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Fantasy School of Magical Arts

(( Sorry. I have finals this week:( so I haven't had much time to get on...))

The vampire's slender white fingers clasped together tightly. Goosebumps rippled throughout her flawless skin, a cold glare entering her icy gaze as she stared at the front of the classroom with a blank expression. Electrically, her eyes glowed the color of the bluest water, illuminating the classroom around her just slightly. A surge of power pumped through her veins as the blackened heart concealed in her chest pounded. Lucia was losing control, one small step at a time. If she didn't learn to control it soon, she would go insane with power and destroy everything.

Letting out a tiny gasp, she dug her sharp nails into her leg, bubbles of blood pooling on her pale legs. Leaping up from her seat, she flashed Shadow a desperate look, whispering:

Excuse me.

-before leaving the classroom in a flurry of footsteps. Wandering down the empty halls, Lucia gripped the back of her arms as if she were cold. She took two wobbly steps, before her knees began to buckle beneath her. Quickly, she leaned next to a wall behind her, closing her eyes and gritting her teeth as she struggled to conceal her power.

"Please no... Not now." The vampire whispered, feeling a bloodcurdling scream climb up her throat. The deafening scream burst through her lips as her eyes glowed so brightly, her pupils were no longer visible. A sudden ripple disturbed the air, sending a clear aura of power through the entire school in a large ring.

Lucia stood in the middle of the hallway, no longer leaning against the wall. Her wings spread behind her slowly, the tips brushing against the white ceiling above. A sickening smile spread across her lips. The long waves of her white hair hid the deadly look that now invaded her expression.
Charon was relieved to see someone actually volunteer but his relief was cut short by a strange feeling he was getting. He looked over to Lucia and she seemed to be the source of the power he was feeling but she something seemed wrong. Was this the problem she needed help controlling? The smell of blood reached his senses and as she all but ran out of the class, he was standing up to follow her.

He looked up to Shadow and gave a curt nod before leaving the class as well. He tried to track her from the smell of blood but what really gave away her location was the scream and the immense aura he was sensing. He used his superhuman speed and found her. Kneeling down to look her in the eyes he began silently casting a spell to help contain her power.

"Lucia I could shut this off with magic but it wont help you. You need to help me help you. Fight for control and I will help..." He spoke in a serious but calm and soothing voice to try and get through to her.

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Drake's head shot towards Lcia as she ran out the blood of anyother pureblooded wofting into his nose before bowing politey to shadow"Sorry sir but I really must take care of this"Drake flitted out of the class room following the smell before stopping next to Charon

He rushed back next to charon
"Have you see a red nad black necklace anywhere...it's kinda enchanted to keep her from losing control of,well this"Drake said sighing knowing what the answer would be trying not to loose himself from the stench of fresh,delicious,non-tablet pure blood.
Shadow sighed as Lucia made yet another scene. "It took her.....half an hour!" He shaked his head "I told her, but she only runs away and doesnt seek damn help, thats why shes here! God dammit!" He raised his hands up and fifteen shadow guadians came out of the chairs "Go and find the vampire child, and pile up on her! Communicate me when you have news" The shadow guardians bowed and walked outside the classroom. Shadow sat down on his desk and sighed again holding his head. He took a sip of his mocha, and mumbled some cursings, the only thing that could be made out is "I didnt sign up for this shit.." He then lifted his head up and said "Let us continue our class, everything will be under control soon."
Charon looked over to the person who followed him out. "Umm, she said something about it being broken. And I havent seen it..."

He sensed a large magical prescence nearby but shook his head and went back to focusing on helping Lucia.

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The vampire stared at the ground. She didn't say a word. Just silence. The muscles in her wings began to tense up, an unknown emotion gleaming in her gaze. Out of nowhere, her slender hand shot up, wrapping fingers around Charon's neck and slamming him against a wall. Lucia glared at him as if he were a stranger, her face twisted in an angry expression.

"Shut your f*cking mouth, you filthy dog, before I snap your neck." Lucia snarled, her grip on his neck tightening with every word. The spell Charon had cast did not soothe her immense power, and did the opposite. Suddenly, her eyes flickered slightly. They no longer glowed, and the anger dropped from her face. Lucia's eyes widened in panic when she realized she was strangling Charon. Immediately, she retreated her hand back to her side, and took a few steps back.

Fear invaded her light blue eyes, and she stopped until her back was to the window behind her.

"I.... I'm sorry... I'm turning into a monster." Lucia whispered, her voice shaking. In a quick motion, the vampire unlocked the window behind her, and flew out.

Her demonic wings pumped furiously, Lucia's feet brushing against the tops of the trees below. Diving down towards the forest floor, she landed slowly. Her eyes searched the ground, looking for the familiar red and silver metal of her broken neck brace. A surge of power ran through her again, gasping quietly as she tried to push it away.
Drake bent down next to charon "are you ok?"he asked in a dark tone,his silver eyes seemingly staring into charons soul as he extened a hand to help the poor guy up
Charon was caught by surprise as he was being choked by Lucia, and his spell was broken. He couldn't find it in him to hurt her to release himself, but luckily she released him. With an apology she fled away and he was left with the other guy. He accepted the man's hand and rose to his feet. "Yeah...I'll be fine. We need to help her." Without waiting for a reply he jumped out the window and used his speed to try and keep up with her, despite her being aerial.
The shadow guardians started to meld into the shadows and move towards Lucia, at incredible speed, tracking down her shadow. Meanwhile at the classroom, Shadow resumed his smile and looked at the students "Well? Who wants to be a volunteer?"
Drake followed with his speed keeping up with charon and Lucia "Dam Dam Dam!"He said trying to remember what to do if this happened again
Alia was surprised at Lucia's sudden outburst and everything that followed. Vampires sure are troublesome, she thought grimly. First the attack in the hall, now this. She looked around the room and realized no one else was going to volunteer for Shadow's task. She shrugged and raised her hand. "I guess I can do it, Professor Shadow."
Shadow smiled at Alia and motioned towards himself "Come over here then! Show a bit more of interest and give us all a taste of what you can do! I can feel you do have an aura stronger than a simple apprendice." Shadow was interested not only on Alia, but also in the rest of the students. Interested in teaching this flock of apprendices with high potential for magic.

Meanwhile, the shadow guardians moved in the plane of shadows, towards lucia, 60 times faster than the average human, just like anyone moving inside the plane of shadows. They begin to catch up to her and move to flank her when she lands.
"Well, I can make ice out of thin air and have it do what I want," Alia began once she got to the front of the class. She held one hand out, palm up, and waved the other over it. Steam rolled up and revealed an ice rose. She showed it to the class and then made it disappear, saying, "That's pretty much it."
Shadow nodded "Pretty good Alia, that is equivalent of a spell of the second arcane circle. Which is pretty good for someone who is starting!" He smiled again and pat her shoulder "Now, what would you think if you could imbue a weapon with ice, create an amulet that lets the wearer create and shape ice, or if you feel ambitious, you could create an ice golem or an icy copy of yourself?" He said taking a sip of his mocha, wanting to see how eager she is, and how eager is the classroom to the ideas he is presenting.
Alia thought about Shadow's question and a smile came to her lips. "That would be awesome!" she said, her smile widening. "Are we really going to be able to do that?"
Shadow looked at Alia having a positive reaction. He nodded to her saying "Yes you can Alia, all of you can." He chuckled a bit "Not anytime soon i can assure you! But in time, you will be able to master such magic and make great things with that. With practice, training and study. I will be more than glad to tutor you this year. And if you ever have a question about magic, please ask, i will answer with all i know." He looked at the rest of the students "For the next class i want you to prepare your best spell known. I will be testing you to see your capabilities, if i believe you're all good enough, we can move on with enchanting minor magic items." He smiled at the students "If none of you have any other question, class is over for today! Have a good day students." He went back to his desk and sat down.
Hands twirl, magic boils and condenses. The liquid essence is ripping and shifting to the will of one, for everything was made to be broken. Zaroth was mixing the stream known as the Khaos, a old source of magic that was deemed inefficient, the energy was discovered, and no one had found its use, but he has. "Choices... choices... I could give it to myself, or the grand master..." He let that hang in the air like a four shadowing of the ground, and the magic liquid flew around him in reaction to his spell, he marked it with Arcane markers, and some alchemy symbols. He clasped his hands together, and roared as the magic did its daemonic work....
Moni found it strange how he hadn't noticed her presence yet. It could have been due to the commotion in the hall that She slipped passed earlier, or maybe he was just so immersed in his teachings....well standing outside the room like an idiot was getting old. She had already stood there for almost five minutes. It looked like he was just about done. She hesitated then opened the door to the classroom with a soft knock, pushing her hair from her eyes as she did. Students were just standing to leave. " Um..." She spoke softly. "Hello Ally." Moni smiled, it had been almost three years since she had last seen her brother.
Shadow looked at the door and looked at the lady entering his classroom. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it as soon he saw who it was. His face gave away his confusion right away. He rubbed his eyes and looked again. "Ill be dammed, paint me blue and call me a smurf. Isnt that moni?" Just after finishing his sentence he walked to her and hugged her. "Moni! What the hell are you doing here? Were you looking for me or something? Did you come all the way from home to find me or what?" He looked at her smiling
" Well yes. Of course. " she hugged him and placed a kiss on his cheek, Her cheeks a delightful pink shade. " I missed you." She leaned closer and whispered, " Also, mother and father have issued another civil war. I decided now's a good time to um...Not be there. " she laughed and stood back " you haven't changed. But I wanted to show you some new things I can do now! And...um... People. Your a teacher."

As usual her thoughts were a bit scrambled as she skipped from the middle of one subject to another and she looked around at some of the people In the room. " I'd love to stay with you a while... But uh. I suppose that means I'll need to work for it in some way huh." She cringed a little and looked up at shadow.
Alia sat back down in her seat after her brief performance and held her head high. She was proud of her powers and loved flaunting them, especially to people who didn't know she was supposed to be way better than she was at the moment. As long as no one knew why she was at this school, Alia decided that she would remain cheerful and optimistic and try her best.
Hope picked the school letter and headed to the living room. She had asked her parents to meet her there a few minutes ago, Hope decided it was time to tell her parents about her powers and the school she got invited to a few days ago. Hope took a seat beside her father and silence ruled the place for a few minutes until Hope´s mother started to talk.

Hope, what did you want to talk about?

Hope tried to answer the question but no words came out. After all, she was about to tell her parents she had magical abilities and was invited to a special school for people like her. Hope new this was going to be a though night.

Mom, Dad, there is something important I need to tell you. Please dont freak out.

We wont freak out Hope, just tell us.

Hope took a deep breath and started talking

I have magical habilities and am invited to a school where i can practice my powers.

Hope made the love seat float showing her parents her abilities.

Hope´s dad raised his hand and slapped his daughter, while screaming things like Demon! Satan!

After her father hit her, Hope ran to her car and started driving to the school.

Good thing I already packed my things.

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