SCP Foundation Center [Inactive]

Alice Jane Parker

Alice hated how he stated that "I rather be out where I could hear others talk, hear the noises of the outside world and feel feelings. I'm all numb and alone. Try being in a room for a week. I bet you wouldnt last a day." she got up and she touched the small table that contained books she never even bothered to read. Reading was quite boring to her. "Try feeling like a test subject." she walked over to him and grabbed his jaw, making direct contact with him. This time, her expression wasnt so kind "Cause if you cant imagine yourself in my shoes, well, then you know nothing about me. All you'll do is pretend to know." she let go of his jaw and walked around slowly "You'll be no one to me. Just as the other agents are. They just pretend to know what i'm going through."
It was perhaps half an hour before someone knocked on the door, though List had no concept of time in the moment. Shortly after the knock, the door opened and an agent walked in, walking over to List's cocoon on the floor to coax him out. List had dealt with this man before, and he wasn't unkind, but it still took nearly twenty minutes to rouse List from his stupor. When he was sitting up again, shaking a bit still and looking haggard, List let the man go through a few medical assessments, but didn't speak.

When the preliminaries and protocol were done, the man helped List up, and led him towards the door. List was all but hyperventilating, expecting to be shut in again but wishing he would be taken out. And he was. He got to go outside and look around the many doors surrounding his, some of them empty rooms and others with more SCPs inside. He got to see all the signals floating around in the air, the different signs of life and activity he had to struggle to see from inside his room, all so clear and right there in front of him. Hg let them be for now, and only observed.

With just a hand on his shoulder to restrain him, given his Safe status and his body's inherent weakness, he was led just outside of the prison building and let go when they reached an area full of grass. There were no flowers or trees, but it was outside and ground that wasnt cement, and List flopped rather unceremoniously onto his back in the grass, spreadeagled, to watch the mostly empty sky. It was better here. He could breathe here.

This wasn't good. He had to calm her down enough so that he could get away 'unharmed'. When she spoke about not being in her shoes and how he wouldn't last a day in this room. A white hot anger spread through his mind as snippets of his past sprang up. A cold laugh emitted from him as his face was caught in an unrecognizable expression.

"A day? How about 18 years without even any flowers? A room that was cold and gray and always sent me into the recesses of my own mind.Wait, I'm sorry, I guess I don't fit in your shoes because I wasn't alone. No, I had a father that reaked of vodka and scotch and yelled at me, letting me know his true fury, because I was born. Everyday I suffered because he didn't believe I was worthy enough to be his son."

Alek's hands were balled into fists now, his whole body shaking. The control was long gone.

"My only relief was school where I worked hard for my diploma just to escape. I had a girlfriend for a while... it was nice. Everything seemed normal for once. That was until she died giving birth to Lilly. Now my little girl is the only thing keeping rooted and if that doesn't answer your question, then maybe this will.."

Alek lifted his dead, brown eyes at Alice.

"I can last a day, Alice, the whole week. Hell, I don't even have to fit in your shoes because I fit the whole wardrobe! Maybe even more. So don't go for a second thinking that no one here can relate to you, Alice. Some of us have been through one thing or another. Do not think of us as the enemy for locking you away from a world where they can only hurt you more, especially when they learn that you're 'special'..."

His voice grew quiet, broken. The memories had tore through his skull and ripped a new hole in his heart. Alek didn't even think that Lilly's smile can sew it back up. Not this time.
Alice Jane Parker

Alice grew even more furious as she turned to him and shoved him onto the bed and pinned him down "Try being locked in a asylum! Being abandoned by your parents, being left alone!" her voice was pretty loud, and it hurt her voicebox extremely. "At least you had someone! I had no one! I still dont! And now look at me! I'm in here!" she knew the guards would come in any second now "You do not know what it feels to be alone your whole life! No one was there for me! No one!" Alice heard the door open and her head whipped right to it, glaring at the man who came in. It was another agent, Mzzr...The only man who could really calm her down.

Henry Tyler Mzzr

He walked in, hearing all the racket and he sighed "Alice.." he said as he walked over and pulled her off. She let him which was surprising to him "You know better then to snap this way." she nodded, rubbing her throat from the pain of screaming. Henry nodded "I know it hurts." he said, calming Alice down as he sat her on the chair, handing her a lilly to be distracted with. He then approached Alek and helped him up "Are you alright? One of the guards came and got me, seeing as I was pretty close." he looked at Alice and then looked at the clipboard, picking it up. She seemed fine, but something happened "Lets go, we can talk about what happened once we're out of the room." he looked at Alek.
Alek nodded, straightening his suit as he walked past the guards and Henry. "Peachy.." He answered Agent Mzzr's question with a sarcastic smile. "God, I need a drink." He sighed. Feeling the red fire of wrath ebbing away into a dull headache.

He wasn't bothered to grab the clipboard or the present to his daughter. No, he was still far too angry to go back in there. If only he had kept his mouth shut and focused on the pre-written questions, then maybe this wouldn't have escalated as quickly as this did.

Alek waited outside of the room for the other agent. He placed his head in his hands, wanting nothing more than to scream.
Henry Tyler Mzzr

Henry grabbed the clipboard and the 2 lillies that were on it. He then followed Alek out and had the guards close the door after he was out "Thank you." he simply said before walking with Alek away from Alice's room "What happened that Alice has lost her temper? She isnt the most brightest of people when it comes to some things." he looked at the paper on the clipboard, seeing everything was fine, her meals, her moods, but something about this moment made him sway a bit. "I need to know, Alek. So I could write it down onto her file."
"I don't even know, Henry." Alek sighed for the umpteenth time and closed his eyes as he tried to remember the past events of this afternoon. "The check-up was going normal until she told me to ask her something that wasn't protocol. I should've stuck to routine..." He trailed off, trying to recollect his scattered thoughts. "We ended up talking about flowers to my daughter, and then it scaled to loneliness and I... I lost it. I wasn't thinking and I made it worse. This place is getting to me, Henry. I don't know if I can handle it anymore. I've lost control."
Henry Tyler Mzzr

Henry wrote at the bottom of the paper 'No subject of loneliness.' and he looked back at Alek "You just need some rest. Something to calm you down. From the way I see it, Alek, Alice really has you as a favorite. Its just you both have something similar that happened to you in a way and its a sensitive subject. Maybe avoiding such a topic would help." Henry suggested. "Taking a small break from here would be best for you." he said as he patted Alek's back "Spend some more time with your daughter. Get your thoughts clear. Sure, Alice wont like the fact that her Favorite Agent is gone for a bit, but she is going to have to deal with it."
"Yeah. Maybe I can take Lilly on a trip to her grandparents'. We can spend some time there and that will give me a chance to clear my head." Alek smiled gratefully at Henry, happy to have some advice. He took several deep breaths. "I should go calm down before I have to bring Davy Jones to his Locker."
Henry Tyler Mzzr

Henry was glad to give his fellow friend some advice "Go ahead. Do you want me to get you anything?" he asked, handing Alek the lillies that were on his clipboard "I'm heading over to the staff room anyway to get something to keep me filled till I go home for dinner." Henry was one of those men. The ones that are cool and calm and then annoyed and snappy. But it seemed that Alek wasnt fazed by it much, which he appriciated. As for Alice, only himself and Alek knew how to deal with her.
Alek thought for a minute and felt his stomach growl. He had rushed out this morning without breakfast and only filled up on coffee. "Can you give me a fruit bar or something? Thanks." He smiled sheepishly as the hungry growl subsided. He held the clipboard and lillies in his hand. "I'll be in my office. Just come in, no need to knock." He walked away to his office. When he was in the small space, he placed the items on his desk and checked through his emails. His request was improved. It seemed that the SCP was taken outside already. That's good.

The fight replayed in his mind over and over again. He leaned back in his chair and waited for time to pass.
Henry Tyler Mzzr

Nodding, Henry took off to the staff room and gotten himself and Alek a fruit bar. Well, for himself, he got a oat bar. He then grabbed some water and headed to Alek's office. I need to see what I can do about Alice. I wonder if she will even be allowed outside. He knew very well that they wouldnt let Alice out of her room. Being in a room builds fustration. That could lead to rage and anger. Which she could probably kill her victums. Shaking his head, he tried not to think about that. It was something cruel and twisted. Henry then opened the door to Alek's office "I got you some water if thats arlight."
Alek looked up when the door opened. "Yeah, that's fine, thanks." He pulled over another chair for Henry to sit on. He mulled over a question in his mind beforehand and was certain that he could ask it now that his anger had left him. "How do you think the execs are gonna handle this?"
Henry Tyler Mzzr

"What do you mean? Alice or you taking off for a bit?" he asked, sitting down and opening his oat bar, taking a bite. If he was refering to Alice, Henry had no idea at all.

Alek took a bite of his fruit bar, chewing it in silence before answering the other agent. "I guess both. I mean, I'm sure they'll be fine with me leaving for a bit; I've never checked in on my vacation days before. However, they might have me go into basic training classes and psychiatric sessions... Will they put Alice through some sort of psychology courses as well?"
Henry Tyler Mzzr

Henry shook his head "I really dont think they will. Her moods have been a bit unstable lately. I think her being stuck in a room is starting to finally get to her, dispite the lillies being in the room with her to make her happy. Though, I was thinking maybe we could let her see the outside world alittle bit. But we would need to keep her in chains. She doesnt have super strength." he suggested, taking a sip of his water "Maybe all she needs is a afternoon outside. She might even see the garden of lillies outside too so she wont miss her lillies inside so much. It'd be good for her. Plus, it might help you feel better that she isnt snapping at you in the room."
"Yeah.. that seems like a goid idea. And I really don't like being snapped at." Alek took another bite of his fruit bar. After remembering the past events, he wasn't hungry anymore. Just numbly chewing and tasting artificial flavors. "Would you ever go on a vacation, Henry?"
Henry Tyler Mzzr

"No need. I dont have family to spend time with. Kids or a Wife." he said, biting into his oat bar and looking at his water. He swallowed once he finished chewing "The only time i'll use my vacation days is if i'm sick. Other then that, im always working." his eyes then looked at Alek "You, however, have a daughter to spend time with." a smile grew on his face as he leaned back in his chair "Speaking of daughters, kids, and wives, I have the perfect Idea for alice when shes in her room." he smiled "You might hate me for it."
"I could set you up with a nice girl. An old highschool friend of mine is single and ready to mingle." Alek winked at Henry with a laugh as he remembered the ex-cheerleader. But he groaned when he heard Henry speak again. "What is it?" The idea of those 3 words mixed together with Alice made him wary. What was this agent planning?
Henry Tyler Mzzr

"I dont think im ready for a relationship, Alek." he stated before he continued on "Well, Alice is a lonely woman, right? Why dont we give her something...or someone that would give her company? Like a baby or something. I'm pretty sure she would just mother the child and treat it as her own. Something about her has that genuine side. Dont you think?"
"Well yes, but from what I understand, she won't take kindly to animals. However, I don't think we can just get approval to have some random child be taken care of by an Euclid. Even though she may be motherly, it's a long-shot to have Doctors approve of this, Henry." Alek said as he ran his fingers through his hair. This was crazy talk!
Henry Tyler Mzzr

"You are right, Alek." he sighed "She would have to be a Safe in order for somehing like this to be approved." Henry sighed fustratedly "She is something to be worried about." he mentioned before speaking once more "I still have to check on the others. At least they wont snap as easy towards us." sighing, he rose from his seat "You should probably speak with Alice once more. Get things clear with her since we did just leave her."
Alek sighed, throwing his wrapper away. "Right, right." He glanced at the clock and calculated how much time he had before the Transition. He rose as well. "I should go do that now, seeing as I have a few minutes to spare." He left the room and found himself showing his badge to even more guards as he knocked on the steel door. "Alice, we need to talk."

He didn't give out his name. She should know who this is by now.
Alice Jane Parker

Alice's eyes moved from the lilly in her hand and to the door. She rose to her feet and made her way to the door, knocking it twice as an 'ok' and she went to sit back down. Her throat hurting her still, even if she did have some water. Alice knew exactly who was at the door. Alek. The mant she had fought with many minutes ago. She didnt mean to snap but it just happened with the way he snapped back. So now, it was a bit harder talk with him. Watching as he walked in, she spoke more softer and lower, seeing as her voicebox felt scratched up "I'm sorry."
Alek stood a few feet away from the door. Waiting idly for something bad to happen, but it didn't. The apology took him aback, although it wasn't that surprising to hear. "No, I'm sorry Alice. It shouldn't have turned out the way things did. I should've been more in control of the situation, but I wasn't, and for that I'm sorry. You have no need to apology." He dared to take a couple of steps closer, but remained at a respectable distance. His next words could cause anything to happen, but he hoped she would remain calm. "I'm gonna be leaving for a few days to spend time with Lilly and get my mind back in shape. When I come back, I'll have better composure."

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