School Of Stars | Fight To The Top

Me too! I cannot wait for you guys to see what I got planned for this. :D
Aaaaaaw, snap. Got me all excited now. I'm really excited to meet the other characters. You were right hen you said diversity makes an RP inetresting an this is the most diverse collection of characters I've ever seen on here.
Yeah, I need diversity in my roleplays or else, I lose interest myself. Haha.

But the first post is coming up, just pondering on a few selective ideas that I have came up with. Deciding which route I want to take first. :)
Same here. I'll you alone now and await awesomeness. Maybe stock up on some coke and finish off that box of cheese-its in the meantime
You're not bothering me. Nice conversation is always nice to get the creative juices flowing the brain. :)
Honestly, seven years. I love writing and especially when I get a great of writers to help me with a collaborative story that we both or all to adore and take it to great lengths and beyond. :*
Nice! I've been writing for five. Before I started I never really had an interest in writing or event reading for that matter. But then I gave it a shot as a part of a school assignment and fell in love it. It's really awesome when you get some other creative and skilled people in on it too, Helps to flesh out characters and learn new skills.
Ok then ill change my history ill get right on it!

Also I just wanted to say I'm sorry as well I hope I was bugging you or anything I can be stubborn sometimes
Were we still starting tonight? Sorry, I don't mean to rush you. I just don't wanna sign off and end up missing the first post because that's just the kind of luck I have. Hahahaha.
Yes, we are. I should apologize because I didn't think that it would be so hard to come up with an opening post for this roleplay. But I think you guys are going to like my idea though. :)
That's great! You putting so much time getting this thing started right is greatly appreciated. I'm sure your ideas are awesome. Thanks! :-)
:* Oh, well thank you, Aster. :) Almost done with the first post! -Squeals.-
@Sidewinder, @KillGill, @MidnightAnew, @Mooriot, @JujuBee, @Dlabell9, @Aster Sapphire, @nighttimecatplayer

First post is up, everyone~! Now, your character does not have to participate in the showcase but they can come and watch, at least. Haha. Also, do not forget that I require at least three paragraphs from each writer. No One Liners! Also, to keep everything balanced, please allow at least two writers to post after your last post before posting again. Thx. :)

Hope you guys enjoy the first post and I cannot wait to see what you guys come up with. Oh! I left the first slot open for whoever wants their character to go first. :/
I think I fixed my talent? I'm not sure also I just read the post and dang I cant write that fancy by fancy I mean I cant write in color I could never figure that out xD
Question. If she's dancing do I have to write out the dancing? I wouldn't wanna go into too much detail because it'd feel cluttered to me. I kinda just create the mood and leave the rest to interpretation.

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