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Fantasy School For the Supernatural [Reboot]

Sebastian was surprised by the portal but more so by the grabbing of her hand. She snatched it back but took her time looking around the room. "I'm not fond of contact. Why does this place smell of dog?" @Puggie
"Uh...wow." He was once again unsure of his words. "I have never seen a thing like that." His fingers twanged across the string. They seemed to become sturdier as he did so.
Nia switched forms and patted out a couple fires. "You probably haven't. It's not like we're the common house cat." She sighed and retreived her dagger from the wall. "What are we supposed to do exactly?" She said as she stuffed her few belongings in drawers.
"I am not sure." He got up and looked out the window, then moved to look out the door. He mumbled quietly to himself before speaking up. "Would you like to look around the area with me? I do not want to worry about getting lost when it matters." He asked.
Cerberus. Jay said in a light tone. One just flew in here a little bit ago. And about contact. Don't be surprised if it happens again. She laughed and spin in the air. I'm gonna call you Woody for now. Do you happen to know Amelia? She asked while smiling. Can't seem to find her.

"Sure. As long as we stop outside as well." She finished unpacking and followed him as he wandered around. "I want to see some of your magic." She said smugly.
"Oh!" He smiled. "I want to go outside for sure, I feel much more comfortable outside." He laughed quietly. "I think that is an elf thing though. And I would love to show my magic, I was told that for my age my magic is very powerful and that by adulthood I could match the elder." He thoroughly enjoyed talking about magic, it was his passion. Yet bringing up the elder struck a hole in his chest. He bit down on his cheek, trying to hide his sorrow.
"Cerberus huh? Sounds familiar" she says facing the other nymph to answer before turning. Sebastian begins making her way over to the back seats of the auditorium. "I'd appreciate you not touching without permission, and I don't know an Amelia, you should probably find her. Also, my name is Sebastian. I chose it myself and I won't respond to anything else". Having said all she'd like to, Sebastian decides to sit on the floor up against the farthest wall and closes her eyes.
Dana had Cerberus take him to his dorm. When they got there, Dana dismissed Cerberus back to the underworld. He walked into his dorm, and started unpacking. Can't believe I have to stay here for four goddamn years........ He thought.
Aki had gotten up stretching slightly. She let out a yawn as she left the room along with a few others. Her name had been called a bit before the whole shaking. She had to share her room with someone named Sebastian; Aki quickly assumed that it was a boy and was opposed to the idea. Maybe she had misheard the dean and shrugged it off. She found her way to the dorms where a crowd was heading. "117.. 117.. 117.." she mumbled to herself looking through the numbers on the doors. 111, 112.......116..117. Aki twisted the knob and peeked her head in the door, finding no one inside. She gave a sigh of relief as she entered and closed the door right behind her. She looked at both beds, being considerate enough to wait for her roommate to come so they could pick their bed. Aki leaned against the window and had her hands in her pockets. She let a sigh escape as she looked out the window for a brief moment and closed her eyes. She had fallen asleep.....standing up.
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Sebastian eh? Well, lucky for you I already met your roommate. Jay finally landed on the ground. Yeah her name's Aki and you're in room 117. I'm in 115 so I can always show you if you want. She said in a bribing sort of way.

Rosa sighed and she and Urtar rested in their room. She stared at the ceiling, bored. She groaned when she could hear him begin to snore. She opened the door and peaked out, wondering what to do.
Dana finished unpacking, and walked out of his dorm. He looked to the left and to the right. He started walking down the hallway, but as he did so, his wing got caught on something. He turned around, and saw a couple feathers stuck to a doorknob. He walked up to the doorknob and tried to get the feathers off, which resulted in his hand getting stuck to the doorknob. There was something on it that was sticking him to the door. It wasn't glue, but it was close. He looked at it a little longer. "Uhhm....." He mumbled. He heard something inside the door. It sounded like...... Guitar? and drums....... and a bass...... But he knew that there was a maximum of two people per dorm, so there was no way there could be that many people. There was only one other person he knew that could play all of that at once. "Connor. Let me go." He said. The door swung open, bringing Dana with it. "Nice going." Said a boy in the corner. He was pale, with blond hair. His name was Connor, the son of Apollo, the god of Music and Medicine.
"I love magic! I don't exactly have any, except changing my form...I love watching it. It's so poweeful and beautiful..." Nia sighed, caught in her day dreams as they walked down the corridors to the courtyard.
"It is nice to use." He took his staff off of his back and held it delicately in his hands. "You feel it through your entire body, it is warm and it is fast and it is fantastic." He ran his fingers along the carvings as he walked.
"Can you uh...... let me go now?" Dana asked, still stuck to the door.

"HAHAHA No." Connor answered. He liked watching Dana struggle. (That sounds very sinister now that I've re-read it........)


"You said you have nature magic, correct? Does that have something to do with animals?" She asked.
"No, I think you must have misheard me." He tilted his head. "I have flame and another that does not translate, no nature." He spoke.
"I hear what I want to hear. Gets me in trouble." She grinned as they finally made it to the courtyard. Nia stepped back and gestured. "Do your thing o mighty elf."
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"What's the magic word?" Connor joked.

".......Please." Dana answered, reluctantly.

"Please what?" Connor grinned.

"GOD DAMMIT CONNOR" Dana yelled.

"Okay...... Jeez." Connor let him go from his Telekinesis.

"Your telekinesis is sticky." Dana mumbled, and walked out.
Before he uses it, he tugs on the amber he tied on, making sure it was secured. He stepped away from her and spun the staff before plunging it onto the earth. A ring of fire that burned so intensely it was blue hovered around him at the level of the amber, a red flame surrounded each five of the pointed branches that diverge from the straightness of the rest of the staff. The heat could be felt quite a bit away from the flame. "I cannot do anything too big without damaging the grass." He sort of mumbled.
Dana flew outside into the courtyard and saw the ring of fire. He flew over and touched it. "2732 degrees. nice." He said, and flew up into the air, about 100 feet. "Cold up here...." He mumbled.
Nia quickly jumped in the fire and changed form. This heat surpassed her own, and it felt amazing. When he finished, she shifted back, but her eyes were glowing. "That's some nice stuff you got there." She said. "It made it feel like I was being reborn."
Lehon looked up at the two people who had interacted with the flame and gave the one he does not know a sheepish wave. He disbanded the flame once Nia finished, any trace of soot seemed to sink into the staff. "Uh...reborn? I am confused?" He found his confusion slightly embarrassing.
"I'm a phoenix. When we die, our body burns. Then, we are born from the ashes. This process is every going." She replied.

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