SCP Foundation Center [Inactive]

"Boredom?" He repeated the word, tilting his head slightly as he tried to think of ways to approach this topic. "Well, there are many different techniques on how other SCPs handle their boredom; depending on what they are allowed, of course. Some request books or magazines, others ask for music of some sort; well, if you ever become a safe, an Agent can request to have you go into some sort of athletic program so that you can stretch your legs outside these walls. I'm sure we can find something that can cure your boredom."

Alek crossed his legs together, clasping his hands on top of the board, and leaned forward a bit. "Is there anything specific that might help ease your tiresome days when the lillies just won't work out?" This question could be answered in numerous ways; good or bad- he didn't know.
Alice Jane Parker

Alice listened as he explained some things about the boredom. How others ask the people to give them books or something to keep them enterained. She would have loved to go outside and see the real world. She kind of missed it. Smelling fresh air and seeing different colors, green trees, blue skies, white clouds. The whole packages. But she couldnt see the world due to her current level of being. It made her fustrated to know that she couldnt do anything but sit in her room and do nothing but eat, sleep, and mess with the new Agents. Nothing more could be done due to the way she is and what she is capeable of.

"I do have my eases of Boredom. Everyone knows what it is." she said, looking at the lilly in his clipboard "I do not simply have anything to entertain me but that." to feel not feel alone. Here, she was always alone, even if there is someone else in the room with her. It made nothing better for her "I do wish to go outside and see the real world. But that will never happen." Alice admitted "It is simply something that cannot be done for a woman like me." her voice had been just as low as before. She simply couldnt talk loud. "I am like a bird in a cage without doors. Just bars. Except, I have a door right over there."
Jones had dozed off- or what came close to dozing for a skeleton- while he was reading, and was resting peacefully for about half an hour until a chill ran through his body. Jolting in his chair, he exhaled sharply as the locker wormed a connection through to his consciousness. I am hungry, Davy Jones... "I would tell you to keep your pants on, but as you can't wear pants..." Davy said out loud, not caring what the people watching through the cameras thought about him talking to himself. "You need to give me some warning first before you make a connection. Bad form to surprise someone like that." You could be free... Walking the surface of this pathetic planet and watching it fall before you. Let me kill them. "No, I have already told you that. I have quite the posh room here, if you can't tell."

Jones felt a feeling that could only be translated into 'Really?' from the locker before the connection began to fade away.
Do not forget... I must feed... This planet drains my energy like no other. "I'll try not too." Davy said before the line between the two faded into nothing. Standing still for a moment, the long dead pirate strode to the door with long strides and knocked quite loudly to get the attention of the guard outside.l

"I believe it is about time for my visit to my, 'Specified Object', as you lot call it. I do hope that you aren't planning on me missing it. It doesn't like me being tardy."
((@Rynnki I will get to Davy after Alice! So sorry for the long wait! :( )) 
Alek examined the situation and then tried to breach around the subject carefully. "I'm sorry for bringing that option up, but it can't be completely impossible. If you continue showing great improvement then a doctor might consider a class change..." He trailed off; silently thanking his employers that he didn't end up as a therapist because he was awful at this. It's a surprise an SCP hasn't offed him yet.

He decided that the 'best' way to finish this was going on with the check-up. "When there's a closed door, find a way to open another." Alek offered the small advice before continuing. "Are your eating and sleeping patterns the same or has something changed in the past week?"
He read through some more emails, replying to a few, before a new one arrived. Another request, for another SCP. This one, though, was a Euclid class, who was requesting a book case. Tobias raised an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly.

"Another object to throw. Denied." he muttered, replying. He checked the time, and got to his feet. He would have to review the SCP soon.
Alice Jane Parker

Alice wasnt really effected by the subject. She doubted she would ever get switched to SAFE classes and be able to go out. They would deny her on the spot due to what she can do. When the Agent had asked her another question, she spoke "They're the same. Havent changed." simply said once more as she leaned against the wall, watching him, obviously starting to get bored. At this rate, she wasnt going to change to any class."You all ask me these stupid questions." she said, crawling back over and leaning toward him, looking into his eyes directly.

"Dont you have different questions I have not heard before." she asked, her eyes narrowing "It's quite annoying if you ask me." she lightly touched his cheek, but nothing happened, seeing as she wasnt much in a mood "Ask me things I didnt hear. If you feel like it." she said, pulling back and sitting on her legs. Right now, she was just tempted to make him hers for a bit. But it wasnt right. But then it was, in Alice's mind, it was just perfect.
Grace grumbled and crawled around some more. Damn, she felt pathetic. Chained to a wall in a pitch black room, men showing up to inject her with God knows what, and who knows whats going to happen next. Probably when they on't need her anymore, they'll "terminate" her. Like the kid that used to be in the room over. She had liked whoever it was. They would tap the walls in Morse code to communicate. They had spent hours tapping away at the wall. Then suddenly there was nothing but silence. She assumed they had killed him, and it drove her slightly mad thinking it could happen to her...
He flipped through the files again as he walked down the halls, to where the SCP was contained. It was a Keter, so the security was much tighter. The guards were probably preparing for the interview. Guns trained on her, as were cameras, he assumed. He arrived at the SCP's cell, nodding to the guards.

"Doctor Tobias Fletcher, here to interview SCP 608. I've reviewed safety protocol again for this one."
Alek's heart almost stopped as she drew close to him, his heartbeats picking up faster as Alice touched his cheek. And, for a brief moment, he was cursing himself for not wearing the suit; for not following simple procedure. He waited for her power to numb his logical senses, but nothing happened. Instead, she sat back and told him to ask her things that weren't protocol. Alek racked his brain while trying to control his heart rate by taking in deep breaths. A question rolled off his tongue before he could think it through.

"Why lillies?" His clipboard was now resting on his knee, the pen on top. Nothing was being jot down after the last question.
Alice Jane Parker

Alice was much more content with the question he had asked her. She spoke "I love the way they smell and the way they look. They have the most facinating colors." Alice was pretty entertained "Dont you think so?" she asked, her head tilting slightly as she waited. A smile growing apon his face, loving how scared he got when she touched him. Just the touch and seeing the expression was so facinating. Entertaining. She almost laughed thinking about how scared the Agent had looked. It was just priceless.

"Do not be afraid of me, Agent." amusement grew onto her face as she leaned in again, expecting to get much more a reaction. Her hand lifted as she lightly touched his face, dying to see the expression on his face. She wasnt planning on using her powers on him. This was much more entertaining with his fear. Messing with it only made it funny "You know better...I wouldnt do what I do to the others.."
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Alek had agreed with her during the first statement. The flowers were pretty. The aroma of them stuck to every corner of the room, giving off a perfume aroma whenever someone opened the door. However, at her continued words, he cursed himself once more as he had shown her fear. The scolding didn't help as his eyes widened slightly when she touched his face.

"I-I know you wouldn't, but the Foundation still plants the fear into your head to trust no one." Alek ran the thought over once more in his brain before adding, "Not that I don't trust you! I do, actually. But, damn Alice, you can be scary when you want to be." He smiled sheepishly, looking down at the flower on his clipboard for a few more seconds and then returning his gaze back at Alice.
Alice Jane Parker

Alice smiled even more, hearing this come from him was just astonishing! She started to laugh as she pulled away from him, clearly entertained as she layed on her bed, facing him "I find it quite amusing when you're strucked with fear." right about now, she would do anything to keep him here in the room so she could bug him some more "I could be scary..I could be sexy..I could be guilty of something I didnt do..I could be anything." more of the teasing. The smile was just plastered on her face, having quite a fun time messing with the Agent.

"It is something I merely find funny. I havent laughed like this or smiled like this in ages." she rested her head on her hand "But I am glad you trust a woman such as myself. Especially what I could do." she reached over to a lilly that had been set on the top of her headboard and she held it, touching the soft petals waiting for her Agent's response.
"I'm glad that you're getting kick out of my misfortune." Alek rolled his eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Yes, you could do anything to me, but you won't; you choose not to. And that is why I trust you, Alice." This time, he smiled fully before his eyes had a glint of mischevious behavior. "Besides, I wouldn't be able to crack all of my awesome jokes if I was under your lover mind control ability." Alek leaned backwards with a laugh to the unspoken jokes that whirled around his mind.

All of his precious jokes wouldn't be said and that would be such a shame. Like his knock-knock jokes or the ones that end in clever puns.
Alice Jane Parker

Alice grinned as she layed there. "You could.. but I would probably shush you and just..I dont know, cuddle you." she leaned her head down on her pillows. "I sometimes find my power as a gift." she mentioned, having the lilly on her lips as she spoke. There was always that human side of Alice. It would fool most people, but the people who know her arent ever fooled "If I was seriously bored, you would be in my arms right about now." her voice was calm and serious. Sometimes, she was so serious with her words.

"It is so lonely in these rooms. I only find my company with my powers or talking to you." all she ever wanted was a lover. And using her powers for that love keeps her saisfied. Nothing more could really make her content unless outside. "I have no use for my powers on you. Seeing as you're pretty amusing without my powers." really, she didnt want to talk so much, but when Alek was around, she was all talk.
"Good thing that I'm a pretty amusing guy." In all seriousness, he was wary of her movements and the tone of her words. She could do anything if he didn't entertain her the way he did. He could understand how lonely she must get cooped up in these walls with nothing but lillies and strangers to keep her company. He found it good that Alice could trust him as a friend, but if she were to use her powers on him....

Would Alek be able to return to Lily or would Alice keep him here under mind control? He shook away these thoughts. He sighed and closed his eyes. Opening them again, he looked at her. "We gotta see if we could try getting you a dog or something." He teased lightly.
Alice Jane Parker

"Indeed you are, Agent." when he mentioned about a dog, she shook her head and stared up at the celing. She really didnt like pets. It wasnt her type of thing. She'd rather be with a human then a animal. "I do not wish to have a animal with me." she stated, closing her eyes and looking at him. Something about Alek just kept her sane. "I do wish you could stay in here with me. It just gets so boring and I cannot stand it." Alice's eyes looked at her hand "Do you ever feel alone?"
"If I were to stay, then I would be ignoring my other responsibilities." Alek said in regard to her statement before the question. He could remember the crushing weight of loneliness after Tiffany's death. Each night he was tempted to crack open a bottle of beer, or something stronger, in hopes that the alcohol would numb that pain; becoming the one person he detested most. During those times, however, he would remember the little life that resulted from that death and the bottle remained unopened.

"I do sometimes," Alek answered finally answered Alice. "But I have my own Lilly to fill that void." He smiled fondly at the thought of his daughter.
Alice Jane Parker

Alice lifted her head and faced him "You have a lilly to keep you company? I had never thought of them as a person." she looked at the lilly in her hands and smiled just barely "If thats the case, I shouldnt be so lonely if I have these." her fingers lightly touched the petals as she took in the scent of the lilly. Alice never knew that the Agent had a daughter, so she had thought that he has a actual lilly in his house to keep him company. It might have made her look alittle stupid but some people here didnt have children. Like Mzzr. He didnt have any children. Even at his age he wasnt even engaged. So it never occured to her that Alek could have had his own child.
Grace looked up, hearing someone say her "name" AKA the number she was assigned said outside of her door. She sighed and started messing with her hair, pulling it down from it's normal sticking up position. It was unsightly, not that anyone could see her hair, nor was it any different than her normal hair.

It hadn't always been black- In fact, she used to be blonde and blue eyed. After the explosion, her hair had started to grow out black, not blonde. Soon she had to cut off the blonde hair because it looked ridiculous having the bottom half of her hair yellow and the top jet black. She wasn't entirely sure how her eyes had turned red. She looked at the plastic spoon in her food box and concentrated on it. Soon it was floating high in the air, and she spun it around mentally.
Alek was having a hard time to find it in his heart to disturb this, somewhat, peace with the correction that is needed. Alice looked so sincere with her words and it seemed like his own words helped her in a way. He bit his lip going through options in his mind before he broke the silence that lasted a moment between them "Actually, Alice, Lilly is my daughter. Her name is Lillian, but I call her Lilly... like the flower.."
Alice Jane Parker

Alice instantly snapped her eyes to Alek "You have a daughter?" she was pretty surprised by this. It was all written onto her face "I do wish to meet this 'Lilly' you speak of." Alice had a weird personality. If his daughter was named Lilly, she wouldnt dare harm the girl because it would be just like harming a lilly. The flower. Something that she never liked to do. Thats why she takes good care of her flowers before they pass away. She fixed the way she sat and sat on her legs once more, facing him "I bet she's the smell of these flowers.." she said softly ((again you get the point that she speaks low XDDD)). "Please do me one thing." she grabbed a pink lilly and she handed it to him "Give this to her." she held her hand out without a problem.

She sometimes had a heart of an angel and sometimes, she just wanted to use her power on everyone. But that was not going to be done for a very long time.
List was really not doing well. He had gone past shaking into downright soreness, being curled up so tight for so long, and he couldn't get himself to calm down like normal. He'd gotten up, briefly, to bang a hand in the door and beg to be let out - but even if he was Safe, there were protocols, and his guard wasnt the kindest anyway, so List had crawled miserably back to his bed. He'd cried a little, because of the fear and panic but also just from the frustration of it all, and finally dragged his blanket down to make a cocoon to hide in, lacking the strength to pull himself back up onto the bed. He recalled what math and science mysteries he could think if in that moment, and struggled to solve them in his head, even the impossible ones. If he never solved it, at least it would help keep his mind busy. And if he kept trying to solve the unsolvable, maybe he could just keep thinking of it, get lost in it, and go without water long enough to die with peaceful equations running throug his head.

((Not sure what to do with Jack so ill just leave her be for now. Just posting to let you know I haven't ditched :) ))
He gently picked up the flower and held it in his hands. He examined the pink petals. "I'm sure she'll love this. Thank you, Alice. And, yes, she is a sweetie pie." It took a minute for Alek to register his own words before he realized some 'dad' speak slipped out. A light pink dusted his cheeks and he altered the subject slightly.

"I would like for her to meet you, but the process of getting a 5-year old cleared to face subjects is one hell of a process. You have to be in good standards, Alice, before you can meet a child- let alone anyone from the outside world."
Alice Jane Parker

"I hate being here." she said harshly as she looked away from him "It limits me to a mini marshmellow." that sounded a bit stupid but it made sense "I cant do anything but eat, sleep, and walk around untill I could mess with other agents." she decided to put her flower back, the one she had been holding and she just snuggled into the pillows "Its not fair." she was in the stage of getting worse or she could get better. This was something she did not plan to change. Staying herself is what she wantedn Not to be changed. "I'm pretty sure you would hate being in a room like this too. Sitting in nothing but silence."
"It seems pretty unnerving." Alek agreed. The silence can get to people and boredom will be one step towards a mental breakdown of sorts. He had to be careful in choosing his words. They could either set Alice off or make her bed. Right now, he couldn't even find his words. "But is it so bad to be kept where you're safe rather than being left out in the world where is nothing but hurt?" As soon as he said the words, you can tell by his expression that he regretted saying them; wanting nothing more than to take them back and say something more encouraging.

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