SCP Foundation Center [Inactive]

They are planning to leave, Davy Jones. I can feel their hopes, their plans, their dreams.... How foolish they are. "I don't really care you know," Jones said as he sat back down in his chair, moving around a bit to get comfortable. Do not try to hide your feelings from me, Davy Jones. You well know that our connection goes farther than your humanity. "Hmph. I can imagine what I want." The Locker remained silent for a moment after that, probably to come up with another way to get Davy to either find these two would-be-escapees and feed them to the Locker, or get him to try and escape. Both wouldn't end well for those who weren't the Locker, and Davy in extension.

"There's a reason you're under lock and key, and it ain't pretty. They know what we are..." ...
But not what we can do. I still need to feed. My connection to this world is draining energy quickly. "That isn't a problem and you know it. You'd just go back where you came from. From... That place." How suspicious it would be if a normal locker suddenly shifted planes... They would come to you for answers. They would suspect we can do more than they think... "That would be a problem, yes..." Jones mused. The Foundation had some trinkets, some odds and ends that Jones wanted for his next 'trip'. If he got moved to Keter class, the difficulty in obtaining these items. There were some... Other, parts of the legend of Davy Jones and his Locker that were lost throughout the years. If they discovered the full legend... It was more likely that they would destroy him than move him to Keter.

"I tell you what," The skeleton of ages past suddenly said as he abruptly sat up straight. "Find who they are. I'm not on the boat yet, but I would like to know who they are."
Your wish is my command, Davy Jones... The connection faded from his mind as the Locker moved its attention elsewhere: To find those who would be free. Come to me, children... Hear my call...
"Finally alone" he said. There was a lot of planning to do. If he pretended to be asleep they will come in and fix the cameras, but if for some reason they tried fixing the wall he would have to kill them. He doesn't mind killing people, its quite fun for him. The feeling of their skulls melting can't compare to anything. Its something that's hard to explain unless you've done it before.
(im Sooo sory! I got like NO notifications!!!)

Alice Jane Parker

Alice shrugged "I dont care, do what you want." she said as she snuggled into her bed, pretty sure she was going to miss her favorite Agent for a little while. She just didnt want to admit it and have people think she could be a SAFE. Being inbetween was fine with her. Nothing more. Nothing less. Alice was getting what she had wanted, and that was to go outside and see more colors then the ones in her room.
The silence was deafening.

It collided with the darkness; crushing her from all sides. She was suffocating. Was it always this cold in her mind or-? No. A mere illusion can not process any idea of temperature; especially a cold sense. The excitement of the escape plan is starting to rip away the last bits of control she has. Rose was back at the beginning: feeling senses that only her real self can when awake. This was all a hallucination. A hallucination to the imagined form that was allowed to roam the halls. Quite ironic wasn't it? The silence suffocated the dry humor. A mantra was repeated through out the cavernous hall of her mind.

I am an illusion. I can not feel. I'm an illusion. I can not feel. I'm an illusion. I can not feel. I'm an ill-!

Her thoughts were cut off. The silence was broken by a call. A call to her specifically wasn't certain, but a powerful source was tugging her out of her brain and into a questioning haze. Who was calling her? What? And why? Shaking the questions away, she projected herself from her prison. Rose exited the room and began to hunt the source of the call.

'Hello?' She thought back as she walked. 'What do you want?'


"Alright.." Alek was unsure of leaving. He was certain there was more to talk about, but he had another job to do. He turned to the door, turning his head slightly to look at her, "I'll see you when I get back." With that, he promptly shut the door to Alice's room and began walking to another door.

A doctor and a few guards stood there waiting. For him. Alek smiled sheepishly and apologized to his co-workers. He, then, proceeded to knock on the steel door in front of him.

"SCP 441, it is time for your weekly visit. Do I have permission to enter or would you like to come out on your own?"
"Yes, come in, come in! I cannot bear to act like a barbarian and leave you in the cold. Of course, it isn't that cold out there, is it? I was afraid that my visits were canceled without me noticing." Davy stood from his chair, stretching as he sent one last message to the Locker. I'm coming to visit you now. I will be sure to have the agents bring you something good. Good... I have found one of the hopeful children, and she has spoken to me in turn. Hm, she? Child? I was expecting someone older. Age is no longer a factor in your world....

"To whom do I have the pleasure of meeting, Agent? Do you have a service number, or are you, you who still have their humanity kept safe in your souls, still allowed to have names?"

While Davy talked to the guards, the Locker prepared for his arrival, and for a more steady connection with one of the
hopefuls. Hope. What an interesting idea. A very, human emotion. The Locker extended its realm of influence again, this time changing its more probing search to a connection with the hopeful. There were still some of its energy seeking the other, but it can wait.

I seek knowledge, child of hope, nothing more at this time... I have seen hope well inside you, you're hope for freedom from this place. Your hope that you do not fall into the welcoming arms of insanity. Do you think that your planning went unseen?

A rapidly clicking purr of a laugh echoed in the girl's mind: A semblance of what humans called "laughter." You will need more than two hopefuls to escape this place.
"No, it is perfectly warm." Alek assured him as he opened the door and came in face with the legendary skeleton. "I am Agent Correly. Aleksander Correly. I presume you to be the famed Davy Jones? Captain of the masses with his Locker in the bottom barrel of the unpredictablesea?" He had heard stories as a child. The 'stories' being tidbits collected from his classmates and teachers; the occasional book, or two, from his local library. It would be an understatement to say that Alek was merely a fan.

"Canceling an appointment without a notification is an awful amount of paperwork. We tend to not let it happen." He joked lightly before continuing. "However, I do apologize. I believe I was the one to keep you waiting. I was caught up with other duties that needed tending to."


Rose jumped at the voice that had invaded her thoughts. She couldn't detect the gender or age of the voice, but it nonetheless spoke to her. Its words spilling out from timeless moons. An all knowing source judging on its wordsof their plans. Had it actually laughed?

What was that name he called her? Child of hope? She held the connection as she responded.

'Actually, I had doubt that we could get away with this underneath a blind eye. Nothing is a secret, anymore. Do you suggest that we find more? Would you be a participant in this quick-strung scheme? It seems so as to what you are saying. What 'knowledge' do you seek?'
"HA! Hahaha, oh, that would bring a tear to my eye if I still had them." Davy laughed heartily some more as he mimed wiping a tear from his eye. "Don't worry about it, Aleksander Correly, I don't mind. Yes, I am the one and the same. You have no idea how good it is to hear someone besides me call me by my name! Lead on, Agent Correly! We have a date with my Locker. Oh, and tell some of your goons to fetch some food- Any kind will do. Steak, pigfeed, doesn't matter, as long as it's edible. The Locker is good and famished."

The skeletal pirate took long strides towards the door, and paused to whisper conspiratorially in Alek's ear, a slightly mischievous look on his bony face. "You're going to witness something few have ever seen, my boy. Methinks you're going to be in for a treat."


How far are you willing to go, child of hope? How much are you willing to sacrifice? Are you willing to kill for your freedom? This is what I wish to know, nothing more at this time. As for me, I cannot move. I am held in the bowels of this building. You must find the one who is dead yet lives. Tell him that the voice in your head sent you to him. He will aide you in your quest for freedom. Freedom... Will you ever be truly free?

With that final question for the hopeful to mull over, the Locker withdrew from the girls mind, leaving behind a lingering sense of something... Alien. Returning to the blue metal box that was its body, it waited for Davy Jones. Waiting to be fed.
Tokeru looked around as he felt something reaching out to him. He hasn't felt this kind of energy before, so he didn't know if it would hurt him or not. 'Hello?' he thought, maybe the energy would react to that. He wasn't sure he should be doing this, but he had nothing to do until the guards came. 'What do you want?' he thought.
Alek smiled widely. "Am I now?" He whispered as well. The walls have ears. "Lucky me, then." He then opened the door and ordered another agent to go get some food for SCP-441; steak, if possible. He resisted the urge to say: to put some meat on his bones. He turned to the skeleton.

"The Agent will meet us in the basement with your food. I hope that is alright." The guards surrounded the sides of Davy Jones as the Doctor and Alek walked ahead. Alek was the lead as he opened the stairway to the basement. The stairs descending into darkness. He held up a flashlight to illuminate their path. "Watch your step." He warned as he made his way down.


'Will I ever truly be free?'

Rose pondered this as the connection broke. Of course not. The curse of her powers and the guilty conscious of murder will hang over her head for days on end. It will chain her down until she, too, will take her own life. At least she won't be in this place while she does it.

One who is dead yet lives...... a zombie? No, perhaps a person in general; their jobs sucking the life out of them. She laughed to herself at the grim humor. She continued down the building for the source. In the bowels. Perhaps the basement.

She thought back to the riddling description. Rose caught whispers of a legendary skeleton that lives in one of these blasted cells. Perhaps that is who the voice was talking about..
Stirring from its temporary lull in activity, the Locker sent a tendril of thought to go search out the one calling for it. After questing the building for some moments, it found the one calling for it; The other hopeful, a Keter trapped in a heavily armored room. This one is dangerous. I seek knowledge, child of hope. Knowledge of all that was, all that is, and all that will be on this world. Your yearning for freedom has caught my attention... How far are you willing to go for freedom?


"That will be quite all right," Davy remarked as they neared the basement door. "I won't need it until we're down there anyways." He leered a little at his guards to try and get something out of them, although they might as well of been robots. Jones scowled a little and faced forward again as Alek opened the basement door and headed into the darkness below.

"You should make a petition for me to get me some new guards, I bet they wouldn't even blink if I kicked them in their family jewels." The skeleton glanced around the dark stairyway; He more used to the dark than the humans were, and didn't have much problem heading down, besides being crowded by guards who insisted on staying as close to the Euclid as possible. "Why'zit so dark down here? Did th' lights get blown out by an angry Keter? Heh, I bet you have to deal with bruised up people falling down the stairs all the time Doc! Or do you only do the possessed and monstrous and leave normal folk to someone else?"

Davy got a shush from one of the guards for that. "Oh I'll shoosh you, fleshbag," He muttered to himself as he continued down, following the light of Alek's flashlight.
'Freedom? I would kill my own parents for it. I have to leave this place no matter what it takes. I don't care if people are with me or against.' That question seemed so silly to him. Whoever it is probably doesn't know about his past. He smiled as he remembered the old days.
((Davy is hilarious. Love that skeleton pirate!))

"Nah, just too cheap for proper lighting." Alek couldn't contain the light laugh that escaped him. Davy Jones was just the man- skeleton- that he needed after everything that happened that day. He heard a huff from one of the guards.

"Something funny, Correly?"

"Oh, loosen up Brian. This guy is a gem!" He gave another bit of laughter. "Fleshbag. Perfect!" He was more or less mumbling to himself as they entered the basement; a series of doors covering the walls. Each labeled with a number. Alek turned the torch light onto his papers to find the right number. Finally, after his stalled reading, he shined the light on one of the doors.

"SCP-441 has a Special Object in specialized zone #12." He stated as he slid his key into the lock; turning it and opening the large door with a click. Alek shined the light on the walls till he found the light switch and flipped it on. The darkness was flushed out by flickering fluorescent light bulbs that gave off a faint buzzing sound. The room was prety bare, stone gray walls as the background, save for a couple of folded chairs and the main object in the center of the room.

A blue locker; radiating a sense of alienated fear and foreboding as you look upon it.

Alek set a chair for Jones while the guards stood close to the subject. He could see the wariness deep behind their colorful irises. A moment later, the Agent from earlier came down with the plate of steak; steaming hot and fresh.


Rose felt it as soon as she was plunged into the darkness. Each door in the basement had a hidden source of power that could bring out the destruction of the world around them.

She had lingered in the shadows as an agent hurried passed her with a plate of food; desperate to leave the eerie basement. She made her moke light and almost transparent as she followed behind. A room full of people, a skeleton, and a locker. With curiosity, she slipped into a vent on the ceiling and watched the scene unfold before her in the darkened space above.
((Haha, I try my best. ;P))

Hmmm, how intent you are... Your yearning, your need for freedom is ranked above your own blood. How interesting... But what for? What is out there that is worth innocent blood? Someone you hold dear? The need to feel blood on your hands once more? But all that awaits you down your path is death... Sensing someone- no, a group, including its own beloved servant- It began to withdraw from the child's mind. Will you ever be free?


Davy chuckled as Alek told off the guard. "Haha, it's good to see
someone in this building still has a brain!" Ignoring the looks that he got from the guards- why should he pay attention to them? They're mindless sheep- He stepped into the room, grinning widely as he spied his Locker.

"Ah, my dear, you get more beautiful every time I see you," He exclaimed as he sat in the chair offered to him by his now favorite Agent. "I hope they haven't done anything mean to you," The skeleton cooed to the silent locker, which is in all honesty probably the weirdest thing a skeleton has ever done. Turning slightly, he accepted the plate of steak, using his other hand to waft the steam and smell into the hole where his nose would be. "Ah, thank you good sir. Please give our compliments to the chef."

Abruptly ignoring that particular Agent, he looked at Alek, a half smile-like smirk flittered across his features. "You're going to like this."

Ignoring the cutlery, Jones used his index finger to saw a piece of steak away from its meaty brothers, then spearing it and raising it to his mouth. His teeth grabbed hold and delicatly pulled the morsel off, then opened just enough so that it fell into his mouth. Before anyone could object with "But skeletons can't eat!" he turned his head to the side and pulled the collar of his coat down, revealing the meat slowly being dissolved into black smoke, which then disappeared. Then the Locker quivered.

A low hum began to build, steadily growing louder and louder, vibrating the ground it rested on. The hum reverberated the air, shaking everything in the room. Davy Jones remained seated in his chair, enjoying the sudden chaos in the room with a wide grin on his face. "Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, I present!" He stood up, brandishing the plate in one hand and swept with the other in a grand flourish as he spun, his back to the Locker's front, which light was beginning to stream from the cracks between the door and the frame. "The Locker of Davy Jones!"

The Locker's door opened with a bang, revealing a vortex emanating from the locker's front and extending inwards to seeming infinity, frothing with what appeared to be blood-red water. The vortex cast fear and despair into the hearts of the weak, promising insanity to whoever gazed too long into its mystery. A sudden wind whipped up in the small room, threatening to suck Agents and SCP's alike into its maw. "Well, now that I've showed off, better feed it before it eats ev'rything!" Davy yelled over the sudden gusts. The skeleton hurled the plate of steak into the Locker and the vortex. The vacuum for a second intensified far beyond what it was before, then with a swish and a clang, the Locker's door shut, and the storm and hum abruptly came to an end.

Davy let the sudden silence continue for a moment, then turned to Alek, the skeleton straightening his jacket. "So... What do you think?"
'Yes I will. Freedom is more like a state of mind. To get it I must get out of this place, and I will. Death doesn't await me if it fails. I'll get chained up for the rest of my life.' He heard the door opened and smiled, seems like they're going to change the cameras now. He knew that it would work, but if it didn't he had a plan already. It all depends on what happens when he lets Rose go, if they get that far.
((Hmmm. Can't really think of how to bring Jack back into this. Ideas anyone?))

List had been brought back to his room after an hour or so outside, and it was just enough to get him calmed down again. He made a mental note to look into actually asking for a regular schedule, rather than just waiting until he got too panicked to stand it any longer. Only, he hated talking to these people, asking for the things he couldn't attain for himself. It made him feel helpless all over again, and he was tired of feeling helpless all the time, even though he knew he would always be that way.

Once back in his room, he sat down on the floor a while and started to write out some of the equations that had been running through his head for the past day or two, and only happened to glance down when something caught his eyes. It wasn't in his room, nor anywhere near it. It was somewhere off to the side and down far below, somewhere he'd never been before and wasn't even sure was in the building, but it was large and dark but clear to see - he'd noticed it before, every now and then, but never pulsing with such strength as it did now. And though it felt to him like that sort of power had to be connected to something, he could never find where it led, even when he caught glimpses of that same sort of power around the complex, little traces of it that winked in and out of existence.

List curled into a corner of his room as far from the sight of it as he could physically be, and covered his eyes to try and stop seeing it. He didn't like not knowing, didn't like that something so overtly strong and uncontrolled was so close to him. What would he do, if something bad ever did happen with whatever it was? He would do what he always did, and be stuck all alone, trapped in a place where the only thing that held him back was a door he couldn't open. It was things like this that drove him to the very edge of his sanity, if indeed he had any such thing left to him. 
Jack was trying to solve a big puzzle with tiny pieces when it happened. Oslin, for some reason, suddenly made a screeching sort of hoot and hopped off of Bart's back to crash down onto the puzzle, knocking the pieces away, then hopped a few more times away and started to fly in circles around the room, making that same horrible noise.

"Oslin?" Jack flinched back, worried, and watched her going round and round the room, too fast. "Oslin, what's wrong?" She got quickly to her feet and tried hopping to reach the big bird as he flew past, but couldn't reach. "Stop that! Oslin, what's the matter? Come back down!" A glance down showed Bart standing stock still, shaking almost violently, and Jack put her arms around Bart, just watching Oslin fly in tight, agitated circles, knocking over books and the pictures Jack had drawn and taped to the walls. "What's going on . . ." Something bad was happening, and not for the first time since she'd been here. She just didn't know what it was.
((I feel like Davy Jones and his Locker will be some kind of awesome act in a circus. And poor List :( feel bad for the guy's anxiety))

Alek watched as the skeleton's bite dissolved into wisps of black smoke.The action caused his eyes widened a fraction, but it didn't scream so different as the other subjects. The Locker's hum put him off and he took a step back as Davy got up and walked to the metal object. The pirate's introduction could be read as a fancy, but mundane name for a treat that was sure to rock the earth. A ringmaster preparing the audience for the main act. And like the audience, Alek was barely hanging onto his seat in anticipation.

The blue door swung open with a bang.

Alek stood concrete to the ground beneath his locked feet while the Locker threatened to pull him in. His gray eyes staring intently into the void that was the Locker's sole content. The darkness invaded his mind as it tried to break down walls; grasping at hidden secrets that whisper in the darkest parts of the heart. Davy Jones gave another shout.

The wind stopped and the locker shut with another bang. Alek's mind buzzed with a thousand incoherent thoughts that resulted from the high of fear. The Locker had scared him and, yet, the fear felt good. Like a rollercoaster rush. If he wasn't careful, it could have bought him to the brink of insanity. His mind quieted down and he picked up the scratch of pencil on paper- the doctor writing- and shifted weight - the guards calming their own minds.

He registered Davy's next words as a question. "That..." He shifted his stance, hoping that will bring back the knowledge of words. A smile sat lightly on the corners of his mouth before widening to the point where his cheeks started to ache. "That was amazing! You, sir, have the art of showmanship."


When the skeleton's Locker opened, the wind sucked at the smoke around; consuming the weak and vulnerable. Rose made herself return to her real mind before her being could be lost inside the vortex.

The power. It surged throughout the room, crippling the strongest man, and all coming from that one locker. Surely, that was the living deadman the voice had been speaking of; the skeleton with the powerful object. Perhaps Rose could spesk with him once he returned to his real chambers.
((Haha, if the Foundation ever needs money, we'd all make quite the circus indeed! xD ))

"Hohoho, if I still had cheeks, you would make them red!" The skeleton exclaimed as he tipped his hat to Alek. "You have quite the mind, my boy. Not many have a mind like yours." Davy smiled, zoning out slightly as he thought back to the day he once said words like that... The day his own captain showed the crew what the Locker could do...

"Ah! And that isn't the only thing!" He said as he snapped back to the present. "My dear Locker has a mind of its own, you see. It's only like that when it needs to feed, and only when I am here. Interesting eh Doctor? Were you there when I stepped out of the Locker? Eh, maybe not, but it's quite the story nonetheless.

"Alek, do you want to see what I mean? Go on, open the locker, it won't bite." How long, Davy Jones, do you plan on showing off... All day if I can, I don't usually have the privilege of speaking to a person who isn't afraid of you. You know he was afraid... The smell of fear smothers the room. Instinctual fear, not what I mean. He's... Different. In an interesting way...
Alek took a hesitant step forward. Not out of fear- he was afraid, but it was the natural instinct of fear that comes when facing something new and intimidating- but because he was squashing down the doubt that he would be sucked into the vortex of nightmares. A whole new rush pumped in his veins. Davy Jones said the Locker wouldn't bite. He must be telling the truth, but training had told him not to trust too easily. Alek placed a hand on the handle, cool metal clashing with the warm fingertips. He turned his head back to the skeleton as a confirmation before he swung the door open.

Nothing happened.

Alek squashed down the small bubble of disappointment that came from his childish wonder. Was he hoping something were to happen? The buzz of danger and adventure or the black loneliness of death. Shaking his head, he closed the door. He had to get his mind out of harmful ideas. He had Lilly to take care of; to live for.

Alek turned back to Davy. "Seems like a normal locker. Like the ones in highschool." He chuckled, stepping away from the metal object.
"Eeexactly," Davy said as he chuckled along with the Agent, sauntering closer to his most valuable possession and patting the Locker's side. "To everyone that isn't li'l ol' me, the Locker is a normal locker, down to the simplest of things. Completely normal, not a thing wrong with it. Might as well be in a highschool," Said with a grin. "Unless I open it myself." With a spin of the leg and letting the other soar in the air until becoming reacquainted with the ground, Davy turned and gestured at the concrete holding room that they were in. "That's why it's stuck down here, to be searched for its secrets by the Foundation. Not that you buggers're gonna find anything," Jones sneered at the Doctor, who was looking a little uncomfortable with the current situation.

"Well, the Locker's fed, so it should be safe until next week. It has been a pleasure showing off. The locker's almost-" Ready to take a form. The words bounced around Jones' head as he just managed to bite his metaphorical tongue. That was too close, the humans could not be allowed to know that yet. "- Ready to see me leave."

The skeleton pirate of ages past turned back to Agent Correly, a smile playing across his ivory features. "Would you care to lead me back to my room? I'm afraid I'd go stir-crazy trying to talk to these mutes of guards."
"Oh, yeah sure." Alek said with a light smile. A bit of his mind was nagging at him. Jones was going to say something else. He was sure of it. Oh well. He tucked the thought away and made sure the Doctor was finished making his report. He handed it to Agent Correly so he could sign off his name as a participant; or more likely make sure he has more paperwork to do.

"You can't blame them, though. They were born all bronze, no brains." He joked. The guards sent him a harsh glare.

"Ha ha, Correly. Didn't know you were soo funny." Brian laughed sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Wow, Brian, you're more of a buzzkill than usual today. Did someone take your legos during recess?" The guard was practically fuming before Alek patted his back with a laugh. "I was only teasing, man. Lighten up." Alek turned his attention on Davy, grabbing his flashlight. "Are you ready, Mr. Jones?" He asked and turned on his light. He switched the overhead light off, plunging the room into darkness.

All of the men shuffled out the room- Alek locking the door- and back up the stairs to the lighted hallways of the facility. The Doctorparted ways as Alek brought Davy back to his room, guards following at their own close pace.
"I am indeed ready Mr. Correly. Ready as I'll ever be..."

Through the darkness and through the halls of the massive Foundation building, Davy turned around when they reached his room, saluting the Agent and guards with a mock salute. "Humans of the mortal world, I bid you good day! And I expect that we will be seeing more of each other, Aleksander Correly."

The guards opened his door and let him slip inside. Davy listened to the door shut and lock behind him, then paid the human world no further attention as he walked towards his bookcases, intent on finding a book that he hadn't read in awhile. "I trust that you are almost done?" The body is nearly complete. I do not understand, Davy Jones, why you wanted it to be a human's body. "Hmph, better than what you would of chosen." And it would of been more efficient. "Bah. ..." Jones looked up at the ever-watching camera, zoomed in on his being as its operator tried to figure out what the other half of the conversation was. "Having fun there, cameraman? I do try my best to confuse you." Davy laughed, and returned to the search for the perfect book.


The Locker remained silent in its dark prison, inanimate as it was when its servant was not there. But with a shift indetectable by the unsuspecting humans, it reached out to the human who had seen its wonder. The human Davy Jones called "Mr. Correly." It searched the facility, its phantom touch only leaving a feeling of unease as it passed, until if found the human it was looking for. The Locker left an impression of itself in the deep recesses of his mind, before receding back into the room that contained it. It would only leave a sense that sometimes, there was something there, something watching... Until the Locker decided to make its presence known.
Alek gave a nod and parted his own way to his office. The walking being mostly silent- other than the slight commotion coming from behind a few doors. As he walked, he felt something pull at the hairs on his neck. Unknown eyes unnerving him. He whipped his head around, but no one was there. The hall was basically empty. He shivered slightly, his steps a bit faster as he made the rest of the trip back to his office. The feeling of someone- something- watching him lingered in the back of his mind even after he shut the door and retreated to his computer desk. This was crazy. He was just imagining things.

God, he needed that vacation.

Alek went through his emails, his request approved and acted on. There were notices for upcoming meetings and such. He put in the request for leave. The feeling not once leaving his thoughts as he typed.


Rose left the safety of her mind and walked in the Euclid hall. She spotted the same guards as before stand in front of a door. One of them grumbling about stupid jokes and whatnot. She slipped through the cracks of the door, appearing on the other side. Her smoke coming together in a loose form of her purple self.

"Knock knock."

A skeleton man stood on the opposite side of the room. His bony fingers thumbing through a bookshelf for a good read. That voice better not be playing her for a fool.

"I'm looking for the deadman who still lives. I presume that is you, my good sir?"
Rather surprised by the sudden intrusion of his room, not expecting to have visitors for a while, the skeleton jumped a bit. Pulling his hand back from the bookshelf, Davy turned around, intently examining the wispy purple girl that was floating in front of his door.

"I was the last time I checked, unless the goons outside found a zombie or something of the like." The deadman walking in question looked at the girl with a questing look, wondering where she came from, and why did she come to find him? And why was she so... Wispy? "I would offer you a seat, but I don't know if you can. You're free to use my chair though, if I'm wrong."
Tokeru looked at the guard that stood near him watching him then the one that was fixing the cameras. Everything should be ready soon, he just had to wait a little more. He turned away from the guards and pretended to be asleep so they would leave faster. After a while he heard the sound of the door closing and the one after it opening. "About time" he said as he walked up to the first camera and took off his gloves. "Lights out." He melted the cameras one by one and went to the door. He melted the frame but not all the way. If someone looks at it from the other side it would seem that nothing is wrong. He went to the wall where he had already started melting and continued where he left off. In a while he should be in her room if it goes right.

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