School of the unknown and the supernatrual [Inactive]

Axel walked trough the school gates with his bag over his shoulder "So this is the school?" He took a minute to look at the many buildings "This place is huge" He smiled impressed, he got his back down and took out his schedule and looked trough it "Hmmm... EH!" His eyes widen "OH NO I'M LATE FOR MY FIRST CLASS!!!" He hurried up and then looked around "WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GO!?" Axel knew he was wasting time so he grabed his bag and ran into the hall way and scanned every door he ran by to see if it was there he was supossed to be
I sat in the hallway looking at all the students walking by "Mhmm i missed my first class of the day.. dammit....." I was embarrassed, not only did i get here late, but i also manage to get lost. I lifted my head and got up, there was no time for being shy, i had to man up, i had to ask for help "excuse me someone? I'm lost" Just saying that made me feel even more embarrassed
I hear a voice and i turn around to find a girl with blue hair looking at me, my eyes lit up with joy that someone answered him "Yes, i came late and i don't know where to go and i can't find the staff room"
"Nope im a student, i just look a lot older than i am" He smiled and looked at his country clothes, he smiled a little "I'm only 20, ehehe.."
I show her my schedule "To be honest i'm not sure, i have never gone to such a big school before" i feel a little lame for not to have check on anything
Ido t take the schedule "it is 7th period its almost the end of the day. Another thing when you get time go sign up for a dorm in the cafateria."
"Oh i think i go there. Since im a witch and mana is like the stuff magic is made of." I pull axel up "oh also im leondra. Leo for short."
"uhm hehe.." Feeling the awkward air between us i try to change the subject "So will you show me the way?"

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