School of the unknown and the supernatrual [Inactive]

I blush softly and smile brightly "want to grab your wallet or money? We aregoing out of town."

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I follow Leo while i think to myself that this day has been the most entertaining day since he got here, and this was only his first day! If this could happened the first day then just think about how the future school year must be like. I couldn't help but smile happily
As he was flying, Taku began to see a very faint shape on the horizon. He huffed in relief. "Finally I made it!" He landed on all fours in front of the school. Taku looked down at his amulet before putting it on. He felt pressure in his body as he changed from dragon to human. He walked through the empty halls on his way to the office. He got his dorm and headed there.

(Are there dorm mates or do you get your own? If I share, who with?)
(You pick if you share or not and with who but you cant just say boom you my dorm mate. You have to ease it in)

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"How do you want to get to town? I can teleport us...or we can walk." I lean up against alex as my feelings become stronger for this boy

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I think about it for a moment "But what about the normal people? Don't we have to keep our powers a secret from them?" I asked
"They wont know we would teleport to an ally or something so they wouldnt know." I sway on my feet

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Taku walked to his dorm. He unlocked it and found it empty. "Hmm. Looks like I'll be bunking alone." He pulled out a carpet and set it on the floor. Taku pulled off his amulet and laid down, resting from his long flight.
"Then let's teleport i have never tried that before" I answered and i properly looked like a little kid as i answered
I make a circle around us and teleport us to a dark ally and keep hugging axel tightly

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My eyes widen after just have tried to being teleported "OH shi" I stop myself from cursing in the last minute "That was amazing!" I Smile
"Wow i have never been in a fancy restaurant" Or any place outside the woods, mountains and our farm, but i don't say that
I shook my head "Me and my family live out on the country, only my sister have been away from home when she's attending school, this is my first time away from home, i have never been to the city before" I smile indecently and exited, i have never been such a place so this is going to be so interesting

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