School Of Stars | Fight To The Top

@Sidewinder, @KillGill, @MidnightAnew, @Mooriot, @JujuBee, @Dlabell9, @Aster Sapphire, @nighttimecatplayer

Oh! I should add that you guys may control the NPC's as well, but please be respectful with them. NPC's are Non playable characters, like Miss Cochran and all the other adults that I named.

And night, your post does not have to be fancy like mine. Just creative and full of detail.

Aster, uhm, you do not have to write out every single detail but a little something, something would be nice. :)
One more thing I should warn you about you might not be happy but my grammar is horrible I can write super detail for sure but I just am not very good with periods and commas and such
Want me to edit it? I won't add anything that would alter the setting or get in the way of someone's plan for posting. Just add more detail

As long as we all know what you're talking about then that should be no problem. But if I cannot understand your post, you will hear about it. Also, after viewing your profile, I hope you're planning to write in third person for this roleplay. :/

@Aster Sapphire

Please. I want to feel like I am actually there, watching her dance. But no pressure on the detail. Like I said, give us a little something, something. ;)
Ok I can do that and one more thing I have a idea of how to start my post but I want to confirm if its ok with you if I start out as a new student

Just so you know, I will most certainly describe what kind of music Van creates but if it's alright with you I'll probably look up some different melodies on youtube and add them to my post just for the sake of everyone truly knowing what type of rhythm is going on in my head. xD
@Aster Sapphire

Nice post. But you can have your character get feedback from the panel of adults. Like I said, you can control the NPC's.


That is completely fine with me. I will be doing the same thing, as well so go for it.
@Aster Sapphire

Sorry. I hate to keep having you edit your post. But I just don't want to have to control the NPC's, you know? I want to give you guys creative freedom to them as well. :)
Oh no problem. I appreciate it. No I have a better idea of what you're expecting so I won't bug later on. Although I warn you, whenever she has to be critiqued it won't be that good. I know this like I'm trying to make her perfect, but she really does know what she's doing. She's been at this for ten years. That and I dunno much about critiquing dancers >_< Hahaha.
I'm so excited. I've spent the past hour listening to different sounds and I'm so excited to get started on Van's post but I want the perfect sound to go with it. Frustrating yet fun.
JujuBee said:
I'm so excited. I've spent the past hour listening to different sounds and I'm so excited to get started on Van's post but I want the perfect sound to go with it. Frustrating yet fun.
I'm excited to see what you do! I did the same for Celeste.
Hi again!

Um sorry to be a bother but is my post alright, should I edit anything?

Sorry, after I know how and what to post I'll be able to figure out what sort of stuff you want, again sorry ^^'

You could go ahead and have your character showcase her directing ideas since Aster's character is finished with her performance. Just remember that you can have the panel of adults critique your performance. :) But don't make it too perfect.
Of course, thanks and I won't since she would sort of be the rookie with many mistakes or something idk

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