School of the unknown and the supernatrual [Inactive]

(Kay) I have always been i good student i think, but this is not just school this is whole new stuff. I write notes while the class goes on and listen well
I listen and as soon as the teacher begins to write on the something down i notice Leo is not in the class anymore "Huh?"
" well I was going to get my stuff for our dorm from my locker" I said with a grin

"Also someone told me you have a crush!!!" I said very energetically
"..I thought Kim was in the dorm with us" I said very confused with my head sideways

" oh and yes you do!!! And I know who!!" I smiled and stood up straight again starting to wonder why she left her class
"Then how come I saw you blushing with that guy" I giggled a bit

"I don't think so.....oh and why aren't you in class?" I asked a bit worried it may be a touchy subject
"....ok what ever you say.....also isn't every class boring well besides transformation class" I smiled it was my favorite class....I get to scare everyone in that class
The teacher finished the class and Axel got and began packing his notes down "And now the cafeteria.." He mumbled and was on his way outside the class
"....I'll get going bye Leo " I smiled a smile that said 'that's who you have a crush on' and walked to my locker
I nodded "yes, i have to find a place to live, i have traveled a long way to get here" I said a yawned a little
"Oh! There is a dorm right next to mine thats empty!" I giggle and follow him 

Eaglestarr said:
I punched tina's arm a but hard mouthing 'shut it' "going to the cafeteria axel?" 
"Its leo."
He asked who am i
Really that's great, i need some sleep so if i could get a dorm room as soon as possible that would be great!" I said and walked with Leo (No he meant who Tina was?)
"So how does that work? My mom didn't say much about this place and i don't know about dorm regulations" I was home schooled so im not used to all these new things, but then again i was also exited to try all these new things
"Oh well you just put your name under the dorm you want and you get it unless its already taken." I point to my dorm sigh up sheet

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