School Of Stars | Fight To The Top

O.o sorry, sorry.

Many many posts were made and i'm so sorry I couldn't make mine, I didn't really know how to make my post at the time, and today I was gone for the whole day until know, sorry, I know i'm super slow with these things and I promise to be more dedicated to this rp, again sorry ;-;

Well, with the story progressing and all, I think I should be fine coming up with a post now, I just want to say sorry for not posting as regularly as I should/could, but still, thank you very much ^_^

(sorry, hadn't realized I didn't send this last night)
I swear this is the only RP where I write a lot more than I probably should.

It's so easy and so much fun to write for Van.
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I LOVED that, I LOVED Van! I swear, you're one of few RP players with guts @JujuBee I've been in others where the characters never really had much depth and cared more about being liked then being a character. This is gonna be gooooood. I'll be surprised if those two don't end up killiing each other. Also I was flipping through my yearbook and found someone who looks JUST like him. I was like O.o
Shoot- if Van is the hated one then I'm certainly going to take that and run with it xD . I really hope they don't. Despite the two not being on the best terms I love them together lol.

I thank you for telling me I have guts. xD
Since they aren't on the best of terms that'll make it easier. And for some reason I just love the idea him being a giant compared to him. She's just this little peanut that gets in his face all the time and stands up to him. xD
I swear that is the longest post I have ever made in my whole time on this site O.o

I will now proceed to go to bed, goodbye.
I'm planning to post over the next couple of days, though it may be a bit of a wait with me starting my internship tomorrow.
Sorry for the inactivity on my part in this roleplay. I've been quite busy and sick but I am feeling a bit better so I will be GM'ing this roleplay again. Haha.

Is everyone still here? -Gets out Casting List.- Roll call!!
OMG! You guys are not waiting on me, are you? :/ If so, I do apologize and will try to get something up later tonight.

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