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Fantasy School For the Supernatural [Reboot]

Lehon wiped his eyes and looked around the auditorium. "Nia...Nia..." He mumbled so he wouldn't forget in his heavily accented voice. He gripped his staff tightly, holding it to his chest. His eyelashes were wet from the fear he had upon entering.
Dana heard his name and looked up.

Daggora? He thought. The hell kinda name is that?

Suddenly, the ground started to shake. The dean fell backwards, and students everywhere started panicking.

Then, for some reason, there was a loud "WOOF" coming from down the hall.

"That's my cue." Dana said, and flew out of the auditorium.

"Nice timing, bud." He said, and climbed onto Cerberus' back.
Aki felt the shaking and took a big bite out of her lollipop accidentally. It hurt her teeth.. She didn't panic like the rest. Instead, she got on the offensive, but for no reason. A student soon after gotten up and flew out of the room. "Eh?..." she whispered to herself. The woof's roar rung in her ears and her slightly discomforted expression from biting into her lollipop so suddenly, was replaced by an annoyed one. She found the dean a little pathetic for falling over. She stayed seated waiting for the panic to blow over and a possible explanation.
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Jay shrugged her shoulders. Okay. She hovered, laying down in the air. Suddenly she heard a loud bark and turned to see a large Cerberus bustling in. Wow! I'd love to get me one of them three headed dogs. She a summersault in the air and some other tricks in the air, obviously wanting attention. Then she sat back down in her seat, a smirk plastered on her.
With a yelp,lunette drops to the ground with her arms over her head.Even as an evoker ,she wasn't used to such things.She screamed so loudly that it rang throughout the auditorium when she heard another sound,a loud 'woof'
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I sat down with my big brother as we heard our names being called together as I smiled at Andrew. "Guess we are roommates big brother" I tell him smirking. "Thank goodness at least we aren't roomed with someone annoying" said Andrew smiling as we started laughing in our seats. Then we felt the ground shake as we heard a big bark. "What the hell was that?" I asked Andrew. "It sounded like a big dog" said Andrew as I sighed. This day just got annoying I thought.
[QUOTE="Rad frog father]Lehon wiped his eyes and looked around the auditorium. "Nia...Nia..." He mumbled so he wouldn't forget in his heavily accented voice. He gripped his staff tightly, holding it to his chest. His eyelashes were wet from the fear he had upon entering.

Nia read the paper quickly. Lehon huh? She heard her name being repeated and immediately zoned in on a very frightened looking young man. She swiftly walked up to him. "Hello! I am Nia!" She said loudly. She then stuck out her hand directly in his face. That was how you greet people..right?
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"Oh, Nia." He smiled, happy that he wouldn't have to look all over to find his roommate. "I am Lehon." He flinched back when she brought her hand into his face and stared at it in confusion. His large eyes widened "I-I do not- I am not from-I do not understand." He spoke very slowly and fumbled with his words, making it clear that he didn't have the best grasp on the language.

"I don't understand either, to be honest." Nia laughed and put her hand down. "I'm not exactly used to civilization. I guess we're not very different." She gave him a warm smile.
He laughed quietly, this brought him a massive amount of comfort. "Then I am glad we are...ah...rooming. Being confused with others is better than being confused alone."
She grinned at that, and began walking towards the dorms, with Lehon in tow. "So, where are you from Lehon?" She asked.
He walked with her. "Ah, somewhere you have not heard of. I am from a small clan, very far away." Talking about his clan always made him melancholy. "Where are you from?"
Nia sighed and looked at the ground. "I'm not exactly sure. I just woke up in a field of burnt grass one day. It would seem weird to most people, but that's the many lives of phoenixes. We don't have families." Nia furrowed her eyebrows, as if concentrating. "Actually..I'm not sure if there are more of my kind.." Nia bit her lip and ducked her head.
"I-oh." He looked to her and his brow furrowed in reaction to seeing her sadness. Though he was well aware that he was not the only elf, but he understood the feeling the only one with the loss of his clan. He couldn't think of any words of comfort so he put his hand softly on her shoulder, hoping it would suffice.
Nia smiled softly at his gesture of comfort. "Thank you." They made their way to the door of their room, and Nia promptly melted the handle and lock and pushed the door open. "There's a really nice view! Huh, I wonder why they have opposite gender roommates here. They must have a whole lot of trust." Nia laughed, forgetting her worries for now.
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"Do schools usually not do this?" He spoke as he moved to sit on a bed and lay his staff out in front of him. "But I can see how that would cause problems." He chuckled.

Lehon took a large chunk of amber and string and started tying it a web fashion with the amber in the middle. It was in the area of the staff at the top where branches came up and out like long spindly fingers.
Sebastian walked up to the stairs of her new school as if time was of no importance. I'm already late, she thought to herself. Entering, she looked around and didn't immediately see anyone. Hmmm, if I were an auditorium, where would I be? She decided to take her chances and, pulling the black hood further over her face, made her way down the first long corridor.
Jay got bored of sitting in the auditorium so she created another portal and zoomed through, appearing in a dark corridor. She looked around, and saw a cloaked figure walking down the hall. She smirked, already knowing what she was. She floated around, then landed in front of figure. Well, it looks like we found ourselves another nymph in this place. Mind if we take a look at who it is? She laughed.

"Well I'm not exactly sure, but it seems like common sense not to." She watched Lehon work with his staff for a few minutes before asking, "What kind of magic do you have?"
"I use flame and ah..." He says a word in his native language. "It mostly summons spirits to heal but they also guide." His tying is meticulous, he works very slowly in order to ensure perfection. He felt anything less than perfect would dishonor his home. "What can you do?" He asked.
Sebastian stopped and with wary eyes still on the figure ahead of her, slowly dropped the hood revealing herself to the stranger. "Who are you? And where am I to be at this time?" @Puggie
Nia threw her daggers lightning fast soon as the words slipped his mouth, and they passed a millimeter from his ear. She then slipped into her 5"5 phoenix form and let out a screech.
He focuses more heavily on the daggers than the phoenix. His eyes lock onto him and he stutters out "D-do-do not!" He then turned to see her, his yellow eyes wide. "Oh."
Jay grinned. So you're a wood nymph. She laughed as she circled Sebastian. I'd be Jay. Shadow nymph. Since I'm guessing you just got here you'll be going to the auditorium. Another one of Jay's portal appeared on the floor as she grabbed the girl's hand. Let's go! She laughed as she dragged the nymph through the portal and into the auditorium. Well, here we are.


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