Secret Confessions (Draco & Harry)

Draco was glad to hear that the other had seemed to equally enjoy talking with him as much as he himself had. He smiled a bit at the thought, though was surprised to hear the others soft and quick words about hanging out again sometime. He turned to him to open his mouth and say something, but before he even could, the other was already disappearing out of the gat and back to the castle. He stood there momentarily in a daze, before cursing and realize he also had to get back to the dormitory in time, and thus took of quick paced in such direction.

As he headed back, he couldn't help but smiled to himself as he went over the events today. There were a lot of confusion and unfamiliar emotions involved...but he knew one thing was for sure. He was enjoying being with Harry, and actually talking to him about nonviolent, non rivalry related topics. He didn't realize until now just how important these hours he spent with Harry were becoming to him.

When Harry had arrived back in the common room, mere minutes from curfew, Ron and Hermione were found to be in the common room, Hermione all but pacing in front of the fire. The common room was mostly empty, most people in their rooms finishing up last minute pieces of homework due tomorrow. And everyone except Harry was already back too, since it was nearly curfew. So when the door opened and in stepped Harry, the two friends jumped, Hermione rushing over to him as Ron stood up and was the one to speak "Blood hell Harry, just where have you been?!" he nearly yelled at his friend.
Harry had a smile on his face all the way back to the dorms. He couldn't quite quell the feeling that he had really enjoyed himself, and the feelings he was having didn't make him insane. In fact, a small part of him thought that Malfoy might have some of those thoughts too. Even if he could never outright say it. A part of him really wanted to, but the bigger part of himself was being rational.

He recognized the same signs as he had with Cho,years ago but he couldn't imagine saying so. Malfoy, you're incredibly attractive and I've had not so friend-based thoughts about you. Right, it would not go over well. Even if it wasn't the fact he was a guy, he was well...Harry Potter. And until recently they had been school rivals.

As he stepped through the portrait hole, he didn't have a chance to breathe before Hermione was in front of him and Ron was yelling. "Sorry, lost track of time." It wasn't entirely untrue either. But he felt guilty for keeping things from his two best friends.

He rubbed the back of his head knowing there wouldn't be any way to lie about where he was. After all, the library closed almost an hour ago. He tried to think of a good excuse, not knowing that they had seen him walk off with Malfoy earlier.
Ron's face went a little red at the other "Lost track of time? Lost track of time?!" he repeated in outrage "Mate, we saw you leave with Malfoy. How the bloody hell could you lose track of time with him?" he yelled at his friend, while Hermione, also scolding Harry, took the more motherly concerned approach of the two.

"Harry we were worried sick about you! We thought you two had gone at it or something and Malfoy did something..." she said with a frown "What with all your talk about him having the dark mark, and being suspicious...well, regardless of if we entirely believe it's any different than the other years, you still had us really worried" she frowned with concern on her face "Just what were you two up to this entire time?"

Draco smiled to himself, somehow feeling warmth building inside him. It was such a weird feeling...he honestly didn't know what to make of it. But he did know he was liking it...and he wanted to feel more of this, whatever it was. Stepping his way through the tapestry after giving the password, he stepped his way into the common room. And while he had enjoyed the day thoroughly, he also found himself emotionally exhausted - his emotions had been on haywire since hanging out with Harry, and it seemed they got more like that the more he was with Harry, which ended up exhausting him. Perhaps he'd take a quick shower before heading to sleep early that night.
Harry's hero complex is going to bite him in the behind xD Again
A wave of guilt hit him as he realized what exactly his friends must have been thinking. He hadnt explained any of what he had found out this weekend with either of them. Yes, Malfoy did have the Dark Mark, and he was involved with something unmistakably dangerous, something he should tell Dumbledore. He knew what Ron and Hermione would say if they knew. Crucial information like this needed to be shared with the Order. But he also knew if he told anyone, and if Voldemort found out, Draco was as good as dead. And having seen a more vulnerable side to the blond over the last few days, he was not going to let that happen.

"I, erm, wasn't very good. Couldn't concentrate. So I guess it took me a while to get it down." He was either a very good liar or a very poor one, depending on the situation. Unfortunately, he had practically grown up with Ron and Hermione so he was probably sure his guilt had made him the latter. It wasn't that he didn't trust his friends, there was no one in the world he trusted more, but he really didn't know how to tell them.

In the Slytherin dorm, there were only a few students lingering downstairs. Blaise was pointedly ignoring a persistent fifth year, and Pansy was sulking in an armchair, a small group of girls around her. She beamed as he entered. "Draco," she called out, voice syrupy sweet. "Where have you been all day?" She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. "Your father's owl arrived earlier. The letter is in your room."
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Hermione frowned a she looked to Harry who made the very poor attempt at an excuse, of which even Ron saw through - and he was usually the dull one who wouldn't notice. Normally, the two of them might let Harry be if they could tell he was hiding something. But as of lately, he'd been acting very differently, and they were incredibly worried about him. So Hermione spoke up first, voicing her disbelief and concern in the male.

"Harry...just friday you said how well it had been going" she countered him with a frown "What has gotten into you lately? Are you really sure you're okay? Draco didn't do anything to you, did he?" she said as Ron, who previously was enraged at his friends disappearance without a word, came over with an equally concerned expression, putting a hand on his shoulder "You know we're here for you, right? Harry all you need to do is just talk with us. We'll try our best to understand whatever it is" Ron explained. Of course, if he heard Harry and Draco were being all friendly...he wasn't sure if he would ever be able to understand that. Or it would at least surely take some time.

Draco meanwhile, was as usual, instantly bombarded by Pansy as he had stepped into the common room. He had to suppress a groan as he looked to the girl clinging to his side, before she mentioned his fathers owls. He tensed up a bit, his previously happy mood deflating as he turned more serious. He'd nearly could he have lost track of why he was here? He thought Harry had been providing a good distraction...clearly that seemed to be too much of the case. He nodded a bit "Sorry, Ive been around. Walking" he casually commented with a shrug "It was a brilliant day, after all" he said before walking past her "I'll be in my room" he said, heading straight for the letter mentioned. Picking it up, he sat on his bed with a serious look on his face as he opened the letter, beginning to read it.
Harry shook his head. "No, nothing like that," he reassured Hermione. Draco hadn't done anything to him, well nothing bad. He glanced cautiously around the common room, but thankfully most students were back in their own rooms or busy poring over homework for the next day. He moved over towards the fireplace anyway, which had become their sort of unofficial-official meeting place since first year. He was quiet for a minute as he tried to think of a good way to explain things without ruining everything.

"Saturday, when I was gone for a while, we actually got stuck in the Room of Requirement." Technically they had been stuck, though it didn't truly feel like it. He still wondered if magical artifacts and places could mess with you. "At first, well, we kind of argued a bit. But it wasn't really..." He tried to think of a good word to describe what their arguments used to be like, compared to what happened Saturday. "It wasn't really angry, I guess. More like things that were bottled up sort of came out. And well..." Harry trailed off, glancing up and looking at his two best friends in turn. "This can't leave the room, alright? If it does I think there will be more casualties. Any information, I think he can get to it, and the fewer heads he can get into the better." Even though the Order's base was well protected with spells and precautions, once they left every one of them were in danger.

"Not all of Voldemort's followers are there...because they want to be." If Voldemort doubted anyone's loyalties even the slightest, they were in danger. Harry knew that absolutely no one, not even Dumbledore, could know. "I didn't really know much about Malfoy's situation, I just assumed he wanted to be, y'know, like his father. But we started talking, and it was actually nice. And sometimes I just cant stop thinking about Sirius, or Dumbledore's memories, but it was like those things disappeared for a bit." he sighed, almost afraid to look up this time. "You're going to think I'm mental, but I actually started to look forward to meeting with him."


Hopefully your studies are going well.

Your mother and I expect great things from you this year.

We will see you for the holidays, as usual. Your gift is

waiting for you in the specified place.


The usual place is Borgin and Burkes. I couldn't remember where the cursed artifacts came from. But I figured good old Lucius would be like, here's the tools now do the job. Also I wanted more fonts to make his name ridiculously fancy. >:C
Ron was a bit surprised when Harry actually moved over to sit, seeming like he was actually going to start talking to them about what was going on with him this year. He had half been expecting Harry to just brush it off and not talk about it like he had seemed to be doing lately, so, when Harry moved to talk with them, both Hermione and Ron eagerly went by the fireplace, sitting close to him since he could tell he didn't want anyone really to overhear.

Both his friends could tell he seemed to be contemplating his words and choosing them carefully, so neither of them interrupted Harry, giving him time and not rushing him. They listened intently to their friend as he began to talk about what had happened the past few days. And while both of them couldn't really comprehend what Harry was saying, and they were exchanging small looks to each other, they didn't interrupt, and patiently waited for Harry to finish.

When he had, Ron was the first to speak up "You're right, you are mental, mate" Ron instantly said, earning him a whack to the shoulder by Hermione's book, who glared at him "What Ron is trying to say, Harry..." Hermione started in "Is that is just seems very...unlikely you would enjoy meeting up with Draco. That anyone would, really, except for his own friends. After all....all these years you hated Malfoy" she commented, with Ron chiming in again "Yeah, he's a royal git, Harry" he said, earning another hit from Hermione and a small grunt from him.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, Draco opened the letter and read the short and simple words. He frowned a bit as he knew exactly what his father was saying. He was more so checking in on him...and not necessarily in the fatherly parenting sense. He sighed softly, setting the letter to the side as he fell back on his bed, on his back, his fathers words ringing through his head, haunting him "Your mother and I expect great things from you this year."

Wait, he left him items where? And what items? Wheres Borgan and Burkes again?? Sorry, It's been a while since I've read or seen the movies
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Harry gave Ron a look, "I know. I always thought Malfoy was, well, Malfoy." Ron and Hermione still knew him as Harry did a week ago. And since they hadn't been there, actually hearing the things that were said in that room, he knew it would be hard for them to suddenly understand. And even today, it was so easy to just talk about things, even embarrassing things.

"I know it sounds weird. It just, things seem different." Harry shrugged. Things seemed a lot different, and he couldn't help but recall some of his thoughts and feelings from earlier. Those he kept very much to himself.

"Today too, after practice, that's why I wasn't around. I really did sort of lose track of time. Sorry...I didn't really mean to make you worry." He didn't even really consider that Ron and Hermione might have thought he was hurt or in danger. "Erm, but tryouts went well, didn't they?"

Oh, sorry. It's the shady magical artifacts shop in Knockturn alley where the cabinet mate is at, and where the cursed objects that were meant to kill Dumbledore came from. 'Course, they can be ignored, and we can wind the plot in another direction.
I remember the shop now. I'm still curious about the artifacts. I thought Draco was supposed to kill Dumbledore. And the only other sort of thing to kill Dumbledore was that drink that Ron ended up drinking and getting sick from. I do also remember that necklace a girl got...okay...i'm slowly remembering a few things as i type this xD . But we can keep to it a bit. Draco after all still has to abide by his mission, and so it might be interesting for that incident with the necklace and the girl getting incredibly hurt and all
Ron sighed a bit as he gave a quizzical look to his friend, shaking his head "I don't know Harry..." He muttered "I really want to believe you mate, but, it is Malfoy we're talking about. He can't just go from bad to good" he said, though, this was with his assumption that Draco had always been bad to begin with. Ron was seriously worried for his friend, but at the same time, he wanted to trust him - well, he did trust him. But it was just hard to get an understanding on this whole Malfoy thing. As the other went on a bit and talked about losing track of time and enjoying time spend with Draco, Ron snorted "Bloody hell, mate. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you sound like you fancied him" he snorted in amusement as he gave Harry a look. Of course, Ron didn't know that that was just the case.

Draco sighed to himself, frowning as he stared up at the ceiling. He needed to start getting his head together again. He was losing sight of what he was supposed to be doing here. Shaking his head to himself, he got up and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. He'd follow up with his Father's letter tomorrow. Send him one back tomorrow to let him know he got it. And, he'd continue what he was supposed to be doing here to begin with. He was letting his time with Harry get to his head too much.
Harry didn't know how to tell Ron that Malfoy wasn't bad. He was trapped, his father no doubt would expect him to follow orders as all of those with the mark did. No doubt, such orders were dangerous, possibly deadly, and Harry had to keep reminding himself that he didn't know how to help Malfoy, of he even could. But...that didn't make him bad. Even still, Harry couldn't see him as an enemy.

Ron's words very suddenly snapped him out of his train of thought. He could feel the heat on his face, which seemed to dampen his panicked retort, "Of course not. Don't be ridiculous, Ron. Listen, I'm going to get changed back in the room."

He took the opportunity of the students slowly leaving the common room to stand up from his chair and head for the stairs. His heart had stopped for a second there, but he was sure Ron's remark was totally a coincidence. But he was still red as he changed and flopped face down on the bed. For some reason he could still feel the phantom warmth on his hand from that afternoon in the garden. Harry made a frustrated noise into his pillow. He was both looking forward to and dreading tomorrow.
Ron snickered a bit at the others reaction, not picking up on just how flustered he got really. After all, Ron had only been joking the other "hey, you can't blame me when out of no where you start acting all friendly towards him" he teased with a snickering laugh. He leaned back against the couch, finding amusement in what he believed to be a hilarious joke. However, Hermione, the perceptive female she was, noticed the strange and panicked sort of reaction from Harry in response to Ron's words. While she didn't say anything, she grew suspicious of the reaction, watching as the male seemed to make a quick escape for his room.

"Well, now that we know Harry's back. I'm headed to bed. I suggest you do the same, Ron" she sighed as she stood up, heading off towards the girls tower while Ron himself headed to his room where he got changed into pajamas and comfortable in bed, going to sleep like a lot of the students were by now.

After taking a shower and trying to clear his head, Draco went back to his room and changed into clothes to sleep in, before getting into his bed. Closing his eyes, he found it hard to sleep. Not only the events from today and how much he enjoyed it echoing through his mind, but the words on his fathers letter as well. With that, he fell into yet another restless nights sleep, before the next morning had come and he was woken up by his alarm, getting ready for classes like the rest of the students, Malfoy mentally prepared himself for the presentation today of nonverbal spells that was due in Snape's class - first period, too.
Morning came too early. Harry woke up before the others and silently dressed in the early morning darkness. Ron was snoring, as usual, and Harry secretly envied his friend for being able to sleep. He couldn't quite remember, but he thought he had unusual dreams of playing quidditch with pots flying at him from all directions, Snape sneering at him from the stands and McLaggens face on the snitch.

He dressed, still half-asleep, tie slightly crooked and hair tossled. He ran his hands through it, but gave up rather quickly. Since it was too early for breakfast, he looked over his half of the report. Everything seemed in order, there wasn't much else they could do at this point.

He had never really been early for any of Snape's classes. It was no secret he didn't favor the professor, but for some reason he got there with plenty of time to spare today. Maybe because breakfast was usually too early for him and he didn't eat much, or perhaps it was nerves. Either way he found himself at a table in the classroom toying with the cover of his text as he looked at the report.

Neville and Seamus came in several minutes later, poor Neville looking like he was about to pass out. Harry gave him an encouraging smile as he passed. "Worried?"

Neville shook his head yes, probably afraid to speak. Harry remembered his unfortunate fear of Snape in their third year studying boggarts, but he also remembered how well the other Gryffindor had done in the D.A. Seamus clapped him on the shoulder in a friendly gesture, but it was a bit hard and Neville stumbled forward.

"Don't worry. You'll do great," At least, as long as Seamus didn't blow anything up. Harry looked over towards the side of the room that was the unofficial dividing line between houses, looking for Malfoy.
I don't know if you saw, but I posted some pictured in the out of character tab of this thread ^^
As he had gotten dressed for the class, somehow, Draco found he wasn't overly worried about the presentation today in Snape's class. He felt like he and Harry had done a pretty good job, and there should be any faults unless Snape suddenly threw them off with some unexpected question or something they might have missed, or that wasn't important and no one would really know. He really wouldn't put it past Snape to do something like that. He shook his head with the thought, figuring they should be fine. They practiced a lot. And he had, dare he say, grown closer to Harry, where they had a bit of a connection or sort of bond now - Draco didn't know how to explain this feeling - but it was a feeling that made him feel comfortable with having Harry as his partner.

Grabbing his bag, Draco made his way out of the Slytherin dormitories, heading to the great hall where he grabbed some breakfast to eat. Though he didn't eat much, feeling rather stressed and sick. And it wasn't about the project. As considered before, Draco was comfortable with the project, for the most part. It was a different assignment that was stressing him out to a sickly looking paleness. And not a school-assigned one either.

After finishing his food - of which he hardly touched, and more so pushed around his plate - Draco headed towards the classroom in the dungeons. Heading towards his seat, noticed on the board was noted that they should sit with their partners. Draco didn't' question it, after all they would all be going through their presentations today, he figured Snape was probably thinking it would make things go quicker if they were already with their partner.

Casting a glance towards Harry, he made his way over towards where he sat. The classroom looked very odd today - that unofficial house dividing line having vanished for this class period today and students awkwardly mixed with those they normally wouldn't be - just as Draco was, now sitting beside Harry "Morning" he muttered a half hearted greeting, his mind clearly otherwise preoccupied.
Whaaat why don't they send notifications for that! I had no idea. Nifty I'll have to post some too :D
"Morning," Harry replied. As Draco entered and sat down, Harry could see immediately that he didn't look well. In fact, overnight the Slytherin had like he had lost some of the light in his eyes and color in his face, as if the world had been dropped on his shoulders. Surprised, Harry wasn't sure how to address it at first. "You alright?"

He furrowed his brows in concern, though there wasn't much they could talk about in the public classroom. What could have happened overnight to cause such a dramatic change? He racked his brain for anything he might have said or done yesterday evening but he couldn't think of anything. Maybe another Slytherin?

Or maybe...maybe it wasn't school related at all. Harry dropped his eyes, remembering the talk he had with Ron and Hermione last night. He knew they wouldn't say anything. But they also didn't know that Draco had the mark on his arm. More than a mark, it was like a pair of shackles.
Hahah, I don't know...i did try and tag you though so i thought that would notify you, but I guess it didn't work ^^' ah well haha. But I figured it would be a good spot for us to post our fan loving picts regarding Harry and Draco ^^
Draco was in his own world after managing a weak greeting to the Gryffindor partner of his. He had thought he had tried to pass himself off as fine and well, but Harry seemed to see right through him, and was asking if he was okay. He was a bit surprised at the others concern, though, then again, supposed it shouldn't surprise him, with how close the two of them seemed to be getting lately.

"I er, yeah, I'm fine" he muttered out a weak excuse as he glanced to Harry momentarily before back in front of him, not looking at anything in particular as he tried to avoid the others gaze. Almost as if reading the others thoughts who was questioning if it was something he had done, Draco felt he wanted to make sure Harry didn't think it was because of him, so he felt the need to elaborate, at least a little bit "I just got a letter from my Father last night, thats all" he said softly before he moved, leaning back in his seat as he shifted through his bag to get his book out and the papers of their writing portion of the assignment, mostly trying to distract himself from Harry's surely curious eyes.

Thankfully, Snape came waltzing in a few moments later and immediately began class, distracting Draco from having to further continue this conversation with Harry, or interrupting Harry's chance to ask him anything further. Draco knew how perceptive Harry could be, so, wouldn't be surprised if the other was already guessing close to the lines of what the letter from Lucius might have entailed.
"Oh," He could guess, from his few encounters with Lucius that the letter wasn't an overly friendly one, filled with good news. No, especially not after the elder Malfoy's time in Azkaban. Harry did wonder what Voldemort could be planning, and what he was using Draco for, but undoubtedly Lucius was a conduit in the situation.

But Snape made his usual dramatic entrance, effectively silencing all students as he swept into the classroom. Harry was forced to focus ahead of him, on the brief lecture prior to the demonstrations. As soon as Snape sat down at the desk he began calling names.

Harry watched, only half paying attention as teams stepped up to the classroom to demonstrate non-verbal Magic. It was clear after the first few teams, that those teams consisting of both Gryffindor and Slytherin students didn't fare as well. But for the most part, the presentations went well.

When it was their turn, Harry stood up and set the report on Snape's desk with the others. He silently summoned the first thing he saw, a glass vial on the desk near the back of the room. Honestly, the project was the last thing on his mind after seeing Draco.
Unless you have anything in particular in mind, we could always ffwd to after classes where Draco goes about his business getting the objects, and then giving the contained necklace to that girl to give to Dumbledore and such on and such forth
The class went by fairly easily, considering that the majority of it consisted of the partners doing their presentations of non verbal spells and what not. So it didn't require that much work in that sense, only for when it would be his and Harry's turn would they actually have to do work. Sitting silently in his seat, Draco watched with a bored expression as the teams presented their work to Snape and the class.

Eventually, it was their turn to go, and so Draco stood up with Harry, making his way towards the front of the desk. He let Harry hand in the paper essay part of it that they had done together before letting Harry go first. And soon after, Draco then preformed the non-verbal spell as well, using the first thing his eyes landed on and having one of the students books be his item of choice. Said student wasn't particularly pleased about that, especially considering the student was a Gryffindor, and glared at Draco for using her book in his demonstration, though, didn't say anything.

After they had finished presenting and were dismissed to sit back down, Draco carelessly tossed the book back in the girl's direction of whom it belonged to, causing her to fumble as she barely caught it, though Draco of course didn't care, and made his way back to his seat as he waited for the rest of the class to pass by and be over with.
(Sure, let's see...what's the best way to do this with the most contact...we could forward to Hogsmeade where it happened? Also, we can bring in another of Voldemort's followers to kind of pressure him or check on his progress?)
(I'm going to rearrange events a bit, if that's alright, advance things a tad further as far as the whole horcrux thing goes. We can just say the necklace was in a shop somewhere, unnoticed or someone under Imperius put them there for Draco to use.)
The air definitely smelled of upcoming winter. It hadn't snowed yet, but heavy capes and scarves had been pulled out and every student wandering the streets had their house colors on. Harry was walking beside Ron and Hermione, listening to their casual conversation as they made their way to The Three Broomsticks pub.

Ever since the project, he hadn't talked with Malfoy as much. Classes had picked up and it seemed like the homework never ended, and then there was Quidditch practice and studying for papers and exams that seemed to be mandatory every week. Snape was brutal. Every spell had to be learned non-verbally, and he took great pleasure in finding Harry's every mistake. They were learning to dual wordlessly now, and practicing wandless magic, but no one in class had been very successful.

Between classes his mind wandered. He thought of their time in the room and the garden, and sometimes he thought of just going there on a whim. But Malfoy continued to get letters, not that Harry had ever seen them, he would occasionally glimpse the family owl delivering them. No one thought it unusual, after all all the students received mail. But Harry had a feeling they were contributing to the tired look on Draco's face.

And then there were the lessons with Dumbledore. The more Harry learned about Voldemort, the more questions he thought of. And then there was the matter of Slughorn's apparently crucial memory, the one that might actually help in the fight. There was his less than appealing party soon, maybe that was his opportunity.
That's fine with me~
As the weeks flew by, Draco had been becoming increasingly busier than ever before. Of course, he had expected this year to be difficult, what with what was expected from him and all by certain names. But it was truly taking its toll on Draco, and ironically, none of his friends in Slytherin seemed to notice. Because of all the acts he was being have to do, he found himself growing sick, quiet emotionally and physically sick from the acts he was told to commit. Due to this, he wasn't eating as much, his already thin frame appearing bonier and more profound than usual, particularly shown in his face and hollowed out, pale cheeks, and protruding cheekbones and jawline. The stress equally wasn't helping either. All along with the fact he had to keep up with his schoolwork to act as though nothing was out of the ordinary.

Due to his hectic schedule, Draco had seen much less of Harry since the project. Yet despite that, maybe even because of his lack of Harry's presence, Draco found part of himself longing for it even more. A few times, on the rare occasions he had a few moments to himself, he would go to the room of requirement, secretly waiting and hoping that Harry might show up. Of course, that never happened.He figured the few times he went were ones Harry ended up being busy, after all, they both had full schedules.

Currently, it was another weekend and students were off enjoying themselves and relaxing. Many had gone to Hogsmeade to hang out with friends and relax, that too, is where Draco had gone that Saturday afternoon. However, unfortunately, as much as he needed it, he wasn't there for relaxation and companionship.

After stepping out of a shop from where he picked up a small, clothed box from beneath a shelf in the back of the shop, Draco now clutched the box hidden beneath his coat. Due to the many layers and it being the beginning of winter, no one questioned his slightly huddled look, everyone much looking the same in their attempts to keep warm. He proceeded to head to where he knew was a common place for many of the students of Hogwarts to hang out and visit - looking for an individual that would fit his task.

Stepping into the Three Broomsticks Pub, Draco found a first year Gryffindor girl, on her way back from the bathroom, it appeared. He quickly caught her before she made her way back to her group of friends, and then proceeded to put her under Imperius, not only being sure that she didn't see his face, but also giving her the clothed box with instructions to deliver it directly to Dumbledore. And while he instructed her not to open it, he didn't know that her curiosity would get the better of her and she wouldn't listen to that part of his instructions.

As he was departing his way from The Three Broomsticks, he momentarily bumped into Harry and his usual trio, and while Ron made some usual indigent mutter about Malfoy under his breath, Draco momentarily caught Harry's eyes, staring at him for a few moments, as though he wanted to say something, but didn't. His hesitation didn't last long though, as he could hear screaming from not far off, in the direction of the bridge. The sound quickly snapped him out of his revere, his feet stepping forward again as he pushed passed Potter and swiftly left the premises.
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"It was a brilliant save, wasn't it? Ron was still going on about their latest practice, the first real trial run using all the equipment. They had heard a great deal about it, play-by-play thanks to Ron, despite the fact Harry reminded him that yes, he had been there too. But he only smiled and looked over on occasion, adding in little remarks. Ron, whether he realized it or not was trying to impress Hermione.

But the redhead's groaning noise made Harry look up. "Malfoy...and today was going so well, too." Ron muttered under his breath.

Harry stopped and opened his mouth to reply, surprised and relieved to see him. It was just a moment, but Draco looked like he hadn't slept or eaten in weeks.

But before Harry could even say his name, someone's scream broke his train of thought. Shock spread across his features as he whipped his head towards the sound. He shared looks with Ron and Hermione before running towards the bridge "C'mon!"
Catching Harry's eye, Draco felt a weird feeling inside him after seeing the other for so long. As he was hesitating and thinking of maybe saying something, a shrill scream at pulled him out of his thoughts as he quickly left the area, knowing the scream was going to attract attention- it already had the famous trio running towards it. Draco, on the other hand, was heading in the other direction. He didn't run, as to not look suspicious, but a panicked feeling welled up inside him as he could only imagine what happened.

While he didn't see who it was...he knew the scream surely belonged to that girl. He mental led cursed himself over in his head for it going wrong...and while he was upset about the fact that his attempt to have it delivered to Dumbledore to kill him had failed, he was more upset that it ended up hurting an innocent individual, whom had the unfortunate luck of being chosen by Draco as his carrier for it.

Katie Bell, a young Gryffindor, had been chatting with her friend on the way out of Borgin and Burkes. She was discussing a strange man who had given her a box, and curiously debating over what could be in it. "It must be important if it's for Dumbledore" she said naive and without a clue of the dangers lying behind it. He friend, however, seemed unsure, not even understanding why her friend agreed to deliver the unknown box.

While her friend was distracted in thoughts of what made her friend do something so reckless, Katie was curiously opening the box "Oh's so pretty" she commented, which catches her friends attention. The girls eyes widened a bit "Katie, you really shouldn't-" she tried to warn her friend about not touching something that didn't belong to her, especially not knowing what it was. There was an incredibly dark feeling coming from the necklace itself. However, her warning was a second to late, as Katie had already picked up the necklace, and chaos broke lose.
When they arrived, Katie was convulsing and twisting on the ground and the necklace was lay on the ground outside of its package glimmering in the afternoon sun. Katie's friend was yelling for help, practically hyperventilating. "Help her, please..."

Harry pulled out his wand, but he couldn't think of any spell to stop what was happening. "What happened? What did she do...?"

"I-I don't know-I told her not to touch it!" The girl was in hysterics. Harry felt something underneath his shoe, and looked down to see the cloth wrapping that had been covering the package. And off to the side was the opal necklace. There was something dark about the jewelry, something was otherworldly about it, the way it drew you in. Something very much like Tom Riddle's diary, an article of dark magic.

Harry quickly threw off his cloak and gathered the necklace back inside its package without touching it. Covering it did not stop the curse from affecting Katie. Harry moved the necklace aside and reached out to hold and restrain her. She was screaming in pain as if something was hurting her from the inside.

"Go find a teacher!" He shouted over his shoulder at Ron. Katie struggled in his grip with unnatural strength. Harry tried calling to her. Her friend was crying now and Harry knew Katie was too far gone to hear them.
I don't remember the details of everything that happened, so, it may be a bit off, I apologize ^^
As the three of them had arrived on the scene, they found Katie screaming in pain about on the ground, with her friend close by in hysterics. Even Hermione didn't know what to do to stop the girls pain, or what was happening to her. Ron stared on in horror with wide eyes as Harry was quick to cover the necklace and try to help Katie, while yelling at them to get help "R-right!" Ron stammered, before quickly running off. Hermione stayed with Harry to try and help the girl.

It wasn't long until Ron had come back, quick with Professor McGonagall on his heels. While she was surprised at the level of dark magic clearly present before her, she didn't hesitate to take action and help Katie. Hagrid had also appeared, and after McGonagall cast a spell that left Katie unconscious and unmoving, she ordered Hagrid to bring her back to the infirmary at school immediately.

She then sighed as she turned to Harry with the situation now under control "Why is it you three are always involved when something happens?" she mumbled before glancing to where Harry's cape was bundled up on the ground "Mr. Weasley mentioned a necklace...I presume that is it?" she asked, stepping over to pick it up, not opening or touching the necklace itself "You three, come with me" she ordered as she headed back to the school to inform Dumbledore, while Hagrid had taken Katie and her friend to the infirm, while there, trying to figure out what happened from the two girls - one of which who was unconscious and being treated.
Oh don't worry about it totally doesn't matter to me. I think that's pretty close to what happened anyway. I wasn't sure if we were going to do the Dumbledore thing? Malfoy's name would undoubtedly come up o:
Harry moved aside as professor McGonagall appeared so she could help Katie. He was relieved to see her and Hagrid, and even though the adrenaline of the situation had him a little shaken, he relaxed slightly. As Hagrid took her in his arms, she looked so small and fragile. Harry couldn't help but wonder if she still felt the pain while unconscious. Where did that necklace come from?

He managed a small smile at McGonagall's exasperated exclamation. "Yes, Professor. That's the necklace." He swallowed as he looked to the ground and followed behind. So much for a peaceful trip to Hogsmeade. But what happened and where did something that dangerous come from? And why did Katie have it?

He could have sworn he saw the necklace somewhere before, but he couldn't recall where. The necklace probably wasn't meant for Katie, she was just a student without any real position in the war. Then who was it for? The walk back to the castle was long and uncomfortable. Although they hadn't done anything, they were still involved as witnesses.

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