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Realistic or Modern School Of Stars | Fight To The Top

sunshine and whiskey

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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I am no longer taking any submissions for this roleplay. Sorry. Though, if you are interested, let me know via PM and if someone becomes inactive or drops the roleplay, I'd let you join. :)

But most importantly, sit back, relax and enjoy. :)
Danielle & Rashad


Danielle stood in front of the campus, for the tenth time since she has been there. She couldn't believe that she had actually made it to a prestigious school, such as Grandell Heights. It gave her a new sort of confidence that she thought that never had but now, she believed that anything is possible. She stood there, taking selfies of herself in front of the school's statue and eventually posting them on Instagram. She went to take at least one more and saw that her brother photo bombed her. "
Shad!" She screamed then looked down at the pic and couldn't help but to laugh. Her eyes turned to look at him now. "So, what are you doing wandering around campus? Shouldn't you be practicing your dance moves or.." A soft, playful smirk came across her face. "Your ballet." Rashad covered her mouth with his hand. "We shall never speak upon that again." He stated while removing his hand.

Anyway, have you decided what you're doing for the showcase today?" He asked her as she just shrugged her shoulders then stared at him with a raised brow. "Nope. What about you?" She'd counter back towards him. "I am not participating this year, which is sad." Danielle looked at him with a quirked lip now. "Oh, hush. You are going to participate and you know it." She chuckled to herself while walking over to him and linked arms with her brother, basically dragging him to the cafeteria. Yes, she was only a Freshmen and already knew her way around the school. Upon entering the cafeteria, you heard people warming up their voices, people practicing their dance moves, writers writing god knows what and people filming other while others took snapshots of others. Everyone was basically showcasing their talent and she just shook her head and eyed them. "Can't they wait?" She muttered her question as her brother laughed.


Good thing that classes are cancelled today, huh?" Rashad said as him and his sister sat down for lunch. "I just hope that they don't always get cancelled because of big events like tonight." Danielle responded with a slight sadness. "They usually don't but it's the second week, sis. Don't fret." Rashad commented as they sat there, silently eating now. After they were done eating, they exited the cafeteria and went down to the auditorium, where the showcase was being held. Danielle opened up the double doors and stood there for a moment, basking in the glory. The auditorium had a Broadway setup to it and it was beautiful to see. "This is where you belong." Rashad leaned over and whispered to her with a smile.

She nodded her head and walked down the aisle as her brother drifted off and sat with his dancing buddies. She was alone and just decided to sit in the chair beside the aisle. A nervous chill came over her as she looked up and saw a woman with glasses appear on stage and she was wearing a gorgeous, blue pants suit and her reddish brown hair was tied up into a bun. She had a clipboard in her hand as she smiled before parting her lips to speak. "
Welcome One and All to this year's Back to School Showcase!" She'd let the people before her applaud before continuing. "Now, everyone does not have to participate but if you want to show your competition that you are the best and deserve to be here then I encourage you to show us what you got." She said then breathed before looking out at her colleagues. "Now, first, I'd like to introduce myself. I am Miss Cochran. I am the Headmistress and singing coach here. Down there..." She pointed her index finger to the other three adults in the building. "Is Mr. Chris, who is teaching the actors and actresses this year. Mrs. Barbra, who is teaching dance and yes, she is teaching all aspects. And last but not least, another new addition to the team, Mr. Bradley, who is the script and screen writing coach this year. Let's give them a round of applause."

She'd clap her hands as well before looking back down at her clipboard. "
Now, while I got some of your talented individuals in here, I'd like to announce that the Fall musical will be..." She paused for a moment then excitedly said. "Grease!" Danielle squealed and clapped her hands together then eyed her brother, who mockingly gagged towards her. She rolled her eyes then stared back at Miss Cochran. "I am glad to see a little bit of excitement, at least." She laughed a little then explained how the showcase was going to go. "Now, for you singers and musicians, come up and broaden our days with your voices and musical talents. You filmmakers and photographers, come up here and show us a short film or a powerpoint of pictures of your work. You actors and actresses, come and show us why gather here in this hallow hall. And for you script and screen writers, come and read some of your own original work and get us so engaged that we'll be hooked for life. But to everyone, no pressure." She said while getting a bit jittery. "Oh! Before I forget, after the showcase, there will a be bonfire on the school field." She added then clapped her hands together. "So, whose up first?" She walked off the stage and went to sit with the other panel of adults.

Danielle bit her lip nervously and turned to eye her brother as he was encouraging her to go on but before she could, someone else stepped up to the plate. She sighed heavily and leaned back in her chair as she wondered what this person was going to do.
A sane person would've said Celeste had stepped onto the stage all too soon. But Celeste wasn't entirely sane, so her timing was perfect. She shredded her outer layers before getting on the stage, stripping down to her curve hugging leotard and tights and point shoes. Her hair styled in a bun on top of her head, and bounced as she approached the stage from the the back of the auditorium. Her dark, brown eyes scanned the crowd as she approached the stage, trying to size up the other performers. Never before had she been surrounded by such raw, intimidating talent. Key word being intimidating.

With each step she took her stomach fell, came back up, and then fell again. Anxiousness and eagerness took turns filling her stomach as it flopped around inside of her. She finally reached the steps of the stage and trotted up them and into the center. The crowd in front of her was not just a large shadow of people watching her. The spot light filled her skin with a familiar warmth. The feel of the stage was welcomed beneath her feet. After so much time spent flying, riding and wandering. She was finally home again. She moved over to the edge of the stage.


The humid theater air filled her lungs and she smiled.

She cast a glance over to the woman with the tight red bun and nodded. "Celeste Romain," She said. A bright white smile shined against ebony skin. She gave a brief nod to the people who were in charge of the music and lighting. The first hauntingly beautiful notes of What if the Storm Ends? began. And so did she. She rose onto her toes and began dance. She moved along, her body synched with the beat of the music. Everything else faded as her movements matched the lyrics and beat of the music. Her eyes remained closed and the grace in her moves began to become more aggressive as the beat of the music and the lyrics.

She falls in love with the song each time she dances to it. Her and the beat have a special relationship. Her and any beat really. The music controls her. The rhythm the puppet master and her the puppet, the drums and the harmony command her every move as she leaps , and twirls across the stage. In the last few moments of the song, it begins to go back to being more calm. Graceful. Slow.

Her movements do the same, her limps become fluid again and she moves slower and slower until the song stops. She pauses. She's back where she started, on her toes, with her arms overhead.

Her chest heaved heavily and her body was coated with sweat. Exhaustion and euphoria fight for control over her body. In the end, both win and she lets herself fall back onto her soles with a clumsy smile.

"So...how'd I do?" Her voice echoed across the stage as she spoke between breaths.

The judges exchanged looks with each and nodded as she waited for a reply. She swore they prolonged the conversation on purpose just to make her more nervous. Finally one of the judges smiled at her and leaned forward.

"Very nice, performance Ms. Romaine. The emotion and connection you display in your dancing go very well with your technical skill which is almost perfect." She says as she jots some things down.

The other judges nod and mumble in agreement and give her pointers on smaller things. An elbow that was out of a please. A move that was a split second behind the beat. An arm that was a bit too stiff.

Once they're done she forces a smile and nods to them. "Thank you, I'll keep all of that in mind." The red-haired woman pats her shoulder and tells her she did a good job. Celeste thanks her as well before she heads off the stage and starts back to her seat. The judge's words swam in her head and she sighed. She was so lost in her thoughts that she momentarily forgot about this thing called gravity and tripped as she was going down the stairs. A few students glanced over in concern while others snicked.

"FINE! I'm fine!" She said with a nervous laugh. She got back on her feet again and briskly walked back to her seat where she slumped down and waited for the next performance.

"So much for grace," She mumbled.



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Bridgett wondered the halls, exploring the new school, this was all new to her, being in a school of arts, a very prestigious one at that, she had heard about this showcase that would be going on, and that explained the lack of class this day, normally she would have been happy with this, but that fact that these were her firsts days made her a bit saddened, since she had already wanted to start seeing new things, but she guessed this was also gonna help introduce some of her classmates and see some other talents.

Looking over at a school map, she could see the layout of the school, she knew she would have to look at it a few more time to actually remember it, but for now, she just wanted to locate a near vending machine or the cafeteria, seeing as she probably wouldn't remember the way to the cafeteria and couldn't find any vending machines, she decided to head where the big event would take place, when getting there, a huge group of people were all trying to get into the auditorium, somehow she managed to squeeze through and ran to one of the second rows seats, before getting squished my all the others trying to get into the room. After hearing Miss Cochran, she started to ponder on weather she wanted to take part or not, she wasn't afraid of standing on a stage, but she was a but skeptical about showing her work, directing, while she loved doing it, she had a little trouble thinking of why anybody would find it entertaining, she thought it over some more, watching the first person step up to begin her performance, and in the end, decided to step up, she found directing to be very interesting, so as long as she thought it was good, nobody was going to tell her the opposite, but maybe she would wait for some people to set foot upon the stage before having enough courage herself, she went through her bag, grabbing a flash drive where she had stored some little films she had, from comedy sketches to some documentaries, though, Bridgett preferred to use her sketches since they were short sweet and simple.
The breeze silently blew through the trees making a slight rustling sound. But aside from the whisper of the wind not another sound could be heard. But as Tabitha sat along the curb the whisper of the wind only mocked her. She knew she was late again it was her first year at the school making her just a freshman. But she couldn't seem to make it to school on time. This would make the third time that week she was late she knew the showcase was already starting but by time she got to the school she would miss her chance to show her true talent. Tabitha sighed as he brought a black instrument case resting next to her on the curb up onto her lap as she clicked open the locks. Inside the case rested a Yamaha EZ-220. Tabitha placed a hand on the piano before sighing and closing it again "Curse you public transportation" She grumbled even if she knew no one could hear her. She had only left the school to do a favor but the bus yet again was making her late. Tabitha continued to wallow in self pity before finally she heard the terrible screeching of brakes as she looked up a bus now stood in front of her the doors wide open. Tabitha rushed inside dropped some change into the toll box and rushed to the nearest available seat.

"To Grandell Heights step on it" She told the bus driver in a hurry as the driver quickly closed the door and stepped on the pedal. Tabitha sighed as she tried to enjoy the few moments before she arrived at the school. But no matter how hard she tried she couldn't stop worrying. Tabitha continued to sit there in silence watching the scenery of the town pass by as she hummed the song she was going to play at the showcase to herself. But she soon found that the humming only made her more worried as she thought about missing her chance to prove to the judges that she was talented. She knew if she missed this chance at the showcase it would of been the last straw considering her current late streak. Tabitha sighed as she slid down into the seat as if she was trying to sink away from her problems before reaching into her pocket and pulling out the newest version of the Samsung galaxy. She quickly scrolled through her apps before finding the youtube app as she clicked on it to check and she how her channel was growing. Soon after a huge smile grew apon her face as she saw her channel was continuing to grow but her moment of happiness was cut off when the bus suddenly jerked and her phone slide out of her hand and onto the floor going underneath the seat. Tabitha quickly got onto to her knees trying to search for her phone just as the driver spoke she grabbed ahold of something square which was obviously her phone and she stuffed it into her pocket.

"Were here" The bus driver called back as the bus came screeching to a stop and the door slowly opened. At that Tabitha quickly grabbed her case and dashed out of her seat as fast as she could and rushed towards the school. Tabitha ran as fast as her legs could carry while her lugging her heavy piano through the courtyard. Tabitha had finally reached the entrance doors to the school and she quickly busted through them and broke towards the auditorium. Tabitha continued to run through the halls she just hoped she didn't get lost again since she was quite new. "Yes!" Tabitha chanted as she saw a sign which read auditorium as she raced towards it not paying attention to her surroundings. As Tabitha continued to run her foot got caught on something and soon she found herself face first into the ground as her instrument case caring her piano slide a few feet away from her.
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Vandyke "Van" Martin Wellson

If Vandyke Martin Wellson had one thing to say about this place it would have to be something about music. More importantly- sound. Beats. Synchronizing. Tone. Everything here… The sounds that came from the other students, teachers, nature… Why was it all just so… So perfect? Hell if he knew. All Van was truly certain of was that this was his heaven and he had no plans of leaving it anytime soon.

The young man currently sat criss cross on the ground outside right under a tree. Spread out around him were various sheets of papers and pens. Markings that looked like absolute scribble or maybe even some abstract painting littered each and every one of them though Van paid no mind, scribbling a few words down as he muttered under his breath. The campus was loud and noisy, the hustle and bustle of students going to and fro reviving the muse in him.

‘Those footsteps… Count them… 1, 2, 3, and 4. 1, 2, 3, and 4… Her laughter over there, that laugh goes with the sound that bell keeps making. Put her laughter on beat 3 maybe? No, no, no- beat 2 and fade the bell in and out. That drum set I heard the other day would go perfectly with this…’ Van thought, eyes flickering up and around the area as various sounds registered before he wrote them down on the sheet of paper.

To anyone who might have been observing the young man he’d look as though there was something terribly wrong with him the way his hands seemed to twitching, raising in the air and lowering every few seconds though there was somewhat of a pattern. His facial features were that of pure focus, tongue sticking out of his mouth just a tad bit as he continued to mutter. But what was going on was the creation of music. The reviving of sound. The meaning of life. Well- his life.

Beautiful creation was interrupted when a blast from his phone erupted beside him, immediately breaking concentration. He scowled in slight annoyance but picked it up, taking note of the time. He cursed under his breath and quickly gathered his papers, stuffing them in his book bag and jumping up. If he wasn’t careful he’d be late for the showcase. Van had wanted to see just what everyone in this school had and not trying to be too cocky- had wanted to show of a bit himself. Walking through the campus it didn’t take him long to make it, slipping inside the auditorium and dropping down into a seat. Having known the showcase was today he’d hidden his equipment near the back and was relieved to still see it there.

He watched the performers, taking note of one a dancer. She truly was good at what she did but it seemed as though she were a complete klutz off the stage. He shrugged. It wasn’t as if they were looking for talent off stage. Deciding he’d go next, he stood up and grabbed his things about to step out of the aisle when a girl fell face first in front of him. He winced at the sight, a small cringe showing as he imagined how that might have felt. He took a step over her.

“Hey, you need to be careful.” He scolded her, helping her up to her feet. “You’ll hurt your instrument like that- oh and yourself.” He said with a small nod before turning and walking to go up on stage.

A smile graced his lips as he waved at the teachers. “Greetings! The name is Vandyke Wellson but you will call me Van. I do not like answering to Vandyke and that won’t change at any point in time.” He said with a shrug as he got himself set up.

“I’m what you call a composer. I make music. I make life. Life is music. Music is life. Get where I’m going at?”
He asked, grabbing a stool and placing it behind his small station.

“Now I don’t want to brag but I must say I’m pretty damn good at what I do. It’s hard to truly capture the noises that people make and turn them into something beautiful. It’s all about the beats and the tone of voice. The emotion someone gives, the mood of the listener. Where they are- how it was made, what instruments. It’s not like anything else. Enough talking though, I’m not here to do that. Instead I’m here to showcase my talent. It’s actually not made yet. I planned on fixing it up live just for you all to see. So if the four guys I talked to earlier could come on up…”

Four young adults came up the steps from the singer section, grinning as Van waved at them. “You see these four have something special that I wanted to put in a beat. So I’m going to do that- now.”

The smile on his face sobered up, his expression now one of seriousness. “Now just as I spoke about it like earlier. Just the same melody…” He spoke, tapping a pen to get the tempo. “1…2… Ready… And-“

The four boys belted out their melody and Van got to work, making his way over to his station. He pressed a button on his MPC5000.

“I did you wrong…”

The boys continued to sing to Van’s instructions and he got to work, clicking multiple buttons on his sampler, adding drums and other sound affects. He did impressive tricks, reaching over and doing work on his turn table all the while still messing around with his sampler. He could feel the eyes of the audience, resting on him and even though he was never he felt high in the sky with the ecstasy he always got while making his music.

Coming to an end, he ended all sound effects- letting the boys carry out the tune and begin to slowly crescendo as he pressed the button for the woman’s voice. At the end he flourished with one last sound effect before stopping and looking up with that smile back on his face. He earned a round of applause from those in there and bowed before turning to the judges.

“A job well done Mr. Wellson.” Mrs. Babara praised, nodding her head at him as Mr. Bradley agreed.

“Is that the only type of… genre you make?” Mr. Bradley asked as Van shook his head.

“Oh no way! There are way too many genres to just stick with one. I figured I would give you all something light for now. But I certainly dabble in other dabbles, making different types of beats to go with whatever it is that I need to.” He said with a shrug, grinning as he began to put his equipment up.

“Very well. Once again, good job on your work.” Mrs. Cochran spoke as Van looked up.

“Actually, I had a few ideas I wanted you to hear out. The first one being about this musical production of Grease. You ever thought about really fixing it up. I’m talking modernized, different sounds, and different music. I could certainly help out with that because let’s face it. While the music is nice and all there’s always been something missing and I’m sure I can find it within minutes. The production would be as good as new-“

“Thank you Mr. Wellson.” Mrs. Cochran spoke once more and seeing as he was pushing it, Van smiled, waved one last time and scurried off the stage.

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Van definitely earned points in Celeste's book for charisma. She sat and watched him with a small smile on her face as he rambled on about something. He made the bold claim that he wasn't bragging when he says he's good at what does. Even more points earned. She sat and waited for him to finally showcase his talent. What's talk if you can't back it up?

And back it up he did. She couldn't help but indulge herself in his best, she got lost in it and swayed in her seat as she drummed her fingers on her knees. She agreed with him about Grease being in dire need of a make-over. There's never anything wrong with a new beat. "Intriguing," she mumbled to herself. She made a mental note of him. She took her hair down from its bun and ran a hand through her curls as she listened to his music.

She applauded him when he was done and continued to hum the best to herself. It inspired her and she felt she could make something of it later on. Once he left the stage she waited for the next preformance, curious about who it would be.[/imageFloat]
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After Tabitha had soon found herself face first into nothing but hard cold ground she had then found that someone had helped her up into her feet. But before she could even react or say thank you to the person he had already gone up onto the stage and started to perform. Tabitha had quickly glanced around the crowd trying to see if anyone had noticed her. She soon found a few people where starring and whispering through out the crowd but she just tried to ignore it as she awkwardly walked over towards her case which rested on the ground she noticed the case had a few scuffs which she would deal with later but she just hoped her piano wasn't damaged. She quickly unlocked the locks and flicked open the case as she observed for any damage as for some reason she held her breath while doing so. After doing a through search she released her breath gasping and sighed a sigh of relief as her piano appeared to take no major damage as she quickly locked the piano back firmly in the case. She then hurried and tried to find a seat as she slouched her shoulders trying to hide from the crowd after that awkward moment of meeting face first with the ground.

Tabitha soon found a empty seat in the second row next to another girl but she couldn't decide whether if she should say something or stay quiet in the end she never got to deciding as the performance had ended. It was a truly amazing performance she heard the crowd explode into a rage of applause and she soon found herself applauding with them. Soon after the boy had finishing performing the judges gave him a outstanding score as they continued to talk further but Tabitha wasn't paying attention to what they where saying. After some time the boy had finally left the stage as a woman who appeared to be the head boss called next but she wasn't sure since she missed the beginning of the showcase. The woman called next again but for some reason Tabitha found herself standing up despite her will not to she slowly tread towards the stage awkwardly as the crowd erupted with whispers. Tabitha had soon found herself on stage as the woman began to speak "What is your name?" She asked rather impatiently due to the fact it toke her so long to make it up onto the stage "T-Tabitha Tabitha Prairie Caufield" She nervously responded to the judge as she felt her legs start to tremble. Tabitha had stage fright even from when she was very little she would get scared to perform in front of anyone she would just lose it once she stepped onto the stage. But now Tabitha was in front of the entire school trembling in fear like a coward her heart racing "Excuse me but is there a problem?" The judge asked growing more impatient by the second "N-not at all mam" Tabitha replied back trembling.

Tabitha just stood there trembling she felt as if her legs was about to melt away before she finally thought to herself. "You cant screw this big moment up you have to prove to them you are good get your head in the game! Just play as you normally would play alone" Tabitha thought to herself as she toke a deep breath "My name is Tabitha Prairie Caufield and I am a pianist if you couldn't already tell I take amazing work of arts and I recreate them into a beautiful sound as what I am doing today I am taking a normal everyday song and I shall recreate it on the piano into a work of art hundreds times better then the original piece" Tabitha toke another breath as she set her case down walked off the stage before quickly coming back with a stand and a stool she set the stand down in the center of the stage and carefully opened her piano case clicking open the locks as she gently set her piano onto the stand taking a seat on the stool behind her. Tabitha toke yet another deep breath as she adjusted a few settings into her piano before she finally nodded as the lights dimmed and music had started to play in the background. Tabitha toke one finally breath as she closed her eyes and her fingers had began to flutter over the keys gracefully.

Tabitha continued to play as her fingers continued to flutter over the keys in sync with the music playing in the background it appeared she was playing a rather popular song going nation wide on the internet just about everyone had heard about it. It was the Five Nights at Freddys theme song one of her favorite songs to play she knew it wasn't classical but she did say she was recreating a song she didn't expect the judges to know what the song was but she enjoyed playing it and that was the most important thing that mattered. Soon Tabitha had found herself playing the main course of the song as she felt sweat drip down her face she had never tried this hard in her entire life before. The song had started to repeat itself as Tabitha started playing the second verse. Tabitha hoped the judges like the recreated version of the song she was doing since the settings on her piano was set to a techno brass mix since it was electric she could make endless possibility's and combinations of songs. Tabitha had started to reach the repeat of the main course again as her fingers continued to flutter it barely looked like she was even touching the keys she was going so fast but at the same time she played gracefully and swift. Soon the song as came to a end she closed it there was a slight pause as a screeching sound was heard showing that the song was over. Soon after the crowd had burst into applause as Tabitha quickly stood up smiling before bowing as she turned to the judges waiting for a response of her performance. "A very well job done indeed Tabitha! I was quite shocked the song you choose to play but not only that but you manged to pull it off with quite a very unusual voice tone setting" The woman had quickly responded standing up "Its not often you find someone recreate such a strange song while recreating it in techno but as I said again your choices may have been strange but you have creativity is outstanding the way you recreated it amazing you have true colors a good spirit at first you started out weak but you finished out strong a very well job done indeed" The woman continued as the other judges didn't hesitate to agree with her. "Just next time try not to be so afraid when you start" The woman scolded with a smile as she quickly scribbled some notes onto her notepad before smiling one last time nodding before calling out next. Tabitha stood there in awe from the kind words by the judge before she finally snapped back to reality packing her piano back into its case as she hurried off the stage as the crowd cheered as she walked off.
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Closing her eyes Bridgett finished convincing herself to walk up on that stage, her hard drive in her hand she opened her eyes "I can do this!!!" she realized she had just said that, she hung her head down and walked towards the stage careful of every step she took, when finally reaching the top of the stage she began introducing herself "Hi!" she waved to the audience "My name is Bridgett Alexandria Jones, and my "talent" is directing" Bridgett tapped her fingernails together, as it somehow always managed to calm her down "Now, some might say, that this is nothing more than just telling people what to do, or how to say a certain line, but it's much more than that, it's...envisioning and making that vision come to life in the form of a film and everything that composes it, now I think I have rambled enough, so here I present to you a short comedy sketch I made, she handed the flash drive over to Miss Cochran, she took it from her, and soon after a video of her presentation started to play, Bridgett held her breath as she looked straight to the audience, not knowing what else to do. The video started out in a regular old classroom, the teacher waiting for her pupils to arrive.

Pupil 1 runs in.

Teacher: What is your name and why are you late?

Pupil 1: Sorry Ma’am/Sir. My name is Michael and I was throwing pebbles in the lake. (Pupil sits down.)

Pupil 2 runs in.

Teacher: What is your name and why are you late?

Pupil 2: My name is Carrie Ma’am/Sir. Sorry I am late, but I was throwing pebbles in the lake. (Pupil sits down.)

Three more pupils run in, one at a time and are asked the same questions. They reply with their name and 'I was throwing pebbles in the lake.

Eventually pupil 6 walks in wet.

Teacher: What is your name and why are you late?

Pupil 6: Sorry Ma’am/Sir. My name is Pebbles!

As the sketch finished, Bridgett realized she wasn't the best at comedy, then again, she proudly stood straight, that's why she was here, right? To improve her talent, and to be fair, at the time, the whole video seemed funny to her. She heard a few claps coming from the audience, soothing her nerves a bit, she then turned to the judges a light smile on her face "Well...we can certainly see why you are here, but you do need to improve much more, no worries though it's something that takes time" commented Mr. Bradley, something which, the other judges seemed to agree with, Bridgett smiled as she nodded, feeling better about the whole ordeal, getting of the stage, she just wanted to go back to her seat, and so she did.

Maya Takanashi

She enjoyed competition. She liked having to compete with others when the odds were against her and still win anyway. The feeling of winning filled her heart with pride and joy, making her feel happier than anything in the entire world. Which may or may not have been the reason why she had been up since early this morning, practicing. Not in a "practicing on her own in her room" sort of way either. As in, as she was walking to the auditorium, she was singing. She was murmuring the lines she'd practiced so hard on under her breath as she swept down the aisle. She was even humming a tune to herself as she sat in her seat, sitting bolt upright with her hands resting in her lap, as everything was explained to them.

And as she sat there, she was glancing carefully around and analysing. Deciding who might be a threat and who wouldn't be. Who might ruin her chances of getting an important role and who simply would never get in her way. Despite her calm appearance, her heartbeat thudded in her ears. She fully planned to do two auditions, one for her acting and one for her singing. She knew, logically, that having two talents made her twice as likely to get into the production. She got to her feet and made her way to the stage confidently, as soon as the last girl had rushed off. And she took the place where she belonged: centre stage.

"My name is Maya Takanashi. I am a singer, a actress and overall performer. I have held many places in amateur productions but today, I wish to gain a place in the musical for this year. It's very important to me." She introduced, "I hope that you will treat me kindly." After her brief, professional speaking that she had practiced many times beforehand, her music was started and she began to sing. She was careful to focus her eyes on a spot straight ahead, knowing that looking around at the crowd was a bad idea.

She sung very well but stood very awkwardly, like she was at a job interview instead of an audition. Her legs together, her hands clasped tightly in front of her. If anyone was to look close enough, they would see that her hands were trembling a little. She didn't like to admit to having nerves and qualms but she always felt a little nervous at first. Slowly, hesitantly, she began to relax as she reached the end of her song. Her hands stopped trembling and she seemed to visibly relax. When she was finished, she bowed her head politely and quickly moved onto to acting out the monologue she had practiced without a word in between. Her nerves had disappeared and replaced by a kind of determination. Her acting was fine but she was standing there a little bit awkwardly.

ALICE: [Angrily] Why, how impolite of him. I asked him a civil question, and he pretended not to hear me. That's not at all nice. [Calling after him] I say, Mr. White Rabbit, where are you going? Hmmm. He won't answer me. And I do so want to know what he is late for. I wonder if I might follow him. Why not? There's no rule that I mayn't go where I please. I--I will follow him. Wait for me, Mr. White Rabbit. I'm coming, too! [Falling] How curious. I never realized that rabbit holes were so dark . . . and so long . . . and so empty. I believe I have been falling for five minutes, and I still can't see the bottom! Hmph!. . . . . After such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling downstairs. How brave they'll all think me at home. Why, I wouldn't say anything about it even if I fell off the top of the house! I wonder how many miles I've fallen by this time. I must be getting somewhere near the center of the earth. I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! How funny that would be. Oh, I think I see the bottom. Yes, I'm sure I see the bottom. I shall hit the bottom, hit it very hard, and oh, how it will hurt!​

To her hidden delight, none of the judges had mentioned her nerves. Of course, they must have noticed her nervous trembling- if they didn't notice things like that, they wouldn't be judging a competition- but it wasn't mentioned. It was nearly all compliments- except her awkwardness on stage was mentioned, making her blush furiously- which she accepted with the smile that she'd practiced. She walked off the stage and returned to her seat without another word. She was sure somebody would address her about her nerves later. But for now, she just took her seat again and watched other auditions.


Sebastian Lewis Denton

Meanwhile, Sebastian had made his way to the auditorium and taken a seat right at the back where he was lounging, resting his feet on top of the seat in front of him. He had his camera in one hand, fixed not on the stage, but only people in the audience. He was focusing on people in turn, enjoying the variety of people here. Everybody was different, unlike where he lived where everyone seemed to look exactly the same.

He hadn't planned to hand in any of his work- he had little interest in this musical theatre business in all honesty- but he still had a few disks of film stacked beside him. Just in case he did decide to hand in something last minute but he doubted it. He was perfectly happy being the invisible kid at the back with his camera. He wanted to make art but he didn't necessarily want recognition.

Danielle & Rashad

Danielle watched as a female quickly ran up to the stage and seemingly, she was going to dance ballet by her attire. She rolled her eyes again then sat there, watching her. Her movements were so graceful and full of poise, in her eyes but then again, she didn't really know much about ballet. When the female, who introduced herself as Celeste was finished. She turned to her brother with a thumbs up and a raised brow. Rashad made a face and wiggled his hand - That mean she did an okay job in his eyes. Danielle turned back to face the stage area, seeing Celeste fall as she gasped, covering her face. She didn't laugh because it wasn't funny but that was not it. It was also one of her fears, falling off or on the stage.

Her ears twitched as she heard a thud, just right outside of the doors. A brow raised as she didn't bother to turn around and see what was going on. As she was about to get up again, she noticed a male going up before her, introducing himself as Van but his real name was Vandyke. She rolled her eyes then eyed her brother again, who was texting on his phone. Typical. Her eyes fluttered over towards Van as he began his performance began and she was amazed. Astonished even and it seemed like she wasn't the only one. After his performance, she actually applauded him without a second thought. She turned to her brother again, who gave him a two thumbs up and she returned the gesture with a head nod. She could tell that Van was going to be her new best friend, hopefully. But his comments about the musical Grease made her think twice. 'You cannot modernize one of the greatest musicals of all time.' She thought to herself while shaking her head.

Once again, someone was going before her. She sighed again then watched as the nervous female, named Tabitha on the stage had a piano. She had a confused plastered against her face at the theme she was playing but her way of recreating something unusual was very intriguing to her. Her ears listened to the comments of the panel of judges before her and she agreed with them. Danielle turned towards her brother again and got his input. He did have a thumbs up but then turned it sideways. Another okay from Rashad. She smiled while watching the female pack up her piano and exit the stage, applauding when she walked off.

Next was a future director named Bridget and Danielle was very intrigued to see what she was about to show. Her eyes watched the comedy sketch as she chuckled at the end. Even though she chuckled, she wasn't a judge and only Mr. Bradley spoke up for her. He was right. Being a director took a lot of time and effort. In her eyes, Bridget gets an A for effort. After Bridget, Maya took the stage and introduced herself and her talents. '
Finally! Another singer.' She thought to herself then heard as the music started up for her song. Danielle nearly squealed when she heard that Maya was fixing to sing something from Wicked, one of her favorite Broadway shows of all time. Danielle applauded her after her performance and gave Rashad a two thumbs up on her. She was going to get a stop in the musical, for sure but not Sandy, that was her role and she would tear down anyone that was auditioning for it.


Seeing no one else step up to go to the stage, she stood with a sigh and eyed her brother, giving him a nod of her head before proceeding to the stage, standing there with a chuckle before introducing herself. "
Hello there, everyone. I am Danielle McDaniels. I am a singer and an exceptional in my own opinion." She waved towards the audience before her as Miss Cochran spoke. "Nice. What will you be singing for us today?" Miss Cochran asked as Danielle smiled and replied brightly. "

" She nodded her head for the musical technician to begin the music. As the gentle intro began, she breathed in then began to sing. She just sung how she has always done and even sung with much more passion than before. As she held out the last note, she outstretched her hands beside her and closed her eyes. Once she was done, she sniffled and wiped her tears.

Sorry, it's just that song means so much to me. It's practically my life." Danielle said as Miss Cochran smiled. "Well, Danielle, that was a nice performance. I am sure Barbra, herself would be proud. Thank you." She said while jotting down some notes on her as all of the other judges muttered and nodded with agreement. She thanked the judges before her and blew them a kiss. Danielle walked off of the stage, seeing her brother give her a thumbs up as she smiled then proceeded her trek onto the outside of the auditorium. She sighed while leaning against the wall beside the double doors as continued to wipe her tears. Rashad came out and made sure she was okay. "Yeah, I am fine, Shad. Gosh." She snickered after those words then eyed him. "No need to be worried. You were way better than that Maya girl." He commented then eyed him. "Don't do that. She was just as good." She snapped towards him as he raised a brow. "Yeah, she was. Hell, maybe she'll get Sandy over you." Rashad snapped back while walking back into the auditorium and sitting with his friends.

Danielle felt so insulted by her own brother. She folded her arms over her chest as she breathed in and out then walked back into the auditorium, sitting back in her usual seat and waiting to see who was going to go next.
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Kaede contemplated taking her turn on stage next. She was aware that passing up the first opportunity to show what she was made of could end up being a bit of a mistake. Chewing her bottom lip slightly, she took a breath and made her decision. Oh, what the heck, I'm not the first to seem nervous. Fingers gliding along the strap of her black, 1974 Gibson Flying V, she then twisted it around so it lay against her hip and back instead. It was an older guitar model, one her father had bought for her when she first started out. She didn't want it in the way while she hauled the nearest, moveable amp with her onto the stage. Twisting the electric guitar around to her front again and plugging it in, she turned her attention towards the judges and the audience. Kaede was pretty sure those were butterflies she felt in the pit of her stomach, but it wasn't anything that wouldn't ease after a few moments.

"My name is Kaede Allison Fletcher, and I play guitar," was her simple introduction. God, her full name felt weird on her tongue, but some of the others had also used theirs. Her hair was blonde, curling a bit near the ends, and reaching to her lower back almost. She couldn't recall the last time it was cut much. Kaede was certainly a contrast to a few of the others who had already showcased their abilities, with her darker choice of clothing; stressed charcoal jeans, combat boots, and Iron Maiden shirt. The blonde flicked her pick around in her right hand and readied her left on the neck of the guitar, before she began to jump right into playing.

For anyone that was familiar with the genres she specialized in, they would probably recognise the powerful intro to Master of Puppets. The song was diverse, heavy enough at the beginning before branching out into something more melodic about two minutes in. She wouldn't play the entire thing; that would take far too long. Instead, she cut down the choruses to incorporate her own own twist on the solos, so the repetition of the song's rhythm wouldn't become too boring in itself without an added voice. Kaede was never nervous once she began to play. She always ended up being absorbed into her own world when strumming on a guitar. The blonde ended the song, inhaling a breath and offering a small, one-sided grin.

"That was very well done, albeit different. Is that the only kind of music you play?" questioned one judge, Mr. Bradley, to which Kaede responded with a shake of her head. "No, I'm pretty diverse when it comes to guitar, but I enjoy hard rock and metal the most." The other judges had gave an agreeing nod to Mr. Bradley's comment. "Well, I hope to hear some more from you in the future," he continued, offering a smile. Kaede took that as a positive response and unplugged her guitar, leaving the stage again after acknowledging their responses. She lifted her gibson from over her shoulder again, and carried it down to a free seat by the back. Might as well see what other talents are around.

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Celeste felt something tap against her head and turned around to find a pair of feet right on the back of her chair. "Um, no." She moved the boys feet off her chair and turned around again with her arm crossed as she drummed her fingers on her arms. So far, she'd been the only dancer to go, which meant she hadn't had a chance to judge the competition that was truly worried about. One girl went up and began to sing, although she was very nervous while she did so. At the beginning at least. Another singer went up and was the complete opposite. She was confidant, invested, emotional, powerful. She even cried and blew a kiss to the judges afterwards. Celeste rolled her eyes again and shifted in her seat. Another girl went up to the stage...and she had a guitar with her.

Celeste huffed and her head lolled back against the back of seat. She began to absentmindedly twist a strand of her hair around her finger as her eyes scanned the crowd again. This was torturous. The girl with the guitar left the stage, after she played her song. Celeste applauded. Granted the song wasn't within her tastes of music at all, talent was talent. That, and something else. The girl's song has triggered something in her, but she couldn't tell what. She felt a vibration at her feet and reached down to pick her phone from her bag. She sighed when she saw her mother's picture on the screen. She ignored the call and responded with a text before she tossed her phone back into her bag and waited for the next performance. While she enjoyed watching everyone else preform, it racked her nerves to have not been able to see another dancer there. She'd seen two actors, two singers, two musicians and a composer. But no other dancers. Another dance performance was something she would really be able to invest herself.

She saw movement in the corner of her eye and saw the girl who played the guitar sit down next to her. She nodded to her and offered a small smile. "I liked your performance," She said. She looked ahead at the stage and waited for the next performer to go up. Might as well try and get to know someone, she thought to herself. She meant what she said however. Granted the song she played wasn't Celeste's taste of music at all, talent was talent, and she always gave props for talent. The same couldn't be said for her uncle.

Her uncle.

Her body suddenly became cold and she flinched. Her sunk a little as she thought of him. Her expression became blank as she gazed forward, her arms hugged her body tightly and her her knuckles turned white as they gripped her arms. She felt her eyes become wet and she closed her eyes and shook her head. She was back in reality again. Her cheeks warmed a little in embarrassment but she ignored it and distracted herself with the auditorium of other performers as she awaited the next act.[/imageFloat]
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While a majority of the student body practiced for the showcase in the cafeteria, melodious music flowed into the hallway from a nearby classroom. Inside, a lone student practiced, humming to the music on the composition sheets before her to pick up the rhythm. With the door was closed to the outside world, Catronia sat tall in her chair, her eyes focused on the music stand. Picking up the violin in one hand and the bow in the other, she brought them together to form the first note, soon diving into the piece and quickly moving to play the upcoming notes. As she played the wondrous tune, the brunette memorized it tentatively, as it would be similar to the piece she decided to play for the showcase. An introverted person, Cat hoped today was her day to shine, especially if she wanted to impress the various instructors and the student body. She belonged at Grandell Heights and wanted everyone to know it.

After a bit more rehearsing, Cat packed up her violin and sheet music, exiting the room in pursuit of the auditorium. A junior at Grandell, the girl found the Broadway set up very intimidating when she arrived at the institution. Having gotten used to it, she smiled softly and made her way inside, holding her violin case close and making her way to one of the rows near the front. The brunette arrived just on time, considering a fashionable blue pants suit caught her eye. Gazing at the stage, the violinist remained quiet while Miss Cochran introduced herself to the audience. When the Headmistress went to introduce some of the staff, Catronia sat up straight in her chair, wanting to catch a glimpse of the ingenious faculty Grandell Heights provided. They were the reason so many of them were going to be successful upon graduating, which was something she appreciated and greatly admired. The junior applauded with the rest of the students, eagerly waiting for the show to begin.

Catronia zoned out when Miss Cochran began talking about the school musical, knowing she would simply help with some of the musical arrangements. She began to pay more attention when the showcase began, raising an eyebrow when an eager dancer was the first one to go. She watched the performance in awe, wishing she were coordinated enough to even pull off a quarter of the techniques displayed. She winced when the girl tripped, listening to the next performer's beats with intrigue. A different sector of music than her own, the violinist admired his passion for what he did, enjoying the quartet who sang to the beat. She thought Tabitha Caufield, a fellow pianist, played beautifully, and the voices of the singers who followed were rather angelic. The first girl's monologue, as well as the second's tears also impressed the musician, seeing the zeal they both gave to what they truly loved. The guitarist that followed showed the same drive, playing a wildly diverse song with an addicting melody in succession. The showcase reminded Cat why she loved Grandell Heights so much.

After a few many more performers went up, there was a lull, as no one else got up to perform. Taking a deep breath, Catronia exhaled a sigh, rising from her chair and
making her way toward the main stage. Knowing all eyes were on her, she faced forward, focusing on making it up the stairs without making a fool of herself. Arriving at center stage, she smiled sheepishly at Miss Cochran. The Headmistress smiled, moving out of the way to give the girl some room to set up. The brunette nodded in response, setting up her music on the stand. As she had decided to focus on the violin for the showcase, Cat wanted to be flawless, even though she knew it was impossible to be perfect. After unpacking her violin and bow, she stared out into the audience, wanting to appear confident in front of her peers and superiors.

"Hello, I'm Catronia Atkinson. Uh, just Cat or Nia is fine. I practice both violin and piano, but I'll be focusing on the former today. Instead of an original piece, I'll be playing a portion of Bach's first sonata." She announced after sitting down, bringing the violin up to the left side of her neck and holding the bow in her right hand. Hesitating for a few moments, the brunette soon brought the violin and bow together, playing the opening note to

. Wanting to keep the performance short, she only played the Fuga (Allegro) segment, connecting the bow to the proper strings at the right moments. Throughout the piece, Nia found herself focusing completely, feeling the music on a deeper level, as she practiced it various times. Her upper body moved with the music, flowing with the melody, as she tried her best to do it justice. Halfway through the Allegro, Catronia knew she made two errors, which she would reprimand herself for later. As the creation came to a close, the last note rang throughout the auditorium, causing the violinist to slowly blink her eyes and stare at the audience once more.
"Miss Cochran?" Cat said slowly, clearing her throat and beginning to pack up her instrument, after some applause rang through the concert hall. "This is not my area of expertise, though I'd say it went quite well." She voiced, looking at the other instructors and judges for suggestions. "I really enjoyed the emotion you expressed throughout the piece. Stage presence is very important. I believe it was a good choice, however, a few of your arpeggios need some fine tuning." Another judge said, and the brunettes responded to the criticism with a nod and a small smile. Though it was not the perfect performance she desired, the junior was pleased, walking toward the stairs to take her seat. She thought of the piece in her head, trying to pinpoint exactly where she went wrong. With no luck, Catronia Atkinson only figured that small failure would help her do better next time.

Note: The Fuga (Allegro) begins at about 4:24 in the video, as stated in the YouTube description.


Emmanuel lounged in an auditorium chair, listening to music through his iPod during the introductions. The nineteen-year-old knew he should be listening, in case something important was mentioned. However, he had another idea, considering the male thought he had better things to do than hear Miss Cochran babble on before the showcase. When he thought the showcase would begin, Manny removed his earphones, just as the Headmistress mentioned doing Grease as the musical. At that, the sophomore cringed and sighed, knowing it was not one of his favorites. Though he enjoyed ballet, the dark haired boy preferred not to prance around dressed like he belonged in the fifties. Fortunately, there was an upside, as the musical would give him a lot of exposure, especially to important donors who attended the shows. Though he was no actor, the young man knew he would be able to contribute his dancing in one way or another that would be beneficial.

After Miss Cochran was finished, the performances began, actually keeping Manny awake. The first performer was Celeste Romaine, a dancer he recognized, given they were the same age and practiced the art of ballet. He thought she did pretty well, rolling his eyes at the criticism they gave. Next, a composer stepped up to the plate, and Manny was impressed by his beats. The dancer began thinking that perhaps the two of them could collaborate in the future. A pianist took her turn, though she seemed a bit nervous throughout the performance. He chuckled softly, knowing he was the same way when he first began dancing competitively. Two singers went, both of which were fantastic and praised by the judges. He reasoned that the second had to be the younger sister of Rashad McDaniels, a senior who organizes a lot of the choreography for their performances. He nodded along to the guitarist, as she played, agreeing with the others that it went pretty well.

Before anyone else could get up, Manny stood up from his seat, making his way toward the Broadway-like stage.
"Miss Cochran, ladies..." He started, smirking in the direction of a group of freshman girls sitting near the front of the auditorium. "I'm Emmanuel Alvarado, but I usually just go by Manny or Manuel. I dance at Grandell Heights. Today, I'll be performing a original hip-hop number that incorporates a bit of ballet." He announced to the crowd, saying the last word with a bit of reluctance. As if on cue, giggles erupted in the auditorium, and Manny simply rolled his eyes. He found it incredibly irritating whenever someone commented on his love for ballet, however the young man was set on changing minds, once they saw him dance. He gave a thumbs-up to the people off stage who controlled the music and lighting, moving into his first pose on his knees and waiting for the music to start.

As a

resounded throughout the auditorium, Manny began with a simple jump in the air, spinning around with the next leap and keeping his feet together in a tight position. He continued with a few more ballet moves, though his style of dancing shifted, as the remix began. After some time in the dance, the nineteen-year-old took a hip-hop approach, focusing on Memphis jookin' and adding a contemporary ballet flavor. The song blared louder, stretching for several minutes, as a loop was included, as well as further remixes to the classic melody. Feeling one with the music, Manny closed his eyes, simply listening to the harmony and forgetting the audience to keep up with the beat. As the music took over his body, his limbs followed gracefully, and he even improvised a move or two when there were a few seconds to spare. As the remix came to a close, Emmanuel ended with a pirouette, spinning multiple times before presenting his ending pose.

When the music stopped, he stood straight, hands clasped behind his back, as he waited for the constructive criticism. Mrs. Barbra looked at him questionably before saying anything. "Well, that sure was... something." The dancing instructor remarked, though a small smile appeared on her face afterwards. "Truly unique, especially putting those two styles of contemporary dancing and ballet together. I thought the accompanying music was good, Manny." She continued, nodding in approval and looking toward the other instructors. "We'll have to work on making those turns tighter." She commented afterwards, waving him off the stage. Manny chuckled gently and smirked, nodding in gratitude and saluting the team backstage for hooking him up with the song. Moving toward the front of the stage, he showed off by simply jumping off, producing snickers throughout the auditorium, as the sophomore made his way back to his seat with a smug smile.
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Celeste perked up in her seat when she watched the next performer said he was a dancer. "Finally," she muttered to herself as she leaned forward in interest. She'd recognized his face, the hip-hop/ballet dancer. She watched his every move in awe with a small on her face. She loved how he combined the two styles an created something beautiful. The cold feeling in her stomach from the memory of her uncle began to fade as she watched him dance. Definitely competition she should watch out for. She moved along in her seat to the remixed version of the classic Swan lake song. The first song she ever danced to in front of an audience.

While some weight was lifted from her shoulders when she saw another dancer, she kept in mind that he could be a challenge. She made note of all of his moves. The good and the bad. Although the there were far more of the former than the latter. Despite the amazing the performance he gave, it was when he jumped off the stage and didn't break his fall with his face that scoffed and muttered to herself, "show off..."

She pulled her iPod from her bag and plugged her headphones into it. She went through her playlist until she found the song she as looking for. A new one that had recently caught her attention called The moment she heard it, she knew she had to dance to it. She'd been working on a routine in her head for days now, but it just wasn't coming together. She began to fiddle around with her hair as she leaned back in her chair and began to form the routine in her head, quietly singing the song to herself as she did so.

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Tabitha hurried off the stage heading towards the second row as the crowd was still applauding but despite the cheers she tried to hide her face embarrassed for making a fool out of herself when she first entered the stage. Tabitha rushed back to her seat awkwardly as she set her piano case down beside her feet as the girl sitting aside her got up and went to preform on stage. It turned out the girl was a director and apparently her name was Bridgett. Tabitha sat there watching the short film the girl had made with a huge smile on her face and as soon as it came to a end she burst into applause before quieting down to hear the response from the judges. Tabitha thought the judges where rather harsh on the girl they could at least say a good job or something she thought that the short film was rather pretty good better then what she could do anyway if she was to choose to do directing. Tabitha watched as the girl rushed off the stage and squeezed past the people sitting next to her as she finally toke her seat next to Tabitha. "I thought you did great" Tabitha whispered with a huge grin on her face to the girl before hushing and starring back to the stage as another student went up to preform.

It appeared this time the girl was a singer but the thing Tabitha was noticing was how everyone called the main judge Miss Cochran something she toke a mental note of. Tabitha snapped back into reality once the girl had started starting singing she was a great singer but she also appeared to be nervous just like Tabitha which made her feel a little better about being a complete scaredy cat onstage. But soon a huge frown grew apon Tabitha's face at the thought of her beloved cats she missed them so much they where her only friends she hated the schools no pet policy rule but she couldn't just abandon them they where her life and no stupid rule was going to keep them away. Tabitha continued deep in thought to herself before realizing that the singer had finished her song and was now rushing off stage as another girl toke her place which was yet another singer. But this girl seemed different from the first singer she wasn't afraid at all she looked as if she could look death straight in the eye. But not only that but her performance was out standing "Its a good thing I cant sing" Tabitha thought to herself she was a horrible singer at least she thought so anyway but if she was to sing she would have major competition something she wasn't ready for. But it seemed Tabitha was about to eat her own words as she was applauding to the second singer once she rushed off the stage she even at one point had put her fingers between her teeth and started whistling the second singer was amazing it was just you could feel the burning passion when she was singing it even brought a few tears to Tabitha's eyes but she quickly rubbed them away not wanting anyone to think she was a complete wimp after the whole embarrassment act she put up on stage.

Yet another girl had toke the previous singers place it appeared that more girls then boys where performing. But finally this girls talent wasn't singing instead it was guitar something Tabitha could get along with who knows maybe they could even play a duet someday guitar and piano. Tabitha had really taken a liking to the girl she was mysterious and she played rather well she really quite enjoyed the song and it kept her on edge Tabitha had even starting tapping her foot in cue with the song she felt as if she wanted to jump up on stage and play along the girl on her piano. Sadly the song came to a end as Tabitha erupted into applause applauding even louder then before as she settled down waiting for the judges score. They gave the girl a decent score as Tabitha felt herself heating up she felt like she just wanted to burst out of her seat and walk right up to the judges and scream at there face "What!? How could you guys possibly want more that was amazing you guys just don't see true talent!" That's what Tabitha wanted to say of course she held her tongue not wanting to get expelled as she applauded one last time as the girl went back to a available seat.

Next up yet another girl toke the stage but this time it had Tabitha nervous biting her nails it was when she said the word piano luckily she didn't play the piece but instead played the violin but that still made Tabitha extremely nervous because it was the fact that she didn't play the piano for the showcase which meant Tabitha didn't know how good she was at it which left the lingering thought that Tabitha had competition someone to compete with. Tabitha didn't mind if she played the violin but there could only be one pianist which meant Tabitha had to be better then ever if she wanted to stay on the top. Tabitha yawned a fake yawn as the girl played the violin it was alright it was obvious she needed major work but this time when the girl had finished playing Tabitha didn't clap but stayed silent in her seat waiting for the judges response. After the judges gave there response Tabitha quickly agreed with them as she eyed the girl as she walked back to her seat before focusing on the stage.

This time finally thank god it was a boy performing Tabitha thought the entire showcase was going to be girls aside from the one boy who had helped her to her feet. It appeared that he was a dancer and he danced in ballet but for some reason when he mentioned the word the crowd was filled with giggles. But Tabitha didn't tag along she didn't think it was funny ballet was an amazing piece which could be performed by any gender and it was proved when the boy had taken the stage. Tabitha's heart just melted away at his performance he was a truly amazing dancer Tabitha felt as if she could feel his emotions when he danced. Finally the performance came to a end and yet again Tabitha burst into applause along with the rest of the crowd as the judges gave his score before he hopped off the stage towards his seat which brought snickers along the crowd but Tabitha didn't follow along with the rest of the crowd.
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Amber Marie Miller

Ever since Amber first layer eyes on this school, she knew it would bring many great memories and teachings, she stayed in front of the school for a while admiring it "needs a bit more paint though" she chuckled to herself, the school was fine really, probably the best one she'd been to yet she turned arou, upon entering it, she saw many students flowing to a certain direction, like a river that was headed towards the auditorium, Amber, seeing all the people then remembered, oh dang it! Today was the showcase! She hit her forehead, wondering how she could have forgotten, she scowled Well, I might as well just go to watch other people she thought, following the massive crowd she entering the room; as soon as she entered,she immediately noticed some students already preforming she pulled herself to the first seat she could find, the perfect one, the last line, first seat, although there were already some people there, it didn't seemed too crowded, from there, she could see all the students on the stage, those sitting in the stands, and of course the judges; she crossed her arms behind her back, she could go try to improvise, but that would be ridiculous, it's not like she could just organize some models or paint something on the spot, she laughed to herself, seeing as the other aisles slowly got filled by people, she focused her eyes on the dancer who was making his way down the stage, Amber had seen a bit of her performance when she entered, and thought it was good, she didn't particularly like dancer, but seeing how hi mixed two styles seemed impressive hey, if you got it flaunt it she awaited for more acts to start as she crossed her feet slowly waiting for any others who would step up.

Alex James Jhonson

Late. Again. As always. Alex sighed, picking his saxophone case of the floor, he was just a few steps away form the auditorium, he needed to hurry if he wanted a chance to preform, to Alex, it was a way of measuring his talent, how far he needed to go, how far was he, and what he needed to improve, heading into the auditorium there seemed to be little seats left, he saw one all the way in the front row, sadly it was the last seat, it was going to be a little difficult for him to see, but there was no need for that, since he planned on heading up the stage as soon as possible, and soon enough, the stage was available, opening up his case Alex to out his saxophone, climbing onto he stared by introducing himself, as all the others seemed to be doing "My name is Alex Jhonson, and I play the saxophone, he started to play the first

After his performance he turned to look at the judges "Well done Alex, you missed some note and you need just a bit of more air, but for the most part, it was pretty well preformed Mr. Bradley commented, "Yes, i'll work on that, thank you" stepping of the stage he returned to his seat, contemplating his act, and how he could make it better.
Kaede had given a nod and a small smile to the girl next to her, whom had complimented her performance. "Thanks," she responded, before sitting back again and turning her attention to the stage. She felt a bit of a flutter in her chest from being complimented, and a sense of pride. Anyway, now that she had her own thing done, the blonde decided that she didn't really need to listen any longer. Unless of course, another guitarist hopped up on stage.

Sliding a hand into the pocket of her jeans, Kaede pulled out her phone and earbuds. She plugged them in, unlocking the phone and scrolling through her playlists until she came upon one Nirvana album. Haven't listened to this in a while. The blonde then pulled her legs up onto the seat, criss-crossing them in front of her; a feat she could somehow always managed no matter how cramped for space she happened to be.

Kaede was just about to zone out and get absorbed in the music when she remembered her guitar and eyed it for a moment, before lifting it up and leaving it across her lap in a protective manner. If something happened to her prized instrument, she would gouge out the person at fault's eyes, probably. And maybe eat them.

William Joseph Whittington


The day of the School Showcase was one of the ones William was more fond of. It wasn't a regular day of classes, but rather, one where people could show off their talents and what others would be up against. Being his natural, attention-seeking self, Will made sure he participated in every showcase he possibly could, which had been true for all the previous years he'd spent at Grandell Heights already. Every year though, he wanted to one-up himself from the last time. And there was no reason that this year would be an exception.

Will made sure to arrive well ahead of time to the cafeteria, bringing along a small bag which he slung across his shoulder. Pushing open the doors, he was greeted by a number of people already practicing for their own performances. The sound of people singing or reciting a monologue and the sight of people practicing their dance routine was welcoming to Will and made him feel just at home. Walking through the room, he waved to those who he recognized from past years, having been acquainted with quite the number of people since his freshman year.

Finding an available seat, Will sat down and took off his bag, setting it on the table. He took out a decently sized binder and grabbed a pen out of his pockets. The binder was filled with monologues that had been prepared earlier, mostly just for this occasion, but it served as his pleasure reading to some extent. Flipping through the pages, he recited nearly every single one, writing down a couple of notes for each—what he did well, what he could improve on, and so on. Eventually, he decided on one from A Midsummer Night's Dream. You couldn't possibly go wrong with Shakespeare, after all. Satisfied with his decision, he practiced again and again until his confidence couldn't get any higher. Taking a note of the time, Will put his binder back into his bag, and made his way to the auditorium.

The auditorium and its Broadway set up was another familiar and comforting sight. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something about the room welcomed him and gave him a sense of belonging. Taking a seat towards the front of the auditorium, Will set his attention to the stage, where Miss Cochran was giving her introduction to the event. After she left the stage, he patiently waited for the other students to demonstrate their talents, not in any rush to do so himself. In any show, the best acts were saved for the end, weren't they? Regardless, he watched the performers that went up with great interest, taking careful note of their names and stage presence.

First up was Celeste, who was a powerful dancer, though her falling down the stairs did produce a slight cringe from Will. At least she tried to cover it up though, which did cause him to chuckle a little. Van, who was next, made a bold statement about being great at what he does. Will admired the confidence and listened to his composition, which was certainly more than he had expected. Tabitha, the pianist, had a definite case of stage-fright, though the way her fingers moved over the keys was impressive. Will found Bridgett's little skit pretty amusing. The joke was quite corny, and probably along the lines of something he would say himself. Maya was someone who shared his own passion and while her singing was nice, it was her acting that he paid close attention to. He could tell she was nervous, but eased up by the end of her recital. Not bad.

Next up was Danielle, who surely must have been the sister of Rashad McDaniels. Judging by her performance, he guessed that talent ran in their family, something he couldn't exactly say about his. Kaede's performance was definitely a refreshing one—her music and clothing choice was different, to say the least. Following her was Cat, who decided to play a piece on her violin. He agreed with what Miss Cochran had said, thinking that she sounded good enough. Emmanuel, the next performer, though, had surely one of the more mind-blowing performances. Alex was the next to take the stage, playing the saxophone, one of Will's more favored instruments, for his showcase.

Having decided that he's been sitting down for too long, Will stood up from his seat and strolled down the auditorium, making his way up the stairs to the stage. Putting on a smile, he looked over to the judges sitting nearby and then turned to face the other students. "The name's William Whittington, but please, call me Will. As some of you may know, I'm an actor. I take a character, familiarize myself with them, and live life in their shoes I guess," he said, shrugging slightly. "But let's not keep you guys waiting shall we?" Will cleared his throat and started reciting the monologue he had chosen earlier.


My lord, fair Helen told me of their stealth,

Of this their purpose hither to this wood;

And I in fury hither follow'd them,

Fair Helena in fancy following me.

But, my good lord, I wot not by what power—

But by some power it is—my love to Hermia,

Melted as the snow, seems to me now

As the remembrance of an idle gaud

Which in my childhood I did dote upon;

And all the faith, the virtue of my heart,

The object and the pleasure of mine eye,

Is only Helena. To her, my lord,

Was I betroth'd ere I saw Hermia:

But, like in sickness, did I loathe this food;

But, as in health, come to my natural taste,

Now I do wish it, love it, long for it,

And will for evermore be true to it.

As he spoke, Will made sure to keep his voice strong and firm, trying to project it to every single person in the auditorium. He let the words flow out of his mouth, focusing on pouring his emotions into what he said. He wasn't William Whittington anymore—he was Demetrius the Athenian lover. Halfway through the monologue, he decided to kneel down on one knee, surely scoring points with the judges. When he finished, he stood back up, welcoming the applause he got from the crowd and putting his smile back on. "I would've brought my trumpet and played a little too, but silly little me forgot to bring it," he explained, turning back to the judges to gather their opinions.

Mr. Chris, the acting teacher, was the first to speak up. "Very well done as usual, Mr. Whittington. Though, I would've stressed some of the other lines a little bit more."

"Well thank you, I'll keep that in mind," Will responded, nodding in agreement.

"And perhaps it's for the best that you forgot to bring your trumpet," Miss Cochran added, most likely joking.

Unaware if this was indeed a joke, Will shrugged. "Perhaps it is," he answered, smiling and thanking the judges once again before returning to his seat.
Danielle & Rashad

Danielle continued to watch people one after the other. She eyed the female, who had a guitar that she had to plug in to play. Danielle didn't know much about musical instruments except for her voice but she was kind of intrigued to find out about them. She listened to the music that the female named Kaede started to play and it was a little bit against her taste but the female seemed nice enough. Once she was finish, Danielle applauded but that was because she was finish and done. She snickered to herself at the thought then eyed as another female went up, with a violin and sheet music. She came prepared, which also intrigued Danielle. She was liking this showcase, so far and couldn't wait until the bonfire tonight. Once the female started playing chords, well a song, it was simply mesmerizing and when she was finished, Danielle gave her a standing ovation. She then tucked her hair behind her ears and cleared her throat, sitting back down. "Overreact much?" Her brother said while coming and sitting beside her.


Are you going to showcase your dancing?" She asked him for like the billionth time. "Come on, Rashad. You're really good. If you weren't, Grandell would've kicked you out, am I right?" She stated as Rashad looked at her with the nod of his head. "You're right. I'll think about it." She smiled at Rashad's response and saw another male take the stage. He was also a dancer, of both hip-hop and ballet. Her eyes glanced towards Rashad then back at the male as he began to dance. When he was done, Danielle looked at Rashad with arms folded and a raised a brow. "Want to go up there and show him how it is done?" She asked her brother, who shook his head. Danielle scoffed and shook her head then looked as a guy named Alex, playing the saxophone. Danielle gritted her teeth together as he was missing some notes. Her eyes bounced towards Rashad, who was laughing. "Stop it." Danielle whispered then eyed William as he appeared on stage. "OMG! He's reading Shakespeare." Danielle squealed as Rashad shook his head.

Once William was done, Miss Cochran added her comment then went up on stage, clapping her hands. "
Nice showcase as always." She muttered then rested the clipboard against herself. "Okay, that's all the time we have you guys tonight guys but do not forget about the bonfire that is happening right now in the school field. We have S'mores, hotdogs and hamburgers, along with sodas and chips. Enjoy everyone." Miss Cochran said as she ended the showcase, her colleagues coming up on stage with her. "Thank you, guys for helping me. I cannot wait until we hold auditions for the musical this year." Miss Cochran commented towards them then walked with them to the Bonfire. "I can't believe you, Shad!" Danielle screamed from the top of her lungs as she was really disappointed that her brother didn't showcase his incredible dance skills tonight. She stormed away from him and burst through the double doors of the auditorium.


Rashad sat there for a moment, giving Danielle her space. When everyone had cleared out of the auditorium, he'd go up onto the stage and do a little turn, nothing major. Rashad then did a few more dance moves, most of which were Hip-Hop though he soon incorporated some ballet. He ended the whole impromptu dance routine with a back flip, landing on his feet as he clapped his hands together. "
Still got it." He muttered to himself as Mr. Bradley came from behind a curtain. "Impressive." He stated while leaning against the piano, his eyes locked on Rashad. "Why didn't you showcase that routine earlier?" Mr. Bradley asked him as Rashad shrugged his shoulders. "I've heard many people mention you, son. You got talent. You shouldn't have to hide what you can do." Mr. Bradley continued as Rashad sighed. "God, you sound like Professor X. But hey, thanks." Rashad walked off with a smile and walked outside to the Bonfire.

Danielle grabbed herself a skewer and a hotdog then went over to a log and sat down, still a little pissed off at her brother. She'd get over it eventually though. She sat alone then got up when her hotdog was charred a little then prepared it with the available necessities. After a preparing her hotdog, she went back over to the log and sat down, her eyes scanning everyone there as she wondered in her mind who she could talk to. She'd search for Emmanuel until she bumped into him. "
Oh, hi there. I just wanted you to know that your dancing was very nice and could be compared to dancing style of my brother's." She mentally facepalmed herself then lowered her head before picking it back up and speaking again. "I think you should tryout for the musical. You'd make an excellent Danny Zuko." She winked towards him and chuckled nervously then biting her bottom lip.

Celeste had left towards the end of the showcase and went to her dorm building to take a shower. They were pretty empty, much to her delight. She spent the next ten minutes or so taking a long, hot shower. The water relaxed the tense muscles in her legs and washed away the sweat from her body. After she'd washed to took a dew minutes to just soak in the water and calm her body down. Once she was done she made her way back to her room and hummed the tune she'd listened to as she walked. She opened her closet and sighed as she moved through the her options of clothing. She wanted to look good for the bonfire, which she had every intention of enjoying. Her hands finally found her favorite pair of jeans, which she matched with a cute yellow top and some boots. She quickly dressed herself and gave herself a one over in mirror and smiled, satisfied with her look.

She fiddled around with her hair and then finally decided to just let it stay down/ She grabbed her phone and and jacket off her bed and then began to head towards the bonfire. Halfway there her phone rang again, and it was her mother. She sighed and answered, with the thought in mind that her mom would just keep calling if she ignored it. She answered her phone with a huff. "Mama, this is the eighth time you've called today I promise you everything is fine," She said as she hastily made her way down he stairs and towards the exit of the dorm building, her hair bounced with each step.

On the other end of the line her mother sighed, she could hear the sound of dishes being washed in the background and the TV on in the living room. "You've never been this far away from me, baby. I just wanna know everything is alright. I just wanted to check on you and see how you were doing with-

"Mama! Really I'm fine, don't worry about me," Celeste said. She rushed the words to to keep her mom from going on and hoped she got the message. She didn't want to get into this. Not now.

Her mother didn't take the hint, or maybe she did and ignored it, "You weren't doing so well before you left home, baby."

The sound of the dishes stopped and so did the TV. Celeste felt a lump in her throat and remained silent. Her mother continued. "It's okay if you aren't back to normal yet, Celeste. We're all still healing you know. Maybe...maybe you left home too soon. You don't know anyone out there and shouldn't be alone right now."

"I'm out here because I'm pursuing my passion. Going after my dream," She said, her voice was like steel and really very tight. She began to blink a lot and held back a shaky sob. "I..I'm fine mama, really. It's what he would've wanted. It's what I want. The only thing I want."

"Sometimes the only thing you want is the last thing you need."

Celeste stopped in her tracks. She was a few yards away from the bonfire. She became silent and clenched her fists. She she squeezed her eyes shut and held her breath for a long time before she let it out in a huff. She swallowed thickly and gripped the phone tightly in her hand. "I have to go. The school is having a bonfire and I don't want to miss it."

Her voice was steady and almost cold as she approached a table of food and began to gather items for S'mores.

"Call me if you need me Celeste. I'm here for you."

"I know, Mama."

Did she really?

"Good. Have fun at you're bonfire. If somebody offers you a drink what do you do?"

A small smile tugged at her lips and she finally gave in and chuckled. She gathered all her things and headed over to the fire. "Open hand decline?"

"That's my girl," Her mother said with warmness in her voice. "Je t'aime mon ange."

"Je t'aime aussi," Celeste replied as she sat down next to Danielle. Her mother hung up and Celeste put her phone away. She tried to ignore her heavy heart and smiled at the other students warmly. Her eyes landed on Emanuel and she smiled, "I definitely second that. As long as you don't mind a ton of hair and tight pants.:
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As Bridgett got back to her seat, she heard someone whispering to her, receiving the complements with a smile, she tried responding too, it was the girl that had passed before her, Tabitha "Thank you! You were great too, I wish I knew how to play the piano, it seems nice, though, one thing that has me worried is that no other directors have appeared, is it really that rear of a talent?" she said, looking at her new found acquaintance, other acts came, dancing, singing, playing instruments, etc. They were all good, and fully deserved to be here.

After they were all finished preforming, they were to have a campfire outside, and seeing the girl she had spoken to inside was the only girl she knew, she decided she would stick by her for some time, and then go off to talk to some new people, some of the guys who had shown their talents seemed very charismatic, but before she went outside, she decided to finally go grab a soda she tapped Tabitha on her shoulder "Hey, i'm gonna go grab a soda, i'll catch up to ya in a bit" with that, she ran of, searching some halls nearby, until she finally found one "thank goodness, finally!" throwing some coins and selecting the soda, she headed back outside the moon glowing over the fire, she began to look for her acquaintance, and seeing as she couldn't spot her, Bridgett decided to go on her own, not before grabbing a hotdog. Looking for somewhere to squeeze in, she took a bite of her hotdog, crushing the soda she had on her right hand, she threw it into a nearby garbage can; she soon spotted a little circle of people talking, she remembered some faces, like, Danielle and Celeste, she questioned if she should approach them, and hesitantly, she slowly did "Hey guys, got space for one more in there?" she asked, waving her hand at them, she didn't want to be a burden to them, but she also didn't want to be the wallflower in this event.
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Catronia sat in her chair silently, listening to the remaining performances with fascination. She simpered when a saxophonist stood to play for the audience, tapping her foot to the melody he produced. The brunette agreed that some of his techniques needed work, though she thought he did satisfactory overall. She enjoyed seeing musicians express themselves, given that their styles often varied. It was also an opportunity to see who was available for future collaborations, though she was aware that some instrumentalists were threatened by the success of others. When an actor began to read a monologue from a Shakespeare play, her eyes widened in amazement, and she was mesmerized by his words. Though she was not an avid reader, Cat admired his confidence to recite an old passage with so much emotion. She raised an eyebrow when he mentioned playing the trumpet, realizing that he was a man of many talents. As he walked off the stage, she knew that he was one to watch at Grandell Heights.

She sat up straight when Miss Cochran went on stage once more, clapping her hands along with the Headmistress. She smiled when the teacher mentioned the bonfire, her eyes lighting up at the mention of s'mores. Despite her serious nature, Catronia adored chocolate, given it was one of her favorite treats. As other students and instructors began to leave, the twenty-year-old stood, wondering where to put her violin until she returned to her dormitory. As the instrument was very significant to her, she wanted to make sure it would be looked after properly.
"Miss Cochran!" She called, running after the Headmistress a bit frantically. The woman slowed when she heard a student calling her name, turning around to see the girl racing toward her. "Yes, Miss Atkinson? May I help you with something?" She asked politely, letting some of the others go ahead toward the bonfire. "Would it be possible for me to keep my violin in your office? I want to make sure it'll be safe until I head back to my dorm." The brunette inquired, hoping for a positive answer. The woman smiled gently and nodded, leading the violinist toward her large workroom to leave her instrument. "Just let me know when you'll need it. Enjoy the bonfire!" The Headmistress said, locking up behind them.

Cat left the office and smiled, heading toward the school field where the bonfire was being held. She made her way
toward the food, getting herself a hamburger and a potato bun. Moving over toward the condiments, the brunette added the necessities she wanted, scanning the field for a place to sit. She noticed a couple of students from the showcase sitting near a circle of logs, deciding to be uncharacteristically social by heading in that direction. "All of you did brilliantly. I hope you don't mind me siting here." The junior commented when she sat down on an empty log, looking at Danielle, Celeste, and others. After that, she went silent, waiting for their responses and wondering what they thought of her performance. With a sigh, she set her plate beside her, bringing the burger up to her lips and munching on it slowly. She smirked gently in gratification, looking forward to the s'mores she would get later on in the night.


After his performance, Emmanuel sat quietly, putting in his earphones again and listening to music playing through his iPod. Doing his best to stay awake for the remainder of the showcase, the sophomore concentrated on Alex's saxophone performance with interest. Though he missed a few notes, the dark haired boy figured he did all right for himself. The dancer thought he could use a bit of work, but then again, Manuel knew next to nothing about music. He smirked when William went up, blinking in astonishment when the boy began to recite a monologue. Though Manny thought he did well, Shakespeare was not his cup of tea, causing the boy to zone out quickly. He waited for the performance to end, clapping with the others halfheartedly. Looking down at his iPod, the young man checked the time, simply waiting for the showcase to end.

When Miss Cochran announced the conclusion of the showcase, Manny got up swiftly, shoving his hands into his pockets. He left the auditorium with one earphone in, following the rest of the crowd toward the bonfire on Grandell Height's field. Upon his arrival, he got a skewer and a hotdog, loading it with relish, ketchup, and mustard. Walking through the field, he smirked in pleasant surprise, when he bumped into Danielle McDaniels. "I'm glad you enjoyed the show. I doubt your brother would agree, but I'm pretty good, if I do say so myself." He chuckled arrogantly, holding the dog in one and giving her a charming smile. "You weren't too bad yourself, especially for a freshman." He teased with a wink, though he really enjoyed her performance. He smiled when she lowered her head, hoping his charisma was working. He raised an eyebrow when she suggested he audition for Danny Zuko. "I don't know about that one, but I do know Grease would be amazing with a Sandy who is as beautiful and talented as you are." Manny flirted, glancing at her bitten lip before gazing into her dark eyes.

He sat down on the log near Danielle, noticing Cat joined them and looking up when Celeste also sat down. Taking a bite of the hotdog, he smirked lightly when the latter complemented him on his performance. "You looked great up there, Celeste. Maybe you and I can do a duet sometime?" He murmured, giving her a wink and then glancing at Danielle. "The tight leather pants doesn't make the role any more appealing, trust me." He laughed, shaking his head and trying to imagine it in his head. "I'm not much of a singer, but I'm flattered that two gorgeous girls think I'm the right guy for the part." He continued, eyeing both of them individually for a few moments. The dark haired boy took another bite on his hotdog, nodding when Bridgett asked to join them. "Sure, what's one more to the party, eh?" He commented with a smug smile, glancing at Celeste, Danielle, and Cat for their answers.
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It seemed as if Tabitha was holding her breath the entire showcase before finally taking a sigh of relief once miss Miss Cochran had announced that it was over. It seemed as soon as she did Tabitha quickly grabbed her piano case and was the first to rush out of the auditorium. But as she did she stopped when Miss Cochran had mentioned a bonfire Tabitha continued to listen before shrugging her shoulders and bursting out of the doors and out into the hallway just as she did she felt a tap on her shoulder and heard a voice which appeared to be Bridgett. Tabitha shrugged her shoulders again and didn't bother to respond when Bridgett said she would catch up with her later before quickly rushing out of the school entrance she quickly glanced over her shoulder as she saw students already heading to the bonfire before rushing out of the school entirely as she ran down the street despite the darkness. Tabitha continued to run farther and farther away from the school taking a few sharp turns here and there before finally reaching a rather tall building as Tabitha rushed inside. Tabitha then rushed up a flight of stairs and ran to a room with the numbers 208 written on it as Tabitha glanced around making sure she was alone before she pulled a key out of her pocket slipped it into the lock on her door and opened it as the door made a clicking sound before rushing inside and slamming the door behind her.

Tabitha then set her piano case down beside the door and plopped down onto her bed and starred at the ceiling for a few moments before she was greeted with a friendly meow as she shot straight up with a huge smile on her face as her three cats hopped up onto her bed and started to rub her legs . "Are you guys hungry already?" Tabitha asked giggling as she petted midnight her favorite cat out of the three as she petted him he rose his but up into the air due to the fact he was a Manx so he had no tail but only a stub in its place. Tabitha continued to pet him before finally hopping off the bed and grabbing a bag of cat food from a shelf and walking over to three food bowls which rested along side three water bowls as she poured the food in the trio quickly rushed over pushing each other out of the way trying to be the first to eat even if there was three separate bowls for each cat. Tabitha smiled before sighing and walking over to her bed and plopping down on it again. It was getting harder and harder each day she knew about the apartments no pet policy but she didn't have much of a choice when her mom kicked her out she was kicking the three cats out as well since technically they where Tabitha's cats after all and she didn't want to take care of them. It was either she toke them or her mom would dump them and Tabitha wouldn't give up her three beloved baby's over her life and even if she did the shelter wouldn't take them they where to old Tabitha basically had them her entire life so no one would take a old cat. But somehow Tabitha was managing but it was very hard to keep them secret due to the fact that they left hair all over the place they meowed not to mention the litter box. But the worst thing was when someone came in she rarely let anyone into her apartment which made suspicion rise for sure but if someone had to come in she would have to hide them in a crate under her bed and prayed to god they didn't make a ruckus but the main problem was hiding the litter box due to the smell it caused which meant Tabitha had to change it daily. It was a tough job indeed but she didn't have a choice.

Tabitha continued to sigh before she looked out at her window as she saw a blazing light coming from the school despite it being far away which meant that the bonfire had already started even if the thought of smores sounded nice she would rather play games and stay alone with her cats. Tabitha quickly shot up from her bed when she remembered she hadn't made her daily two videos for the day school often made her forget that she was a famous youtuber and she had to keep videos posting each day for her millions of subscribers. Tabitha quickly raced over to her desk as she grabbed her pair of custom black head phones with custom cat ears built in top and quickly plugged it into her computer she then proceed to put on her blue sweater the same one she always wore since she first started youtuber which was about four years ago. She then started loading up the game she was going to be playing for that day as she set up her recording equipment and adjusted her mic perfectly as she thought to herself about one of the comments she read on her channel while the game was loading "Why do you need to go to school if your a youtuber your famous wouldn't you be like a millionaire?" The comment rang over and over in Tabitha's head but the thing was she may of been famous but she didn't get paid a single penny for doing youtube and she liked it that way. She never signed up for a youtuber program because she thought it soiled the channel she thought that a youtuber shouldn't have to get paid to do what they loved and Tabitha did just that though when she needed cash her fans still insisted on helping out anyways. Tabitha continued to think before the loud sound of the game she was playing snapped her back into reality as it loaded she then started the recording and did her intro "BOOYAKASHA! Hey guys I'm Nighttimecatplayer and welcome back to the cat lady!" Tabitha echoed before talking away as she loaded the game it was the current series she was on it made perfect sense after all since she was like known for cats and everything.

About half a hour had passed as Tabitha did her outro as she was ending the video "Well guys that's it for this video ill see you guys next time! BOOYAKASHA!" Tabitha quickly then ended the recording once she finished her outro before quickly working away editing things into the video and cutting clips off and such. It toke another about half hour before she finally finished and then quickly uploaded the video before walking over and plopped back down into her bed exhausted from all her hard work. Tabitha then rolled over onto her side as she watched the blaze from the fire dance off the trees and the smoke rise up into the sky as her cat cuddles hopped up onto the bed and walked over to Tabitha's pillow before walking in a circle then curling up into a ball purring. Tabitha sighed as she hopped up from her bed again and walked over to a pair of sliding doors as she pushed them open and walked onto the balcony as she leaned on the edge of the rail gazing up at the beautiful nighttime sky as thousands of stairs strung up in the sky shune back followed by the moon which so happen to be full. Tabitha continued to stare up at the sky hypnotized by the beauty before she climbed up onto the rail and hopped onto the roof as she sat down laying her chin on her knees sitting on the roof top. She knew it was dangerous but it was just so peaceful up on the roof no worry's in the world just peace and quiet and an amazing view. Tabitha continued to stare at the sky before she soon found her gaze trailing back to the school even if it was far away watching the smoke that rose as she sadly starred down sighing.
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Kaede hadn't been paying too much attention to the next couple of showcases; too absorbed in the music that was blare into her ears from her phone. However she could faintly hear some of what was going on, and identified one guy's pice as some sort of Shakespeare recital. That was different, she commented mentally. The blonde finally removed the earbuds when the headmistress walked up onto the stage, and informed everyone that it was now time for the bonfire. Awesome, I love hotdogs.

Kaede missed the bulk of the crowd as they left, since she was slower to get up, stretch after being in such a position on the chair, and then grab her guitar. She decided she would bring her instrument to her dorm before leaving for the bonfire.The auditorium didn't seem like the safest place with so many people around. Plus, she just had terrible luck with belongings of hers going astray anyway.

After Kaede's Gibson was back within the safety of her dorm, she headed out again. Briefly taking a moment to contemplated wearing a jacket, she then shook her head a little to herself and remained in her band shirt. The fire'll probably get pretty warm later on. The guitarist noticed a group of some of the others chatting as she strolled past and towards where the food was being handed out. She didn't think she'd bother approaching theme just yet. After grabbing her skewer and hotdog, Kaede sat down by another log, with her back to it instead of on top of it. Personally, she just found this more comfortable.

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