Secret Confessions (Draco & Harry)

Blaise carefully studied Draco as he approached. The smile was...well, unlike him. He wasn't even sure he had seen a look like that on the blond ever. "I saw Potter walking away from you. Did he say something to you?"

The statement had been conversationally casual enough. There was something amiss about his fellow Slytherin's behavior. It had been quite a turn to see him isolated and stand-offish, compared to their former years together. Of course, he didn't know the full reason, but he figured that Draco had been selected to perform some duty as his father had. A shame what happened to Lucius Malfoy, but he wouldn't be in Azkaban forever. Any number of reasons could have led to the obvious decline in Draco's health.

And yet, recently he would turn from one extreme to the other. He would seem almost happy on occasion. Happy, and pointedly distracted. Blaise didn't believe Pansy picked up on anything so subtle. She was too wrapped up in her world of fantasies too notice the reality all around her. Yet, he was almost completely positive what he had seen. He just had to verify it. Which would be simpler if he could find Potter and view their interactions, but in the meantime he could ask questions.
Draco was a bit caught off guard - again - by the others statement regarding Harry. He saw him walking away? Part of him momentarily panicked inside - he hadn't seen anything, right? He couldn't possibly have. Draco mentally shook his own head. No..if Blaise had seen the other kiss him, he would have said something about it, surely. Right? He had a small panic session in his head, though on the exterior kept his face cool.

"Oh, Potter? Yeah I was just giving him a piece of my mind. Because he was late and had to talk to the Professor, I had to wait longer as well to talk to him" he said with a shrug of his shoulders, passing it off as just the usual banter that everyone was familiar with between the two of them. In reality though he was still worried about whether or not Blaise had seen that kiss. He tried to reason with himself that there was no way the other could have seen it - Draco was sure no one had been in the hallway.

Draco didn't say much more as they were on their way to their next class. He was overthinking and overanalyzing things in his head, regarding what would happen of Blaise had found out and started talking, and just what would happen if the whole school found out...surely his life would be ruined. Emotionally and physically - he was sure that if Voldemort didn't kill him, then his father would.
Outwardly, Blaise accepted the explanation even if inwardly, he was still confused. Nothing in Draco's demeanor hinted at any kind of love potion, and his words and expressions were still normal. He wished he had been closer to hear the exchange of words. Had he been mistaken? No it didn't seem likely. But then, neither did the reality of what he had seen. He couldn't quite piece the puzzle together and if he asked outright he was sure he would get a denial–whether it was true or not.

He didn't notice any of the concern that Draco was currently battling with as they approached the greenhouses. Blaise was carefully considering what to do next. After all, the Malfoy name was very influential and he didn't want to make any enemies. If he was wrong, he certainly wouldn't want to accuse Draco of such a thing.

"You've been...acting somewhat strange lately," He commented as they entered the greenhouses. But with class about to start, he couldn't quite ask the questions he wanted to. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Draco in the common room last night or this morning. Shortly after Pansy set the pastries out, they had gone to class and it was only then, right before the start of the lecture, he had seen him.
As they had arrived at class, just before it was to start he heard Blaise mentioning something again. He glanced to the other in thought, and shrugged it off with a slightly apologetic look "Sorry...A lot has been on my mind, lately. I've been incredibly busy with everything I have to do..." he trailed off, knowing he had mentioned discretely to Blaise before about how he'd been given orders by the Dark Lord and his father, and things he had to do this year. He figured it was a good enough explanation - after all, this one wasn't even a lie or excuse this time.

They couldn't continued the conversation any further before Professor Sprout had begun the class and they had to endure through it. While it wasn't particularly his favorite class, it certainly was better than Professor Snape's. This one was just a bore, particularly see in as Draco had absolutely no interest in herbology. Unlike Neville, who was not too far from them paying heed to every detail and word that came from Professor Sprouts mouth, as though she were speaking a gospel or something.

Eventually, the class had thankfully come to an end and Draco was collecting his things. He was able to avoid Blaise's questions throughout the day for the most part, or give either a vague answer or a lie. He was honestly surprised Blaise was asking so many questions, usually the male was a lot quieter. And now, either to his demise or savior, he had quidditch practice, which would get him out of questioning not only for a while, but hopefully long enough for Blaise to forget about his quest of inquiring Draco of so many things today.
The class was boring, as usual. Blaise paid little attention. He kept a careful stock of Draco's words and reactions. The first time he had seen the blond distracted was in the great hall, and while Pansy was too lost in her little world thinking about her birthday and their supposed relationship, he had considered it unusual.

The end of class couldn't come soon enough. As they were leaving, he caught sight of Potter, the Mudblood, and the blood traitor that followed him. They exchanged words with Neville as he passed, and Potter laughed at something that had been said.

Harry stopped as Neville greeted them, some sort of strange plant in his arms. He grinned, and looked up and over at Draco for a beat of a second before realizing that Blaise was looking at him. Usually, that meant trouble. He never was able to tell what was going on behind those dark eyes, but like Pansy, Zabini certainly wasn't against the bullying of other students.
The class dragged on, but at least in this class the students could afford to be distracted without being noticed, unlike in Snape's class they would be caught the second their attention was divided from anything other than the class itself, resulting in either a scolding or some other form of punishment. Eventually, the class had ended and Draco filed out with Blaise and the rest of the students all eager to escape. Unfortunately, their week's homework was to care and tend to some form of vegetation of wish Draco hadn't been paying enough attention to to catch the name of. Hence the small potted plant each student carried, the plant resembling a bush shape - only far far smaller, and in a pot.

Sighing as he looked at the plant in his hands with more than disinterest, he mentally cursed he form of vegetation for existing, simply because he now had to keep it alive. As they walked out of the class, he heard a familiar voice and glanced up, catching sight of Harry. Draco momentarily forgot that he had to act normal, and upon remembering that, felt guilty and regretted how he had to act to Harry in public - but he knew the male would understand.

Letting a smirk fall upon his lips as he looked to the trio, he scoffed "Well well, if it isn't the headmasters mutts" he sneered at them, unfortunately, easily able to fall back into his typical cold and arrogant behavior towards his supposed school rival and his trio of his friends.
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Blaise smirked, appreciative of the typical behavior and tone of voice he had come to expect from Draco. Perhaps he had been wrong, after all. But this certainly presented a perfect opportunity for a bit of fun, and after their incredibly long and boring class and being dumped upon with these strange and nuisance plants, he needed a bit of a distraction.

Ron was the first to snap back, turning his attention on Draco. "Sod off, Malfoy." Harry knew exactly why Draco had to act in such a way, and he had come to understand that it was all just an act. And yet, it didn't stop the tense emotions from churning inside him. He wished he didn't have to act that way. And Ron wasn't helping, with his short fuse and his habit of snapping back.

"As usual, I see you keep terrible company," Blaise replied coolly, "It is unusual to see you with your two friends, I had thought the Weasel's infatuation with the Mudblood would have left you feeling rather left out. Even with the papers fawning over you as the Boy Wonder. Being popular must be so difficult."

Ron lurched forward just as he heard the name directed towards Hermione, but Harry held up an arm to keep him back. He leveled eyes filled with cold fury towards the Slytherin. "Say what you want about me, but don't you dare insult my friends, Zabini,"

Blaise couldn't help the small smile on his face. So this was the Dark Lord's adversary. The only one to survive the killing curse. And as such, the one that would stand in Draco's way. He wondered if that was the same look that Potter had given the Dark Lord–they were fierce eyes. Maybe it was more than sheer dumb luck that Potter had managed to survive this long. "Gryffindors are so quick to anger."
Draco narrowed his eyes back at the redheaded friend of Harrys. At least it was much easier to refer track to his usual crude arrogance towards his friends more than Harry himself. He wasn't sure how much he'd be able to hold up talking down Harry. But thankfully all that was needed was just a few words to have Blaise forgetting his suspicions and questions towards him.

When Ron had snapped back at him he narrowed his glare towards him "Shut it, Weasel. We all know you really have nothing of importance to say" he growled back, smirking a bit as Blaise was instantly tagging along with his remarks towards the Gryffindors. He couldn't help but mentally laugh in amusement at Blaise's reference to Harry being lonely and away from his friends. Only he didn't know that Harry wasn't alone and loveless like his two best friends.

Smirking, Draco turning his attention back to Harry "Yeah, Potter. How ever are you handling being all alone" he snickered, as though it was a small inside joke between the two of them, but it only sounded that way to Harry and himself. Otherwise, it sounded like he was sneering further jabs at the boy wonder.
Harry wasn't ever sure he could reign Ron in, after his family's long rivalry with the Malfoy household, but he wished his friend wasn't so quick to action. But thanks to the slight arguments and anger, at least there would be no reason for anyone to question Draco's behavior, or their relationship. Of course, it didn't really do much for his statement to his friends that Draco wasn't what he appeared to be on the surface. But he supposed that for now, there wasn't a thing he could do about the current situation. And there were certainly plenty of other students watching now, fully expecting some sort of commotion.

Hermione stepped forward and placed an arm on Ron's shoulder, "Ron, Harry...please. It's not worth it." Her act did enough that Ron stepped back, but his eyes were still full of anger and his shoulders were still tense as he glared at the two Slytherin students. Several Slytherins had gathered to watch with mild amusement, on their way to the practice field but stopping to watch the show. Neville looked like he was desperately trying to think of a way to diffuse the situation without the loss of more house points.

Harry's expression thawed as he looked at Malfoy, sensing a light teasing underneath the words.

"Think I'll manage being alone, Malfoy," Harry replied evenly and lowered his arm now that Ron wasn't about to go after Blaise. Obviously, to anyone else it looked like they were simply standing off as usual, no one else privy to the fact they had gotten close enough to learn about each other in the last few weeks and he certainly wasn't alone. Harry had to will himself not to smile. He had certainly enjoyed being alone last night.
Draco smirked a bit as he saw the slight amusement back in Harry's reply to his small inside humor between the two of them. He was glad the other had caught on, and just smirked. He glanced around seeing other students had gathered, and just scoffed a bit "Well, unlike you, Potter, I've got better things to do. Like practice. Not that I need it to beat you in our match this weekend" he said with a smirk, before continuing on, arrogantly brushing his way past Harry and his friends, purposely brushing their shoulders. He made it seem more like an arrogant attempt to push past the other. However in reality, between himself and Harry, it was an excuse to touch the other, even if briefly and not in the manner he preferred.

He could tell he had convinced the slytherines, Blaise in particular, that nothing was out of the ordinary with him, and that he was just as arrogant and rude to his school rival as he always was. Well, he hoped that he had convinced Blaise now, with that act. Nonetheless, it at least had to help him a bit anyways. He continued on his way, now done with classes, towards the fields where the Slytherin team was holding their quidditch practice.

Heading to the locker rooms Draco quickly changed out of his robes and into his houses team uniform. After changing into the proper attire, he headed to the fields meeting up with the rest of his team, where practice had then begun and continued for the remainder of the evening until dinner time.
"Big words," Harry replied with a slight tilt of his lips and a typical teenage competitiveness in his eyes. He was sort of looking forward to their match this weekend. Playing the same position made the competition a little more challenging, and he was always up for a challenge. It was likely to be more fun now that they didn't have a tense rivalry any longer. Plus, he had always found Quidditch to be freeing, being able to fly so quickly and so high over the stadium felt like he could leave his problems on the ground.

The exit had been for dramatic show, as there was a crowd now, but Harry silently wished everyone would just disappear for a bit because it wasn't the type of contact he wanted in that moment. Putting on an act in front of everybody was as tiresome as it was agitating, he just wanted to be honest about everything. But in a way, their secret relationship was also sort of thrilling. He watched Draco leave, wishing he could watch him practice but he knew better than that. There was absolutely no way he could without drawing attention at this point.

Blaise headed towards the castle without another word, still carrying the stupid plant in hand. He would have to look up what it was, and how to care for the thing or risk failing the project. Harry continued with Ron and Hermione towards Hagrid's, and spent the remainder of the evening there until it was time for dinner. The pastry had helped, but he was practically starved at that point and Hagrid's less-than-appetizing cooking didn't look safe. They headed to the hall and sat down at their usual table before the meal began.
Draco was a bit relieved to be at practice - it was more than relaxing, to just kind of get away from things and focus on one thing only. He didn't have to worry about his fear of being caught, and acting up between Blaise and Harry, or having to think about his objectives and dukes he had here at Hogwarts this year, missions given by his father and Voldemort.

Practiced lasted for a few hours, so it was a good way to get away from things. Eventually though, it had to end. And he really didn't know how bad of an end it was going to come to when he went to dinner. But for now, he had no clue, and continued about his day. Changing out of his practice robes, he gathered his things and the damned plant he'd been assigned to take care of.

He brought them all back to his room before he headed towards the great hall where he was going to meet up with his friends at dinner to eat, as he usually did after practice. As he walked into the great hall though, he barely got two feet in before he stopped dead in his tracks. Standing there, he froze, face paling even more as he saw someone standing in the middle of the great hall, surrounded by a crowd.

There stood Katie bell, surrounded by friends of her house, and even others, who were happy to see her recovery. He suddenly felt very sick to his stomach, quite honestly, incredibly sick. He felt like he was going to hurl, despite the lack of food in his stomach. When she turned and happened to make eye contact with him, despite knowing that she likely didn't know it was him, Draco turned on his heel, fleeing the room in the urge of feeling incredibly sick and nauseous as he remembered his actions and what nearly happened - how he nearly killed an innocent student, Katie Bell.
Ron was going on about their three-page essay due for Divination, Hermione was quietly reading while eating her soup and pretending she didn't know Ron was asking for help writing it. Harry was half-listening, half eating his meal while thinking about their brief interaction with Draco and Blaise this afternoon. Ron had calmed down after a bit, and had thankfully moved on to other things. Mainly their Quidditch match, and the insane amount of homework they had to finish. But his thoughts were broken as a crowd slowly started gathering just at the end of their table, near the doorway.

"What do you s'pose it is?" Harry looked over in the direction of the gathering crowd. They seemed to be excited, at least. Curious, he stood to find out, and soon spotted Katie in the middle of the excitement. He was just as surprised as everyone else to see her up and about so quickly. She looked a bit pale, but otherwise alright. Her friend from that afternoon looked over and smiled as she saw him approach.

"Hi, Harry. Thanks for what you did. Madam Pomphrey said she should be able to play in this weekend's match," The girl smiled brightly at Katie, staying close to her side in the crowd. Harry looked up just in time to see Draco quickly turn and leave the hall. He had a bad feeling that the sight of Katie had affected him. He managed a smile and tried to look as genuinely pleased as everyone else.

"That's great. I'll erm, see you then?" He tried to exit the crowd as naturally as possible, and he moved out of the line of Ron and Hermione's sight and towards the exit. He was relieved that Katie was okay, but had she seen who had given her the necklace? She probably wasn't the intended target, which meant...who was?
Draco, albeit relieved to see Katie awake and well, for the most part, was illdd by the tremendous amount of guilt and fear bubbling up inside him at the thought of his actions, and having caused Katie to be so tremendously hurt, nearly killed. She should have been dead too, from that cursed necklace. It was only thank to Madame Pomphrey's quick thinking and how fast Katie was treated that she was okay.

But regardless, seeing Katie caused flashbacks to arise in him, nearly the same amount of guilt and panic swelling up inside him as it had the previous day when it had all first happened. Putting a hand to his mouth as he had quickly left the room, he fast walked through the halls to a vacant, dungeon lavatory. He hardly made it to the sink before he was hurling whatever little fluids he had in his stomach out. Turning on the faucet and splashing it over his heated face from feeling ill and throwing up, he cupped some of the water in his hand, drinking it as he clutched to the sink with shaky hands.

Staring at the running water, Draco tried to keep himself from further throwing up. Watching the rushing cold water and running it over his face cooled him down a little bit, but he still felt incredibly uneasy. Despite not having a bite to eat in the past twenty four hours, Draco's stomach still found something to hurl up in nausea, and furthermore hadn't the slightest appetite. After practice he had actually gotten a bit hungry. But now that was all gone, trying to keep the bile from rising in his throat. With shaky hands he gripped the edge of the sink tighter, shutting his eyes as hot, silent tears streamed down his cheeks, making his eyes a bit bloodshot.
Harry headed out of the great hall, moving past the slow and steady crowd of students that were filing in as the meal started. The incident with the necklace could have been much worse, and he was surprised that she had recovered so quickly thanks to Madam Pomfrey. Harry could still vividly picture the necklace, and the weird feeling it gave him. Wherever it had come from, he was sure it had never been created with any good purpose. If she had put it on, Harry had a feeling she would be dead. Probably any prolonged exposure would have the same results.

He furrowed his brows as he looked down and continued to walk along the way he thought he had seen Draco disappear. Come to think of it, he had run into Draco in Hogsmeade shortly before he had heard the scream. Distracted, he sort of lost track of him after that. But later, in the Room of Requirement, Harry had seen him so broken and upset that even the room reflected his mood. Without an outright answer, he knew that somehow Draco was involved. He couldn't get an answer. If Voldemort looked into Draco's head, he would find out. And Harry didn't think there was anything good in the letters from his father. If they were sent by Lucius at all, the one truly giving the orders and pulling the strings was Voldemort.

He looked up, catching a slight glimpse of Draco darting into a lavatory just at the end of the hall. He headed down there and quietly opened the door. Slumped over the sink and trembling, Harry knew immediately that Draco had been shaken by something, probably the reappearance of Katie and any lingering memories. He let the door close just as quietly behind him. Draco was crying, Harry realized, and he took several slow steps forward towards the sink. "...Draco?"

Ah the most emotional scene in the whole book. That messed me up when I was a kid. Also, Book!Harry's reaction to what he had done was better than Movie!Harry's.
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Knuckles going white from how hard he was clutching to the edges of the sunk, the running water struggling to drown out the sound of his own shaky breath and tears streaming hot down his face, feeling the burning trails lingering down his cheeks where they left trails for more tears to follow.

He glanced up at his own reflection in the mirror, and felt like he was looking at a ghost, or the skeleton of someone who was once human. He was incredibly pale, causing his bloodshot eyes to stand out even more. And his swollen, puffiness of his eyes equally stood out against the irregular Boney edges of his cheekbones and sunken hollows of his cheek.

Gritting his teeth, he shut his eyes and hung his head, no longer able to look at himself. He hadn't even noticed the opening and closing of the door - which thank goodness it ended up being Harry. Not that he wanted Harry to see him like this. However Harry was also still the only one he would ever allow to see him so broken and vulnerable. It was almost a repeat of the previous night - before they had shared their feelings with each other.

Hearing the others voice he suddenly jumped, eyes wide as he turned and faced the other. "H-Harry.....what are you doing here?" He spoke in his shaky voice, running a hand over his face as he turned away from him, not wanting him to see him like this.

Yeah, most agreed, I'm trying to do it justice haha. Also, sorry for any typos, I'm on my phone ^^'
"I saw you head out of the great hall," Harry hesitated to mention that the expression he had seen Draco wearing at that time was the reason he had hurried after him. "After seeing Katie..." He added quietly and then trailed off. His eyes swept over Draco, even in the dim bathroom lighting, he could see the redness in his eyes from the tears. Before he had turned away again. Harry didn't hesitate this time, he reached out and gently turned him back around, taking the hand that had wiped his face in an attempt to hide and held it.

"You don't have to hide or pretend. Promise, it's just me," He replied with a soft, purposeful smile. He knew that being seen in such a vulnerable state was hard, but he also didn't want Draco to hide it away and internalize it. He knew that was the worst thing, no one could stand handling that all on their own—they would inevitably break. And Harry wasn't going to let that happen.

"She's going to be okay, you know." He had a million burning questions in his mind. Where had the necklace come from, who was it really meant for? How could he possibly help Draco when any little thing could get back to Voldemort? He didn't know how to help at all. Not when the link was still there connecting them, like a soul-bound shackle. The questions died in his mind, and more than ever he felt like he was powerless to do anything except stand by and wait.

I forgot this was Moaning Myrtle's bathroom haha. I can see her spying on them and spreading it to the other ghosts. For some reason, they're so gossipy. And if rumor gets out, Blaise will be like D:< I wasn't wrong at all.
Turning away from Harry, Draco tried to hide his face and wipe at it, not wanting the other to see how a wreck he had really just been. Though it was kind of too late for hiding it, and Harry saw right through him and his attempts. He bit his lip when the other turned him to face him, and Draco just averted his gaze, unable to look the other in the eyes as he held his hand, pulling it away from hiding his face. When the other spoke about not having to hide though, his lifted his gaze softly, meeting Harry's warm green eyes, smiling softly at him.

He instantly felt comforted by the others gaze, and him being there with him. Without even realizing it he held onto the others hand a bit tighter. He couldn't find the voice for any words, afraid his voice would betray the front of strength he was trying to put on...well, trying...and miserly failing.

He bit his lip when the other referred to Katie, and said how she was going to be okay. With those words, the tears spilled over his bloodshot, swollen eyes once more, and he stepped closer, instinctively wrapping his arms around Harry and burring his face into the males shoulder, clutching onto the other, and holding him desperately close "S-She shouldn't have gotten hurt....she wasn't supposed to" he shaky voice cracked with emotions, biting his lip harder as he kept his face buried in Harry's shoulder and kept holding onto him desperately close, as though if he let go he was sure he would just crumble to pieces without the others comforting warmth and support.

Ohhhh, is it?? I had entirely missed that. I didn't think it was her bathroom. But we can go along with that idea, it'd be entertaining. Especially with Blaise. Yeah he'd be like 'Damn it I knew it!!" hahaha
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"I know. It was an accident, wasn't it?" Harry listened and moved his arms more securely around Draco. He could tell how shaken he had become after seeing Katie. Harry didn't think Katie knew who had given her the necklace or why, and although she touched it she wasn't meant to. Harry didn't even think Draco knew how powerful the dark artifact's effects were, that she would wind up...

He held a little tighter, listening to Draco's shaky breaths and trying to calm him. He knew the guilt wouldn't go away, because he had been through the same feelings and they still lingered, memories and thoughts that would appear like spirits in his dreams. But...even with the guilt he was learning to be stronger for those he had let down.

He knew there was no way that Draco had intended for Katie to get involved and touch the necklace. More than ever Harry wished he knew what was going on, that he could help somehow. He held on, letting Draco cry as the surge of emotions escaped.

Yeaaah, I re-read the part in the book and she was the one that called for Snape. And then Harry was like oh sh*t
Draco nodded his head a bit shakily as he clung to Harry when he mentioned it must have been an accident. Draco didn't mean for her to get hurt. He didn't want her to really even be involved. Despite the fact he was just following instructions...and that he wished he could deflect the blame off of him for that reason...he knew that wasn't possible. Regardless of if he was blamed or not by anyone who would have known, he would always blame himself. And he wasn't quite sure how he would be able to deal with this...he couldn't even look at Katie without feeling downright sick to the stomach in guilt. By the end of this year...if he continued as he was supposed to, following all his orders...he was sure he was going to go mad. If he wasn't already.

Holding onto Harry, he partly felt ashamed for showing off such a weak and vulnerable side to Harry. But at the same time, having the other here to comfort him was such an incredible feeling, and all he could think of was how he was glad he wasn't alone, and that it was Harry he was with.

After several long minutes, Draco had finally regained a bit of his composure, his grip slowly loosening on Harry as he let out a deep, shaky breath pulling away from him "Thank you..." he muttered softly " seems somehow I keep being the reason for interrupting you meals...." he said, trying to not only change the subject of his wrecked state, but also lighten the tension he felt inside himself. Sighing once more, he turned from Harry, going to the sinks where he turned the faucet back on, ducking his head and washing his face over with the water, using cold water, to try and clean the tears and calm his bloodshot eyes as washed his face over.
"I was more worried about you," Harry's lips quirked upwards into a smile as Draco seemed slightly calmer and tried to lighten the mood. Honestly, dinner had been the last thing on his mind as he glanced up and saw Draco's expression after seeing Katie in the hall. He did worry though, what seeing her up and around would do to his mental state. It didn't seem like she remembered or knew anything about what was behind the necklace which was probably best. It was safer for her to stay out of things and know as little as possible. If Voldemort or any of his followers found out that she did know would definitely put her life in danger.

"That's...not going to be the end of it, is it?" His smile faded somewhat as he realized that the word of failure would get back, if it hadn't already. There would be consequences if whatever Voldemort was planning didn't follow through until the end. Harry felt a strong unease in his chest as he looked to the ground. Would anyone else get caught up in things? It always seemed like there were innocent victims in Voldemort's games, ones that he never even gave a second thought toward. He thought of everyone that had been nearly killed by the basilisk, and the games and Cedric. He thought of Sirius most of all and he clenched his fists in anger.

And now Draco and Katie were being involved. It seemed the violence and the loss would never end. He never hated anyone so much as he hated Voldemort. He thought of the prophecy again, of the words that echoed in his mind—Neither can live while the other survives. But a noise from one of the stalls distracted him, and he looked over in surprise because he hadn't heard the door open.

But it wasn't another student in the bathroom, but Myrtle. She was floating there watching, looking positively giddy. She giggled, "Oh, don't let me interrupt you."
As he was cleaning his face-off, Draco couldn't help but smile softly at the others words of being more worried about him "I appreciate it...but you should really go back and eat" he sighed. With his sleeves rolled up, he continued to splash cold water over his face, in attempts to calm his bloodshot eyes and reddened cheeks from crying. The blond locks of his that rimmed his face had gotten wet, and now hung apart from their usual tidily gelled back style, instead clinging to his forehead and sides of his face.

Finishing washing his face off, he glanced up at his reflection in the mirror. He still looked terrible. But he wasn't so sure if it was from the crying, or if this is just how he'd come to naturally look lately. He frowned a bit as he looked over his reflection, before hearing Harry speak up again behind him. Draco's eyes darted to look at Harry's reflection in the mirror, a firm, thin line of a frown etching onto his face as he stood up from the sink. Despite fully knowing the answer to that question, Draco couldn't bring himself to answer Harry. Regardless of his lack of speech though, he knew that they both knew the answer to it without even asking, and Draco just kept his gaze low.

Draco had lost himself to his dark thoughts regarding his tasks, and what would happen - what was happening, at least in the wizarding world around them. He actually hated that so many people didn't believe Harry - not only because he cared about Harry, but also the fact that due to their blind, naive ignorance of wanting to live in bliss and doubt that Voldemort was back, all these things were happening with little to anyone trying to stop it. Draco knew his path was wrong...but he felt so caught up in the webs of this war that he really hadn't a choice, unless he himself wanted to be killed. No one really had a choice in this war, except for those leading it.

As Draco had gotten lost in his own thoughts, he jumped a bit at the sudden noise, looking up to see Myrtle there with that sickening grin on her face. His eyes darkened a bit as he glared at her "Why you little...." he cursed as he clenched his fist "You better thank Merlin you're already dead, Myrtle" he spat at her. He nearly had a heart attack, thinking another student or someone had seen them. But it was just Myrtle. Draco didn't think she could really do anything....however she did still have a mouth, and that worried him. But he also reasoned that the ghost never left the bathroom either, really.
272 posts already! O: I totally can't remember what the other failed attempt was on Dumbledore. Sort of off topic but did you ever read My Immortal? xD
"Myrtle..." Harry tried to remember hearing any noise prior to that moment, but she was a ghost afterall and she appeared with or without a sound. It felt like their interaction had been wrongly eavesdropped on and the idea of anyone having seen Draco like that given the circumstances made him uneasy and angry.

"Oooh don't be upset," she cooed, before gliding towards the enchanted window bringing fake daylight through the tinted pane. "I heard someone crying so I came to investigate. They always come into the bathroom when they're crying. I didn't expect to see that Harry already had." She looked positively giddy and Harry didn't think it was because she had someone to talk to.

"You could hold me like that," Mrytle giggled, despite knowing she was fully intangible. "Why are you crying? Did you get into a fight?" She floated over, uncomfortably close to inspect Draco. Perhaps because she had nothing else to do, she took great pleasure in finding out the affairs of those that wandered into the castle bathrooms.

Harry tried to think of a good way to settle the situation so she wouldn't blab anything. She rarely left her bathroom, but she had been at the Deathday party so it wasn't as if there were instances she spoke with the other ghosts in the castle. And other students would use the bathrooms, if there were any she could approach and talk to she might, however unlikely. Dryly, he recalled the uncomfortable incident in the prefect's bathroom.
Whoo! And I don't really remember either. Also, no, I have not read it ^^' sorry, is it good?
Draco narrowed his eyes further as he glared at the rather infuriating ghost. He never could stand Myrtle to begin with, and now he simply further was enraged by her. These damned ghosts...they weren't living their own lives anymore so they had nothing better but to get all up in the business of others. And Draco really couldn't be having that.

Even if she was just a ghost, he couldn't be having her going around running her mouth. She still could talk, and others could still listen. That's all that was needed for word to get around and his father, or worse, Voldemort to find out. No doubt he would be killed, surely. At least, in his mind he saw no doubt. The two men that had control over him wouldn't allow for it. He clenched his fist at the simple reminding thought of it as his cold eyes bore into Myrtle. If only looks could make people disappear.

At her next words, his eyes shot open as he threateningly took a step closer to the untouchable ghost, that fact alone only infuriating him further "Why you....i swear to Merlin if you so much as say a word, Myrtle...." he growled beneath his breath. When she suddenly appeared much, much closer to him than he would like, his eyes widened a bit in surprise as he instinctively took a step back, but narrowed his eyes as she se started asking questions and pestering about his life and why he was crying "That's none of your bloody business" he spat.
It's terrible. It's so bad it's hilarious. I was just reminded of it when I almost typed Dumblydore instead of Dumbledore. It's really, really, bad Harry Potter fanfiction and the best way to read it is to watch a dramatic reading on YouTube.
"That's not the way to ask a favor," Myrtle actually giggled, apparently enjoying the situation very much. She flew across the bathroom again, giving Draco his space once more and hovering over the empty stalls.

"Myrtle, please," Harry tried to keep the agitation out of his voice. Even though he had felt bad for the ghost, it was no reason to pry into other people's personal business. Especially since she had no idea what was going on. It wasn't like they had been discussing what happened in detail, so she had no idea what they were even talking about, but if just the fact they were talking got out...well, Harry knew that things would be pulled way out of perspective and if any rumors started he knew it could cause trouble. This was why he liked the Room of Requirement, because no one living or dead could interrupt you.

"Don't tell anyone anything." Apparently that had been the wrong thing to say, because the expression on her face was mischievous and Harry instantly felt uneasy. It was almost like telling her not to do something was going to grant the exact opposite results. She looked between Harry and Draco for a moment.

"Oh, it's a secret is it?" She cooed, and then with a purposefully loud and dramatic noise she turned and disappeared back into the pipes, leaving the toilet flooding over and spreading across the stone floor. Harry had a very bad feeling about her exit, but then it was Myrtle so maybe no one would listen.

Her arrival and departure had changed the entire mood of things and Harry clenched his hands at his sides beneath his robes. "Maybe I should...before anyone comes in..." If anyone did come in, he didn't want to explain what he was doing in the dungeon bathroom and not in the great hall. "Do you...want to meet up later again?"

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