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Fandom Sao rp! (Reboot! Always accepting!)

Tobias was almost wounded by her statement, This was the most trust he had ever displayed for anyone. She was right though, The man needed to stop tr ying to hide and keep giving her the real. Just then Aero had run right into GD. Tobias would have asked if she was fine but the conversation leading up to a duel reassured him. He just stepped back a bit, his eyes watching the fight and then moving to his left as another player joined his sidelines to watch..... whatever this kinda duel was.

"Its like watching a kid throwing a tantrum in the mall" Tobias whispered to Akane who he had never seen before.

@Knight Nate @Cronix
Mitsu continued to look around until she saw a male in wolfsbane armor. She walked up to him. "Hello, excuse me, but, are you a beta tester?" She asked.

Disciple kept his shield up, still ready to counter until he was a couple feet away from her. He let out a grunt of disappointment as he saw her just standing there.

"Mm. You know, I hadn't expected this of you, Aero. Sitting there isn't your style. But if you wish to remain in one spot, I shall do the same. At least I have something beautiful to look at in the meantime."

He hoped the unexpected flirting would leave her confused, at least for a second. He gripped Aether tightly, and it began to glow ever so slightly as it began to charge.
Aero chuckles, "how would you know my style? I don't remember seeing you at any of my duels and im sure this is the first time we have met in person. Does my reputation do me well?" She asks, "hm I suppose thats your attempt of trying to distract me? Well first my looks are just normal considering everyone's avatars are within what the game allows and second your gonna have to do better than that to catch me off guard." She says still with her signature smirk. She throws his dagger up in the air and catches it. She sighs a bit and yawns. Irl and ig she should probably get a bit more sleep. Ah.. Maybe I can sleep after this?.. Nah.. I gotta visit my mother and pick up her medicine.. And next time im ig I'll probably have to fight again.. Maybe pissing them off wasnt a good idea, whatever its not like there able to beat me. But ik currently in a waiting battle it looks like... Hope I dont fall asleep..

@Knight Nate @VeiledPariah
"How's this, then?"

His voice whispered in her ear before he wrapped his shield arm around her waist and brought Aether up to her neck. The Disciple in front of her faded away and he let out another chuckle.

"I didn't take you for the cocky kind, Aero. Perhaps the rumors are just that; rumors. A pity to be sure, but not unexpected. Do you yield?"
"Nice, nice, niiii~ice." Aria had gotten lucky enough to catch this duel, and she was very impressed. Both combatants were really going at it, and they were both pretty skilled as well. And to top it off, both of them were pretty attractive. Maybe she could join in on the next round. Probably not though. With the way things were going, the cute guy was going to win. It was almost a shame, as Aria had bet a six-piece chicken nugget on the girl.

Now if someone could fight with me on that level...man, I think I'd be in love. At least I'd be having some fun." The last fight Aria had gotten into was little more than a slappy fight...literally. Her friends were weird. She just wished some of them were still around.
Aero laughs, "I am cocky when I wish though only during duels. Do I yield? Oh I never yield." She replies giving him a quick wink and swiftly brings her rapier up against his sword, it glows with a light pink light as she used a sword skill to amplify her power. She takes not time to shove his sword away while bringing a leg up to shove him away. Haha ok I may of screwed myself over but oh well.

@Knight Nate @anybodyy else around here
Disciple let out a small grunt of pain as she kicked him away, but grinned as he looked back up.

"Hmph. Looks like I might just be late for dinner."

He twirled Aether around for a second then dashed at her with surprising speed, sending five slashes her way before ending with a thrust, hoping to end the duel with his final move.
'Rose Thorn' was looking upon the duel from a distance. She studied the players in it and studied their moves. She was doing her normal strategy, and although this game was one of death, it was still a game. A game she would win. She sat watching, tempted to barge in the middle of their duel. She was planning on starting a guild and was trying to recruit others, but to no avail. She was hoping to find others but gave up on it. "If only I did not give up before seeing these two...." She said to herself with a small smile.

@Knight Nate @Libra259
Aero dodged three of those fives slashes, only slightly moving everytime. She twists the hilt of her rapier and its enveloped in light. When it disappears she is gripping a broadsword. Aero blocks the two other slashs and slices at him. Suppose I can't win by just using defense.. I'll throw in a bit of offense at random. She thought while using what she analyzed to start to get familiar with his fighting style.

@Knight Nate @anybodyy around
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"Come on girlie, make a comeback!" Aria yelled, raising one of her swords in the air. "The fate of my chicken nuggets depends on you winning! Chicken nuggets, man!"

She felt like her priorities were a bit off, but she was fine with that. Chicken nuggets were one of her favorite foods. She'd get in there and fight the guy who was winning if it meant she could keep them. Heck, she'd probably fight the guy anyway.
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Yeah I was, but please don't go telling anyone about it. I just want to be a normal player like everyone else." Arcus said as he smiled, and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "So I'm Arcus what's your name?" Arcus asked as he looked at her and smiled, and blushed a little. He then tried to hide the blush by looking down, and kicking the ground a little.

@I am Shadow
avis said:
"Come on girlie, make a comeback!" Aria yelled, raising one of her swords in the air. "The fate of my chicken nuggets depends on you winning! Chicken nuggets, man!"
She felt like her priorities were a bit off, but she was fine with that. Chicken nuggets were one of her favorite foods. She'd get in there and fight the guy who was winning if it meant she could keep them. Heck, she'd probably fight the guy anyway.
(Just did so yelling that probably is irrelevant now lol)
Violet picked her broadsword up and stood as well. She started to walk towards the two dueling. Her blade was called 'Warriors Way.' It was a special Broadsword that she crafted herself from a boss drop. She stopped at the edge of the dueling duo and stabbed her broadsword into the ground. She needed a better view after all. Her costume was recognized by some people around her but no one said anything.
As she began to strike back, a wide grin appeared on his face and his eyes widened.

"I've got you now!"

Aegis began to glow ever so slightly, and he hit her rapier away with his shield, breaking her defense. He then began to aggressively slash at her every which way, giving her almost no time to do anything else but stay on the defensive.

"Ha! Come on then, where's the fury I've heard so much of?"
(@Libra259, dude, you post so fast ;~; oh well, I guess Aria will go along with yelling anyway since Aero hasn't flat out won.)

Well, it looked like Aria's yell was a but late on the draw, but hey, at least things were turning towards the better. At this rate, she'd get to keep her nuggets. Seeing another girl step towards the duel, Aria couldn't help but wonder who she was. Her name was right on the tip of her tongue. The costume was familiar, and so was the weapon.

"Rose Thorn..?" That sounded about right. Aria had heard some stuff about her. Some of it was good, some of it was bad. Either way, she was interested. She pulled out one of her bejeweled broadswords, Queen Lapis, and shoved her way to the front of the crowd as well. She was kind of sad she couldn't use both of her swords at once, but she'd deal. She winked over at Violet.

Notice me senpai," jokingly whispered to herself.
avis said:
(@Libra259, dude, you post so fast ;~; oh well, I guess Aria will go along with yelling anyway since Aero hasn't flat out won.)
Well, it looked like Aria's yell was a but late on the draw, but hey, at least things were turning towards the better. At this rate, she'd get to keep her nuggets. Seeing another girl step towards the duel, Aria couldn't help but wonder who she was. Her name was right on the tip of her tongue. The costume was familiar, and so was the weapon.

"Rose Thorn..?" That sounded about right. Aria had heard some stuff about her. Some of it was good, some of it was bad. Either way, she was interested. She pulled out one of her bejeweled broadswords, Queen Lapis, and shoved her way to the front of the crowd as well. She was kind of sad she couldn't use both of her swords at once, but she'd deal. She winked over at Violet.

Notice me senpai," jokingly whispered to herself.
Violet just looked forward. She was too busy watching the intensifying duel. She did notice, out of the corner of her eye, another broadsword wielder that winked at her. She sighed as she looked forward again. Some other people were looking at her as well, but she only focused on the duel
Mitsu smiled. "Mitsu." She said. "Oh and don't worry, your secret's safe with me." She said, she noticed how sheepish the boy was which made her laugh a bit. "You don't have to be so shy, you know? I don't bite!" She teased.

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"Dammit senpai," Aria whispered as she saw Violet turn back towards the fight. Aria figured she'd have to make friends with other people, or at least talk to Violet later. Now probably wasn't the best time to be associating with others anyway, with the fight going on and all. She pulled out her other sword, King Sapphire, and stuck them both in the ground. She leaned on them nonchalantly, watching as the fight raged on.
As Arcus heard her say that he blushed even more. "Okay. So what are you doing today?" Arcus asked as he had nothing to do, and wondered if Mitsu wanted to hang out. "I mean the reason I ask is, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out." By this point Arcus was blushing like a mad man. He didn't know why this girl affected him so much.
"Well I just got here." Mitsu said thoughtfully. "Sure, I'd love to hang out!" She chimed. Her happy expression turned to one of concern. "Do you have a fever? At first I thought you were blushing but your face is tomato red. Are you feeling alright?" She asked. She reached up and placed the back of her hand on his forehead. "Hmmm... no fever..." she said.

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(Ok first off its a broadsword now xD ) Aero let go of her sword letting it drop so he couldnt hit it away. Then catches it mid air. She smirks at his remark then tightens her grip on her broadsword. Eh more people are gathering around lets get this going! She was only slightly impressed by his speed but she knew she was far faster. She only worked on her speed and agility for the wholr beta working awya at leveling them. She dodges some of his attacks while she blocked others. Aero would slash at him immediately after she'd block one of his attacks then dodge another of his attacks. She did this every chance she got, which was quite a lot. Her speed was incredible but her strength wasnt even a fraction ok her power.

@Knight Nate (geez didnt even see respond xD )
No, I am just blushing really badly." Arcus said as he now felt embarrassed. "So what would you like to do??" Arcus asked as he smiled, and jokingly rubbed his chin like he was thinking.
(Guys imma do the announcements real soon, do you want them after the fight or in the middle. Then my character and Nate's can try and finish it later xD idc as long as its soon)

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