Secret Confessions (Draco & Harry)

Hahaha, xD Well, I'm glad I could lighten up the day at work xD I love thinking of the room as having a life of its own and trolling them xD
When the other hastily tried to defend himself about going for a kitchen, Draco glanced away awkwardly, not entirely believing the other "Uhuh..." he muttered as his eyes fell over onto the table with food "Well, you have plenty of food to pick from" he muttered, still trying to get over his own embarrassment.

He shifted and scrambled to get up. Before he had been lounging on the couch, lazily sprawling himself across it. However, now that that couch had turned into a bed, it looked a lot more seductive than simple lounging. So he hastily scrambled to shift and sit up, sitting on the edge of the bed - considering most other furniture was gone. Only one other love seat was left in the room, by the fireplace.

Rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, he glanced to Harry when he suggested that he should be the one to try and fix it and he blushed. He wasn't sure if he could...since now his own mind was clouded with thoughts "What, you don't like it?" he tried to get a teasing remark out. Clearing his throat slightly as he tried to calm his nerves, he stood up and walked over to Harry "After all...the room didn't come up with this on it's own, Harry...." he said a bit softer, implying the thoughts that must have been on his mind, his hand finding its way into holding Harry's hand.

Maybe Draco was going mad again...or maybe it was the atmosphere of the room actually working slightly....or perhaps it was knowing Harry had such provocative thoughts about him...but Draco had the strong urge to feel the others lips on his own again.
It certainly does. Reminds me a bit of the talking paintings but Troll-ier. Secretly shipping them.
Harry glanced up, taking in the roaring fireplace, the soft looking colors, the cozy love seat, and the general overall feeling of the room. He only glimpsed the bed briefly, the impressive spread of pillows and large, sprawling mattress. It was probably a lot more comfortable than their dormitory bedrooms. He wondered if it was as comfortable as the chair.

"It's..." He tried to think of a good word for it, but he couldn't quite. It looked like Amortentia smelled. "Sorry," He muttered, blushing. He felt the need to apologize since Draco was right, the room didn't just decide to change on its own. It had picked up something in his mind before it morphed.

But he looked up as he felt Draco's hand in his own. He smiled slowly, feeling a subtle reassurance from the feeling of their hands entwined. He liked the way they fit together. And if Draco was holding his hand then he wasn't too upset.

Harry picked up on the vibe, maybe initiated by the cozy warmth of the room. But he felt relaxed, a little more confident. He leaned forward until their lips met, eyes closing and hand lightly squeezing Draco's in response.
Hearing the others small, awkward apology, Draco offered a small smile of his own "You don't need to apologize, Harry" he said softly as he had taken the others hand into his own. He held it reassuringly, and despite the embarrassment of the whole situation, Draco found he didn't mind all that much. It was nice to know the other thought so deeply about him, even if intimately, and embarrassing.

As he felt the others hand squeeze his own as he leaned in closer, Draco's heart skipped a beat. Despite him having longed for another kiss, he hadn't actually thought he was going to get one. He blushed faintly, though gripped the others hand in his own back, though not too tightly.

Closing his eyes as their lips met, Draco relished in the comforting feeling that came from it. The warmth provided more comfort than any fire ever could, and the taste of Harry's lips, and his scent intoxicatingly close to him and his nose, Draco felt incredibly calm and at peace. He smiled into the kiss as he enjoyed it, finding he wanted this feeling to last.

Taking a bold leap of faith, Draco parted their lips briefly so they could catch their breath, before the blond further pressed his lips up against Harry's once more, having taken a step even closer to the other, his free hand that wasn't holding Harry's in his own, moved to gently grasp the collar on the males shirt, leaving nearly no space between them as he deepened the kiss.
This time, without having to worry about the outcome, Harry took time to memorize the way everything felt. The softness of Draco's lips against his own, the warmth between their hands linked together, the slight swimming sensation of heady warmth. He took a sharp intake of air in the momentary pause, and realized the slight chill in the space between them.

But then Draco pulled them closer together and the chill was replaced with the warmth of their bodies nearly pressed together. Harry slipped his fingers through Draco's hair, finding it surprisingly soft. And he realized he wanted to just touch, to memorize the perfect way everything felt. It was like something had clicked into place, and he didn't want to let go.

The sensation was hopelessly, beautifully intoxicating. Harry had almost forgotten to breathe, when they would break away for a moment he would chase the kiss, searching for the taste and heat and sensation again. He felt the wall against his back, glad it was keeping him upright. When the room felt like it was tilting he pulled back just a bit to breathe, heart racing in his chest, to look up and meet Draco's eyes.
Feeling the intensity of the kiss deepen, Draco found himself unable to pull away, as though Harry's lips were drawing him in. He pressed further against the male, realizing he wanted to feel more of the warmth provided by their bodies being so close together. With his hand clutching gently at the front of Harry's shirt, Draco found himself seeking the closeness and warmth that provided a sense of calming comfort over him.

Molding his lips against Harry's, Draco nibbled on his lip, wanting to taste more. However, he wasn't daring enough to pass that line and slip his tongue into Harry's mouth. Despite how oh so badly he wanted to. Draco was embarrassed at the heated thought, and wanted to hold back, worried he might do something Harry didn't want, or push too quickly.

As he nibbled on the others lip playfully, testing his boundaries - or maybe he was letting Harry know his boundaries weren't close to being crossed yet. Either way, he was distracted by the thought at the soothing feeling of the males hand running through his disheveled hair, and before Draco could realize what happened, a small moan had slipped past his lips.

Pale cheeks heating up dark shades of red, Draco momentarily pulled away, embarrassed by his own sound as he shyly looked away from the other "S-sorry...I-i..." he stammered, trying to find the words but his embarrassment hindering any further words from coming out of his mouth, thinking Harry probably was done after such a noise.
Already he missed the warmth, the slight distance of their bodies disappointing. Even the roar of the fire hadn't produced the same comforting feeling. The sound had caused a shiver to run through him. He didn't want Draco to be embarrassed, so he leaned over and lightly kissed the corner of his mouth.

"Don't be," Harry's hand moved to Draco's waist and pulled him closer again. Harry kissed lightly along his neck and realized absently that he smelled really good. He was torn between wanting to stay like this, and wanting to be even closer, as if nothing was quite close enough. It was an almost dizzying sensation. Testing the boundaries was a good way to explain things that were happening tonight.

"Are you alright with this?" He didn't want to bring their newly discovered relationship crashing against the rocks by pushing too far or overstepping anything. He wasn't sure if things were going too fast simply because his emotions were running wild on the adrenaline of how good the kiss felt.
Looking away from the other in embarrassment, Draco tried to get a control and handle over his own emotions. Never before had he felt this strongly for anyone else, so, these feelings and urges were all too new to him. He didn't quite know how to react, and what was okay to do or not. So he found himself overthinking every little thing, such as the small moan that had unconsciously slipped past his lips.

When he felt the others lips against the corner of his mouth, his eyes widened a bit in surprised relief that the other didn't seem to mind at all, and blushed again as he felt the others hand on his waist and pulling him closer. A small smile fell on his lips as he looked to Harry with relief at his reaction, and he accepted the closeness of their bodies, feeling the heat radiating off of Harry against him, he was perfectly comfortable, the way their bodies seemed to mold together, chests pressed against each other as Harry was holding him close by the waist.

He gasped a bit as he felt the others lips on his neck, and he bit his lip to try and refrain from further moaning in response again to the feeling against the sensitive skin on his neck. He let out another soft moan at the almost tickling sensation of the others mouth lightly brushing against his neck, before he heard the others question. His mind was so foggy and clouded with heat that it took him a moment to register the meaning of the question, before he smiled and slipped a hand up Harry's chest "More than alright....this feels amazing" he breathed softly, smiling as he kissed the other once more, a bit more heatedly this time.
Consciousness came back to Harry slowly, his body more then content to just stay wrapped up in the warmth of the bed and blankets and body heat. The bed was more comfortable than he remembered his four-poster being, and it was lighter than usual for some reason. He groaned, pushing his face into the pillow and wondering if he had forgotten to close his curtains last night. But then he remembered he hadn't gone to his room last night and he opened his eyes.

The soft morning light came through the window and halfway across the floor, the fire was still crackling merrily away (Harry again realized how much he loved magical inventions). Everything was blurry without his glasses and he moved onto his back, rubbing his eyes with his hand. He felt a nice, comforting warmth against him and he peered through his fingers at Draco with a slight smile on his face.

He was still riding the high of what they had done last night, and all of the heated and emotional feelings they had explored together. It had been perfect, and Harry might have had a goofy grin on his face recalling the memory. He sat up in bed, reluctantly, and looked around the blurry room. What time was it? He slipped from the covers and shivered, searching for his wand and finding it next to his discarded jeans.

"Temporum," Harry muttered as he slipped on his underwear. It was bloody cold in the room even with the fireplace. He squinted at the clock but found it useless without his glasses, so he tried to remember where he had set them (or more likely dropped them) last night. Their clothes were all over the place, but when he eventually found them and put them on he cursed, and rather loudly. They were going to be late.
Draco didn't know what time he had ended up falling asleep with Harry, whether it was late into the night, or early in the morning hours, he had no idea. Time seemed to stand still whenever they were together. Especially in this room it was hard to tell the time. Humming softly in his sleep, he rolled over when he felt the comfort of the bed he was in shifting slightly. It was the first time in a very, very long time that Draco had actually been able to sleep without night terrors or restlessness. So even the movement in the bed didn't wake him, despite him typically being known as a light sleeper. His body was likely still trying to catch up on the weeks of sleep deprivation.

He shifted again in the comfort of the blankets as he felt the body heat that had been keeping him warm disappear. Despite shifting around though, his mind still refused to gain consciousness and awake for the day. That was, until he heard a sharp cursing of a yell come from a familiar voice.

He jumped from his sleep, before wincing and putting a hand to his face "Bloody hell, Harry..." he muttered in a half groan as he rolled over "What are you yelling about this early for?" he muttered, half away and not realizing that it wasn't 'early' as it so seemed to feel like it was. Running a hand over his face to try and wake up more, he yawned as he finally squinted his eyes open to glance in harry's vicinity, only to vaguely blush seeing him fully naked still, well, mostly, anyways. He glanced away as he let out an awkward cough, sitting up in the bed as he yawned again.
"We're going to be late, you have to get up," Harry frantically grabbed his jeans from the pile next to the bed and yanked them on, a million different possibilities going through his mind if they were late. He placed his hands on the bed and leaned forward, regretting the fact that they couldn't lounge around in bed without bothering to get out and get dressed and go to class. But that would not only look suspicious, it would incur some kind of punishment and Harry wouldn't put it past Professor Snape to give him detention for the rest of the year. "We have fifteen minutes to get to class."

Of course the last thing on Harry's mind last night was to set an alarm on his wand, he had been so entirely wrapped up in the moment and it had been the first time he had slept outside of the dormitories, so his thought process was a little skewed. But breakfast would be over soon, which meant that classes would be starting, and he hadn't grabbed his robes which meant a long run back up to the towers just to change and...of course Snape's class was first thing this morning.

He had no idea how they could change into their uniforms and make it to class in time, but he made a valiant effort to pull his clothes on at least. He tugged his shirt down, the collar a little too low to hide the marks on his neck. He ran a hand through his post-bed hair to try and tame it, but the state of the two of them would be difficult to hide.
Still in a half awake daze, Draco wasn't really sure of what Harry was freaking out about and trying to hurry up for. Wasn't it Sunday, he had thought? His tired mind wasn't even aware of what day it was and that they had Professor Snapes class in just a few minutes. He raised an eyebrow as he watched Harry fumbling around for his clothes, smirking a bit as he was unable but to help hide the amusement on his face just seeing Harry fumbling around for his clothes with his composure lost.

However, with the other speaking again, the brunettes words slowly resonated in his head, and his eyes widened as he finally realized what the other had said and while "What?!" he suddenly gasped, springing up from the bed "blood hell, why didn't you say that sooner?" he cursed the other as he searched for his own clothes, pulling them on, and leaving him with no time to be embarrassed about the fact they had woken up naked together or to even consider the events of what had happened the previous night.

Puling his clothes on, Draco thought he might barely be able to make it to class on time. The room of requirement was conveniently close to the dungeons, where not only the classroom was but the Slytherin dormitories as well. Harry unfortunately, on the other hand, essentially had to go in the entire opposite direction only to come back this way. Pulling his clothes on, he glanced to Harry "I might be able to barely make it on we both won't be late at least. Not that thats good for you....but at least hopefully it won't cause any rumors or suspicions starting about us around the others" he commented as he found his wand and slipped it in his back pocket "I er...I'll see you in class, then...?" he said, blushing faintly before he grabbed Harry's shoulder and bold stole a kiss from him, offering him a boyish grin "Thanks for last night..." he muttered, before he let go of the other and was quickly out of the room and walking to his dorm to change into his robes and get to class on time, hopefully.
Harry had just finished lacing his shoes as he looked up. He supposed that was good, at least. If they were both late it would only draw suspicion from everyone. Everyone who still thought they were rivals. And there was no point in them both getting in trouble. He just really wished the Gryffindor dormitories weren't so far.

"Yeah, I'll see you there," Harry replied, a moment before Draco took him by the shoulder and kissed him. He was surprised only for a second, and then he melted into the kiss, but it was over too quickly and he missed it already. Why didn't classes start later? Or better yet, why were there classes at all today? But he smiled in response, savoring the memories of last night. He was still unconsciously touching his lips as Draco left and the door closed.

And then he remembered that he was late, really late now, and he quickly grabbed his cloak and wand and raced out of the room towards the dormitories. The very least Snape would do was deduct points from his house, and the worst he could do was give him detention. Likely a combination of both, while calling him out in front of the class. But it was worth it, every bit would be worth it, because last night had been perfect in every sense of the word and he was still grinning just thinking about it.
Draco had hurried back to his dorm after leaving Harry in the Room of Requirement. He really hadn't wanted to, and if it was up to him, he would have preferred to stay in the room with the other all day, if he really could, and had the choice. He sighed to himself in a bit of a daydream state as he recalled the previous night, and their moments of shared heated passion for each other. He smiled almost giddily to himself, before realizing he was back in public, and wiped the childish look from his face, knowing it was far out of character for him. Especially with it being just before classes with students who were running late on their way to their classrooms.

Draco made it back to his room within five minutes, and took less than five minutes to change into his school robes. Having no time to even think of a shower, he just sprayed some cologne over his body before grabbing his book bag and once again was rushing through the halls of the school, arriving at the classroom and walking through the door, quite literally mere moments before the class began. Taking his seat, he glanced over where Harry typically sat, seeing the other had of course unfortunately been unable to make it on time.

He figured that much had to have been expected though. The towers were practically on the other side of school. If anything, Draco could guess that Harry probably just arrived at his dorms just a few minutes ago when he had probably been walking into class. He did feel a bit bad the other would be late, and certainly well scolded, however, figured it was better than both of them showing up late.
Even running as fast as he could he made it to the towers to change and towards the classroom almost ten minutes after the start of class. By the time he stopped in front of the heavy door he was breathing hard and his heart was racing. He steeled himself as much as he could before he pushed the door open. Every eye turned to him as the door opened. Even if he had only been one minute late, he knew it wouldn't diminish the fury of Professor Snape. But almost ten minutes into class? It felt a bit like he was walking to his doom.

"Sorry, Professor," He managed not to wince, at least, as he caught a very quick glimpse of the fury in Snape's eyes. He took his seat as quickly as possible. He caught a few smirks and a few looks of sympathy—Neville looked as pale as a ghost again, almost as if he was the one about to get caught in the crossfire.

"Mr. Potter," Snape drawled, paying close attention to each syllable. He turned on his heel and moved, or rather stalked across the room, his robes always had a habit of flaring dramatically behind him. "Since you have seen fit to disrupt my class, I trust you have a very good reason," he punctuated each word slowly as its own sentence.

Harry hesitated, but he managed to look up to meet the man's eyes. "I...forgot to set my wand, sir." He knew as soon as the words were out of his mouth they were the wrong thing to say. But he supposed even if he said he had been attacked by Voldemort himself, it wouldn't have been a good enough excuse.

"Twenty points from Gryffindor for being negligent, and I will see you after class, Potter." Snape muttered underneath his breath before he turned again with a flare of his robes and headed back toward the board to continue the lecture.
Sitting in his seat, Draco found himself glancing to the clock as the bell rang and signaled the beginning of the class. He frowned a bit glancing over to Harry's empty seat on the other side of the room. Staring at it a moment longer, he turned his attention back to Professor Snape, trying not to act too distracted or anything, knowing if he split even an ounce of his attention, then Snape would be well aware and reprimand him for it in an instant. He mental cringed at the mere thought, and just shook it from his head as he watched the professor begin the drawling lecture that every nearly fell asleep in - though did their best not to, considering who it was that was the professor.

As the minutes passed by, Draco found himself constantly looking to the clock, a slightly worried sensation bubbling inside him. What was taking Harry so long? Well, he supposed with how far his dorm was it only made sense. Draco himself was lucky that he was the one to initially go to the room of requirement the other day, finding it appearing when he was storming through the halls of the dungeons. As the time passed by, Pansy, sitting beside him, noted how he constantly looked to the clock, and she frowned "What's the matter Draco, waiting for something?" she asked, finding his behavior a bit suspicious. Draco, having not really been paying attention in the least, was surprised when she suddenly spoke up to him, quietly, of course, to avoid Snape's detection.

Blinking a bit, he smirked a bit "Just for this class to be over already. It's such a bore" he sighed, easily brushing off his behavior, which Pansy bought his quick thinking lie and seemed to agree before letting it go. A few minutes later, the doors had opened with an obnoxiously loud noise, seemingly louder than they usually were.

The entire classroom fell silent and chairs shuffled a bit as everyone turned to look behind them at the door where Harry now, very awkwardly, stood, before making his way to his seat. Draco cringed a bit in sympathy for Harry at the interaction from Snape...he heard the fellow Gryffindors in the room mumbles incoherent, sarcastic grumbles and remarks to Harry about the twenty points, before soon enough class had begun again. Draco cast a quick sympathetic look in Harry's direction, before turning his attention back to the board for the remainder of class.

The class seemed to draw on for hours, when reality it was only an hour and a half. Sighing in relief as class finally was ended, everyone shuffled from their seats and scurried out of the room. Draco purposely packed up slowly, taking his time and telling his friends to go on without him. He said he had something to discuss with Snape - which none of them questioned, since they were aware of some sort of special connection or relationship between the two, and so it seemed natural enough of an excuse.

With the class nearly empty, Draco grabbed his bag and left the room, glancing behind him where Harry was the last one in class, since he had to meet with Snape afterwards because of his tardiness. Draco slipped around the corner from the classroom, leaning against the corner casually as he waited for Harry to be let free of Snape's grasps.
Harry rubbed the back of his neck as Snape walked away to begin the lecture again. He glanced over at Draco and managed to catch his eye. He managed a slight smile, despite the situation. He was used to Snape breathing down his neck at this point, and no matter what punishment he got at least last night was worth it.

The rest of the lecture was impossible to focus on, and honestly Harry wasn't even sure what they were talking about. But at least Snape seemed to be done with him for the day, because he wasn't called on. Which was a small miracle in itself since he had completely forgotten about the reading and wouldn't have had the answer at all. Even if he did, his thoughts kept straying to last night, and he turned a slight shade of red when he realized what he was remembering in the middle of class. But it was hard not to think about it, with Draco just across the aisle like that.

When the class finally ended, Harry waited until everyone else had left before he even slipped his book into his bag. He looked up and caught sight of Draco lingering behind, maybe just outside the door in the hall. He was silently grateful, and it gave him a little more confidence as he walked upwards towards the desk.

"You wanted to see me, Professor?" Harry kept his eyes focused on the quill stand instead of Snape, but he could feel those eyes studying him.

"Mr. Potter..." Snape began, his hands steepled in front of him as he spoke. "Despite your history getting away with breaking the rules, you will find I will not stand for it in my classroom."

Harry had to bite his tongue to reply that he hadn't purposefully broken the rules. He might have been out of his dorm last night, but he didn't want to wake up late and arrive late to class. But he, wisely, chose to stay quiet.

"Perhaps a week's worth of detention will curb your appetite for rebellion." Harry clenched his fists unseen at his sides, and said nothing. Nothing was expected. "I expect to see you tomorrow evening in my office at seven sharp, no exceptions. Now, you're dismissed." He returned to his papers and Harry turned on his heel to hurry out of the office.
Funny thought; What if Blaise - the smartest one of Draco's crowd (other than Draco himself) has been able to tell how suspicious Draco has been acting, and not just because of the tasks he's been given. So he lingers around or something after class and sees Harry and Draco together - maybe even sees them steal a quick kiss or something?? Might add even more drama or something heheh
Leaning against the wall around the corner from the classroom, Draco crossed his arms as he patetly waited for Harry. He knew he probably shouldn't even linger around the other in public like this. But he couldn't help it. He wanted to be around Harry. Even if they had just been together for the entire night. But being with the other seemed to calm him down quite a lot, and keep him from thinking too much about his duties here at the school other than simply being a student.

He frowned a bit as his thoughts started to linger to the dark mark covered beneath his robes on his arm. He sighed, closing his eyes as he recalled the events yesterday, and just what had happened to lead to Harry finding Draco a wreck in that room. He bit his lip, nerves coursing through him in a slight panicked fear as he thought about the girl he had unintentionally hurt by dragging her into this war...possibly even killed her. He felt his palms go shaky and cover in a cold sweat as he thought about it.

What brought him out of his daze was when he suddenly heard the large oak doors creak shut and the blur of Harry rounding the corner. He blinked a bit, snapping out of his thoughts as he grabbed the others sleeve "Hey, hold up" he said stopping the other while they were seemingly hidden in a corner of the castle "Here" he offered, digging through his bag and handing the other some pastries "I remember you didn't eat last night because of me...and also missed breakfast. You must be starving" he offered the food to the male "I grabbed it on my way out of the common room this morning" he said, blushing a bit in embarrassment at the notion of how much he had been thinking about Harry and his wellbeing.
That's not a bad idea. Yay drama~ I don't remember if we had him in this class or not but should we put him in now, to see them?
Harry stopped as he felt a tug on his sleeve. He looked over in confusion and then smiled. His posture, formerly tense after the stand off with Snape, instantly relaxed when he saw Draco. He let his bag slip to his shoulder as he turned to face the blond. For some reason, it was just easy and natural to be more open and himself lately with Draco, and the anger or unease from anything else just sort of disappeared. He looked down at the pastries with surprise, and gratitude.

"Thanks!" He grinned, "I sort of forgot about it this morning, but sitting in class..." He trailed off, gratefully reaching out to take one. "Seems like the lectures are getting longer, doesn't it?" He knew not having a clue what had been said in class would probably come back to haunt him later, but right now he couldn't really be bothered to worry about it. He took a piece of the pastry and ate it as he tried to recall what they were covering. The non-verbal spells were getting harder and there had been more than a few accidents in class.

The pastry was actually really good. "You got these in the common room?" He asked with surprise. There was nothing in the Gryffindor common room like this. Sometimes there would be boxes of half-eaten candy, but nothing appetizing. But then they were so far from the kitchens, it really wasn't surprising. With both the Slytherin and Hufflepuff dormitories being close, he wondered if there was always food there or if someone brought it.
Cool ^^ And I'm pretty sure we had previously implied Blaise being in their class, and Draco usually sitting next to him or something. We can say that maybe he had been waiting for Draco so they could head to their next class together or something.
Draco couldn't keep the smirk off his face when he looked to Harry, who seemed so tense and stressed fmor his encounter with Snape "Well, next time maybe you shouldn't be late if you don't want to deal with an even grumpier Snape than usual" he teased the other, since he would have been just as late if he lived in the same dorm as him.

As he offered the pastry out to the other he smiled a bit when he took it "No problem" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck, but smiling happily, glad to see his efforts hadn't gone to waste. Well, it wasn't much of an he would soon explain to Harry, when the male started asking about them just casually being in the common room.

"Actually Pansy left them for me" he said with a smirk "I thought if I mentioned that it would give them a sour taste" he chuckled lightly "She usually does something like that, especially when knows I miss a meal. She puts some kind of hex on them or something to keep the others like Crabbe and Goyle from snatching them up" he said with a shrug of his shoulders "I promise they're perfectly safe though" he said, figuring the other was going to inquire something along the lines like that.
Blaise had left the class and waited, as Draco had insisted he needed to speak with Snape about something. He had no reason to not believe him, so he waited patiently in the hallway after class. When several minutes passed and there was no sight of Draco, he frowned and started back down the hallway to search for where he could be. Certainly not still in the classroom, unless the matter he needed to speak with their professor was more urgent than he figured. When he rounded the corner he caught sight of his friend, but he also saw Potter stop to speak with him. Curious, and waiting for a fight, he waited unseen by the corner. But what happened wasn't a fight, it seemed like they were talking about something.

"Could've been twenty minutes early, he still would have found a reason to say something," Harry shrugged as he took another bite of the pastry. "Could have been worse. I just wonder what he's got in store for detention." Probably something mundane and mind-numbing, like cleaning out cauldron sludge. Honestly, nothing could be worse than last year, and it was only a week. So long as he kept his head down, that's all it would be. And he was too exhausted with schoolwork, extra lessons from Dumbledore, and Quidditch that he really didn't want any extra trouble.

"Pansy?" Harry made a face as he recalled the pug-faced girl that was rather attached to Draco's side. She seemed to fawn quite a bit over him, even though her attentions went mostly ignored from what he had seen. Still, he was glad he had finished the pastry before he had been privy to that information because it probably would have soured it. Still, he grinned at the mental image of Crabbe and Goyle staring at the food without being able to touch it. He could still remember how they chased the floating cupcakes second year. Not the brightest students, but having the right connections got you far enough to not flunk out of school.

"Did you make it to class on time?" He mindlessly played with the pasty wrapper, "I mean, no one asked any questions about where you were last night?"
At the others comment Draco just shrugged his shoulders "I suppose you're right. He did even give me a bit of a glare when I sat down. Barely made it on time" He said with a small proud smirk "I probably had about ten seconds before he considered me late. And by late of course meaning for him the second class started" he said with a roll of his eyes as he pushed himself up a bit from the relaxed, reclined leaning position he had against the wall, so he was now standing up straight. Unbeknownst to him, Blaise had been waiting for him and was currently spying on them - for lack of better words, since, essentially that was what the male was doing, anyways. "No, no one asked questions. I didn't run into anyone yet and I got to class barely on time so it's not like I had time to talk to anyone, anyways" he said with a shrug of his shoulders "You?"

He chuckled a bit at the others distaste in simply saying the girls name, and the way his face scrunched up a bit in disgust at the thought of something she had given, even if harmless, for once. "It's not like she made it herself. I doubt she has the intellectual capacity to make something, even food. She probably grabbed it from breakfast this morning" he said with a shrug of his shoulders as he slipped his hand into his pockets.

Glancing to a clock hung at the end of the hallway, he sighed a bit with a frown, seeing as they should probably be getting to their next classes before they were late. Though, Draco didn't particularly want to leave the other, since he naturally felt calmer and relaxed around him, like he was a normal student, and didn't have to worry about his acts to keep up, or things he had to do...he mentally shook his head before looking to the other "Well, we should probably head to class. Don't want to make a habit out of being late again, do we?" he said with a slight smirk.
Harry had always thought Snape favored Draco as a student, and maybe he did but it didn't seem like he would let any rule breaking or tardiness pass regardless. At least there was some consistency to the man that way, since he was still a head of household. He glanced over his shoulder towards the door just to make sure Snape wouldn't come ghosting up behind them. The last thing he wanted to do was get caught talking about a teacher right outside of the classroom. Even if they were slightly out of the way here, and the dungeons weren't crowded at the moment. He didn't notice Blaise watching them from around the corner, or suspect anything.

"No, I didn't run into anyone yet. Probably later, I'll have to come up with something," Harry shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. The marks were there just below the line of his collar, but he was grateful that Snape hadn't seen. Or commented on the slight crookedness of his tie. He didn't have time to cast a cleaning or ironing charm to anything, but then at least half the class looked a bit out of sorts so early in the morning.

He frowned as he considered the time. He didn't really want to head to his next class, he didn't really care for Divination. It was a good class to talk in, which was the reason he was sort of dreading it because he left Ron in a bad state last night and he didn't have excuses for why he was gone, or why he wasn't at breakfast. 'I shagged Draco Malfoy' just didn't seem like an appropriate thing to say, even if the look on his best mate's face would be priceless. No, he was going to keep their new relationship carefully guarded in case the wrong ear heard about it.

"Yeah, I guess," Harry paused, a slightly mischievous grin took place, "I had fun last night, too," He leaned over and, oblivious to their observer, kissed him in return for the one in the room.

Blaise nearly dropped his bag as he watched what Potter did. Did he just kiss Draco? No, maybe it had been a moment of heated threats whispered...very closely to the lips. No, nonsense. He glanced behind him to make sure no one else was in the hallway and then he glanced back in their direction to see his friend's response. Surely, it was some kind of joke and Potter would get what was coming to him.

(Imagining Blaise's face right now...)
He was relieved to hear that it seemed so far the both of them were in the clear from nosey questions pestering either of their whereabouts the past evening and night. He smirked a bit in amusement "Yeah...Granger and her Weasle seem to be offly interested in your business all the time. I swear they take it upon themselves to be your mum and dad or something sometimes" he sighed a bit, clearly a hint of distaste in his voice when speaking about Harry's best friends. Well, Draco wasn't one to really have true friends, not the way that Harry's best friends were to him, anyways. So Draco didn't really understand the whole over compassionate, concerned aspects that his friends shared for each other, it was all foreign to the cold hearted Malfoy.

"I shouldn't have too hard a time. Pansy is usually the only one the questions me, and only because she has some fantastical idea in her head that were together, and I'm cheating on her" he said and then smirked in amusement "I'm sure you would be as good as dead if she even found out about us" he said, a small laugh actually coming from his lips in thought, something that was entirely unnatural and foreign for Draco - except on rare occasionally lately, whenever he was around Harry. "Most of my friends have an idea of whats going on with me and my, they don't ask too many questions" he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

When they seemed to have decided they needed to part to head to class, Draco knew he shouldn't be as upset about it as he felt. He supposed he really had it bad for Potter, didn't he? He mentally scoffed to himself, distracted by the others words when he suddenly felt a kiss on his lips. His pale, sunken cheated heated a light red in embarrassment as his eyes widened, glancing around a bit worriedly, though not seeing anyone, he sighed a bit "Blood hell Harry..." He blushed, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly "I hope you knew no one was around before you did that" he said, relieved to see the empty halls other than themselves. Or, so he thought, anyways. "I had fun last night too..." he said with a crooked, embarrassed smile "I'll see you later, then" he waved, before turning on his heel and heading down the hall towards his next class - in the direction Blaise had been hiding.
He did agree they could be a bit overbearing sometimes, but that was just how friends were sometimes. Wasn't it? Admittedly, he hadn't had any before he came to school, but despite the ups and downs he was grateful to have them. Harry did wonder if it just wasn't the same with Draco's Slytherin friends. Maybe they cared too, but they just didn't show it in the same way he was used to. He also wondered just how much they knew, but then he realized he hadn't even told Ron or Hermione he was seeing Draco. Things were just...complicated all around.

When he thought about Pansy of all people finding out, well he really didn't want to be on the wrong end of a woman's jealousy. Especially a witch. He had heard plenty of rumors about girls slipping love potions into pumpkin juice or casting jinxes on exes. Ron had said something about girls and love potions earlier this year, hadn't he?

Harry pulled back after a moment, a slight smile on his face. He didn't think anyone else was around, they were protected in the small alcove and he hadn't seen students since the class ended. But there was always the possibility, so it was just a quick gesture. Harry pushed his backpack on to his shoulder, since he should probably head to his next class. Heading all the way to the towers...well he was getting a fair bit of exercise today. "I'll see you later," Harry waved before heading in the opposite direction to drop something off before heading to class.

Blaise steeled himself and masked his expression as he realized Draco was coming this way. He was stunned, and confused, but he also took care to carefully analyze a situation before acting upon it. The most logical answer would be some kind of love potion, but there would be signs. So when he stepped into the hallway to meet Draco, he had his usual impassive expression on. His eyes flicked briefly towards Potter, now well out of earshot, before returning to Draco. "Did you settle everything with the professor?"
Looking to the other as they parted ways, Draco cast a last glance over his shoulder, smiling a bit to himself before turning around the corner and stopping as he almost bumped into Blaise who looked like he was walking towards him, not like he had been hiding. He had been fought off guard a bit to see the other though, not having expected him, though he quickly regained his composure, wiping the giddy smile from his face from having been with Harry.

When the other had asked about talking with the professor, Draco was further caught off guard, before momentarily recalling that was the excuse he had used to let his friends know he had been staying behind. He shrugged his shoulders "Yeah...everything fine I had a question to ask him" he brushed it off, composing himself again as they turned and headed down the hall, Draco not having the slightest clue about what Blaise had just witnessed, regarding the kiss especially.

"Well, shall we be heading on to class before we're late then?" he commented before continuing on towards their herbology class. He headed through the halls and out of the school buildings towards the greenhouse, where Professor Sprout was getting ready to begin class and the students were gathering.

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