SCP Foundation Center [Inactive]

Alice Jane Parker

Alice watched him. Ready to protest but he continued onto something else, which was having days off and spending time with Lilly. The girl that Alice had already adored just because of her name. "Will you be long? I do not wish to be with idiotic agents." she told him, putting the lilly down. "I mean, Mzzr isnt idiotic but the others are quite stupid." her head rested on her hand as she leaned against the table. At least the Agents are allowed to go home and see the real world. Thats all her mind really went around. Being able to go outside and see the real world. All of the things she read in books. The only thing she could do was use imagination. Which she didnt have much of
((So sorry for the long wait, today was pretty busy))

"No he is not." Alek agreed with an amused grin. Henry was young, but he was one of the Foundation's brightest Agents. "I won't be gone long. Possibly a week or less. Agent Mzzr might see to that you can possibly go outside, or he may wait for me to return to set forth that idea. You've been cooped up in here too long, Alice."

((Think I got something wrong, but idk))
(you got them right :) )

Alice Jane Parker

When Alek mentioned that he would be gone for a week or maybe less, Alice didnt really react to this time. 1 week wasnt so long for her, but maybe 2-3 weeks were really long. Then, hearing something about being taken outside, her eyes brightened "You really think i'll be able to go outside?" she asked, clearly excited for this 'day out' to come. Though, there had to be some catch. Seeing as she knew they wouldnt want to let her out like a normal human being "...Theres a catch to it, isnt there?" she asked
Alek nodded reluctantly. "Yeah. You have to be chained, or at least locked up, in some way since you are still an Euclid. I'm sorry Alice, but those are the conditions that might have to be met with in order to let you out." He wondered how she might react to that; being chained like an animal just to see a garden outside. He couldn't blame her for being mad anymore.
Alice Jane Parker

She grinned "If they chain my feet so I cant run, so be it. Its better then nothing." she said, putting the flower onto the table "I rather have my feet chained then stay in here without times to go outside at all." a garden.. it was probably the lilly garden for her! She was actually more excited about this then anything seeing as there might be a patch of Lillies that she could fawn over. Even at the soft grass and the blue skies. In her state, she would be lucky to even go outside.
Tokeru sat on his bed planning what to do next. He had already melted the cameras in the room and was thinking about trying to melt the first door. He knew that as soon as he made a hole in it the alarm would go off and things would get bad for him again. "If only someone came in and let me talk to them"he said trying to figure out when the next person would come in. He was aware that since the cameras were off it wouldn't be long before they're changed again. He sighed and closed his eyes hoping he can think of a way out that isn't too hard for his liking. Once again he thought about his parents...he has wondered many times if they knew that he wasn't normal, after all Tokeru means melt, and that's not something you would name your child if you wish for them to me a lawyer or a policeman. He wants to get out of this place and finally ask them the truth.
It was a lie to say Alek was surprised by the answer. "That's the spirit!" He grinned. "Hopefully he'll have a request in by the time I get back. From what I've seen, you'll love the garden." The garden wasn't that huge, possibly the length and width of a 4x4 jeep. However, it was the most beautiful garden the agent has seen. The gardeners have been keeping good care of it.


Rose decided that she would leave Civi to finish his meal as she wandered back towards the KETER area. She was back in her loose, purple mist form. She passed by an X-man guard who stood outside one of the doors. Rose thought she could hear a guy talking. Curious, she slipped her body through the cracks and appeared on the other side.

A teen had his eyes closed, he looked about her age. She glanced about the room to see melted objects. Some kind of fire power, maybe? Nothing seemed burnt.. only melted. Her headache long passed and she was able to take the solid, purple form once more.

"Hello there?"
Alice Jane Parker

Alice was glad and excited about this "I would love to see it..I bet it has all my babies growing." she referred to her flowers. "I hope it does get accepted. Its been a very long time since I have seen earth. its about time I get to be reunited with it." she got up from her seat and she walked around "Something new to see, you know?" her eyes looked back at him and she winced at her throat hurting. Now it just started hurting from the yelling she did earlier. She rubbed her neck softly
Tokeru stared at her. "What...are you? You've never been in here before...have you?" he asked trying to remember if he's seen her before. His memory wasn't the best lately, and he would sometimes forget even his own name. No one called him by his real name just that dumb number they gave him, this made him hate them even more.
"Yeah.. something new." Alek watched as she walked around. He reached out his hand when she winced. Realizing it wasn't much help, he let the limb hang uselessly by his side. "Do you need any throat soothers or some tea? It might be helpful for your sore throat." He offered the slim advice. Would she want anything or will she decline?


Rose placed her hand over her heart in feint hurt. "You have never seen a lady before?" She asked in mock-shock before she grinned and sent a wink his way. "No, I have not been in here before. And for what I am...? Why, I am my own figment of imagination. A walking dream of purple smoke and mirrors while my true self sleeps away in her prison cell. Now, my dear boy, may I ask what are you? Or more simply: who?"
Alice Jane Parker

Alice shook her head "I'll be fine..I'll live." she said, walking to her bed and face planting in it before getting up "I just...dont need to talk for a little bit..I just never yelled so much. And plus, I dont talk very loud so it makes my throat more..easy to scratch up." scratching up her throat was the worst thing ever to her. She never spoke at normal talking. She spoke lower then that but no one seemed to mind it much.
"My name is Tokeru. As for what I am...I don't know and I don't care. I only know that I was once human. What do you mean by a cage? Are you perhaps another Keter that hates everyone here?" he smiled. If he got lucky he could use her to escape from this place, but he has to play his cards right if he wants to get her to help. 
(can't spell well today T_T)
Chris nodded. "Yeah. I can see that. Do you want me to go so that you can rest your throat?" He asked. Standing idly on the balls of his feet. In truth, he had a few more minutes left before he had to go. But he was capable of staying if he was needed.


"Caged. As in: locked up, unable to escape." Rose said as she wavered in her spot. She had to get more control on her power barrier. At his second question, she smiled wide; a wickedness hidden behind the angelic expression. "Oh, I'm all that and more. I have an awful feeling we're going to be great friends, Tokeru. My name is Rose." She had to be careful with this one. Unlike Civi, he was a Keter and posessed the ability to speak.
"Nice to meet you Rose, and I can feel we're going to be great friends soon as you help me get out of here and I set you free" he looked at her. If he can get her to help he can be out of there in less than a day, but of course he doesn't plan to drag her along. If she's part of her imagination there's a chance she'll be weak when he gets her out, and that would mean that they could get caught fast. He's already been warned that if he keeps trying to escape they will restrain him so he doesn't move ever again.
Ros's eyes widened a bit before she broke out in a fit of laughter. She soon sobered and placed her hands on her hips. Her head shaking back and forth as she tsked. "Now, now. Not so fast." She was talking like she was explaining things to a child who wanted to fly. "I can't trust you entirely, my dear Tokeru. How will I know you won't betray me in the end? We've only just met. Also, I can't let you out in this state. Kill you? Yes. But let you out? No. Far too much work." She sighed and placed a hand to her face in thought. "Besides, if I knew how to escape from here, I would've done it the moment I was able to gain access to my mind."
He sighed knowing that she wasn't taking him seriously and this could end badly for him. "I've been close, but I just can't get past the guards. You only have to distract them long enough for me to get past the doors. After that you can tell me where your real body is and I can set you free. Its simple." He stood up and walked up to one of the walls. "As for how I plan to take down the doors..." He took off his right glove and put his hand on the wall melting it, but not going all the way. He looked at her for her reaction. "The walls are too thick for me too melt through them. It would take hours and I always get stopped before I come close, but the doors are easier than the wall"
Her purple irises widened a bit by the action. Can he melt my chains? The thought was promising, but it was shot down by another one. Don'tbe an idiot, Roselynn. He could betray you the second he is free. He'll betray you like everyone else has. Keters can't be trusted.

Rose shook her head, dismissing the forming argument. She snapped her head to look Tokeru in the eye. "If I have your word- your complete and honest word- then I may be able to get you out. If you lie to me, I won't hesitate to crush your mind into nothing but dusty remains." There was a dangerous gleam in her eye as she continued. "As I said before, I can't help you in this state. Sure, I can distract 1 or 2 guards, but the hundred surrounding ones will be bored. In order to make this work, they can't give me the serum. I have to be awake."
He sighed, just like he thought. This 'serum' she mentioned was keeping her asleep, she's probably quite dangerous too. She's mentioned crushing his mind a lot, so that might be it. This is turning out to be just what he wanted to avoid, more work. "And how am I supposed to to keep them from giving it to you? I can't just turn into smoke and walk around whenever I feel like it" he was starting to get annoyed by her. Its obvious she's going to kill him even if he does what she wants, she also treated him like a kid. If only she was in her real body right there in front of him, he could just kill her and live happy until the guards came.
((Yes, I'm sorry that Rose is annoying. She gets like that sometimes))

"I know that." Rose rolled her eyes. She could feel his irritation roll off him like waves. She actually found it amusing. Did he really think she could help him so easily without putting of his own weight into it? "We're neighbors in here, right?" She could feel her source through the opposite wall of where he had his hand imprint. Breathing in. Breathing out."All I need you is to start melting that wall." She pointed to said wall. "I will hear the metal fall into itself and create a barrier- in this form- to block the X-men from entering. From there, I will rouse myself and cause a 'diversion'." There were hundreds of doubts that the plan will work from the moment it was proprosed from Tokeru. Perhaps she was humoring him by adding onto it. Or she was actually believing in it herself. "But we have to start at the crack of dawn or sooner. They usually bring the needle around breakfast."

((Stirring things up! Btw, thanks for the follow! ^^))
((its okay))

"Sooner if you didn't hear it takes me hours to melt it, and I have to take down the cameras first so they won't stop me, the other problem is that they fix the walls at night, so I would have to start again. If this works I can set you free, but there's still something more...I can't trust you. In my mind as soon as you're awake you'll try to kill me, and I don't want to die before I kill at least someone" He can't trust her, there's also little chance that the plan will work. He's risking a lot if he tries to do it. There's so many things that could go wrong, but if it works they will get out of there.

((no problem ^^))
"You don't have to melt all the way. Just do the few inches you just did. I'll be able to pick you up. And it's fine. Obviously, I don't trust you. However, I do want to get out of here and so I'm willing to play nice with my accomplice." To add more of a promise, she moved her hands. Left hand across her heart. Right hand raised in the air. "Scout's honor." Rose dropped her hands, pacing a bit in her spot. Her whole body pulsing like a heart with excitement as she could hear her other self. Breathe in. Breathe out. Becoming aware.
"I have another idea. I'll draw their attention here, and at the same time stop them from coming in and fixing what I already did" he walked to the door. "If I melt the lock from the inside they won't be able to get in. Hm...I think its better if I melt the frame, but of course not the whole way. Once it cools they won't be able to open it. That way I can go to your room and set you free without them getting in the way." He didn't believe she would help him. He had to be close to her just in case. If she turns on him he can always reach out and kill her.
"That's a great idea!" Rose was practically ecstatic. The idea of the crushing chains finally off. Finally free and awake. The idea teased her into a false sense of hope. "Then, from there, I can 'distract' them so we can get through the doors." The plan sounded better and better as her mind made her believethat it could aactually work. That they could actually escape with no flaw; no consequence.
"yeah, but it would have to wait until later, and I think you should leave soon for a while. They're going to come in a fi the cameras...and probably yell at me for a while. I'll close the door after they leave" He put his glove back on and sat on the bed. "I'll make them believe I gave up on escaping that way they won't feel like fixing the wall now" He couldn't really think right with her here. He needed to be alone so he could plan everything right. Hopefully she will leave soon.
"Yeah, sure." Rose complied. She had her own door to think about. She had to make a barrier and fast. She closed her eyelids and the purple smoke began to lighten in color, loosen itself into tendrils. All of her vanished in a few quick seconds. Rose was now in the inner corners of her dark mind; listening to the pros and cons of this plan.

It won't work!

It will work!



And on and on....

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