School of the unknown and the supernatrual [Inactive]

I walked over there and found the dorm she talked about "Okay here goes" He signed his name "Axel Fairfax. There" i smiled
I finally got my stuff put up in my dorm, black and red covers and pillows for my bed my collection on my brownish black vanity and that was it I lived in a forest so it was a miracle I could go here but it meant I didn't have much stuff.. I then sat on the bed and waited for Leo to come back...after throwing the note on the desk away.
I had my demon horns out and heard two people coming this way so I turned full demon and flew out the window before anyone could see me(you guys post to fast -_- )
I follow her while i make sure to remember the way to the dorms. I look around in her room to see how she lives
"This is my first time in here so your experiencing new like me" i smile over at alex

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I'm looking over the window and take a picture and crawl back in the room when the leave I then put the picture on the wall

"I told her she had a crush" I smiled knowing my friend. Has a crush

"This is your place." I smile but then notice we are holding hands. I blush bright red and hand bsck "oh..uh s-sorry.."

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I look at her and blush myself "Uhm no it's fine.." A few seconds pass in awkward silence "So this is my room huh? It's nice, i don't have much stuff with me so it's really nice a roomy" I smiled
I smile and sit on the floor "yeah..but hey! They give you a bed and some furniture!"

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I Smile a little and walk and put my bag down and open it. I take some of my photos and place them on the floor, i then pull a suitcase out of the bag and place it next to my photos, then i begin to look trough my stuff i find other things i can unpack now
"nah it's okay, i only have my photos, my violin and" I pull op a small wooden box "This" I give a bit sad smile while i think about that time he got this box and it's content
I slowly open the box and a small gentle warm light shined out from a small crystal ball "This is the only thing i have from my father.." I whispered
My smile quickly fades "oh.." i wrap my arms around alex giving him a tight hug

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The crystal ball is light's up and a warm feeling streams trough her. Inside the ball the light showed her the night sky and the whole world from above "My father called it the eye of Olympus, you can see the whole world and if you think of a place it will show you, but im afraid it can only show things that is outside" I smile and let a small laugh out

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