School Of Stars | Fight To The Top

Okay, again sorry everyone for keeping you guys waiting for long. I sincerely do apologize. I am preparing a post now for this and the dance battle will turn interesting, if I must say. :D

So, be ready participants!
Although, I must honestly say that I've been trying to come up with an idea after the bonfire but is literally stuck. I was playing on holding auditions for the musicals but might want to hold off on that segment for a moment.

So, if any of you guys and gals have an idea that you'd like to shoot towards me, please send me a PM.

At the moment, I am fine. Thank you though and there will be plenty opportunities as this roleplay course along for you and many others to help in some kind of way. :3
Post is finally up!

In my next post. I am doing a time skip of the bonfire and preparing for the next day or make it a couple days later, probably the weekend or something. :/
Aster Sapphire] [URL=" said:
@Akeira[/URL] you want to post first or me since Manny and Celeste are a team now? You want you can take the wheel and I'll follow your lead

You can post first, and I'll have Manny follow Celeste's lead! I'm a bit behind with some other posts, so I may not be able to get something up until tomorrow evening, unfortunately. (LET'S WIN THIS!
xD )
Akeira said:

You can post first, and I'll have Manny follow Celeste's lead! I'm a bit behind with some other posts, so I may not be able to get something up until tomorrow evening, unfortunately. (LET'S WIN THIS!
xD )
Cool beans. I was just going to have them dance kind in sync and find a vid to go with it. I'll go ahead and post and if anything is too un-Manny like please me know and I'll change it to your liking
Whoever posts last can decide the victor. I don't really care if Rashad and Danielle wins or loses. :3
[QUOTE="Aster Sapphire]Cool beans. I was just going to have them dance kind in sync and find a vid to go with it. I'll go ahead and post and if anything is too un-Manny like please me know and I'll change it to your liking

Sounds good to me. I'll be posting about Manny's side of the dancing battle when I can. If there's anything you want to collaborate more about for the battle, let me know in PM.

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