School for the Musical Ghouls

Zed greeted Marcelina. "Hi, its a pleasure to meet you." He smiled, and did a very low bow, which looked weird because he was still wearing the t-shirt he wore when he went out with his sister. "Trust me, I'll take good care of her. I'd protect her with my life. And, not to make your threat less threatening, but I have no living hell in me. Just pure angel." he added with a smile.
*lokang turned around and smiled a bubble forming around him watching isabella harm,essly bounce off*lokang: if i wasnt part of the let you, but not now.
Isabella leaped up off the ground in a swift movement, and grabbed the person next to her, which was Marcelina. "Marcus Rose.." Was all Marcelina had to say to make Isabella let go of her. As soon as Isabella snapped out of it, her eyes began to tear up."Why did you have to say that name..?" Isabella whispered, turning from her."I'm sorry Isabella.. But it was the only way to stop you.."Isabella grew very silent, not even moving a muscle.
*lokang turned around again and continued to walk away, he was completely falling apart on the inside from being lonely, yet he didnt show it on the outside*
Zed ran over and hugged Isabella tightly, murmuring comforting phrases, mixing in a little angel mojo to help her feel better. "Who is Marcus Rose?" he mouthed to Marcelina.
"Her father.." She mouthed back with a sad expression on her face. Isabella's father was a very cruel man, and whenever she heard his name, she froze in. Isabella wrapped her arms around Zed's neck and hugged him tightly."I'm sorry.." She murmured out of nowhere, her hands beginning shake in fear. She closed her eyes and tried to relax, but her fathers name echoed in her head. It made her feel small and vulnerable..
*lokang is out of earshot and he starts muttering depressing things*lokang: ill never be wanted...ill never be loved..the grims wherent meant for it...just meant for pain and suffering*he hits a wall leaving a small crack in it and keeps walking *
"I heard about him. He sounds like an absolute motherfu- sorry, please pardon my language." said Zed. "Don't worry though, I won't let anyone hurt you like that ever again." He wrapped his wings around her to make her feel sheltered and hugged her close to his chest. He glanced at Marcelina with a "What do I do now?" look.
Marcelina smiled and placed a hand on her hip."I know a way to cheer her up." She mouthed to him, beginning to giggle a little bit. This was one of Marcelina's well-known known tricks to making Isabella feel better."Hey Isabella?" Marcelina called out to her, a smile on her face."What..?" Isabella muttered in a depressed tone, laying her head against Zed's chest."Want some cheese pizza?" Almost immediately, Isabella's eyes lit up and her mood transformed to excited in a matter of seconds."YES!!" She screamed, practically jumping up and down. Marcelina laughed at her friend's outburst, and she nodded."Alright. I'll get you some. Be right back." She winked at Zed, than flew off."Hey Zed? I love you." She added a cute smile and than giggled.
*lokang walks outside and sits down just out of the building using his fingers to create the same melody as party hard/caddilac his music flowing through the air heard by all*
"Yeah I know. It's weird. But for some reason I LOVE pizza." She giggled, seeing the expression on his face. She blushed and turned her gaze away from him. She let go of him, staring as Marcelina came in through the window. But she had no pizza in her hands. Isabella mumbled something underneath her breath, flashing Marcelina a nasty look."You little liar." She murmured, the smile fading from her face."Hey, I just didn't want to see you all sad." Marcelina grinned when she saw a tiny smirk appear on Isabella's face."DAMN IT. You got me." They both burst out laughing, and than stopped."What else is there to do?" Marcelina asked, folding her wings on her back.
"You know there is this really good pizza place. Slight problem, it's in a place called Italy, which is on Earth, which is a planet in another dimension. But, I guess I could go for some pizza. So, three pieces right? You won't even know I was gone." said Zed. Then, he stood motionless until a hot pizza box appeared in his hand. At least, he appeared that way. In reality, he had flown all the way to Italy and back. "Phew, it's a good thing flying at millions of times the speed of light didn't cool this pizza down." Then, frowning, he muttered to no one in particular, "Although, I was really aiming to be back in 0.000000008 milliseconds, and by my clock, it took me 0.000000009 milliseconds. Damn those interdimensional traffic laws. Anyway, here you go, girls. Best. Pizza. Ever."
Isabella grew extremely excited and reached for a slice, but Marcelina snatched the box away before she grabbed any pizza."Hey! Give it back!" Isabella exclained, trying to grab the box, but Marcelina dodged everytime. A wicked grin spread across Marcelina's face as she pushed Isabella on top of Zed. Her eyes widened, grinning a little bit when she realized how close she was to his face. There noses were practically touching. Marcelina darted down the hall, finding Zed's dorm room and running inside. Isabella quickly kissed Zed, yanking him to his feet with her hand entwined with his."C'mon. Lets go find her." She ran off towards his dorm, pulling him along with her.
Zed ran after her (or was pulled after her). Suddenly he remembered something. "Wait, Isabella, some of your... undergarments are still strewn around my room. If she finds them..." Hopefully, Marcelina wouldn't think Isabella and him did anything.
*ten figures quietly surround lokang and one steps forward*grim reaper: betrayer, we have come to tak your life*they suddenly all have scythes on there back and lokang stands up*lokang: if you wish to face me..then i cannot spare you in the end*the first strikes with his scythe and lokang dodges slashing back and a deadly high speed dance of blades goes back and fourth between him and the figures*
Isabella blushed immediately when she appeared at his dorm. She knew Marcelina would instantly what they had been up to."Crap.. I forgot." She muttered embarrassingly. She opened his door and looked up. Isabella almost died. Marcelina stood in the middle of Zed's room, swinging her pink lace bra around."So, what were you guys up to last night?" Another wicked grin spread on her face."Uh.. Nothing." Isabella quickly responded, flashing Zed a nervous look.
*one of the figures catches lokang shirt with his scythe and rips it off lokang jumps bak into the air passing by zeds window with scythe in hand and no shirt on the figures also follow doing the same but with a shirt(lol)*
Zed's brain went into damage control mode. "We were doing... things. Important, enjoyable... things. And... when we were done Isabella took a shower... at which point we did some more things. Nothing inappropriate... at least not very... OK, maybe a little... actually, to be honest, Isabella has some pretty weird, but not entirely unenjoyable fetishes. What? I'm an angel. I've been alive since the beginning of time, so I've learned a thing or two. Tip number one, you can learn a lot about someone from what they do... with their mouths... and it'll keep you busy for one night." said Zed unabashedly.
Marcelina's grin only grew wider with every word that came out of Zed's mouth. Isabella, however, was shocked he would even tell her all those things. Marcelina threw the bra back onto the bed, than chuckled."I think I had enough pizza. I'll see you two tomorrow." She brushed past the two of them and quietly shut the door behind her. Isabella stood in silence, her eyes still showing pure shock.
"Right, well I handled that beautifully. And she didn't even suspect that half the stuff I said was made up. Man, I'm getting really good with all this non-angel lying stuff." He paused, and continued, "But, I didn't lie when I said it was enjoyable, because it was."
*lokang is still fighting, he manages to kill five of the figures before ones scythe rakes across his chest leaving a long cur but he cintinues fighting*
Isabella chuckled to herself, a smirk on her face."Hey, speaking of showers.. I'm gonna take one before I eat any pizza." She flashed him a wild grin, quickly slipping into his bathroom and closing the door just a little. She stripped off her clothes, and turned on the shower. She jumped in and sighed in relaxtion as the hot water ran down her body.
Zed wasn't sure if that was an invitation. "Invitation or not, I didn't take her up on it last time. And, we are definitely tense right now. Perhaps I could relieve that tension." Zed thought. He walked into the bathroom and made sure she didn't see him through the mist that was already starting to form. He came up behind her in the shower and... (time skip)

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