SCP Foundation Center [Inactive]

Civi watched the misty figure fall completely silent as she lapsed into a bout of thought, her head tilting down and her gaze focusing towards the ground rather than on him. He watched the young woman in his own bout of emotion, of intense curiosity and caution, as the violet tendrils began wrapping themselves closer to her form and solidified the smokey consistency she had into something just a tad more defined. The young woman seemed shocked by this, and Civi felt himself tense up a good deal and narrow his eyes. Was something wrong? Could it, by some chance, cause him some kind of harm? His fingers did a subtle flex inward as he watched the purple figure carefully, shoulders tensed once more and gaze piercing and examining for any signs of threat that he sensed.

He was startled out of his searching gaze when a slot to his cage opened, causing him to jump from his spot and quite literally leap onto all fours, poised into a defensive stance with a curled lip and exposed fangs in the direction of the sudden noise. He studied the area as he watched a familiar-looking, very large crate-like box be pushed through the large gap now made in his vaulted door and drop onto the ground with a soft thump. As soon as the guard shut the slot with a loud crang, Civi glanced at the box that was pushed into his cell and immediately loosened from his defensive stance, realizing that it was only breakfast. Oh, hey, wait, it was breakfast! The second the thought came to his mind, he felt and heard his stomach snarl. The scent of raw, buttery meats drifted from the crate, and he felt his mood do a noticeable rise in excitement for the first meal of the day.

Since Civi was obviously a rather large creature, he always required an immense amount of food each day, and a good lot of food for each of the three meals they were given. Being carnivorous, Civi could survive purely on meat and water if he had to, and that's exactly what he was given each day - a container of fresh, cold water and sealed, though easily openable packages of fresh, raw meat in a large styrofoam box. The container of water was easily openable as well, and that's one of the only skills that he allowed the humans to teach him - how to open his large jugs of water.

The SCP was about to stand himself back up and retrieve it, but the misty figure beat him to it. The tendrils swirling about at her feet suddenly disconnected and solidified somewhat, which made Civi tense and coil in a sense of challenge. For a moment, he honestly had the impression that she was going to take his meal for herself, which led his levels of aggressiveness to momentarily rise. But they quickly dropped back down when she simply picked up the box, moved it in front of where he now was placed, and let it rest on the ground again.

The SCP glanced up at the violet figure and offered her an expression of slight excitement and subtle gratitude, his features relaxing and communicating his silent 'thank you' to her. He then proceeded to open the box of meats and take the first sealed package from it's place, ripping open the plastic as if it was nothing and leaning his head back. His claws pinched and penetrated the tender meats as he opened his jaws wide and let the multiple pieces drop inside of it, snapping it shut with a small clicking sound and chewing. Oh, the taste was just delicious. It wasn't exactly like the wild meat he had in his past years, but it was close enough for his liking. He continued taking the meats and swallowing them down, savoring their flavor. He also, at one point, grabbed the water jug placed next to the sealed meats, carefully and very, very meticulously unscrewed the jug, and drank when needed before setting it back down again.

As he ate, he heard the violet form speak to him, which made him quickly swallow his mouthful and focus his bright gaze back onto the figure. She asked him {by name, to add, which made him more attentive} if he could trust her to try something that could possibly help him speak to her. Although at first, the idea sounded rather intriguing, Civi's instincts came in and calmed down his curiosity, talking some sense and explaining that now was probably not the time to try such a thing. This SCP was still a stranger to him, despite her friendliness in his presence, and he should be developing some form of trust with her before he ran off allowing her to tamper with him.

Reluctantly, he agreed with this voice, and allowed his facial features to tense up somewhat in a silent 'no thank you' to her offer. He tried making his silence polite, and allowed a small, disapproving whimper rise from his throat and passed through his lips, hoping she would get the message that he didn't feel all that comfortable allowing her to do something like that at his current moment.
(I think you might have fun interviewing Grace. She is a rather... interesting character. That is up to you entirely, though.)

Grace growled and sat back, just in time for food to slide through the slot. "Well finally!" She took the food box and looked it over. Oatmeal, apples, Hey! They listen when I requested two apples! Some orange juice. Ugh. "Guh, all this healthy crap. Too much to ask for fried chicken?" She took the food anyway and chomped into the apples. She sat down somewhere comfortable and continued to feast on her food, though she wasn't quite happy with the oatmeal.
SCP-441 sat relaxed in a large padded chair, one leg crossed in a comfortable manner over the other as he read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, a particular favorite of his. Scott Joplin's Maple Leaf Rag played loudly in the background, quite audible in the hallways and the rooms around him. It may bother some of the other inmates, but most keep it to themselves. Arguing with the undead wasn't usually the smartest thing to do.

Davy Jones looked up to see a small tray with a pot of tea and some cups slide through the food slot, and closed his book with one hand with a noisy thud. The skeletal being sighed as he stood up, stretching his bones before he walked over to the food slot. Pouring himself a cup of tea, he turned to look about his prison. Bookshelves stretched all the way up to the ceiling, filled to the brim with books on nearly every subject and genera. A small coffee table stood next to his big green chair in the center of the room, facing the door. A small fireplace crackled in the back of the room, along with a wooden rocking chair, giving off a feeling of homeliness. Jones knew, though, that it was just a simulated fireplace, not a real wood-fed one, but it was just for looks, much like everything else was. No matter how fancy the decor was, how many books he had, no matter what the SCP people did, it was still a prison.

Snorting at the idea, Jones took a sip of his tea, enjoying the taste as it traveled down to the back of his throat, then disappear in a dark swirl of energy. Everyone knows that skeletons did not need food, but there was something that did need feeding, deep in the bowels of the research facility. A certain object that gave him life again. They did not let him go and see it often, only once a week, and it needed energy much more often than that. That's why they have this symbiotic relationship. Davy gets to taste food and drink again, and the locker gets the nutrition from it.

His bony mouth bent up into a half smile as he walked back to his chair, sitting back down with a sigh as he did so. Yes, that was no doubt one of the questions of the day. How was he alive, how does he move, how does he command the locker that bred all sorts of legends of the sea. Davy Jones' Locker. "That has quite the ring to it," Davy Jones said, his deep and silky smooth voice reverberated around his room. "Quite the ring indeed."
Alek frowned at the other's response. His focus was momentarily swayed by the malfunctioning lights. This building is getting more rundown each day. Wouldn't be surprised if the subjects were being affected by it... that's it! Maybe if the subjects got to stretch their legs. Agent Correly took hold of the empty cart, turning his head to the guard.

"I'm going to see if I can file for a mobile session with SCP-314. Looks like the subject needs some fresh air this morning." The guard raised an eyebrow in question, but didn't voice any curiosity. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders and returned to his stiff posture. Alek left the sector and dropped off the cart back into the food storage building. He returned to his office shortly, sending an email to Doctor Tobias about his request for SCP-314.

He looked through his newly delivered files to see any new cases arrived. Alek found that it was almost time for SCP-441's weekly visit to his 'Specified Object'. Looks like Alek would be joining on that one, according to the file.


Rose watched as Civi ate; astounded by the way he had ripped open the packages, but unscrewed the water jug with precision. It was a curious site to lay eyes on. Her nose crinkled up at the smell of meat, the odor pungent throughout the room. She knew she was capable of turning off the senses that were useless to have in this form, but she didn't- couldn't- they made her feel more human.

She had looked away from the spectacle of eating to admire the cavern-like room. It was dim and cold like a cave. It would fool anybody that walked in here, but she knew better. The cameras' lenses swooped their gaze all over the place- every inch. The onlookers wondering why another subject was in here. Zooming closer and closer until Rose-no, SCP-216- was crushed under the black lens like a bug. More tests. More medicine. More sleep and chains. The smoke grew more wild and dark; trying to disappear altogether. The disapproving noise from Civi brought her back into reality and she wa thankful for the distraction. Comprehending his answer, she gave him a genuine smile.

"I understand completely, Civi. It would be a little odd if you did agree, to be honest. We just met and, in my opinion, if I were you, I wouldn't want some weird purple lady do something weird to me so that I could talk." The smoke lightened as a sheepish smile ran along with her embarrassed laughter. She went to scratch the back of her head- a natural reaction to an awkward situation- but only came to touching air; the lilac mist passing through itself.
Alice Jane Parker

Alice sat in her spacy room. Lillies were in plastic vases with water in them. She loved how beautiful they looked, and loved the fragrence they gave off. It kept her calm, made her room have color in it. The bed in the corner is what she had been sitting on, leaning on the wall and lightly holding a lilly, touching its beautiful orange petals. She might have been the most quietest of all the SCP's here. Not much of a talker. Maybe along the lines of a mute. It was rare that she would talk. The only time she would talk if she was asked a question that couldnt be used with 'yes' 'no' or a shrug. Sometimes Alice was hostile, sometimes she wasnt. Everything depended all on her mood.

Her blue eyes lifted from the lilly in her hands to the door, where she seen a tray make its way in. She studied it, seeing a fresh picked lilly in a glass of water. A tall glass. It was enough water to replace the other water in the vase with bad water. Putting the lilly down, she got off her bed and took the glass with the lilly and then looked at the food. Hot cocoa was one of the 2 items on the tray. Hot cocoa always made her sleepy due to the warmth of it. Even if it did have sugar. Her eyes then met with something that looked tan and gooey. It also had some white cream on top with a cherry on it. She poked it and quickly pulled her hand away before looking at her finger to see the whipped cream on her finger. She licked her finger and loved the sweet taste to it.

Then, there something she dispised but always ate it. Cantelope cubes. She was slightly getting used to it. It wasnt something she loved but it had to be eaten in order for her to get fresh lillies and fresh water for them. Picking up the tall glass of water, she stood with it, walking to the vase that had some dead lillies already. She frowned and pulled out the fresh lillies. There were only 3 of them alive. She slid them into the tall glass that was wide enough to hold 4 lillies. and she replaced the vase with the dead lillies and bad water with the glass of fresh water and living lillies. She had a small sink where she dumped the dirty water, but the doctors or whoever had to clean the vase for her and bring it back with more lillies. Well, the amount that died which was 6 of them. She took her food and her drink before putting the dead lillies on the tray as well as the vase and slid it back under, glad that the vase wasnt big and round.

Alice then went and began to eat. Being her usual quiet self.

Henry Tyler Mzzr

Henry was in his office, working on some of the SCP's papers. Alice seemed to be in normal condition. So did Davy Jones. He still needed to take care of the others. Getting up from his desk, he gathered his things to continue his work. He was the most quiet of the staff. Some of them thought he was Alice's brother or something due to him being just as quiet as her when asking a Question. But, he wasnt. Seeing as he would be one of the SCP too. He obviously knew he was a human. Not a SCP.
Tap. Tap. Tap.

The keyboard set into a steady rhythm as Alek typed. What was he typing exactly? Nothing of great importance, he can assure you. It was just his name over and over again on the document. Aleksander Jeremiah Correly. All he really needed to do was staple some papers together and send them to the main exec, but his staplerran out of his staples and he was too comfortable in his chair. Ah, the struggles of an office worker. The file was due in less than an hour. With a sigh, he pushed himself out of the chair, grabbed the file that needed to be stapled, and made his way to the office next door. The door tag read 'Agent Mzzr'. He was known for being one of the quiet workers. Alek rapped his knuckles on the door.

"Hey, kid, it's Agent Correly. Can I borrow your stapler for a quick second?"
Henry Tyler Mzzr

Henry grabbed his stapler along with the clipboard he was going to use. Seeing as Agent Correly needed it. He walked to the door and opened it, holding the stapler out to him "I have a name, Agent Correly. It's Agent Mzzr." he simply said and closed the door behind him "Keep the stapler till you're done with it. Then return it to my office. Thanks." he added. Sometimes, men like Correly could make him easily annoyed. If only he was more alert with his things and made sure he had them in order just as Henry did. It seemed that Correly needed to learn how to organize his things again. Henry didnt like being the worst of people. He stopped walking and turned to Correly "Sorry for snapping at you. I just have much more work to do."
"It's okay, Agent Mzzr, I understand. Things can get a bit 'hectic' here, so to speak. I would snap, too."

Alek gave him an apologetic smile, gripping the stapler in one hand and his papers in the other. "Where are you going with that?" He gestured to the clipboard in the other's hand. "You have an Observation, Mzzr- wow. Mzzr is a mouthful, isn't it? Do you have an easier first name like Paul or something?" He was teasing the Agent now. "The name is Alek, by the way. Please use it. Correly is too much of a formality." He was grinning, but something dark quickly flashed in the male's eyes. Correly. It was the only name people referred his father as- and Alek detested the way other's would call him by the unfortunate shared name.
Henry Tyler Mzzr

Henry listened to Alek's little rant before he was able to speak. "Henry." he simply said. When he asked about the clipboard he spoke "I have a few more SCP's to check on." he added as he looked over at a scientist who came up to him and whispered into his ear, he nodded "Get her 6 more lillies then. You know how she is when it comes to her flowers. Dont forget to clean the case for her. She cares for the lillies as her children." the scientist left and Henry looked at Alek "Sorry about that. It was about Alice. You know how she is when it comes to her lillies."
Grace sat back and stared into the pitch black. She knew someone would probably come check up on her- Nobody had yet, and they normally did, whether it was to cart her off to do some "testing", or if they just wanted to "interview" her "mental state". She hated those stupid session. They just bored her out of her mind, and she simply had no love for it. All of the useless questions, asking her how she felt, was she enjoying herself here, blah blah blah. Not like they actually cared.
He was going to do a quick run-through of the section around him, as his interview was in a little while. Tobias moved at a brisk pace, reading through the SCP's files. The doctor interviewed this one once before, and it was... interesting, to say the least. He wasn't about to give up, though, and was set on figuring everything out. He just had to tell a few white lies, give her a treat or something. He read through her file again. Was her birthday coming up? At the very least, he included a small dessert- cupcake or something -with the lunches of the human-like SCPs when it was their birthday. He sighed, slipping it under his arm again and giving a nod to some guards as he passed them.
"Don't ever miss with the lillies." It was his humorous way of agreeing with Henry- he found it a bit strange that the other would refer to the subjects by name, but the answer was obvious; because it was their name. Because they weren't just numbers on a list. Alek wondered for a brief moment on how Alice would react to his daughter's name and how Lilly would react to Alice being obsessed with the flower. The thought of it made him chuckle before he shook his head and directed his attention to the other Agent. "Well, Henry, don't want to keep you from work." With a swift motion, Alek stapled his papers, opened the door behind him, and place the stapler on the nearest table inside before shutting the door once more. Now that the papers were all in order, he could turn them in. Alek walked, turning around to give a small wave to the other. "See ya around, Agent!"
She laid back on her back and stretched. "Happy birthday to me... Happy birthday to me..." She sang quietly, her beautiful singing reverberated off the walls, going back to her ears, and eventually she stopped. Nobody would care if her birthday was tomorrow. They would probably bring her a bland-tasting cupcake with the words "Happy Birthday" scrawled messily in icing on the top, and honestly, while a cupcake is a cupcake and a cupcake is always good, it would probably taste horrible because they used "healthy" ingredients, like fake sugar and favoring. And that stuff is terrible.
Henry Tyler Mzzr

Henry smiled slightly and nodded waving off to his fellow Agent and walked down the hall, planning to take a look up on. Which would be the Safes and the Euclids. He had no problem having this as his job. He got to know different types of people who werent normal. And not human at all. It interested him more then a butterfly can with a baby. His shoes clicked on the floor as he made his way to the rooms to check up on the SCP's he was meant to check up on.
Tobias passed by a few more cells, containing Safe SCPs, for the most part. He would head back to his office soon, placing the files back in their right place, going through his emails and collecting himself before the interview. For now, though, he just focused on his footfalls, on the sound of people talking in the break room, the sounds of a few SCPs talking or growling or making some other strange sound.


Cassandra continued to read, quickly finishing the first magazine and placing it aside, staring up at the camera in the corner opposite to her. She paused, tilting her head, before climbing up onto the wall, moving to the ceiling and crawling across it. Her eyes were focused on the lens of the camera for a moment, before she tapped on where she assumed the microphone to be.

"Is it too much to ask for a good book? D'you have any of those I can have? I promise I won't throw 'em around anymore..."

There was a pause, and she narrowed her eyes, heading to the center of the ceiling and staring down at the ground. After a moment, she opened her mouth, a large amount of thick, sticky, crimson-coloured liquid splashing onto the floor. She retched for a few more seconds, before wiping her mouth and glancing back at the door.

"I need a cleaner!"
Looking up, Grace could see a camera in the corner of the room. She knew they were watching her. They were always watching. Simply because of her "classification". Keter, was it? What does that even mean? Probably "Death" or "Danger" or "Warning this chick is dangerous" in some other language. She had always told herself she would ask one day, but never did. Maybe today would be the day. She looked up at the camera and flipped off whoever was watching her. "Is it too much to ask for privacy?"
Alice Jane Parker

Alice finished up with her food. She actually liked it, unlike the cubes of cantelope. But this time, it tasted sweeter, making her able to eat it without any problem at all. She finished her hot cocoa as well. So she sat there, waiting for the tray of the 6 lillies and the vase to come back. Her dishes sat by the door so she was able to rotate the items. Her hands were once again, holding a lilly gently. Touching the petals and admiring the pattern that ran on them. She was glad to have something that would make her happy. Alice was sure a weird SCP. Even for the rank of Euclid -was it?- she was much more calmer.

At the sound of the tray sliding into her room, she quickly got up and rushed over, looking at the 6 lillies that were fresh and they had magnificent colors. She took the vase as well. Standing up, she headed to the lillies that were in the cup and she pulled them out, putting them into the vace and then pouring the water inside so now all of them were able to fit perfectly into the vase. Her feet took her back to the tray and she put the dishes back onto it and slid the tray right back out. Clearly satisfied with the new flowers that brought the fragrence back to life in her room. She got up from the floor and layed on her bed, looking up at the celing.

What more could she do? She finished eating, she got her she needed some entertainment. But where was she going to get that? She didnt know when she would be checked up on. After a few minutes of laying there, she got up and started walking about in the room. Using this to pass some time untill she was checked up on. Then she could have some entertainment. Hopefully the workers had something for her.
((You still need someone to interview, @sleeplessCartoonist ?))

List wasn't really glad when whoever had been talking to him left. It left him without even the tiniest shred of hope that he would be taken away from this place. He wasn't in any state to beg for it, either, so he didn't think it matter. He pressed his forehead to his knees, rather than see any of the world and its abundance that he would never be part of again. If he didn't focus, didn't try to relax, the panic would never go away, but he felt like he couldn't even try. Looking at the things he could perceive outside his walls would never help, so he tried to get lost, tried to envision himself somewhere else with enough conviction to make it feel real. It was the best he would get.
After Alek dropped off the paperwork, he was 'rewarded' with even more files. They were daily checkups on selected SCPs. He knew some of them already had their checkups and was a mixed-up file. So he really only had to check up on one or two of them. He tucked the papers under his arm and found himself walking down the same Euclid hallway. He saw the door he needed and showed the guards his badge and filed paperwork that he was allowed inside. Alek rapped his knuckles on the door about 3 times.

"Alice?" He called out, unsure if it was right to actually refer to them by name."This is Agent Correly for your check-up. Permission to enter?" Although he was authorized to enter at his own will, he allowed the SCPs to tell him when they are ready and willing to open the door.
Alice Jane Parker

Alice lifted her head as she heard noises outside her door. She then sat up and crawled to the end of her bed. As soon as she heard her name from one of the men, she knew it was Alek. Knowing better then to try anything with him, she grabbed a lilly and crawled back to the pillows on her bed and leaned on them "Yes." she responded as her fingers ran on the petals of her lilly. Alek wasnt much fun when it came to her wanting entertainment. At least she would be able to talk to him and be curious with his paperwork. Thats how Alice worked, and knowing Alek, he didnt wear the headphones or the suit to cover all of his skin. He was a risky Man. If she was seriously bored, then maybe she would have took him for a bit.

Alek was a nice man, she had to admit. He was like a friend to her and she didnt want to hurt her friend in any way. But as said before, only if she was seriously bored, then things would have changed. Alice is like a trained dog, well, sometimes she is. Not all the time. There is some spots where she just is stubbern and ignores any command that is given to her. Her eyes lifted as she watched Alek walk inside. No glares were given to him.
Soon, Tobias slipped into his office again, sitting at his desk and turning on the computer. He read through the SCP's file again as it booted up, and the small 'ding' of the email application caught his attention once the computer was running. A request from an agent was the most recent one, and he read through it, sitting back.

"Eh... why not?" he shrugged, replying to the email with the word 'approved'.


Cassandra sat in the corner quietly, watching as one of the more disposable personnel came in with a mop, sealing the door behind him. She didn't move while he worked, but pulled herself to her feet when he was nearly finished.

"Hi, yeah. I asked if I could get a book instead of a magazine, but I don't know if anyone heard me right. Can you maybe see if I can get a bookshelf or something in here?"

The cleaner stared at her for a few moments, his eyes darting from her to the door, before nodding, slipping out when it was unlocked again.
"Hello Alice." He gave her a friendly smile and dragged a chair over near the bed. As Alek sat down, he shuffled through the paperwork and took out a pen. Click. "I trust you're gonna be a good girl during this. I hope so. It would be a shame because then I would be getting home later than expected." He winked and then laughed lightly at the joke that was hidden between his words.

He scratched the back of his head, slender fingers running through his brown locks before he focused on the small 'questionaire'. "How are you doing today, Alice. Anything troubling you lately?"
Alice Jane Parker

Alice looked away when he had made the joke. She didnt know that her power could be such a joke if she did use it on him. That kind of joke was kind of offencive to her. But she didnt tell him that. Alice nodded to the question as she watched Alek with the pen and papers. She leaned over alittle to look at the clipboard, even if it was upside down. It had words on it, but she couldnt read them seeing as they were upside down. Something about him always made something spark in her. But that was always shoved away because she didnt care about it. His laugh was something too and made her smile just barely sometimes. It just depended on how he laughed that it would effect how she smiled. Taking her lilly, she put it through the 2 holes of the clipboard, so that the flower rested there while the stem stuck out of the bottom.

Boredom was her troubles. Even if she did have her lillies, sometimes they just werent enough for her and it bugs her to admit something such as that. The more questions he would ask, she might be entertained, or just bored enough to the point of keeping the agent with her for a while. Her attire didnt make things better with some men-Rarely some men- because it was just slightly showy. But the Agent kept his composure which surprised Alice. Even when she wasnt doing anything it surprised her. Some men would just get her tempted and they're hers for a while.
Alek readjusted his hands so that they couldn't disturb the lilly in any way. Lilly... he hoped his daughter was doing alright annd that nanny was taking care of her properly. She was all he had in this world now and he be damnedif he let anything bad happen to her. Alek had a far-off look in his eyes, but registered Alice's nod and jotted it down on the paper. His scrawled writing formed an extension to the previous question.

"These troubles, are they related to your powers in any form?" These question were mechanical in his mind; routine words that the facility trained you to say. However, Alek said these words with genuine worry. Whenever someone had troubles- coworkers or SCPs- he was concerned for his friends through and through.
Alice Jane Parker

Alice notice he was staring off before he got back to earth. She blinked and when he asked her the next question, she shook her head. Alice thought about her powers effecting her. Boredom had nothing to do with her powers. Boredom was a commonly human feeling. Something that was impossible to feel for some of the SCP's here. But Alice felt its full force. She decided to explain to the Agent in front of her, seeing as he might not get far with simple questions that could make her nod, shake her head, or shrug "Boredom." she simply said as she looked at him, her golden locks framing her face and falling all the way onto the bed.

"I do not have much entertainment in here except for my lillies." she had a low tone voice and it wasnt seductive with her power dipped in. So he was pretty safe at the moment. "It gets too boring in here and I wish to..." she tried to think of the word as she sat there "have entertainment..or be entertained." Alice informed him. Something for him to balance on was this statement. Able to have more complicated questions. Or so Alice hoped there would be...

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