School Of Stars | Fight To The Top

I do not want to hold this roleplay up, so I am preparing a post now to move things along.
Well..I was just wondering if there was something I needed to change like make a small change is that allowed because I don't want it to effect the rp or anything since many other peeps already posted

I don't think. But if you feel you need to change something then change it. But again, since people have already posted, it is a little bit too late. :/ Unless whoever you were posting to hasn't posted yet again.
Its nothing really I just noticed that how van thought Tabitha tripped and was already inside the auditorium when she wasn't she was really out in the hall
Oh okay, good. I clicked on it and it was just a white box so I panicked and was thinking no one was able to see it. xD . I guess it's just my computer doing that.
Just a little heads up - I guess I'll start writing something now, but tomorrow looks like a busy day for me. :/
I'll be posting tomorrow. I'd rather have a well written post a day late than a half-assed post the same night done by a tired me.

Tired me = Really bad posts.

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