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Fantasy School of Magical Arts

Zaroth smiles, seeing the demonic wings take flight. He said "She still isn't corrupted... she will be great ruler one day..." Zaroth opens his flaming wings, and his much more gentile angelic form flies to his window, where strangely he was alone. He closes his wings, and his robes move with the heat covering the new vacant space. Zaroth stood in his class... he was not needed, for he was just a simple teacher, he causes the needs to be questioned, nothing less, nothing more. Then, he feels the shadows... apparently he is needed for something more... and he walks out
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The iciness in her gaze remained as the headmaster addressed her. She could feel her power begin to lose control slowly, and anger started to rise in her heart.

"Please. I would be more obliged if you didn't address me that way," Lucia practically spat, a fire lighting in her eyes. Clearing her throat, she lost her train of thought as her anger edged away. Her old self came back to her for a split second, and she looked down in shame.

"Forgive me, headmaster. I'm not myself. The brace that helped me control my powers and anger has broken. I feel I am a threat to the school." Lucia whispered softly, closing her eyes and concealing the pain she felt.
Headmaster Midori looked her straight in the eyes with no hint of fear. "Then leave and go terrorize someone else. Will that satisfy you?"
Charon listened intently and found it interesting that she would snap so suddenly over such a little thing and then ask forgiveness immediately afterwards. What particularly got his attention was her seeking his help, assumingly, in controlling her powers and anger. She seemed to be really humble, especially considering she was brave enough to come here and outright say she was a threat. His expression changed to shock at the Headmaster's response and he felt himself get a little angry whether it was some sort of test or if he was serious. Charon couldn't sit idly by and he found himself stepping forward to offer his help. "Excuse me, if you require help then allow me to assist you..."
Lucia's eyes instantly snapped back open at the headmaster's words, and she stared at the floor. Her expression frowned slightly, getting lost in her deep thoughts.

Should I leave? Would it be safer if I retreated back home? She asked herself silently. Thoughts continued to float through her mind, until she eventually came to a decision. Looking up, she fearlessly stared back at the headmaster with a determined gleam in her lightning blue eyes.

"I'm afraid that won't satisfy me, headmaster. You see, I came to this school for an important reason. To learn to keep my power under control," Lucia Blackbourne suddenly bowed to him respectively, while placing her hand on her back.

"I need your help, headmaster. I fear my powers will run rampant if I do not learn how to control them. But I will only stay, if you have me as a student at this school. If you see me as a threat, I will gladly take my leave." Lucia whispered the last part of her sentence, straightening herself until she was now meeting his gaze once more.

A voice offering help echoed from behind the headmaster that she hadn't noticed before. Swiveling her gaze, she met Charon's with an intrigued look on her delicate face. She smiled lightly, showing the tips of her fangs.

"This matter requires constant attention. But if you're up for the task, I don't see why not." She replied to the hybrid, a gentle breeze blowing her waist long hair.
Charon found himself drawn to her sense of humbleness and obligation. She really did care for and respect the Headmaster's wishes and this did nothing more than make him want to help her even more. He saw her smile and he couldn't help but smile himself. "Don't worry I have many talents and skills that will allow me to help you with this problem. All I need is your trust." He extended his hand out to her, "My name is Charon Seram. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Lucia was a bit taken back in surprise by the hybrid's generosity towards her. He knew she was dangerous, and yet he still offered his help. She found her heart swelling with gratitude, and she couldn't help showing it. Gratefully, she raised her delicate hand from her side, and gently took his.

"You have my trust, Charon. My name is Lucia Blackbourne. It's a pleasure to meet you as well. I thank you for your generosity, and hope one day I can repay you. " She said softly, the smile still spread across her blood red lips. Releasing her hand from his, it fell back limp at her side. But her attention was now turned back to the headmaster.

She smiled sadly at him, seeing as the headmaster still hadn't responded to her. She took this as a bad thing.

"...Headmaster?" She asked in a whisper, her voice slightly shaking. She wanted desperately to stay at this school, and she hoped headmaster Midori saw that.
Shadow walked inside the hall, and motioned for his shadow guardian squad to stay at the entrance, out of sight. He withdrew his sword to his sheath and kept the hand on the hilt. He walked closer to the center, between Lucia and the headmaster, and turned to Lucia. "Back so quick?" He said grabbing several items from his jacket, one at a time, which looked weird because theres no way all that would fit in his pockets: A mug, mocha powder, hot water, milk, and sugar. "Why are you here, Lucia?" He said that as he mixed his mocha and took a sip

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Master Midori smiled, "You came here to learn control, and that is what this school is for. Yes, you may lose control every once in a while, but we are prepared for these things. You would be worse off leaving. I just wanted to see what your answer would be. I can tell you won't give up easily, so I'm not going to cut you."
Lucia could have hugged the headmaster at that moment. But chose not too. That wouldn't be appropriate after all. A smile almost immediately lit up her face, and she bowed quickly once more to him.

"I can't thank you enough, Headmaster Midori." She said softly, standing up straight and nodding at the headmaster. The iciness in her eyes seemed to be slowly drifting away, and she almost seemed to be back to her old self. Shifting her attention to Shadow, she arched an eyebrow at his rudeness and gently cleared her throat.

"You're going to have to ask the headmaster that question. I have a class to get to, and I don't want to be late." She flashed the headmaster a wink before slipping past Shadow, and outstretching her hand to Charon.

"Will you accompany me, Charon?" She asked softly, smiling at the hybrid before trailing down the hallway and towards her first class.
Philis was feeling a bit out of his league, but he still tried to keep calm

"Well I can use telekinesis, only kinda though, I can control close things very well but I can only control about a kilogram. But I haven't gotten much practice so I might be able to control a lot more and maybe even have another ability."
Shadow looked at the headmaster and rose an eyebrow "She really needed the atention eh?.." said Shadow pointing at her with his thumb, then he scratched his ear then chuckled "And you know whats the cutest thing here? Her next class is mine!" He laughed a bit "And i was almost done...." He looked at the students "Everyone has 10 minutes to get ready and go to classroom 105!" He started to walk back towards his classroom, he moved his hand toward the exit, the shadow guardians making way for Lucia and the rest to pass, when he passed beside them, he dismissed them, except for his own shadow, which followed him towards the classroom, as he kept drinking his mocha.

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Charon smiled as the Lucia seemed to have gotten a good response from the Headmaster. She asked if he'd accompany her and he accepted following her out of the auditorium into the hallway on their way to class. Charon had decided he would catch Combat at a later time.
Lucia frowned slightly, glaring in front of her as Shadow passed by and towards his classroom. She didn't particularly like that teacher. However, in given time, she felt they could get along. She headed towards classroom 105, glancing next to her at Charon with a smile.

"What class do you have next?" She asked in a quiet voice, finding herself fumbling over her words. She found it was a bit difficult to talk normally to someone, and she wondered why this was such a problem for her.

Her face grew hot, and she grabbed the hem of her dress at this strange emotion. She had never felt this before. She remembered the mortal's calling it 'Embarrassment'.

A pang of hunger hit her, causing the sharp points of her fangs to be visible on her lips. She realized she hadn't drank any blood for an hour or two. Lucia looked at Charon nervously, hoping he didn't notice her sudden lust for blood.
"Enchantology my dear Lucia!" Said Shadow from inside his classroom after overhearing her question, smiling as he sat on his chair with his feet on his desk, drinking his mocha. He had set up most of the material for his class, so he was ready. "Please come in and take a seat, your first class is about to start"

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Lucia clenched her fists slightly, struggling to keep herself from hissing at the teacher. But she controlled herself surprisingly. She said goodbye to Charon, a brief smile on her face. Entering the classroom, she took a sit in the front of the classroom, arching an eyebrow at Shadow.

"I feel as if you enjoy this." She said to him, leaning back in her chair and grinning. Lucia watched him drink his mocha intently, her irritation towards him suddenly vanishing.

The vampire's icy blue eyes scanned the room, noticing the shelves of books and small knick-knacks placed on Shadow's desk. Her curiosity began to ebb away slowly, as the pang of hunger hit her again. It felt as if a knife had pierced her stomach, and she let out a shaky breath as she tried to control herself. She glanced up at Shadow's neck, licking her fangs as if in a trance. Quickly, she looked down and clenched her eyes shut.

"I'm sorry for that. Being a vampire isn't all that easy." Lucia placed a hand on her throbbing head, hoping the pounding would stop soon.
Shadow sighed "Hey hey...im no hating, emotionless man or anything. Dont get the wrong idea." He stood up and walked to her, laying his hands on her desk fixed to her chair "I dont enjoy your suffering. Just mark my words, I will not stand you hurting people over your suffering or lack of control, Lucia." He puts his hand on his pocket, and took out a flask of well conserved blood and extended it to her "I use this as material for some spells, but for today, you need this more than i do. I hope this is enough." He gave her a smile, he did not hate her, he simply didnt like that commotion and uneasyness she is creating at school, which is the last thing this school needs. "Go ahead, drink, Lucia"

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Lucia looked up in surprise, forgetting all about her hunger for moment or two as she listened to Shadow. Her gaze met his, not looking away until he took out a flask full of crimson red liquid. Almost instantly, her eyes darted to the small flask, licking her fangs once more before outstretching a shaky hand and taking it gently from him.

Raising it to her lips, she leaned her head back as the salty substance slipped down her throat smoothly. Once it was empty, she let out a satisfied sigh and smiled gratefully at the teacher.

"Thank you, Shadow... I really appreciate it," Lucia whispered, handing him the empty flask back with her slender fingers wrapped around the glass. Her icy eyes stared down at the desk as she twiddled her fingers restlessly, thinking about Shadow's words to her.

"I hate myself for it, ya know." She found herself saying. The vampire's expression grew serious as she met the teacher's gaze once more. Emotions rippled through her blue eyes.

She was silent for a moment or two, and than she spoke;

"I feel sometimes it was a mistake for me to come to this school. A vampire with so much power, with absolutely no control over it. It's a bit ironic," Lucia Blackbourne chuckled quietly, her eyes now staring at the floor.

"I owe many people apologies here. Including you." Lucia suddenly stood out of her seat, her waist long hair swaying gently. Tears ran down her face like a waterfall as the sorrow overwhelmed her. She had never felt so much emotion in her entire life. It had been hundreds of years since a person has seen her cry, but she was happy that person was Shadow.

"I am sorry."
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Shadow shaked his head smiling "what kind of dumb idea is that? A mistake? This school is for learning, my dear Lucia. Just like any other. This school is here for people like you to control that power and not become a damn disaster!" He looked at her "I am here to avoid any kind of disasters like that." He then raised her chin up, so she could look at him "No need to cry, you're probably older than me and not a child, if you are truly sorry and mature enough, you should know better how to improve your situation, you should try harder than what you're doing right now! How can you come to a school without a vial or two of blood on your person?" He rose an eyebrow "If your power is truly threatening, you shouldve let us know before drawing all that attention and commotion." He looked at her seriously "What if you lost control and attacked someone? We would have had to put you down, like a rabid monster. You dont want that, i dont want that, no one here does." He sighed "Stop behaving like a child, dear, you need to take more responsability. Or else there no damn salvation in this whole universe for you. If you dont help yourself, theres nothing i can do, okay?"

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Charon sat outside the classroom and considered leaving to go to Combat 101, after all Lucia seemed to be under control and in good hands. Then again, he didn't really have a need for Combat 101 and he had yet to actually procure his schedule. So, he just sat there listening and contemplating what he should do. Finally, he decided he had nothing to lose and he entered the classroom as quietly as he could to not disturb the two and sat in the back. He found himself admiring the wisdom in Shadow's words. Charon figured Shadow was more of the tough love kinda person when it boiled down to it...
Lucia grinned through her tears, gently wiping them away with the tip of her finger.

"I promise you, Shadow, the only thing I carry around with me are blood vials and tablets. However, I used all of them when helping Ivy calm down earlier," She shook her head as if embarrassed, and stared upwards towards the teacher. Her hand drifted to her neck, hoping to find the comforting feeling of her brace. But it was gone, and her fingertips settled on her soft skin instead.

"I don't know if you noticed or not, but when I first came to this school, I wore a silver and red neck brace. A spell cast by my mother was bound into it's metal to help me control my powers. But I had no idea, that when I came to this school, it would break." The vampire suddenly grew hesitant, and her hands clenched at her side.

"However, it is not appropriate of me to use that as an excuse. I came to this school to learn how to control my powers, after all." Lucia smirked slightly before sitting back down in her seat.

Feeling an aura behind her, she swiveled her head until Charon came into view. She smiled warmly at him, but also looked a bit confused.

"I didn't know you had this class." Her voice was back to its usual softness.
Charon smiled at her as Lucia turned around to see him, either he was as quiet as he hoped or she must have sensed him there. It didn't matter but when she talked about him having the class, his smile turned into more of a smirk. "I signed up for it, besides I needed to brush up on my Enchantology. Some parts of my magic is getting a bit rustic and need some fine tuning."
Shadow rose an eyebrow "Used all of them? You're a glutton for blood...vampires dont need that much blood!...you have to correct that too." He then looked at Charon, his aura was pretty familiar to him already so he knew about his entrance "Did the conversation prove interesting to you, Charon?" He chuckled a bit and took a sip of his mocha "You see Charon, if i see you're too good for this class" putting emphasys in 'too good' "Then you have nothing to learn in this classroom" He went back to his seat and put his feet on the desk and took another sip on his mocha "Nice to see you come soon though."

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