School of the unknown and the supernatrual [Inactive]

I'm a bit surprised over her hug and it take me two seconds before i hug back. It's wired, three days ago i was just a boy on a farm working and rarely met any people, but here i am in a place i have never been before and with a new friend. I'm happy and couldn't help but smile
I dont have an answer to that, the only thing i do is smile and look at Leo that is hiding her face, but suddenly i realize something and even though i don't want to ruin this moment it is extremely important, no i have to be a man and ask her, here goes nothing! "Uhm so do you know when they give me a bed i can sleep in??"
I smile looking up at axel and nod "mhmm." I giggle and get up "im going to go get my things."

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I nod "Okay.." i stand up put my crystal ball back into my wooden box and pack it away. I begin to hang some pictures up of my home and my mom and little sister, i smile a little and take out my violin. I take a long look at it, i still remember when i got it. My little sister was so hyped to give it to me, i let out a little laugh. Even though i love to play it i just don't feel like it now
I rush to get my things i levitate them to my room and leave them on the ground near my bed. I flop down on the bed letting out a long awaited sigh.
I Begin to clean my violin while i hum a melody i used to hum for my sister when she was scared. After i cleaned up my violin i put back in the box and take out my school letter and read it trough to see if i can find out where i would get a bed from "Look's like i just have to get a standard one from stockroom.." I put down the letter and get up
I walk outside of my room to find someone anyone. I begin to walk down a long hallway levitating a diary high in the air
It docent take me long to get down to the stockroom, i sign up to get some standard furniture, like a desk a chair a dresser and a bed. they begin to carry the stuff up and i help to carry it up to my room and place it the right places
I hum a slow lonely tune as im walking through the halls "this place is so dang lonely..." i start conjuring random objects and make then disappear,
I lay down on my bed and close my eyes, the thoughts of my first day continued to run around my mind. This place this school is an amazing place and something tells me that i haven't even scratched the surface of what there is to see. I smile before i slowly fall asleep
I'm sleeping a little but hear a voice what seems far away, i'm not sure if it's real or just in my head so without i really think about i grunt in my sleep responce
The voice got called my name even louder and my mind slowly pulled me from my sleep and back to reality "uhmm..." I slowly open my eyes and get up. I yawn while i get op and walk to the door and open it "Mhmm?" I'm not completely awake yet, but i see Leo standing in front of me "Oh Hey.." I let out a small smile
"No, i was just day dreaming that's all" To be honest i wasn't really sleeping yet, but close. And anyways i wont turn down my friend's just for sleep. I rub my eyes quick and give her a kindly smile "What can i do for you?"
"I uh.. Wanted to see if you would want to hang out later? Like go get something to eat or something." I blush and begin to fiddle with a small object because im nervous and dont know what to do.
I thought about it for a moment, but then i remembered i don't know anything about this place so i simply smile and answer "I don't know any good places, but anywhere is fine"
I look at her hand, should i take it? I often held my little sisters hand so why not, and i don't want to be rude to my new friend. I take her hand in mine and smile kindly "That sounds fun"

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