School Of Stars | Fight To The Top

Cool beans. Looking forward to it. But still, even if it isn't related to the story progressing, maybe just set up small things you feel Tabitha would do simply based on personality. Scenes set up to just build her up more and get people to know her a bit better. Even if it's the smallest detail about who she is. Is this making any sense you? Sorry if I'm just rambling and helping at all. HAHAHA
Buttt I'mmmmm notttt newwwwww

I can write a story pretty darn well I was just like felt like totally out of my class even for someone who has been rping for years
JujuBee said:
. It's literally finding that one person who helps you shape your writing and ideas. But then again it's no matter who you rp with- you learn something new from them and are able to add it to your style and make it your own.
No, THIS right HERE. I couldn;t agree with you more. I started RPing a few years ago, but it script based and one on one. I did it through IM and the girl I RP'd with was always giving me advice about how to improve characters and she's also an AMAZING writer. Her characters were really colorful and different so I got to bounce Celeste, who's been in the works for about three years and counting, of alot of characters and see how she reacts to lots of situations.
I just say I'm not very good with humans lol I'm more rather of a fanfiction fantasy kind of rp girl so when I come to a rp that is just normal like you no normal people no powers or monsters or anything like that I am like sorta stuck but when it comes to a fanfic or fantasy I am the master
Ohhh, I see where you're coming from. Out of your element huh? I know that is. It's opposite for me though. Whenever I have to play Celeste in a fantasy, sci-fi RP she totally lacks luster. How is she so far on here?
nighttimecatplayer said:
Yeah exactly out of my element
That's one of my favorite things though. I love doing something that I normally wouldn't do. I love the challenge that comes with it and at the end of the day I've expanded my knowledge in a different genre.
I guess so true but I still rock at fantasy and fanfic better then what I could do now I just don't want you guys to think I'm some noob or something I am much better then this I just need my right element
Same goes for me. I'm really good at writing things like fluff and drama with my characters, but anytime I have to be dark or write some kind of villain my quality level drops a lot.
I just don't want to seem like some noob I don't want people to underestimate me like I don't know the back of my hand to my front because I have written some good fanfics if I do say so myself not bragging or anything but thats what the peeps who read it say anyway
Hey there's no problem with knowing your skill level, it's good to have confidence in your writing. This something I write a while back and only recently had the guts to publish if you wanna check it out. I think I write pretty well, but villains man...I played one in an RP and apparently she ended being more humorous then intimidating. HAHAHAHA. Even the people in the story didn't take her seriously.
I may need to learn your ways then. HAHAHAH. The girl I played with had TERRIBLE villains. And by terrible, I mean they were super evil and scary and smart but at the same time had a lot of depth to them. Mine are about as good as your typical Scooby-Doo villain of the week.
I would say I can sometimes get a little over terrible when I play a role oh heck what am I saying by time I'm done there is like 100 dead bodys on the floor guts splattered everywhere the worst thing though is I can get a little to detailed xD I am such a sadist I knowww
I know I'm a bit late, but I agree with all of you. For me, doing 1x1s has definitely helped my writing. I usually like to write with people who have similar skills or are far better to test my own writing. It's cool too because we can bounce ideas off of each other and challenge each other to bring more to the table.

I've never written anything on FanFiction or FictionPress, but I've read my fair share of stories (particularly anything and everything pertaining to Harry Potter
xD ).
I a few writers through They're all extremely talented and knowledgeable. They actually wanted me to co-write something with them! I'm always asking them for advice and sometimes RPing and that's how I learn
Akeira said:

*shamelessly does the same and has read a majority of the Next Generation fanfics on the website*
*shamelessly reads reader inserts and ninja turtle fanfiction*

BAM! I just out shammed all your asses!

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