School Of Stars | Fight To The Top

Alright plans are forming in my head for this.

I've got this.

*cue inspirational music*

Eh I don't like the cream so she did good. xD
^^' I'd prefer that, yes, anyway, i'll get to work on my post now, to have it up by tomorrow morning, if that's fine with you guys of course.
JujuBee said:
I was waiting for you. 0.O
Did they say Van was going to be the judge yet?

I didn't realize we were going to write that specifically into our posts. I can always edit my reply and throw that in, since I was the last to post.
Oh, you do not have to wait on me. You can just have Van judge anyway. :/ I don't think I can come up with a post until after the dance battle. Well, the whole who won and lost.
[QUOTE="Aster Sapphire]
That is a really good point HAHAHAHAHA.
I could go in and add it to my post right quick

Just beat me to it.
Ah okay. That's what I've been waiting for because I didn't really know if that plan was still there or not xD .

But I'll get to writing up my post and post it either later tonight or tomorrow.
Alright, posted.~

Sorry it's not as long as usual.

TO EVERYONE WHO WAS IN THE PLAN FOR THE JUDGING- I believe I put all of your characters' names in it but I'm also pretty sure I missed a few xD . So if I didn't add yours go ahead and jump in since I wrote a sentence for that.

I would also like to say that I'm excitedly waiting for Celeste's reaction to Van and what he said. The dude does not like that girl at the moment. xD
Oh, it's fixing to go down at the field house. :D Love it! Nice post, Juju. :)
Oh, no you didn't! Haha. But as long as it fits the plot, I say plot away!!!

By the way, I am good to give everyone a chance to post before I end the bonfire and time skip to the next couple of days.
@Aster Sapphire

You just made me so excited that I made inhuman noises in real life. I ask that you bring it on. I love tension!

Van loves to throw shade at people he doesn't particularly like. xD
Okay @JujuBee hope you like the post and it was what you kept your fingers crosssed. I WANTED to go a different way but I was all MUST......STAY...IN CHARACTER

It wasn't even the fact that he didn't chose her that pissed her off. It's WHY he didn't chose her, and how he just threw all that shade at her in front of everyone and totally killed the good mood it'd taken her so long to build up. HAHAHAHAHA
I loved it! He just really hates when people call him Vandyke due to who used to call him that.

But I love your post!

Now you're just gonna have to wait and see how Van retaliates to it.~

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