School Of Stars | Fight To The Top

[QUOTE="Leo The Sagittarius]Marry me.

Sure thing, just set a time and date xD

Anyway, thanks for responding.

I dislike questions like that. Give people the time to post. If they do not post within a timely manner then I will make the call to post myself and move on to the next plot point.
nighttimecatplayer said:
Ok whatevs ill drop it if you drop it
Come on, let's not take this further than it needs to go. I'm eager for the RP to continue as well but he's the moderator and what she says, goes no matter what. If she says we wait, then we wait.
At everyone else, I will give @KillGill until tomorrow to post then I shall move things on then.

Sounds fair? I do not want this roleplay of uniquely, diverse characters to die!
I planned this bonfire for all characters to at least get to know each other. But not just S'mores will be prepared there. > :) I am not spoiling anything else.

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