School Of Stars | Fight To The Top


Yes, I really appreciate it. And I sure will but more than likely, it'll be up tomorrow. Haha.

@Aster Sapphire

Thank you so much. And when I wanted to come back, I couldn't though I've been writing ideas down for this particular roleplay. :3
@Aster Sapphire

Oh, how you warm my heart. I thank you for that. :3 I hope this goes on until the end though. -Stares death in the face.- No more killings until I say so~! Got it? Good. -Smiles.- Haha.
IITheTypistII said:
@JujuBee @Akeira @Ktulu @Aster Sapphire @Mooriot @Suki19 @Leo The Sagittarius
Hello there, everyone - Hopefully I tagged you all but as far as my abrupt absent goes, I should apologize for. I am not dead. Haha. But I did have three very close people to me die and I've just been dealing with a lot of mourning and grieving periods and didn't want to roleplay with you guys in that state because I want to give you my best and at the time, I was at my worse. But i really do appreciate the fact that you guys want to keep this going and I did lose my muse but it's slowly coming thanks to you guys wanting to keep this thread alive and active. So, School of Stars will continue with a major time skip post coming soon. Maybe we can make it as to where a semester ended and most went home but are returning to make their name well known in the halls of Grandall Heights? Might even start with a musical or something.

But anyways, once again, I am back and will continue this roleplay, even if the cast is limited but I will get to recruiting on that as soon as I can. Or maybe just do a whole new reboot?

So, does that sound good to everyone?! Hm? And Akeira, I am all up for continuing our 1x1 as well, if you're still up for it, of course.
Hey Typist!!!

It's nice to hear from you again. I'm terribly sorry about what's happened in your life and I send my condolences.

Please though- take your time with coming back. There's no rush. We waited this long so I'm sure we can do a tad bit more waiting. xD

But I am certainly here and ready to move on when you are. I wish you the best in life after what's happened to you love.

Feel better! [emoji173]️

Thank you for that! But I am ready to come back and start writing with you guys again, honestly. Seeing the dedication and commitment that you guys have makes me want to continue this roleplay. So I thank you all for that. :3

Also, while in my time of grieving, I came with some new roleplaying ideas and I might start one of them up here eventually but who knows with me. Haha.

Anyways, again, I thank everyone for their condolences I do appreciate it. -Invites everyone in for a group hug.-
I'm so sorry for your losses. It's good to hear that you're getting back into the swing of things though. Sometimes having distractions can make things seem a bit better.

I'm going to be up for anything you decide to do with this roleplay, because I'm currently really enjoying it. And @Akeira, sorry for the giant delay in discussing our 1x1. I've been so caught up with things at the moment, so all my roleplays are getting a bit neglected.

Thank you so much for your kind words, sweetheart. :3 And yeah, sometimes escaping reality makes everything better.
Ktulu said:
I'm so sorry for your losses. It's good to hear that you're getting back into the swing of things though. Sometimes having distractions can make things seem a bit better.
I'm going to be up for anything you decide to do with this roleplay, because I'm currently really enjoying it. And
@Akeira, sorry for the giant delay in discussing our 1x1. I've been so caught up with things at the moment, so all my roleplays are getting a bit neglected.

That's okay! If you're still up for discussing, just let me know. I'd love to continue, since I thought we were off to a good start.
Wow did everyone end up doing 1x1s on the side? I'm doing one with Aster xD .

Look Typist! You caused us to all bond with one another and do our own 1x1 rps!!
Haha. I've been known to bring together one way or another. Not to brag or anything though. :3
Hello there, guys~! I am still interested in starting this over but I am trying to find my muse to write for Dani and Rashad again. :)

It usually doesn't take me long but yeah, hope to have something up soon. Same goes for our 1x1, @Akeira.

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