Secret Confessions (Draco & Harry)

"Almost every passageway in Hogwarts is on the map. Hermione had a theory on how they made it." It had all seemed really complicated really, and Harry was surprised that four students had managed it. It had been rather genius. Hearing the teasing accusation about stalking Harry ducked his head as color rose to his cheeks.

"No. Well, er sort of when the door for the room showed up." He looked up with a small, sheepish smile. Thinking of the map did make him wonder what time it was. He glanced out the window and noticed that quite a bit of time had passed, and that it was already dark. Surprise crossed his features as he stood up to look out the window to try and gauge what time it was by how dark it was. Probably after dinner which meant that they would have to be back in their dorms soon.

Classes would be interesting tomorrow. Harry really hoped the word about Katie hadn't spread too far and that students didn't start asking him questions. Not like he had any more answers than anyone else, really. But talking about it made him feel uneasy, almost like something was going to happen soon, like the temporary calm was right before a storm. Maybe he was wrong, maybe the year would pass without significant incident, but giving the history of his years here that was unlikely. "We should head back, huh?"
"That's really fascinating. I wonder how they managed something like this" He spoke, mostly speaking out loud to himself what was on his mind. Well, they did sound like intelligent people. He looked at the map in curiosity, noticing that the room of requirement didn't show up either. He supposed that made sense, since the rooms location always changed, and it wasn't always there or anything. As he made the teasing remark to Harry, he didn't miss the faint reddened hue to his cheeks and he smiled more in amusement.

As he watched the other get up from his spot on the couch and move to the window, Draco's eyes followed his, noticing the darkness outside and that it was probably nearing curfew. They probably missed dinner...Draco didn't mind, necessarily, considering he really wasn't hungry at all, not only after the day's earlier events, but he hadn't been eating well at all lately due to stress, and sometimes when he tried to eat he just felt sick to his stomach. Though he did feel a little bad about making Harry miss dinner if he hadn't been planning on it.

Hearing Harry mention they should probably be leaving soon, Draco felt a small sadness at having to part from Harry. He didn't say anything though about that, and just nodded his head "Yeah, curfew is probably should go ahead and head back" he said as he moved to lay down on the couch "I'm probably going to linger here a bit more..." he trailed off, staring up at the ceiling, really not wanting to be surrounded by the dark encouragement of his friends right now.
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Harry hadn't really even thought about dinner. He had a few snacks and such back in the dorms, a habit he had developed living at home and being barred from the kitchen. He would have to try and get Draco to eat more, because it was clear that the Slytherin wasn't properly taking care of himself. Maybe next time they met here, he would sneak something from the kitchens. The house elves were always overly generous and if he explained things, they would be more than happy to provide a good spread.

He leaned on the back of the couch and looked down. "Want me to stay?" He could probably get away with being outside the dorms for a night. Although he should probably tell Ron and Hermione first, just in case they got the wrong idea again. Even though he had sort of explained things, missing from the dorm all night was an entirely different matter. Although he wasn't sure what he would tell them. Right, I'm just spending the night with Malfoy.

That thought caused him to color again, and he realized very quickly that was not exactly the best way to explain things. "I can probably think of something to say..." he trailed off, fairly confident he could navigate back to the dorms in the morning without being seen with the aid of the map. As long as he avoided Filch. He would have to think of a brilliant story for Ron though, since they shared the dorm.
Draco was looking up at ceiling, thinking to himself about what he was going to do that night. he didn't really feel like heading back to the dormitory yet, and he wasn't sure when he would feel like it. But right now he anted nothing to do with his friends, who were only going to increase bad behaviors and probably ask him about what happened with Katie. Despite him not really being able to tell them what his missions were and such, and then understanding that, they still asked a lot of questions in a way to try and figure out what he was up to. They were actually quite nosey. And he preferred Harry's presence pver theirs, it at the same time didn't want to bother him to stay.

Suddenly, his vision of the ceiling was blocked, and he saw Harry's face in front above of his own. He blinked a bit. Looking up at the other as he was offering to stay. And leaning over from the other side the backside of the couch to look down at him. For some reason, Draco found himself blushing at the thought, and glanced away awkwardly "you don't have to...." He mumbled a bit quietly in embarrassment, too embarrassed to admit he actually liked the sound of that, and staying with Harry for longer.
Harry smiled and shrugged, he kind of liked the idea. Even if it came with some risks of getting caught outside of curfew and he certainly wasn't a prefect with an excuse for doing so. That didn't really concern him too much. Besides, the room was inaccessible to any outsiders if they didn't know it was being used or what it was being used for.

"I think it'd be nice. I just...have to tell Ron and Hermione that I won't be back for curfew. The sort of freaked out a bit last time." Harry rubbed the back of his head still feeling guilty for making his best friends worry, even if he tried to make them see there was nothing to worry about.

"I'll be back in a bit." Harry headed to the door with a grin, and looked back once more before he slipped out into the hallway. The halls were always erriely quiet and dark and cold at night without the bustle of students. Still, it was familiar to him in a odd sort of way and he wandered quickly back to the towers.
Draco smiled a bit when the other simply shrugged and said it would be nice. Merlin, they would be dead if anyone found out about this. And not just because of the obvious fact they would be breaking curfew. More so the fact that if anyone really knew they wanted to spend the night together and... He trailed off after considering his words, blushing a bit as he tried to shake the thought from his head, telling himself he hadn't meant anything by it in that way.

When Harry mentioned having to go tell Ron and Hermione, he raised an eyebrow as he just stared at the other "What, are they your parents or something?" he scoffed a bit but sighed when the other said how worried they got and he seemed to feel bad about it. Draco just shrugged his shoulders "Okay" he said as he moved his hands behind his head to prop it up, letting Harry head out to tell his friends what he would be up to.

He wondered if he was going to give them the full details, that he was staying with Draco overnight...he wondered how his friends would react. He could just see them having a fit. The thought amused him as he smirked to himself. He just shook his head and closed his eyes. He supposed he didn't entirely mind if it was only Harry's close friends....but it would be a problem if everyone in the school started learning about their newfound friendship in each other....something more than that, even.
The run up to the Gryffindor tower was, thankfully, uneventful. Harry rushed into the common room, weaving past meandering first and second years, and pretending to ignore Dean calling his name. Ron was already in the room, practicing a game of wizard's chess with the board. He looked up when Harry entered the room and opened his trunk to look for something.

"Blimey, Harry. It's like you're never around anymore!" Ron frowned as he looked away from the board and over at his friend. "Where were you this time?" There was a look of exasperation and anger in Ron's eyes, but also a bit of a hurt. After all, they had almost always been in the loop together. He furrowed his brows as Harry pulled out the invisibility cloak from the trunk.

"I'm around all the time," Harry said absently as he folded the cloak over his arm. He looked over at Ron who had stood up, angry now.

"No you're not! The only time I even see you anymore is class and practice, and half the time you look too distracted to even count as being there. You've been acting really weird lately. It's not Malfoy, is it?" Ron scrunched his nose. "I don't think you should trust him, Harry. He's never been friendly before, and you know who his dad is. It's just...weird."

Harry let his trunk close with a bit more force than necessary as he stood up. "Think I know who I can trust, Ron." He looked at the redhead as he made his way back to the door. "I know you're worried but you don't have to be. I told you he's not like that," He paused for a second, remembering the kiss, and the words they had shared afterwards. There hadn't been any lies or insincerity there. He just knew there was nothing dangerous for him being alone with Draco. "I'll be back later, promise." He closed the door just as he heard Ron's remark about what he meant by later.
As Draco had remained in the room of requirement, he was absent mindedly looking at the Marauders Map that Harry had left behind while he went to tell his friends before coming back. At first, Draco had worried that maybe Harry was using it as an excuse, and might actually just never come back that night to see him. This was before he noticed the male had left the open map behind. Draco considered all things, and was sure his friends would probably try and stop him from going out after curfew, especially if they knew it was just to see Draco.

However it was a few minutes later as he was idly looking around the room that he had noticed the piece of parchment still on the table, picking it up while remaining relaxed and laying on his back on the couch, he looked at the open map, curious to see what people were doing. There was hardly anyone moving about on the map, most either idly sitting in their dormitories or sleeping. He recognized a few prefects' names moving about the halls, and then noticed Harry's name.

Noticing the male was leaving the towers and heading back in the direction of the room of requirement, he smiled a bit to himself. After having noticed the map was there though and Harry left it behind, he wasn't sure if Harry had actually forgotten it or done it on purpose, though it did make him a bit more assured the other would probably be coming back for it. As he noticed Harry on the map approaching the room and nearing it, he set the map back down on the table as he waited for him.
Maybe because of the room's location, or maybe because of the time of evening, not many teachers or students were patrolling the seventh floor. Harry was secretly relieved that Hogwarts was so large, and he hadn't been stopped and questioned because for one thing he didn't really have a great excuse for why he was in the halls after curfew. But after retrieving his cloak, he slipped it on and made his way effortlessly through the halls without worry of being spotted. He passed a Ravenclaw prefect on the staircase, and Professor McGonagall in the portrait corridor, but neither picked up on anything amiss.

He had thought of stopping by the kitchens, but he wasn't even sure if he could coax Draco to eat anything. Not that he wouldn't try, because it really worried Harry seeing him so unhealthy looking. Once safely in the hallway to the room, he slipped the cloak off and headed inside. He hadn't realized he had left the map behind, which surprised him a bit, but he supposed it was a good indicator of where he was in the castle and roughly how long it would take him to make his way back to the room.

"Right then, I didn't keep you waiting too long, did I?" He set the invisibility cloak on the back of the chair at the table, and returned to sit down in the squashy chair he had become quite fond of. There were plenty of seats and furniture to choose from, but the one by the fire was large and easy to sink into. He did rather like that the room changed a little bit each time they came in, depending on what they needed.
Draco had just set the map back down on the table when he heard the door open and Harry's familiar voice. He glanced up over to the other and smirked a bit "You always keep me waiting, Potter" he arrogantly teased the other, though did it in a more friendlier manner than he typically would in the past years knowing him. Watching the other set the cloak down and then move to sit in the chair he always sat in, Draco spoke up again.

"Mummy and Daddy give you the okay to stay out late?" he teased again with a light humored smirk. And while he was doing this in all loving and friendly manners, getting along with Harry and them seeming to confess their feelings for each other, Draco still doubted he could get along very well with Harry's best friends. Just like he didn't exactly expect Harry to be friendly with Blaise or his other friends either.

As he looked back to the fireplace, he then nodded to the map "You left that here - I don't know if you meant to. I don't know how to close it though" he said with a bit of a shrug on his shoulders " missed dinner because you were here, didn't you? Did you get something to eat?" he asked, partially feeling bad about that, and the fact he made Harry miss dinner. While Draco himself wasn't hungry, so he hadn't even really noticed at first until thinking about it.
Harry rolled his eyes at the nickname but shook his head regardless, "I think Hermione is on patrol tonight, and Ron well...think he got the wrong idea." Harry shrugged his shoulder. There was nothing he could do about it, although he would see his friend at breakfast and there would be an interrogation then. Of course he would tell Hermione who Harry thought might have had suspicions about his feelings. Which made him glad she wasn't in the common room tonight.

"Didn't really want to talk about what happened today." Sometimes even with Ron, it was difficult to just say he wanted to leave things alone and just go to bed. He had expected that Draco wouldn't get along with his friends and had accepted it. After all, they had been in a lot of conflicts together over the years, things not so easily forgotten. For Ron, it would probably be even harder considering his family had always been at odds with the Malfoys.

"I was going to bring something back from the kitchens, for you really. Since you don't seem to eat anymore." Harry slipped up from his chair and moved over to the map to mutter the incantation and properly seal it. He didn't say anything, but he was sort of hungry. He hadn't eaten much at breakfast since they were supposed to get lunch in Hogsmeade. But that sort of fell apart. And he always thought it was sort of rude to eat in front of other people. Dudley had always taken great pleasure in doing so, especially when Harry had been barred from the kitchen.
Nodding his head a bit in understanding as he explained how Hermione hadn't been around, and Ron seemed to be upset, he shrugged his shoulders "Did you really expect anything different?" he said as he looked over to the other, watching him move over to close the map up. Watching him for a moment, he spaced out in thought before continuing.

"I know how you feel..." he muttered softly, referring to understanding how Harry didn't want to talk about what happened today. Draco didn't want to either. Especially because he was the one at fault. And regardless of the fact that he hadn't spoken to Harry about it yet, not wanting to, and he hadn't said that he was involved with what had happened to Katie, Draco had a lingering feeling that Harry had his suspicions. He wondered if the other did know though, that it was him. And if he did...why was he still talking to him so civilly?

Just recalling the events of earlier that day, Draco felt his mood darkening as he lowered his gaze to the ground, feeling his previously relaxed feeling turning anxiety ridden once more as as thought about that day, and about Katie Bell. Was she alright? Was she even alive? The mere thought had stress written all over his face. It was only when Harry spoke up again about bringing hi food from the kitchen and looking like he wasn't eating, that Draco spoke up to defend himself.

"I eat" he countered a bit defensively with a frown as he looked to the other "Sometimes" he added as a bit of an afterthought as he looked away from the other. He sighed a bit, avoiding the others eyes again "I just don't find myself very hungry lately, thats all" he muttered.
As far as Harry knew, Katie had been sent to the school infirmary. But he had heard briefly before his parting from McGonagall mentions of St. Mungo's. They probably weren't equipped to deal with something like a curse here, and even though Katie had only touched it for a moment Harry wasn't sure he could forget the sounds of pain she was making, or the odd feeling he got from the glimmering necklace. It gave him a chill to think about it, any he really didn't have any answers as to where the necklace had come from or who had given it to her.

He didn't want to believe it was Draco, but he had a sinking suspicion after their very brief meeting in Hogsmeade. But a cursed artifact like that, such dark magic, there was no way a single student could bring such a thing anywhere near Hogwarts without outside help, even if it had been the one crafting the plan. Harry didn't want to ask. He was sort of hoping, though stupid, that Draco would confide in him. But he hadn't about the cabinet, or anything else. Harry knew that divulging such details would put him in danger, and that there was a very high possibility of one of Voldemort's followers finding out. He hadn't told McGonagall, but he wondered if Ron or Hermione had said anything.

Since he didn't know how to bring it up, or whether doing so would cause some sort of chain reaction, he just listened and observed and made plans in his mind that he hoped would help somehow. He knew it wasn't the best way to do things, but until he was absolutely certain that Draco had done it, he wouldn't bring it up.

"When was the last time you ate?" Harry countered, brought back to the present situation. "I get not being hungry, but..." He trailed off and sighed, "How are you going to play in the match next weekend if you look like you'll blow off your broom?" Honestly, between the not eating and the not sleeping and the constant worrying, Harry was more than a little concerned.
Draco just sighed to himself when the other continued to ask about his eating habits "What are you, my mum?" he muttered as he shifted from where he had comfortably been laying on the couch to where he was now sitting up so he could look at Harry a bit better while they conversed. He did think about his question though, regarding the last time he had eaten, and Draco actually had to think about it.

"I suppose...yesterday" he commented in thought, thinking back to the last time he had eaten. "Yesterday morning, to be exact" he added in afterthought. He had a feeling that telling Harry that he might get scolded even more. Possibly yelled at by the male. But he really hadn't been able to stomach the thought of eating anything since being contacted about the necklace and his job of what he had to do with it. Since then, he had been stressing about it and freaking out with nerves and anxiety, which resulted in him being unable to eat anything without getting sick, so he'd given up eating for the time being. And now, he was too stressed after the fact of what he had done and how horribly wrong it had gone, that he couldn't eat now either.

As the other further questioned him about the match next weekend, he just sighed, rubbing his temples "I'm not that weak, Harry. I'm sure I'll do just fine" he said with a frown as he rubbed the back of his head, looking away from the other. Granted, Draco currently was nothing but 'fine', and he knew his state was cause for worry, but he really couldn't do anything about it.
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"Just worried about you," Harry shrugged. "Can't very well expect someone like Crabbe or Goyle to do it. I have no idea what Zabini is ever thinking and Merlin knows what Pansy might do. Probably try to hand feed you." Honestly though, he wondered what his friends were thinking about his state. He wondered how much they knew about what was going on as well.

He stretched out in the chair and bit his tongue to keep from pointing out that eating once yesterday morning was not healthy. "There are potions for that, you know. If you can't stomach eating. Madam Pomfrey keeps a supply of them in the medical wing."

But he knew the real underlying cause was going to be the consistent problem. Whatever plans had been laid out, whatever mission Draco had been put on, it was very clearly unfolding and having a great impact upon him.

Harry thought again of the earlier explanation given about the mark, and how it could be used against disloyal followers. "Do you think it could be removed?" He blurted out, looking at the ground but realizing his train of thought hadn't been explained. The mark, I mean."
At the others words, Draco instantly felt heat rise to his cheeks. Blushing, he glanced to the other when he had said he was worried about him and vaguely smiled "Thanks, I appreciate it...but I'll manage. I have so far" he said with a slight shrug to his shoulders. Maybe he wasn't fine...but well...he was dealing with it. In his own way, albeit, unhealthy.

Running a hand through his hair he smiled a bit at the other in amusement "Pansy would probably try to drug me too if she got to pick what I ate" he chuckled softly with a shake of his head " is really nice to hear you care, though..." he said with a small smile "You know...we never really did talk about what happened...." he said softly, referring to the kiss. It had been something that was on his mind, and that he wanted to further discuss. Despite how awkward and embarrassing the conversation might be, Draco wanted to know what this made their relationship now. Had anything changed? Draco felt like it had. But he didn't want to assume. And he wanted to be clear about whatever this was between them. And if it was anything, that no one else could find out.

At some point amongst his train of thought of this, he heard the others confusion. Having been in his own thoughts, he was confused about what the other was referring to at first, before he clarified. His eyes widened a bit at the suggestion, having never thought of it before really. "Who knows" he frowned as he leaned back against the couch "If anyone has tried they haven't been successfully. Its incredibly powerful dark magic....I've heard stories. Some people have tried, but some have ended up dying in their pursuits" he said with a frown "Not by,, him. But, something going amiss in their attempts to remove the mark" he said as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair again "If it is possible, it's been unheard of anyone succeeding."
Harry looked over at Draco and smiled upon hearing the sincere thank you. He didn’t push it any farther. Not tonight anyway. But he looked up at the ceiling and traced the patterns with his eyes as he considered things. He didn’t truly know what their relationship could be labeled as. He thought of Draco as a friend but there was more to it than that. He moved in the chair so he was looking at the blond and tried to think of a good way to start the conversation.

“Well…did you like it?” Honestly he didn’t really know how to start a conversation like this, he hadn’t ever had one with Cho and that was about as far as his relationship knowledge extended. He certainly couldn’t use Ron or Hermione as an example. Ron had never dated anyone and Harry never asked Hermione if she had ever done anything like this with Krum. It was all a bit embarrassing, even to ask your best friends. But he sort of wished he had. “Would you want to do it again?”

It didn’t take long for him to realize that he couldn’t look at Draco when asking the questions so he focused instead on the floor. "I mean...I'm sure I like you more than just a friend. I like visiting the room with you, it's nice here being able to escape things for a few hours. Ron says I, er, look forward to it too much." Harry took a breath, still looking at the floor. "Do you want to....y'know...?" He wasn't quite sure if he could ask if they were in an almost sort of relationship. Or if it was something they should try.
Wahhh, you've been gone all day! I've missed you!
As Draco had brought up the mention of the kiss and what had happened earlier between them, he could tell that Harry seemed to be thinking about what to say. However, when the other blatantly asked if he liked it, Draco's face heated up and he looked away awkwardly. He knew this conversation was going to be awkward. But that didn't calm his nerves any more. Glancing away as he rubbed the back of his head, he spoke "Blood hell, Harry...what kind of question is that?" he breathed, nerves showing "But erm...well...I don't think i would have kissed you again if I hadn't liked it. And I certainly can't say I would mind it happening again" he explained, feeling his face heating up and hoping that it wasn't nearly as noticeable as it felt.

As the other further explained how much he enjoyed visiting the room and spending time alone, just the two of them, Draco couldn't help but agree. Keeping his embarrassed gaze focused on the fireplace, he spoke up in agreement. "I really look forward to the time I get to spend with you...I know I try not to act it around others, and I can still seem like a git....but I really do like being with you...more than anyone else. I want to be with you..." he trailed off, feeling further embarrassed by his own words.
I know I'm sorry! Was in an accident today, fine just rear ended, got to work late so I worked through lunch when I usually reply. Ah feels good to be home though!!
Harry rubbed the back of his neck as he still stared at the floor. It was a fairly embarrassing conversation also felt good to get some things out. And to hear some things for confirmation. But he grinned as he looked up again. He certainly wouldn't mind another kiss at all. It was nice to hear that it might be something they could do again in the future.

"I...want that too," he answered. "Outside here, in school...I guess it could be a problem if anyone found out." By anyone, he really meant Draco's father. After all, if any of the other students started talking, and it was revealed that they were close in any way, the news would make it back to Voldemort and his closest followers.

If anyone doubted Draco's loyalties, Harry had a feeling that there would be swift retribution "I get that, but I still feel like I don't want to give this up." It was like a breath of air after drowning, the time they had here, the feelings. Even if All the thoughts, questions, and concerns to what was going on seemed overwhelming.
Oh no!! Well, I'm glad you're okay!!
When the other said how he wanted the same thing as him, to be with him and spend more time like this, Draco find himself finally looking up at the other, despite his slightly reddened hue on his cheeks, and he smiled a bit awkwardly at the other, before further continuing at the comment of not letting others know about their relationship. "I know we couldn't ever let others really would be a problem....I could honestly care less what others think, but...its what others might do, and not only think, if they found out about us" he said with a frown as he glanced to the ground.

"Surely my father would have a fit, if not a heart attack. Being disowned from my family would probably be the best outcome - not that I would ever want that. But, in reality, if my father and certain people found out..." he trailed off, those certain people he was referring to specifically being Voldemort "I likely wouldn't live" he said a bit grimly but honestly. However, he was incredibly relieved as Harry continued, and he seemed to understand these circumstances, as restricting as they were.

Smiling as he looked to the other, he felt relief wash over him "I don't want to give this up either..." he said "I don't mind if it can only stay between us. I'd rather have that then not try anything at all..." he said as he looked at the other. Draco wasn't usually one to express his feelings either. But more than anything, he wanted Harry to know how much he did want to be with him "I really, really like you, Harry. I...i want this to be something" he admitted, his face flushing, but this time remaining eye contact with Harry.
Harry could very easily picture Lucius Malfoy's outraged reaction. But he didn't want Draco to be disowned. Even if Harry didn't particularly like his father, it was still family. If their roles had been reversed, he knew how he would feel about being cast out. He still held a grudge against Lucius for a great many things, but lately it was the letters that seemed to make Draco's stress far worse.

Still, he was really glad to hear that if things had been different, the opinions of others wouldn't matter. "Alright, for now then, it'll just be us." He wished they didn't have to confine things to secret, but he had a bad feeling about what might happen if word got around. No secret stayed within castle walls.

Those words would stay with him, he knew. Because he had never heard them before from anyone. But he realized that he wanted the same thing. And it didn't surprise him as much as he thought it might. "Me too," he smiled slowly. "So I've never broken curfew to spend the night with anyone before. I think all this is a first."
Draco knew if anyone found out he would be as good as dead - quite literally, unfortunately. He knew his father would be outraged on more reasons and levels than one. Not only was he not interested in Pansy, like he had been faking for so long just to please his fathers hopes of them getting together and strengthening the family name, however he also was in love with a male, the realization of him being gay - or maybe bi, Draco still wasn't entirely sure of his own sexuality. But he did know he liked Harry. A lot. And to top it all off, not only was he bisexual, at least, however, loved Harry Potter, of all guys to like. Even if Draco had no connection to Voldemort, and wouldn't be killed for associating let alone flirting and being in a relationship with the mans enemy, his dad sure enough would still kill him irregardless of his alliance with the Dark Lord.

He smiled, glad Harry didn't seem to mind them keeping it a secret. It was incredibly relieving to know that Harry wouldn't mind, and entirely understood the situation and circumstances. A small, naive and childish part of Draco thought and hoped that maybe one day they wouldn't have to hide their feelings from others.

"So then...does this...make us a couple?" he asked awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment as his cheeks started to match the flames licking at the logs in the fireplace. When the other further stated never breaking curfew before with anyone else, he smirked, deciding the lighten the awkward tension in the air "Well then, does that make me your first, Mr. Potter?" he winked a bit playfully, chuckling as he teased the male.
(Ahhh late-night post writing. xD I was tired last night, I’m so sorry.)

Harry knew that what he really wanted was for them not to have to hide anything from anyone. He didn’t truly care what anyone else thought either, but he knew that, unfortunately, they couldn’t just publicize it. But maybe someday they wouldn’t have to keep it restricted to times when they were alone, maybe once the war was over…

But he didn’t know how long that would take, or even if they would be the same after. And a small part of him wondered if Draco would wait. Harry knew what he felt was real, and it gave him an incentive to do everything in his power to stay alive so that there would be a future for them. It gave him more determination to obtain information from his private training with Dumbledore, and another reason to find out the vital clue missing from Slughorn’s memory. It also made him more determined to undermine Voldemor’ts power, one peg at a time. And as far as Draco’s father was concerned, Harry would face him himself if that ended up being the case.

“I suppose it does,” Harry replied with a grin. He wondered why he wasn’t slightly more surprised, or concerned about the revelation that he not only found another boy attractive, but the fact that it was Draco Malfoy, and it wasn’t strictly attraction but stronger feelings he was sensing. But he certainly hadn’t felt any sort of attraction or fondness beyond friendship for Ron or Neville or anyone else at school. At first he had thought it felt different from his time with Cho because she was a girl, but that wasn’t it at all. He had never really been able to sit with her and have these sorts of conversations, and he didn’t really look forward to his time with her either it was more of an awkward, panicked sort of feeling.

He figured that since they were rather enjoying themselves and they would be here for some time, he probably should eat something. But he didn’t want to leave again, so maybe the room would accommodate. He pulled out his wand and tapped the wall once, and had just turned to look over at the couch. Nothing had quite prepared him for the next words or the teasing, playful look on Draco’s face that quite effectively short-circuited his train of thought. “I–er, d-didn’t mean it like that,” he felt the heat on his face and despite knowing it was teasing, couldn’t quite shut off the thoughts or images, or the fact that he found that look incredibly attractive.
Hahah, it's fine, don't worry about it. Also, I had this brilliant idea about when Harry is tapping the wall to have it make food there for them and all. But since at the same moment he tapped the wall, he started thinking of those images, it also brings a bed and romantic feel to the room and such xD . I kinda went along with this idea, so, I hope its okay...i thought it'd be funny xD If you don't like it I'll rewrite the post ^^'
Draco couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the expression on Harry's face. It was rather endearing, since the other usually acted so tough and calm all the time, like he knew how to handle every situation. So seeing the male flustered was new and amusing to Draco, smiling as he looked to the other in amusement. He opened his mouth to say something more, but the room started to change before them, since Harry had been in the middle of trying to get it to have food appear.

Since Harry had been trying to have the room conjure up food, but his thoughts had been interrupted by more intimate images than food, the room had acted upon both. And while it displayed a spread of food on the table that had previously been a desk in the room, more than that started to change. While the fire remained lit, the walls weren't as dark and ominous from when they had earlier been reflecting Draco's despair and anxiety ridden emotions, and instead turned a lighter, romantic hue. The layout of the couch and chairs in the room changed as well, and Draco found himself stumbling forward, considering the couch beneath him was morphing into something else. When he found himself laying on a large and well cushioned bed with several pillows instead of the couch he had previously been relaxing on, his eyes widened as his pale cheeks darkened deep red "Bloody hell, Harry" he breathed, feeling his chest swell up and his face might as well have been on fire, feeling as hot as the fireplace was.

"I-I was only joking, Harry. I was referring to me being your first that you skipped out past curfew with..." he stammered, cheeks darkening further if possible, having not known something like this was on Harry's mind.
I read that at work on my phone (very subtly) but then I had the "trying not to laugh" look at my desk and it was impossible to write copy for breakfast sandwiches because I couldn't focus. xD the room is such a troll, I just keep thinking of all these cheesy valentines radio commercials with lounge music playing.)
"I...I was going for a kitchen, really," Harry tried to explain while hastily putting his wand away. Because apparently, the link his wand had to him was also able to tap into his thoughts and feelings, however fleeting. He was afraid to try and fix it, since he had a feeling it might make things worse. If that was possible.

He hadn't really noticed the dark, somber atmosphere before but this new change made the contrast quite clear. Funny it had never done anything weird last year when he used it as a classroom. Of course he had only really been focusing on one thing then, and the room was taking the other students' needs into consideration as well. But this time--first locking them into a room and now?

The sudden and unexpected change was as bizarre as it was mortifying, and even though he remembered learning that magic was very closely linked to emotion and thought, he still silentLy cursed his traitorous wand and the room that had become a refuge.

"I-I think, maybe, you should be the one to fix it." Harry didn't trust himself in the slightest, and he didn't dare look at Draco.
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