School Of Stars | Fight To The Top

IITheTypistII said:
OMG! You guys are not waiting on me, are you? :/ If so, I do apologize and will try to get something up later tonight.

Is it possible to hold off until tomorrow? I really want to get a post up for Cat, since she hasn't been seen in a while, and Manny's point of view before moving on. I understand, if you want to keep the ball rolling though.
IITheTypistII said:
OMG! You guys are not waiting on me, are you? :/ If so, I do apologize and will try to get something up later tonight.
No worries I think we're just waiting on some others to get caught up :-)
Just in case-

If everyone just so happens to have a strong muse and you all just start posting out of nowhere I wont be one of them xD .

Im going to prom today and after that will be busy until Tuesday. I'll see you all then!
JujuBee said:
Just in case-
If everyone just so happens to have a strong muse and you all just start posting out of nowhere I wont be one of them
xD .

Im going to prom today and after that will be busy until Tuesday. I'll see you all then!

I hope you have a great time at your prom! I absolutely adore proms, especially seeing all the pictures on my FaceBook timeline.
I will get a post up for this tonight, you guys.

Still here with me? :)

@JujuBee; @Suki19; @Akeira; @Leo The Sagittarius; @Aster Sapphire; @Mooriot; @Ktulu

Sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long but I am currently having a slight writers block problem for this roleplay. -__- But I do not want to keep you guys waiting on my behalf. I give you guys permission to go ahead and post and when I think of what to post, I will. So sorry again.

Hope you guys are still with me. :)
Yes, still with you. Although throughout this week I might not be as active as I generally am because of exams, so I could be slow when it comes to replies. ;_;
Same here, finals end this week though, so I might be able to write a reply throughout the week, still with ya though!
I hope this can make a come back. I was waiting for a few more writers to post before I did again, but it looks like that may not happen.
JujuBee said:
Where did Typist go?

I'm not sure. I had sent a message about our 1x1 about a month ago, but I never heard a reply and the message wasn't checked. Perhaps Typist is very busy with real life work and issues at the moment.

@JujuBee @Akeira @Ktulu @Aster Sapphire @Mooriot @Suki19 @Leo The Sagittarius

Hello there, everyone - Hopefully I tagged you all but as far as my abrupt absent goes, I should apologize for. I am not dead. Haha. But I did have three very close people to me die and I've just been dealing with a lot of mourning and grieving periods and didn't want to roleplay with you guys in that state because I want to give you my best and at the time, I was at my worse. But i really do appreciate the fact that you guys want to keep this going and I did lose my muse but it's slowly coming thanks to you guys wanting to keep this thread alive and active. So, School of Stars will continue with a major time skip post coming soon. Maybe we can make it as to where a semester ended and most went home but are returning to make their name well known in the halls of Grandall Heights? Might even start with a musical or something.

But anyways, once again, I am back and will continue this roleplay, even if the cast is limited but I will get to recruiting on that as soon as I can. Or maybe just do a whole new reboot?

So, does that sound good to everyone?! Hm? And Akeira, I am all up for continuing our 1x1 as well, if you're still up for it, of course.
IITheTypistII said:
@JujuBee @Akeira @Ktulu @Aster Sapphire @Mooriot @Suki19 @Leo The Sagittarius
Hello there, everyone - Hopefully I tagged you all but as far as my abrupt absent goes, I should apologize for. I am not dead. Haha. But I did have three very close people to me die and I've just been dealing with a lot of mourning and grieving periods and didn't want to roleplay with you guys in that state because I want to give you my best and at the time, I was at my worse. But i really do appreciate the fact that you guys want to keep this going and I did lose my muse but it's slowly coming thanks to you guys wanting to keep this thread alive and active. So, School of Stars will continue with a major time skip post coming soon. Maybe we can make it as to where a semester ended and most went home but are returning to make their name well known in the halls of Grandall Heights? Might even start with a musical or something.

But anyways, once again, I am back and will continue this roleplay, even if the cast is limited but I will get to recruiting on that as soon as I can. Or maybe just do a whole new reboot?

So, does that sound good to everyone?! Hm? And Akeira, I am all up for continuing our 1x1 as well, if you're still up for it, of course.

I'm sorry to hear about your loved ones, but I'm happy to hear you're slowly getting back into the swing of things. I'd love to continue our 1x1 as well.

When I saw the emails from this, I couldn't help but to smile through the tears. And sure, sure. I'll try and post for it tomorrow around sometime.
IITheTypistII said:
When I saw the emails from this, I couldn't help but to smile through the tears. And sure, sure. I'll try and post for it tomorrow around sometime.

I'm glad we were able to make you smile in a dark time. If you ever want to talk about it, just feel free to do so in our old PM. Take your time with the post.

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