SCP Foundation Center [Inactive]

((I am sooooo sorry! I've been packing and had school to worry about. I feel horrible for making you all wait. :( ))

"Why, thank you. Quite kind. And I believe I am capable of sitting." The purple smoke wrapped over itself like layers of bandages; tightening, solidifying into an outlined body of the female form. Rose then promptly sat in the offered chair, legs crossed over one another and back straight. "I come here seeking information. No.. actually- and this might sound strange, but really what could possibly be considered strange in this place?" The detailed indent on her face upturned at the corners in a toothy smile. "Anyway, I was sent here by a mysterious voice telling me to seek the one that is dead, yet lives. It thinks that ypu might be of aide to my... my 'little project'."
((No problem bro! :D ))

Well, that was kind of surprising. Apparently ghosts can sit. Well, feminine ghosts at least. Davy hasn't met any male ghosts to his knowledge. Perhaps it is a gender thing... Get on with it Davy. Oh, right, the guest.

"Hmm, how strange indeed. How strange that something in this box of horrors knows where to find us all." The skeleton smiled back in a death's grin, the only kind of grin he could make really. One of the downsides of being dead. "Yes, I know of a mysterious voice. It plagues me like a swarm of locusts descending upon fields of grain. And it is always dragging me into situations like these. Pray tell, what would this, 'little project' be? Remember, 'the hills have eyes'..."

Davy pointed subtly at the always-watching camera. "Don't want the watchers to know our steps before they are taken."
"Ah right." Rose had momentarily forgot the annoying ever-present cameras. The familiar weight of the peering eyes drill into her back. She was drowing again. The weight crushing, consuming those that reside in these cell blocks. She couldn't breathe.

'Get it together! Remember the mission!'

Rose's thoughts pulled her from her panic. Letting out a heavy breath, she racked her mind for ideas. She plucked one from the scattered few. The purple skin loosened back into the smoke, the figure getting smaller and small as more mist disappeared. She was now the size of a smal bug. She let her powers move her to the giant skeleton's shoulder. Her body resting aginst the ivory skull where his ears should've been.

"A project that will give us a tour of nature. Do you understand?" Rose's voice would be too small, too soft in her current state for the cameras to pick up.
After an hour of work Tokeru managed to make a small hole in the wall. He moved his hand out of the way and peeked in. His eyes widened as he saw how they kept Rose chained like an animal. "Woah...I so don't want to end like that." He started working on making the hole bigger, so he can fit through. The faster he gets there the easier things will be. He has to put everything in place for his backup plan to work, but he was starting to think it wasn't a good idea. He wanted to get out of there, but if the plan failed and his backup plan failed it was over for him.
List was only just calming down from seeing the giant, powerful thing he never liked seeing when something else caught his attention. He glanced up when just a little speck caught his eye, and focused in on it, realized it was a heat signature coming from somewhere in the Keter area - and it was growing fast. List didn't like the temperatures it was reaching, nor did he much like the faint but growing 'aura' of sorts located nearby the heat. Someone - Someone was trying to weld their way from one cell to another. And nothing was happening. There were no footsteps in the halls, no warnings sounding where List could see or hear.

The unknown was not something List liked, his mind always working to figure out problems and make sense of things and this - this he could make sense of. Someone was trying to escape, and whoever it was could not be up to anything good, even if that assumption was solely based on their location in the Keter sections. List turned his eyes up towards the ceiling, towards the hall outside, where little paths of electricity and radio waves floated through the air, with purpose and directionless. He found the one he wanted, the one he knew was connected to the alarms from past experience and just . . . flipped on the right frequency.

The lights shut off for about a half second, then came back on to bathe the facility in red, warnings flashing through every hall and room List's control could reach. Sirens and automated warnings started blaring through the halls, telling people to remain calm while the problem was resolved. But that wasn't good enough. List searched through the multitude of messages that were always going past and raised his hands to call to and pluck out the right one, found an email with agents' names and information on them and took their email and phone numbers from there. He sent both emails and a texts, to the three addresses and numbers he could find on such short notice, and sent only a brief, urgent message.


Attached was a quickly and somewhat sloppily made drawing of the hold building's layout, made with a flurry of quick hand motions in empty air, and with as exact a location of the heat source as List could manage marked clearly. He sent them off with a swipe of his hands and a flick of his eyes, and waited.

((I made three so whichever staff member wishes to do so may receive the message :) ))
Tokeru's eyes widened when the light went out. He knew he had only a little time to get to the other side. He tried making the wall melt faster and managed to make a hole big enough for him to go through. He looked back at his door and went through it. He had to do this fast or else there was going to be a big problem. He started melting the chains that held Rose. "Hurry up...if you don't wake up now we're both dead!"
"Well, I guess I've been played again!" Davy spoke once again to a seemingly empty room, returning to his usual routine of making half a conversation with the air. He turned rather abruptly and began a tirade against the camera, blaming the strange appearance of a shadowy girl on the watchers. "You lot enjoy doing that don't you? Trying to make me give something away? What did you use this time? Lights in smoke? Hallucinogens? Some sort of holographic technology? You lot, always watching us "subjects." Keeping us in here to cement your own superiority. Well guess what? We used to be human too."

With a swift about face, Davy stormed across the room to stand in front of his fireplace, facing away from the camera and the watchers. And smiling. "Quite clever old sport," The skeleton whispered, just loud enough for the ghostly girl along where his fleshy ears would be. "Yes, consider me interested on this 'Walk in the woods'."

Quite suddenly, the lights were doused in an instant, cloaking Davy's room in darkness. Before he could blame the watchers for this too, the lights returned in the form of red that splashed the color of blood across his books. "Sounds like something interesting is going on my dear!" Davy practically had to yell over the blaring alarms which hid his voice from the watchers. "In case this is connected in any way, I'm Davy Jones! Remember my name and come look for me when you have the chance to do so, in your real body. Heh, if you have the chance... I'll be waiting, along with my Locker."
Alek was finishing the last of files when his entire off was flushed in a steady beat of red light. It was the alarm. Something was trying to leave. He heard the rushing of footsteps and shouts. Who was escaping? What? And why? It was obviously why, but why now? At this time, too. He bolted from his desk and to the door, placing his hand on the knob when the ping from his computer stopped him in his tracks. Who was messenging him at this time?

Alek went back to his computer and brought up the email. No sender name and an unknown address of the sending source. His eyes scanned the message, brown irises widening when he saw that it was Keters. He pinpointed the location on ththe crudely drawn map and left once more. This time, he put his emergency gun in its holster; it sat heavily against his hip as he ran.

There was no way he was going to let his daughter see him next time in a body bag.

The agent found a group of different sectored coworkers and told them of the location before he dashed to the dangerous cells. Hopefully he made it on time. He had heard of one of the keters possessing the power of crushing minds. He prayed she didn't wake yet.


Rose had a feeling the Locker was the voice that had talked to her before. Meanwhile, a different voice was speaking faintly in the back of her mind. Someone was speaking to her real body.

"I am Rose Delgado. We shall meet again, Mr. Jones!" She yelled above the alarms. The misty body diminished into nothing. She appeared again in front of Tokeru. He was melting her chains. She quickly put the best barrier she could muster on the door. She had heard the shouts from Davy's room.

"Sure know how to make an exit." Rose all but hissed as she walked up to her sleeping form.Placing a purple hand to her pale forehead, the power underneath pulsing underneath her fingertips. Finally. After all these years. She closed her eyes and the smoke was sucked through the skin. She now waded in the inky black of her mind. Her awareness becoming louder through her heartbeats.

'Wake up! Rise and shine, Rose ol' girl! No time to sleep! You snooze, you lose!'

The string of urgent encouragements went on until the thought process became silent. Her whole concious still. Then it happened. A faint pulse becoming stronger. It pulled at the ends of the dark into the light that slipped through a couple of cracks. No, those weren't cracks. They were eyelids. Her eyelids! She was waking up.

Her senses stirred. Melted iron wafted to her nose. The sirens ringing in her ears, causing a dull pounding in her head. The taste of sleep still on her tongue. The weight of the chains sliding off her body as her partner in crime melted them away. Finally, the light from the room flooded her vision as she blinked her violet irises a few times. Tokeru's form slightly disoriented in her blurry vision. It soon cleared and she could see the bland room that had trapped her for years. Rose became more aware of the chains that still remained; the hoard of footsteps drawing nearer. She wouldn't be trapped any longer. Witha bit of forced concentration, she gripped the rest of the chains with her mind and tore them apart; flinging them to the side with more effort than necessary. She stood. It felt good to have weight on these legs. She walked a few practiced steps and then turned to the boy. A smile on her face as she spoke her first real words in years; her voice hoarse from a long silence.

"Good morning."
Henry Tyler Mzzr

Henry was wondering what was going on. He pulled out his phone-that buzzed-and his eyes widen "Crap." was all he said before he took off to the dangerous part of the facility. He actually made it up to Alek "What the hell is going on!?" he demanded before shaking his head "I swear, this is not good!" he had no idea what to do. Most of all, if Rose woke up, everyone was in big trouble. Most likely they would need the middle class monsters just to help. But he doubt any of them would. Other then the mostly-peaceful Alice.

A gun was in its holster on his waist. Soon enough he was about to pull it out "What do you suggest we do, Alek?!" he wasnt in panic mode. But he would be soon if they didnt do anything once Rose was awake. It might have been too late. Maybe she was awake already.
Tokeru backed up when she got close, he didn't want to risk getting killed. When she opened her eyes he smiled. His plan might work after all. "Good morning. Are you ready to head out? ...Sorry if I got any metal on you I'm a bit rushed." He looked at the cameras that were in her room, maybe he should have taken them out before letting her go. He looked carefully and found a blind spot in one of the corners in the room. He stood there and took his hoodie off. He's quite skinny for his age and height, but that's what happens when you don't eat that much. "We can leave through the door or the window, but I think the door is the best way. We could also wait for them to come, but there's a higher risk of getting caught if we do that." They were so close to getting out. He knew that someone or something saw him and turned on the alarms, but he was sure he took out all of the cameras in his room.
((List is kind of stuck since he can't open his door, but I'll bring Jack out))

Jack was scared, when the red lights started flashing, and loud sirens boomed through the room and the corridors outside. Bart had started to shake, which never meant good things, and Oslin had gone very, very still. Outside, Tempest roared for her, but he was still hidden from others and would never be heard. It was after that that Jack decided the unknown was scarier than what was out there, and hurried over to give Bart a hug to soothe her.

"Bart, Oslin," she called over the noise, looking over at the large bird creature. "Let's go see."

They both looked at her, then made their own equivalents of nods and moved away. Oslin flew a large circle as Bart got to a good place to start running, and they both connected with the door of Jack's cell at the same time, breaking open the connections on the top and bottom of the door and sending it crashing out into the hall. Jack hurried after them, dodging past the guard, who had thankfully not been hit by the door but had been stunned by its sudden explosion outward, with no source of the crash visible. Oslin was flying away, Bart staying behind to lead Jack and Jack followed her, running barefoot down the halls. Time to find out what was going on.
Davy Jones smiled slightly as he slowly turned and walked with smooth even strides to his chair, tracing its back with one bony finger. The gentle touch turned into a firm grip on the chair's back as a sudden shock shook his cell, rattling the chair, the end table, and the books on the shelves. "Seems that things are getting exciting around here." Now is the chance for our escape, and for us to get what we need. "No, no, we'll wait for our new friend. While we're waiting... Are you able to move yet? I have not fed enough or have the energy stores for such an ordeal. "Moving's not really an ordeal though... Oh well, might as well be ready."

As the Locker hummed quietly to itself in its dark prison, Davy's clothes rippled in response. Dark tendrils of otherworldly energy wormed their way out of his back and clothes, causing no damage to the cloth as dozens of tendrils extended themselves away from his body, some reaching as far as ten feet away. "Yes, that's good, might need this." The tendrils retracted to his body as the skeleton breathed in heavily, then back out. But, of course, it was his human side talking from instinct. Strange how it still influenced his actions and movements when it rotted away so long ago.

Davy sat himself down in his chair, crossing one leg over the other as he listened to the panic outside and the wailing of the sirens. Yes, it was a good day today.
((My sincerest apologies to you all for my lateness! A lot has happened and I was unable to reply for a while. I hope my reply now will make up for that unfortunate fact))

Alek placed his hand readily on the handle of his gun. It was bizarre to think he would actually need this, but all precautions were necessary even in a tightly-guarded facility. And today was one of the days they would need them. The older man looked over to the young agent and then to the others. Even the Doctors turned to him as if he was the higher ranked. Looks like he will be in charge. Taking in a deep breath, he shouted over the wailing alarms.

"X-men create a formation at the door! You will be the front lines. Doctors be ready with the serum and other containment materials in another line behind them, but not too close. Guards will be positioned at the main entrance and lock down the whole facility so others won't get the same idea. Agents will spread out inbetween with weapons at the ready." Alek turned to each group as he broke down the plan quickly. They all nodded in unison at hia demand. "These are 2 Keters we are talking about. There will be no room for error! Now go, go, go!"

The thunderous chorus of feet shuffling into their positions and then dead silence. Alek took his gun from its holster and cocked it. The bullet falling into place with a click. He stood in position behind a X-men while pointing his gun at the door. The waiting game will begin. If Rose was awake, may God give them mercy. Hopefully the serum from earlier still takes effect on her and she was still in a hazy state. The real question: who was helping her?Who would be brave enough to awaken a deadly threat in order to escape from this place?


How cute. He was afraid of her. Rose smile widened; the red light bathing over her and ade her facial expression take an eerie turn. She tried to push herself into his mind, but a hazy wall still blocked her from tapping into her true potential. Oh well, it didn't matter anyway. Her powers will come back full force in time.

"The door. I promised a.. friend of mine that I would visit him again. Besides, he may have something that we need." Rose took a few strides forward- a bit wobbly from her drowsed legs, but strengthened with each foot on the ground- and placed a pale hand on the door handle. She turned her head and body slightly to look at the other boy.

"You coming, Tokeru? I'm sure there isn't any more alarms you can set off this time." She teased him. Her violet irises sparking with something bright and dangerous at the thought of stepping out of this room. Everything had gone silent except for the alarms. They migh already be outside the door. Oh, the surprise they had coming to them! It filled Rose with a twisted glee at all the damage she can make with a simple thought.
"Sure I'm coming" He walked closer to her, but stopped. "Wait...I think they're outside...I'm surprised they came up with a plan already, but if I'm lucky they don't know its me who helped you, maybe I can help you out if you're about to get caught, but I have to stay behind you. If I go out first things won't work out, if you go first I can cover you and that way we have a higher chance of escaping from this place. Also I have to ask...have you heard a strange voice calling you and asking about freedom?"
The poor fool was probably afraid of getting caught. Fear was a sign of weakness and Rose has no time for the weak. However, she continued to smile and nodded. "That's fine. Hide behind me and I'll guard the front while you guard the back. And yes, that voice of freedom. My friend knows exactly what that is about. Which is exactly why we need to see him." She gripped the handle, twisting the door knob ever so slowly. "Are you ready?"
Jack was running down the halls, following after Oslin and Bart, hot on the beast's heels, when Oslin changed directions. Frowning, Jack paused a bit but then just kept running. "Oslin? Where are we going?" She listened, carefully, and nodded along, picking up the pace. There was power this way, and if they could get to it maybe whoever it was could help them.

When she rounded a corner and caught up with Oslin, the bird was sitting at a simple wooden door. No reinforcements. No locks. Just a handle on a piece of wood with hinges. "This is it?" She asked, looking at the big owl, then stepped forward to open the door. Inside was a normal room, simple, but with a decent selection of books sitting in a corner. She couldn't read some of the names, big words too long for her, but there was a boy. He was older than her, she thought, but not much taller, and he looked almost frightened of her at first.

She smiled big and hurried in to hold out a hand to him. "Let's go see what's going on!"

When he looked at her, his eyes were a shining shade of gold. ". . . I can already see."

She didn't really know what that meant, but he got to his feet, shakily, and followed her slowly out. His eyes were a little wide, as he exited the room, and she grinned when they didn't get any bigger as she revealed Oslin and Bart to him. He glanced at her, a hint of sarcasm evident in his expression, and she wondered what he was actually saying before. I can already see. Smiling, she took his hand and started to pull, running after Oslin again. "Let's go see!"
"Yeah let's go check this out, and I'm not afraid if its what you're thinking. I just think there should be a plan in case this doesn't work out, and I've already made one. They're after you right now not me, and that means that they won't concentrate on me that much. Where is your friend and the thing we might need? I think I can get there while you play around with some guards."
((A heads up. I might need to do something that will leave me incapable of replying until Valentines Day. However, I'm not sure what will happen so this is a little warning if I'm gone for a long time))

Alek took note of the two other subjects approaching them. They were ones that were deemed as ones that will not harm. At least, that's what it said in the reports. "Oi!" He shouted, hands still on his gun's trigger. "What are you doing out of your rooms? You could be killed! It's better if you went back." The door could open any moment now, but here he was arguing with a couple of subjects to get back in their rooms before they are massacred by a couple of Keters.


Coward. Leaving a poor lady on her own. But, hey, at least she wasn't helpless or defenseless. Another pulse in her mind reassured Rose on that.

"He's in room 442 and a Euclid. Tell him Rose sent you. He said he should be waiting with his locker." With that, she turned the handle fully and yanked the door open. Her own plan formulating. The greeting of many guards, agents, doctors, and X-men alike made a giddy giggle bubble from her lips. The others watched her in horror, whispers of her conciousness spread like wildfire through the crowd.

"A surprise party?" She clasped her pale hands together and brought them to her mouth in mock surprise. "Oh! You shouldn't have!" Rose giggled once more and took a step forward. The guns clicked a bullet in place. What a shame that they had those puny weapons.
Jack skidded to a stop at the space just outside the perimeter of guards and scientists and people with guns. She looked at the agent speaking to them, her fingers still curled around List's hand, and frowned at him, almost but not quite pouting. She would've said something back at him, but List was looking strangely at the door, eyes a little wide. He could easily catch the signal from the cameras, since these hadn't been melted like the others.

". . . they're opening the door." He said, voice distant and looking at the wall bordering the room rather than the people around him. "Ten seconds."

Jack hopped up and down a little on her feet because she couldn't see the agent well. "Oslin said there was trouble!"

But the doors were opening after that, and List's fingers slipped from hers when he pulled away, frightened. She would make sure Oslin and Bart kept him safe.
((I'm super sorry!! I had no internet for a while!!))

Tokeru stood next to the door and waited, as soon as she gets their attention and leaves the room he can go see this Euclid friend of hers. He smiled slightly at the thought of finally being free, but he wasn't just yet. It was only beginning.
Alek cursed to himself when the door opened and Rose stepped out. The sickening sweet tone of her voice had a lace of sinister intent underlying it. He had his gun at the ready, standing slightly taller than before as he spoke out to the two dangerous subjects. "SCP-216 and SCP-680, put your hands where we can see them and step back into the room! Choose to surrender willingly and there will be no harsh punishments."

Rose's eyes shined brightly- dangerously- as she listened to the Agent talk. Yes, he would be a fun one to break. She glanced briefly at Tokeru with a wink and proceeded to hold her hands out in front of her. "Alright coppers, ya got me..." She teased playfully. Her hands danced lightly in the air before pointing an open palm at one of the first X-men that blocked her path. "But I don't think I'll be going so easily." She grinned wildly and closed her hand into a fist. The X-Man's screams echoed as his head crushed in on itself, blood pooling on the floor around the fallen body. The atmosphere tensed with fear as a metallic smell wafted into their noses. "Now, who's next?"
Alice didnt like the smell or sounds coming from the halls. She shook her head "Im sick of waiting." she walked out, and was able to retrieve her weapon. So she made her way towards the noises and she found herself with the agents, and xmen. She looked at Alek "You shouldnt be here Alek.." she spoke gently and looked at Rose "I thought you'd never wake up there Rosy Posie." she commented with a grin.
Alek glanced up at Alice. What was with all the subjects breaking out? "It's my job. Besides, you shouldn't be here either." He argued, but was talked over by Rose.

"Alice!" Rose called out sweetly. "I just simply snapped out of La La land. It will be so good to feel the sun again. Don't you think so, Alice? You can come with us, uf you wish." She offered, eyes narrowing slightly as her smile turned twisted and deadly. "You just need to kill your friend there." She pointed lazily at Alek.

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