seemed as though neither of them could concentrate at all.

He sighed, running a hand through his own hair as neither of them could get it to budge at all "Well, what were you doing before? You at least got it to move, then" he commented as he lifted himself up and sat on the table of a desk as he gored at the goblet, as though it were to blame in their faults for being unable to properly preform the nonverbal spell.

When the other asked if he had any ideas, he just sighed and frown "What makes you think I have any idea what to do?" he muttered "I'm just as stuck as you are" he muttered as he glanced to Harry before looking back at the goblet, at a loss of what to do now. They weren't going to get anywhere at this rate. He considered calling it quits for the day, but they only had a few days left until the presentation was do.
"Er.." Harry briefly tried to recall what he had done before Malfoy entered the room. He really wasn't going to admit that he was thinking about what the blond was up to because that would add fuel to Malfoy's stalker theory. "I got angry, and kind of thought if it didn't come to me I was going to throw it across the room. And it, well, flew across the room almost into you." He paused, "Fancy standing by the door again?"

He was only joking about the last part. But it did make him think of something. "It's...not so different from a patronus. Snape said clear your mind but, maybe you just need to focus on something with a strong enough intention?" It hadn't moved much until he focused on his anger, and his determination to move it. Lupin always said the strongest magic came from the deepest emotions.

He looked at the cup and tried to recall what he had done before, holding his wand and picturing it moving. It wobbled once, twice, and then stopped. He frowned, and focused on a different memory, a fresher one, and he almost didn't know it was sailing at him until it was right upon him. He barely had time to catch it, but he managed, thanking years of quick reflexes and an oversized and abusive cousin.
Listening to the others explanation, he tried to actually be serious about the matter, considering what the other was saying and the correlation between his thoughts and the nonverbal magic actually working. However, when he suggested for him to stand back at the door again he frowned, narrowing his eyes at the male "Very funny, Potter" he rolled his eyes at what he thought was a terrible attempt of a joke.

He sighed as he leaned back on his hands, listening to Harry become more serious in explanation, comparing it to a protons charm, and he only furrowed his brows "Well, some of us don't get special training like you, and don't know that either" he scoffed before he let the other finish and said it seemed to have to do a lot with thoughts and emotions.

Draco remained silent as he let Harry concentrate, watching him ready his wand and focus his attention back onto the goblet. He raised an eyebrow as he watched it start to wobble a bit in place, before letting out a scoff of amusement as the other failed yet again. However, when Harry tried once more, Draco's eyes widened as it suddenly flew across the room, nearly hitting Harry in the face.

He stared at the other momentarily, before offering a small smirk "Well done, Potter" he actually complimented the other - briefly, however. Getting up, he outstretched his hand "Give it here, let me try" he said, taking the goblet back from the other and setting it down again as he readied his own wand, focusing and concentrating. It didn't do anything at first. However, getting angry at the thought of being showed up by Harry, he concentrated and focused a little harder, and it flew into the air, actually hitting Harry in the face. Draco was momentarily stunned, taking a moment to realize it had vaguely worked - to some degree, anyways - and then suddenly burst out laughing realizing it collided into Harry's face "I suppose thats what you call payback. Though my shot was more effective" he grinned mischievously.
Harry glanced over at Malfoy, not entirely sure if he was mocking or not. Honestly, he was a little surprised himself, as the memory he had chosen wasn't exactly a happy one, or one he was sure would work. But remembering his godfather's face had certainly renewed his determination to fight, and the emotions were easy enough to focus on. Oddly enough, anger seemed the easiest emotion to work with, even if the goblet flew a little fast.

"Thanks," he muttered, handing the goblet to Malfoy. He was still a little out of sorts and wasn't quite paying attention when Malfoy's attempt hit him square in the face. He made a surprised, pained noise and pulled his glasses off to rub the bridge of his nose. He glared at Malfoy as the other began to laugh.

"Next time I'll aim better," he muttered, throwing the goblet back and half hoping Malfoy was laughing too hard to catch it. He readjusted his glasses before replacing them on his face. He stood up and this time moved farther away, just in case it came flying again.
Draco snickered in amusement at the sound that had come from Harry when the goblet collided with his face. Thankfully, it hadn't flow to fast or hard through the air, so the impact wasn't as painful as it could have been, really. Smirking, he took the goblet back from the brunette when it was handed to him, setting it back down on the table and focusing his attention on it once more, becoming more serious.

They continued like this for a few hours, each going back and forth practicing this particular nonverbal magic. Granted it was one of the easier ones, however, at the same time, Snape hadn't specified which exactly they needed to demonstrate. Actually, he really hadn't specified much of anything about this project at all. The only information he provided them with was their partner, when it was due, and that they would be required to demonstrate nonverbal magic as well as give a presentation explaining it to the class.

Despite the nice day, the two had spent quite a few hours in the classroom practicing nonverbal magic. Thankfull, the presentation and understanding part of it was easier than actually preforming it, so he and Harry had already finished writing about it and notes for presentation earlier that week. Now, as it was nearing into the later afternoon, Draco was growing bored and quite tired of practicing, sighing as he leaned back against a desk "How much longer are we going to do this?" he muttered in impatience, growing tired of practicing.
Practicing and refining the spell over the afternoon was actually quite exhausting. By the end of things, the poor goblet had suffered enough dings, but Harry was certain they could both pull it off by now and was more confident that they would pass easily enough. He stretched as he looked out the window, figuring it was getting to early evening already.

"Seems good enough, doesn't it?" It was too late to go out on the grounds, but at least they had managed to learn one non-verbal spell. And with minimal fighting, really. Harry had expected the worst when he saw his partner, but it hadn't been as impossible as he first thought. In fact, he knew that most of his classmates were still struggling with it so it really put them ahead.

"I mean, it's a simple spell but effective. I think it should be enough for Monday." And honestly, he was kind of hungry and more than tired of practicing. He was tired of the whole project, really, but he expected nothing less of Professor Snape. And it seemed Malfoy was just as done with the long day of practice. "Call it a day?"
Nodding his head lightly in agreement, Draco would probably agree with just about anything Harry said at the moment if it meant that they could be done practicing, and done for the day. Sighing with relief, he ran a hand through his hair as he glanced to the other with a nod "I say it's good enough" he said with a shrug. It had been a long day, but it was certainly effective, and Draco was rather proud that they had actually managed to accomplish this, even if meagerly.

Glancing to the time of hour, he supposed dinner would be starting shortly. Considering it was now the weekend however, it was more relaxed, and people showed up much more sporadically to eat, considering they were typically all off doing their own things, either studying, snogging, or plain old dilly dallying.

"I say we take tomorrow off. We pretty much have everything done. We can meet back up briefly on Sunday to go over things before its all due on Monday" he commented. He was beyond sick of practicing nonverbal magic, and honestly hoped that they wouldn't have to do too much more with it after this project, and they could move on to another topic or something. Plus, despite his reluctance to do so, Draco still had other things to attend to...
Harry brightened, relieved that the both of them had the same idea. It wasn't often they were on the same page about things. But at least they could both agree now. Honestly, he was a little surprised that today was the first time in months that he had a clear head, and didn't spend the afternoon dwelling on things.

"Brilliant. I'll see you on Sunday, then." Harry started gathering his bag, replacing the goblet back on the shelf where he had found it. "Where at, the library again?" He slipped his bag over his shoulder and leaned against the door frame. He heard footsteps from down the hallway and was surprised to see professor McGonagall approaching them.

"Mr. Potter," She looked mildly surprised to see Malfoy in the room as well, unaware of the project of course, and fully aware of their tense school relationship. "Mr. Malfoy," she greeted. "If I may interrupt, the Headmaster wishes to see you, Potter." She looked as if she was going to say something further, but decided against it.

"Dumbledore wants to see me?" Harry seemed skeptical, after all he hadn't spoken to Dumbledore since summer and he was beginning to feel more than a little left out. But if this was about private lessons on Voldemort's past, as promised, maybe he would actually learn something useful.
Draco was glad they had seemed to come to an agreement of a conclusion for the day. Actually, in all honesty Draco was surprised overall with the project and its entirety while working with Harry. It had been a lot more productive then argumentative than he had thought it would be while working with the male he couldn't stand most in the entire school. But he was glad it had gone well, and without too much of a hitch. Of course, there were still the occasional arguments and banters between the both of them, but overall, he'd say the project had come along pretty successfully, despite who his partner was.

As he grabbed his bag and they agreed to meet on Sunday, he glanced up, surprised to see McGonagall arrive and saying something to Harry about meeting with Dumbledore. He raised an eyebrow curiously in suspicion, however didn't comment on anything, glancing to Harry and trying to read his face. Deciding it wasn't much of his to bother, he rather figured this was perfect. It would give him the opportunity to get some things done without Harry sticking his curious nose in his business any further.

"Well then, see you Potter" he dismissed himself, passing by the professor and brunette partner of his as he headed down the hall, heading back on his way towards the dungeons. Knowing Harry actually had some business to attend to and knowing where he would be relieved Draco some to know the male would be out of his hair for at least a little while.
"Right, see you..." Harry muttered as Malfoy walked past and down the hallway. Professor McGonagall didn't question the situation, she merely ushered Harry towards the Headmaster's office. Not knowing what to expect, as usual, heading to Dumbledore's office always made him slightly uneasy. Once the gargoyle jumped aside, Professor McGonagall gave him a light tap on the shoulder and turned to leave. Harry waited a few more seconds in the stairwell before heading forward. He was beginning to get whiplash, wavering between the war and simple every-day tasks like studying.

He stepped into the office, and didn't leave until two hours later feeling even more worn down and exhausted than before. It was always strange to view someone else's memories, physically draining, really. And Voldemort's especially even if they weren't directly through his eyes. He didn't fully know why, and he didn't really know who to ask. For some reason, he just didn't feel comfortable telling anyone what was going on with him personally. He didn't want to go back to the common room, so he wandered the hallways, which were thankfully empty. Most students spent their weekends on the grounds, or in the dormitories or common areas not wandering the hallways alone.

He wasn't sure why he found himself in an empty classroom, except maybe that he was looking for a place he could wander to where no one else would be. He pulled out the old potions book he had gotten from the classroom, the one with all of the strange notes and amendments. After seeing the last memory, maybe the 'Half-blood Prince had something to say about love potions. But to Harry's disappointment, there was nothing at all marked on that page that wasn't already taught in class. It was crazy to think of someone holding another person against their will with magic or potions, but Harry was starting to see a little of the crazy Voldemort inherited came from his family.

Harry flipped through the pages of the book, surprised to see so many spells written in the footnotes between potion recipes. Some of them he had never heard of, and there was no real direction of what the spell did. He found himself writing in the margin of the book himself, questions and names he didn't understand, things he wanted to remember, things he wanted to uncover. He scribbled 'Merope Gaunt' on the page beside the love potions.
The rest of the day had been just as stressful as the rest for Draco. He had to head back to that old cabinet in the room and play around with it, essentially just making sure that it was still working. Bellatrix had told him that while he would have that cabinet in hogwarts, they would have the other in that shop in Diegon Alley. It was planned that they would use it every once in a while with minor things, testing it out and making sure it indeed still worked and was safe. Hence, the apple the first day, and today they were going to test another inanimate object. Approximately once a week they would test it, each time the object growing more complicated in structure, until eventually they got to lifeforms.

So when the day had ended and it soon enough became Saturday, Draco was more than relieved enough to have the day arrive, as though it couldn't come soon enough. It was truly his first, really day off since the entire time he had been here. Before he had gotten no time to relax or even think about anything for himself. This entire previous first week was if he wasn't in classes, he was in that old furniture room, and if he wasn't there, he was with Snape, if not there, with Harry practicing, or if not any of those, then he was trying to keep up with his homework.

So as Saturday arrived, Draco didn't want to have to do anything with any one. He just wanted the day to himself honestly, to actually be able to do something for himself and not have to worry about anything else. That's why, as he was walking through the corridors of the school, a door started to randomly appear on a blank wall beside him. He was momentarily confused, wondering why the Room of Requirement decided to show up beside him...perhaps it was pitying him? He scoffed, rolling his eyes to himself as he opened the door and stepped inside.
The week had been incredibly long, and the weekend should have come as a relief. But when you really didn't want to be around anyone, it limited the possibilities of what you could do. He had never really been one to study or read, and there were only so many times he could brush people off for having 'other plans' without everyone realizing his only plans were to wander the halls, or wander the grounds or...sit on the window ledge and watch others wander the grounds on the Marauder's Map.

He was toying with a mock snitch from Fred and George, letting it buzz around him, zooming past the windows and circling around again like an overexcited bird. He had the map open on his lap, and was twirling his wand in his hand as he idly watched it. He had tossed a galleon to the floor a few times, summoning it non-verbally until that got boring, and he attempted to make it larger with engorgio, but it didn't work very well without incantation.

He spotted Malfoy's name on the map just down the hall and around the corner, but when he looked up he couldn't find it again. He hopped off the window and moved to look around the corner but he saw no trace of anyone. "Thought the map never lied?" He frowned, vanishing the contents and going back for his snitch when he saw the door. Which was definitely not there a moment ago, and didn't show up on the map either.

He hadn't passed the Room needing anything, had he? He stuffed the map into his sweater pocket and placed his hand on the knob to open it. Something seemed off, but it seemed as good a place as any to spend the afternoon without anyone wondering why he was wasting his Saturday doing nothing. Of course, he didn't see Malfoy, or know anyone else was around when he stepped inside.
Stepping into the room, the room had taken the appearance of a lounge. It didn't particularly look like one of the schools common rooms our anything. It was more elaborate than that, and had a very cosy, and comforting feel to it. Draco decided that as much as he still didn't understand why it showed up, it would be a nice place to relax. He walked over to the large couch, laying himself across it comfortably.

He smiled a bit to himself at the sheer silence that surrounded him. This was perfect. All he needed, some peace and quiet, away from Snape, away from his friends....just absolute silence. He closed his eyes, enjoying the time, and before long he had ended up drifting off into a light sleep. However that didn't last too long before he heard a door opening and shutting.

He frowned as he was woken up by it...had he perhaps imagined he'd walked into the room of requirement? Maybe he had hallucinated it and was really in his common room. But glancing around he saw that wasn't true, and wondered how someone else got into the room when it was already being used. He furrowed his brows, before sitting up from the couch, looking over the back of it that had been hiding him where he was laying down. When he sat up and looked over the back though, his face immediately fell.

"Bloody hell.....just great to see you on my day off" he muttered as his eyes fell on Harry "So much for some peace. That didn't last long" he sighed to himself.
(Cue lounge music)

At first Harry was at a loss. He stepped inside taking in the room in its entirety. It was big, probably bigger than some flats in London, but cozy. There was a fire going in the far off corner, crackling quietly, and several oversized chairs that looked good to sink into. He hadn't expected anyone so he jumped a little at the voice. "Malfoy?" He looked confused and then realized something. "So that's why..." He trailed off realizing the map didn't show the Room of Requirement.

Well, trust him to walk into a magical room and find the one thing or person he hadn't meant to. He caught the buzzing golden ball from the air as it circled him again, cupping his hands around it to stop it and then slipping it back into his sweater. Too bad, he rather liked this room. Of course he couldn't exactly pretend to be doing nothing and avoiding everyone if Malfoy was in the room. He sighed and turned to leave only when he reached for the handle of the door it wasn't there anymore. He blinked, and looked down either side of the wall for the door but he didn't see it at all.

Normally the Room gave you the door when you wanted it, unless something had gone wrong. On a whim, he pulled out his wand and waved it once where the door was, but nothing revealed itself. "Well..." he stepped back, not sure whether he should be worried at this point or not. "Whether I wanted to leave or not, looks like you're stuck with this 'disturber of the peace'," He placed his hand on the wall just in case, to feel for anything or maybe alert the room that he was still inside.
Looking to the clearly confused and wandering form of Harry, Draco just raised an eyebrow as the male mumbled to himself "So thats why what?" he asked and sighed as he sat up more fully as he looked to Harry "What are you even doing here anyways?" he muttered as he watched Harry turning to leave, only to be unable to do so.

Scoffing, Draco rolled his eyes "Whats wrong Potter, don't know how to open a door?" he sneered and he pulled himself up from his comfortable spot on the couch, walking over to where Harry was, where he had entered from. However, only when Draco got there did he realize the door was infact gone. He blinked a bit, frowning as his eyes searched the wall, only to come up empty, no sight of a door or exit.

He sighed "Just great" he mumbled as he crossed his arms "As if I wanted to spend my saturday afternoon with you" he frowned as he glared at Harry, as though it were his fault he was stuck in here. "It is curious being able to come in here when I didn't want anyone too....and now you wanting to leave but the room isn't listening to your will" he muttered as he looked around "The room seems to have it's own mind for the day" he sighed in frustration as he searched the other walls just in case "It looks like we're stuck here" he frowned as he glanced back to Potter "Unless you have some brilliant plan, boy-genius."
Harry rolled his eyes, and waved at the wall as if saying 'be my guest'. Of course it didn't show itself for Malfoy either. Harry had a small inkling it might, since the other had entered the room first but apparently not. "Well I was minding my own business doing absolutely nothing. Usually when the room opens there's a reason for it." He defended himself, and moved to the far wall to further investigate.

"What?" He shot Malfoy a glare for accusing him. "I didn't know you were in here. I was looking for a place to spend alone, thanks." He didn't honestly think it was all that strange at all, he had a run of bad luck with magical objects doing strange things around him. Though he had to admit, usually when rules were put in place even unconsciously by the user, Malfoy in this case, they were followed. And if he didn't want anyone else to come in, no one should have been able.

He didn't even know if the room could sense two desires, unless they had something in common. He tried the other walls, searching for any strange spots but he found nothing. "Just...wait I guess. I mean, it's not dangerous." He didn't think so anyway. Aside from the fact no one would know where they were. least for the moment, was actually a good thing. "I mean, it'll probably show itself again when you're done with the room. What were you doing in here anyway?"
Sighing in annoyance at this turn of events, Draco just crossed his arms across his chest as he gave up looking and glanced over to Potter to see if he had come up with anything, only to learn it truly did seem as though they were both stuck here in the room together for the time being.

"Wait?" he scoffed as he went back over to the couch and plopped himself back on it like he had been before "I suppose it's not like I have anything better to do" he said and then rolled his eyes when the other said it should open when he was done with the room. "If that were so, then it would have appeared. I was done with this room the instant you showed up" he said with a glare towards the Gryffindor.

Sighing for the countless time since they were both stuck in there, Malfoy guessed there really wasn't much else they could do other than wait it out. He supposed it was good it's not like it was dangerous or anything, as Harry had commented previously. Though when he heard the other asking what he was doing he glanced over with a glare "Whats it to you, nosey Potter?" he sneered as he laid across the couch, resting his head on the armrest with his arms behind his head. "If you must know, I was just trying to find a place to relax and get away from everyone" he commented honestly.
"Well obviously not," Harry retorted at Malfoy's comment that he would have been done with it the moment Harry stepped in. He went over to one of the chairs, farther away by the fire. Usually the room was modeled after your needs, and a little excessive at that. He looked around for clues, but he really didn't know what to make of it except there were a lot of comfy chairs and a big fireplace, a table and chair, and lots of warm light despite the lack of Windows. It was smaller than a common room, without defining colors, but a lot like a nice inviting home.

"Oi, I'm not nosey," Harry retorted defensively. "In case you haven't noticed there's a lack of an exit, and I'm trying to figure out why. Can't very well do that if I don't know why you wanted in here in the first place, Malfoy. I can't read your bloody mind." As useful of a skill as that might be, on occasion. He had always thought he had Malfoy figured out, after all they had been butting heads since first year, and often. That was one thing that hadn't changed.

Harry huffed as he stared at the fire, "Well, you half succeeded. No one will be able to find you here, if anyone is looking." Except for him, for some reason. Of course, they had similar desires as the door appeared, but it still didn't answer the question of why it had them stuck in here. Unless it was broken, as unlikely as that might be. "You're never alone," he commented. There was usually the ever-present Crabbe or Goyle, or Zabini or Parkinson, or one of the Slytherins with him. He hardly ever saw the blond alone, except for a handful of times.
Draco scoffed a bit at the others weak defense of not being nosey "You certainly are, Potter" he replied back as he closed his eyes again. Just how was this supposed to be relaxing? The room wasn't very good at helping him with his needs at this rate, letting a nosey Gryffindor like Potter in here to pester him. "What do you call stalking me in the halls - and without your friends too. Or apparently keeping tabs on how often i talk to Snape" he commented, knowing the other couldn't very well deny all of that.

"Also, just so we're clear. Even though we're partners and stuck in here, I am most certainly not using this time to practice with you" he added, wanting to make sure the other didn't think he was getting any clever ideas thinking that since they were both in here and stuck anyways. Draco didn't care if Harry was here, he wanted his day of relaxation and nothingness. As hard as that was going to be, now that Harry was here.

He sighed a bit as the other asked more questions, clearly trying to decide why the room was as it was, and why Draco needed something like this. He didn't respond right away, before frowning as Harry once again was observant as ever, pointing out the rarity of the lack of companions surrounding him.

"You know, sometimes I actually like time to myself too, Potter" he muttered as he looked towards the ceiling with a soft sigh, more emotion and meaning behind his words coming out than he had meant for.
Harry opened his mouth to retort or deny those things, but he had already explained his reasons for following Malfoy. But he closed his mouth and stared at the fire. He hadn't gathered much by following Malfoy, aside from a few questions he wasn't going to get answers from. Dumbledore didn't seem concerned about either Malfoy or Snape, for some reason that was beyond Harry. Except the Headmaster seemed to trust Snape a great deal apparently.

"I really didn't want to practice anyway," he was still a bit exhausted from yesterday and didn't want to even think about summoning inanimate objects until Monday. Despite the fact he was mindlessly toying with them earlier for lack of anything else to do. He didn't say anything as he listened, and for some reason he actually felt some small bit of guilt for coming in. Maybe because he understood the occasional need to be away from everyone and everything, as it was exactly what he was trying to do before the door appeared.

"Sorry," He wasn't sure why it came out, and he was a little surprised to hear himself apologize. Maybe because for once, Malfoy actually sounded sincere and not snarky or tormentive. Harry toyed with a loose string at the knee of his jeans, "I mean, I think I understand that at least." Sometimes he didn't think that other people understood what it was like to be overwhelmed, to the point of breaking, and just wanting to escape it all for a short period of time.
When the other agreed he hadn't wanted to practice or anything anyways, Draco was relieved. He really didn't want to worry about things like difficult magic such as nonverbal. He really didn't want to think about anything. He sighed softly as ha ran a hand over his face, contemplating his current life. Sure, it seemed all philosophical and such, but really, Draco found that with the spare moments he was able to get to himself lately, he was really second guessing a lot of things in his life, even going so far as to question the morality and choices of his own family - particularly his father.

He actually loved his mother to death. He loved his father too....but, something was different about that relationship. He felt like maybe his dad didn't really see him as much of a son, and more of a tool, or heir to the family, or some more materialistic mean like that. Perhaps because his mother was the one that actually cared for him and spent time with him as a child, was it he loved her more unconditionally in that way than his father.

He grunted a bit to himself in amusement, here he was, reflecting on his life and family, with Potter even in the room. He mentally laughed at himself, shaking his head in his own thoughts before he heard Harry speak up after he said how he preferred to be alone. He raised an eyebrow, glancing over to the other.

"What are you apologizing for?" he commented, before scoffing, trying to cover up his moment of consideration "I mean, you've got plenty to apologize for. But not in this instance" he commented as he looked away awkwardly, trying to cover up his slight fluster.

Thinking about it further when the other said how he understood in that aspect, of wanting to be along, Draco just scoffed to himself "Look at us, Potter. Enemies who would rather be with each other than our own pathetic are we" he muttered as he stared absently at the fireplace. Maybe it was because Draco was feeling particularly vulnerable and alone, that he was actually being so open...after all, it was a rarity for Draco to say anything near along the lines of talking himself down, such as calling himself pathetic, albeit, even if including Harry on it as well.
Harry wasn't entirely sure what he was apologizing for except it seemed the right thing to say at the moment. "For breaking the solitude, I suppose?" He shrugged. "I mean, I wouldn't have walked in if there was anyone in here. The door was there and I kind of assumed it was a good place to get away." Keeping tabs on Malfoy or not, he really hadn't planned on getting locked in a room with him.

He tugged at the string on his jeans, feeling a little strange that he was actually being honest with Malfoy of all people, and they weren't throwing threats or taunts back and forth. Well, not too much anyway. He felt slightly vulnerable talking about anything on his mind right now, and yet enemy didn't really seem like the right term. Rivals maybe.

"If I were locked in a room with any of my enemies, one or both of us would be dead." He replied dryly, "At least you haven't tried to kill or torture me." Still, maybe it was a little pathetic he was avoiding his own friends. "I suppose I'm a bit tired of hearing the same things over and over again. All Ron and Hermione talk about is each other, and all everyone else asks are questions over what happened last year. It's getting old."
Draco simply shrugged his shoulders - despite the fact he was still laying down so Harry probably couldn't tell - in regards to his comment about breaking the solitude "If anyone's to apologize, it's the bloody room and its damned school" he sighed. It'd become apparent - more so this year than ever before - that Draco wasn't a fan of the school. And counter to what one like Harry might assume, it was for what the school represented in his own life, and not how those he surrounded himself felt about it.

It wasn't a family pride thing or whatever, such as because his Father hated Dumbledore, and therefore hated the school. It wasn't because Voldemort was against the mixing of mudbloods and purebloods or anything like that. It was because of what this school particularly meant because of how those he had ties with felt about it. Such as the duties that have been put on him. The ones by his father, about upholding a name specifically in this school as the pureblood Malfoy. Or such as the fact that he was solely here to help in the dark lords wishes of killing Dumbledore, and overtaking Hogwarts to make it into his own will. Instead of educational years that should be interesting and fun to learn in, and making friends and enjoying weekends out to Hogsmeade, this school represented a war to him, when it instead should be highlights of enjoyable times and friendships in his life.

Hearing the others next words, Draco was momentarily surprised to hear Hary imply he wasn't an enemy. Pausing for a moment in thought, Draco shifted, sitting up from his lackadaisical sprawl on the couch previously, and adjusted himself so he was now sitting against the corner of where the armrest met the back of the couch. Glancing to Harry, he smirked a bit "Well, I suppose you've got a point there" he simply agreed, before further hearing his comments about his friends, and the same old questions targeted at him. He sighed a bit, turning his attention back to the fireplace "A lot of things are getting old lately, it seems..." he said and sighed "IN truth, Potter, it gets old always hearing people want me for my name, or even praise the expectations they have from me...So i can understand where you're coming from" he muttered quietly. He didn't knew where this vulnerable spilling of confessions was coming from, and he half didn't even realize it at the time. But somehow, it actually felt really good to talk about these things, with someone he knew wouldn't actually judge him, because, despite how much they denied it and acted it, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter were actually quite a lot alike in many ways, which is perhaps why they were the only ones who could seem to understand each other at the moment.
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