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Fantasy School For the Supernatural [Reboot]

"That is so strange." He says before his eyes widen, realizing what he said could have sounded rude. "Not in a bad way! Just in a way I have not heard!" He added quickly.
Nia shrugged. "It is quite strange, but normal for me. If that makes any sense." She plopped down on the grass and began sharpening her daggers. The sun felt nice on her skin and it was a relief to be outside. She felt claustrophobic if she stayed inside for a long time.
He sat down near her and placed the staff into the grass. He ran his fingers through the dark green plants. "It does, do not worry." He leaned back and looked up at the sky. "I have lived alone for so long, I forgot how nice it was to have company." He spoke quietly.
Sebastian turns to the shadow nymph and sighs with a roll of her eyes. Might as well, she thinks to herself. "I'll follow you for now, only because you intrigue me and I'd rather not be wandering an unknown place. So lead the way". @Puggie
Dana dropped down from the sky and landed with a loud 'thud', making a tiny crater in the ground. He stood up and dusted himself off. 'good evening.' He said, with a British accent.
Aki heard the thud from such a distance. She woke up falling over and hitting her head on the window. She struggled as she bounced off of the glass and was about to hit the floor. "No-" she landed face first on the ground. Aki winced slightly as she planted her hands firmly on the ground, getting up on all fours then onto her feet. She rubbed her face slightly, feeling slight pains. Drops of blood had appeared on her palm. Her nose had been bleeding and gotten a scratch on her cheek. Aki put her bag down on a dresser and left the dorm. She wiped the blood, only for more to come down her face. A sigh escaped her lips as she walked down the hall; she barely reacted to nightmare she woken up from, due to the face plant. Aki made it out of the dorms and stretched her arms behind her back, with her lollipop still safely in her mouth. She wasn't sure where she was going, it's not like she needed a band-aid or anything. She had been used to injuries. Her hands placed in her pockets just walking with blood on her face.
"What? Yes." His eyes widened as he spoke. "Yes I am sorry I am fine." He added quickly, being near indecipherable with his accent and poor pronunciation.
(Just to let y'all know I'm making this up off the fly)

Atlas sighed as he walked through the school's front gates once again. His mother had forgotten his attendance was needed until his papers were signed to have him switched over to this school. Dispite it all Atlas tried to forget about,he didn't need anymore stress then he could carry. Atlas was now standing before the office door. He briefly explained the reason he was late. He stood and waited for a slip stating if he was excused and what period to go to. @RedRider or @Daggora Keket
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RedRider said:
The dean gave Atlas a pass, and assigned him a dorm. He then let him out of the office, and went on with his work.
Thanks...so helpful. Anyway, I've got to go for now, I'll post tomorrow after school.
As Atlas walked out of the office he took a look at the paper and noticed the pass had nothing on it but a dorm number. He then used a map he nabbed of the deans desk to navigate to his dorm. he looked up to see he was standing in front of his dorm . He smiled. He pulled a pair of keys out of his lightly packed backpack and opened the door slowly. @Blueblaz
Rosa sighed as she left her room. She walked down the hall, towards her classes.

Urtar groaned as her awoke. He looked around curiously, wondering where his sister was.
Jay clasped her hands together. Alright! Now hold on, I'll be gone for two seconds. With that said, she flew through another portal and appeared in the hall. She read the doors until she found what she was looking for and wore a satisfactory grin. In an instant, she was back in the auditorium. Found it! Now let's go. She looped in the air then glided to the dorm, Sebastian trailing behind. Soon enough, they stood (Jay floated) in front of room 117. Well, here we are! Jay floated to the top of the door and flipped upside down. She knocked on the door, winking at Sebastian and giving a thumbs up and staying at the top of the door where Aki couldn't see here and the door wouldn't hit her.

@PetalsFalling @ForgottenSky9272
Sebastian stood in front of the door and just rolled her eyes at the shadow's swooping. How could anyone want to be disconnected from the ground for so long? she thought to herself. After about a minute she decided to try the door and see if it was locked...it wasn't. She let herself in, searching for any signs of life as she entered. "It's empty. I'll just wait here. You should go find your roommate..." Sebastian said to the shadow before she decided it'd be a good idea to keep her company. With that, she closed the door and walked over to the side of the room in which the beds sat. Well, at least there's a window. @Puggie
A powerful whoosh ran through the schools hallways,the flapping of wings seemingly drowning out every other noise.Lunette didn't mind,she was used to riding pygmy bahamut-of course not in such an inclosed space-after she tried to get to her room as fast as possible.Though one wouldn't expect it,it was quite an exciting experience for her."116,Lune" The beast said with a childlike tone"Oh and there's someone here already"lunette exclaimed outloud.She jumps of it's back,almost losing her balance and with a word"Dismiss",the mini dragon dissipated into purple light.She rushes to the door,her luggage behind her,and follows the boy into the room
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Atlas turned around to the sound of someones voice. First opening his mouth to say something then, reconsidering. His first words, an impression that cannot be undone and will be remembered everysingle time the two meet. So what words could he possibly have the courage to say to the blue haired female before him. Atlas then decided to be as casual as possible. "Hey,I'm Atlas but my friends call me Atlas." Only then did he realize the mistake he had just made, but there was really no point in trying to take it back now. @Blueblaz
Lunette took a few steps back,she was'nt used to being talked to without a bow or 'your majesty' added.She was also surprised at the straightforwardness of his talk.Not being used to casual talk,she follows his example and says"My name is Lunette,but my friends call me Lunette"She pauses for a second and continues"Well,i really mean my spirits.Actually they call me lune really.You can call me anyone though."
Atlas smiled briefly. "What do you mean spirits" he asked curiously. @Blueblaz
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Nia looked at Lehon from the corner of her eyes. He could tell he was sad, which seemed to be one of his traits, as well as shy. "Why did you leave your home?" She asked quietly. He obviously missed it. Nia knew if she had family and she was seperated from them she would be quite depressed as well.
"How could he not know what a spirit was"Lunette thought to herself.She thinks about 10 other possible ways to explain them before quoting it exactly the way her teacher always did."A spirit is a being,human or non-human,that lost it's life performing a heroic task.It could also be one that has strong material ties to the living world.As an evoker,one makes a soul contract with this spirit,and as a result is able to summon them into the material world giving them physical form."For some reason she felt like she could tell him everything so she continued."I have 3 spirits I usually summon,It's done that way so that one knows the strength and weaknesses of th...Oh, i've been dreadfully ranting haven't I."She shakes Atlas' hand and says with a smile"Well,I need to get unpacking".She rolls her pink luggage bag over to the bed on the left and begins bringing things out,something she wasn't used to doing herself
Sebastian, not having realized that she'd dozed off, pulled herself up into a seated position from where she'd been laying on the floor. Once upright, she felt something warm against her back and turned to see her best friend/pet Lilith. "How did you get in here?" she asked the jaguar? The feline just shrugged and jumped onto the bed Sebastian assumed would be hers before slumping down and closing its eyes in complete relaxation. Sebastian, shaking her head, laid back down onto the floor and closed her eyes too.
Aki circled around the whole campus only to return back to her dorm. She yawned slightly as she felt the Sun's warmth on her skin. That was mostly the only reason on why she was out so long. She hopped up the steps and entered her dorm to see someone laying on the floor. "Uh..." Aki said so the other person would hear her. "Hi.." she said while starring at Lilith.


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