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Realistic or Modern ⚜ School of Performing Arts Seoul ⚜


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School of Performing Arts Seoul




School of Performing Arts Seoul (aka SOPAS) is a school that focuses on the purpose of transforming young students into shining stars.
SOPAS educated trainees, young idols from labels and also ordinary talented students from all across South-Korea.
But of course, you can’t just come and go.
Every year, it holds auditions and if you’re talented or you have potential, you might even get accepted.
The best facilities and care is offered at SOPAS, subjects such as; drama, singing, dancing and all kinds of areas surrounding the entertainment industry is gladly taught by the best coaches in South-Korea.
Do you have what it takes to become a top student at SOPAS?
Or will you have to endure studying in Class C?
The lowest and most looked down upon.




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”Welcome dear teachers and students.

The nature works in a beautiful rhythm. We breathe in and out continuously through life. The sun rises and sets. Night is followed by another day. Seasons come and go. So do the years. The Earth spins along its axis and around the sun. The whole universe follows this pattern. We also have completed a cycle. We are about to start another.

There will be new books, new activities, new assemblies and new victories. If we have learned from experience, this session should be better. Do you promise to make it a better one? Good.

I want to congratulate you for the progress. Cheers for those who have kept ranks and also for those who have improved their grades. If you have not improved your performance, this is the time to retrospect and buckle up. It is never too late to start moving upwards.

To succeed in life, you don’t have to be a genius. Everybody is unique and born with some extraordinary qualities within. Therefore there is no point in comparing. Compete with yourself.

Do you know the story of the jungle school? Let me tell you.

Once all the animals of the jungle decided to open a school for their children. Teachers were appointed. Syllabus was made. Classes started. The fox, squirrel, duck, fish, rabbit, sparrow, eagle – all the animals admitted their kids. After some time test results were announced to the parents. The parents got angry with the kids. Do you know why?

Because the fish stood first in swimming but failed to work. The fox won the race but failed in flying. Squirrel climbed the tree in seconds but failed in swimming. The parents told the teachers to punish their kids to improve performance. But results got worse. At the end of the year the school was closed. The jungle animals realized that their wards follow their nature instead of competing with others.

The moral of the story is that you can’t be good at everything. There is no competition with others. Compete with yourself and beat the record.

I advise you to get to work straight. This day is as important as your examday or your birthday. Progress is steady. You are also growing every day. Don’t you? There are no crash courses for success. Today is the most auspicious time to start your learning more seriously than ever.

You are always welcome to approach your teacher or me in case of any problem. Feel at home, feel free to talk, and don’t hesitate to ask for help. School is your second home and your teachers are your guardians.

Perseverance will bring the results, not luck.

 Thank you.”

The speech of the principal ended with the sound of students clapping their hands together. Some even whistled in agreement before it slowly started to die out. They scrambled to the classes that they were being told.

[For everyone: first class is English.]

@k o a l a @Elizabeth Duchamps @Sunkissed @Starry Night @Aleena
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|| Action: Listening/Heading to English || Mood: Pensive || Interacting with: n/a ||





After hearing the Principals speech, Haneul proceeded to go towards English at a rather slow pace saving him time to actually take in and think all about what she had just said. Sure enough Haneul was doing well in his studies, getting in Class B wasn’t much of an issue. He was good when it came to his separate classes like Music, Communications and Japanese – his biggest and current let down was his ability in English and Chinese. Sure enough he’d try and he would get what would seem to be average results but to him even those weren’t good enough. He bit his lower lip in thought before looking around. There were some new faces that he'd never seen before and there were some familiar faces of people that he actually envied, not only for their ability but for the way they carried themselves. A type of stage presence Haneul wished he could have. He looked up to one of his Hyungs even though the elder and himself hadn't spoken that much - Hanuel had always thought he was cool. He'd admired a lot of his elders during his last year but was more determined to actually create more of an image for himself this time around.

As he was walking he began murmuring basic English phrases he was taught as practice, some of them being "Hello, m-my name is Haneul" and "I am nineteen years old". Even then he was struggling but he was glad he could at least remember them. His pronunciation wasn't bad really, it was mostly just knowing how to respond quick enough. "I like to..." he started before his mind came to a blank before resuming, "sing and dance". By the time he'd reached to class with the slow pace he was walking, he'd managed to reach English just as the bell rang and managed to quickly find a seat. He took out his books and pens with haste, this time concentrating a bit more so that he would actually get something out of this class and not end up with an average grade again. He propped a hand under his chin before waiting for other students to arrive seeing as not everyone was there yet, humming to himself as he did so. 


Min-Dae Douglas
☼☾ Walking to English ☼☾ Nervous, Excited ☼☾ Interacting with N/A ☼☾


During primary school, having a teacher for a parent would've brought you up the popularity chain. In secondary school, it wasn't as cool. The children would avoid their parents at all costs. Min-Dae would love to avoid her mother, unfrotunately, her mother knew how to work a smartphone. Sama Douglas was a secondary school teacher, and ever since Min-Dae was born, her mother gave her a plethora amount of advice on how to succeed. "Smile. Study. Friends. Respect teachers."


Every year, Min-Dae did just that. When she got accepted into SOPAS, Min-Dae was so excited. She dreamt about how it would be like, doing her passion, in one of the best performing arts schools in the world. Her first class was English. Min-Dae was fluent in English. Her father was American, after all. During the Korean war, her father met her mother. The two got secretly married, and after the world, they moved to America. They lived there for a few years, had Min-Dae's older brother, Alexander, then moved to South Korea again. A few years later, Min-Dae was born. Her father never decided to learn South Korea. He thought Min-Dae English, and Sama taught her Korean.


Min-Dae walked to English, passing by many students. Many carried themselves high with pride and confidence, some looked nervous, fidgeting with their bags and their books. She wished she could know what she looked like right now. Was she attractive to anybody? Did she look like a pest? A wannabee? She knew she was growing nervous with her own thoughts. Min-Dae shook her head, and looked at the classroom doors as she passed. She stopped when she found the door number for her English class, and walked in. "Good morning," she says, smiling at the teacher.
Felicity clapped her hands after the principal's speech. She thought it was absolutely wonderful and aspiring. She then set off to the halls to her English class. She looked at the door at the end of the hall, which was Room 18. One fact about Felicity is that she is known to be forgetful. So, Felcity opened her plain pink backpack to get out her school schedule, since she forgot if her English class room was Room 17 or Room 18. She looked, and looked, and looked some more, but she couldn't find her schedule.

"Oh, no! Class starts in 2 minutes! I don't know even what room it is!" Felicity thought. She looked up to the clock on the wall. "I'm so going to be late." She gulped. Felicity wanted to be an author, and so English is a very important class for her. Felcity sighed and zipped up her backpack. She put it around her back. "Think, Felicity, think!" She thought. Nothing. She sighed once again and trudged her way into Room 17. She's going to have to ask the teacher what room her English class is in, which is definitely not a good start for an aspiring and talented author's first day of school.

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